it's not good
It's not good
Reading about the fucking nightmare producing this film was is amazing. To find out that people took this trash so seriously is pretty depressing. Only seen clips but I can imagine it’s terrible.
just watched the whole thing
for memes it was really funny to make inside jokes about all of them (spoony, linkara, etc.)
besides that Brad Jones is the only one who can fucking act
What is it about ?
Suburban Knights > Kickassia > Whatever they did in the first year > fucking To Boldly Flee
also Eggkara when
Of course it isn't. But it's fun watching this for the total train wreck that it is
I'm only going to tell it from memory
theres a country called melassia in the state of Nevada, it's one acre of land with only a man and his family. NC shows up and says they are declaring war. For the next 20 minutes they come up with one plan, fail, then a working plan. Once he and his gang of reviewers claim the land they name it Kickassia (roll film right?) the rest of the movie is essentially non funny skits over a light plot about them running the country. To sum up that it's basically NC is a "brutal" dictator so everyone overthrows him and give the land back to the man who owned it because they are to incompetent to run a state.
that's it, its padded with really unfunny jokes and bad acting
This was proof he was never good
His reviews were only full movies shortened to thirty minutes (notice how clipless reviews stink? It's because your missing the essence of what makes his reviews entertaining)
So basically you ingest a whole movie in thirty or twenty minutes with some idiot yelling.
He was never good and anything that didn't show 20minutes of other peoples work failed under his hand
The only good part of this is the guy owning the land coming back as his disguised alter ego and not giving a single fuck about acting any different. And apparently that was his own idea so Douge gets no credit even on that.
I only enter these threads to see if anyone posts any images of prime Linsay so I can masturbate, by the way. I don't care about CA in the slightest and I just want to fuck Lindsay Ellis before she got fat.
This should be added.
Remember the super serious Linkara movie?
whoever said it was?
Reminder that someone paid $1025 for the Kickassia shooting script.
did it come out?
It did.
Didn't someone have a stream with all of these things?
yes, it was called Eggkara. good times from 2015-2016 Yea Forums
meant to reply to
Was it really that long ago?
yes, where the FUCK has the time gone?
>that guy in these threads who always tells about how his classmate did a presentation on the history of Molassia or whatever it was called
I like that story
You're right, it's perfect.
Imagine the smell
The British version is always superior.
*trys 40 year old canned tuna while testing some Zed-X game*
>No Linkara
Why are movie reviewers so fucking bad at making movies?
You are right. It’s great.
Well why would they be good at it? It's not like Doug ever criticizes actual problems with the cinematography, he just reeeee's about the plot being asinine or WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE VEGAS
Fuckin midge
Pretty accurate summary m8
these types really love their plastic weaponry
You ever heard the line about criticism being for those who can't produce?
Shocking lack of diversity here
No what's it say
“Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach, teach gym.”
He wasnt teaching? Or teaching gym? Are all Americans this retarded?
>TFW you see JewWario in the lower left corner
>dumb foreigner doesn't understand how to process analogies
>dumb foreigner can't read complete chain of posts
>can't see how basic principle remains the same
>thinks americans are to blame
Is it really too complicated, nonsuperpower resident? It's a comment on how those who have no substantial success in a subject or field often revert to simply teaching it, which is an alleged fate for a lot of school teachers.
I'm still trying to understand that Linkara film Atop the Fourth Wall. That shit will melt your brain.
sadly your wrong
OP here, I'll start a thread about the next one when I watch it tomorrow, stay tuned