Did they put her in the movie as a joke? I couldn't understand a word she said...

Did they put her in the movie as a joke? I couldn't understand a word she said, everytime she said something I laughed because she sounded funny

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she cute

She a cute

Zhang Ziyi has aged like a fine wine, and I love the tomboy haircut. She was actually one of the least cringe-worthy characters in the film

Based retardposter, she was perfectly understandable

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what movie

Eh obviously teased as an alien Descendant of Mothra Guardians.

she a cute

> I couldn't understand a word she said

How? She was speaking very clearly.

Also she was pretty much third generation mothra twin.

She was way more understandable than Ken Watanabe. I couldn't understand what he was mumbling about a fortune cookie but apparently it was a shitty joke.

Boku no Pico: Lord of the Shota.

All these fucking shills, god damn it

>It's Ghidorah
>Did she say gonorrhea?
Who wrote this shit?

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based Josh Wheaton

>did you just make that up?
>I read it in a fortune cookie

I physically cringed at the writing in this. thank god muh monsters made up for it

It's like he knew everyone was bored at that point so he broke it with cringe

Since they stupidly killed off best girl Dr. Graham, I guess she's the replacement

Yeah that quip was entirely pointless and unfunny.

That was messed up. She saves Chandler's ass and becomes snake chow.

It was the only part that caught me by complete surprise.
I knew Watanabe would die based on the trailer but expected Graham to survive

Yeah, I thought Legendary would beef up her role after 'Shape of Water'

I though the same exact thing and fully expected her to become a key character for this series.

Honestly got kinda pissed when it happened

It was almost as bad as Mako Mori's death in Pacific Rim Uprising

she's cute and she btfo'd that white roastie