>Nuclear bad! Coal good!
Nuclear bad! Coal good!
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Yeah. If you don't like those messages maybe you should work towards seizing the cultural institutions generating them, huh?
Nuclear is bad tho
Name one time they mentioned coal or literally any other means of creating mass electricity. This show is perfect for displaying how fucking stupid and politically charged people are, only seeing messages they want to see.
>Leftist government that is supposedly the "champion of the people" couldn't even bother to make better safety regulations to prevent such a catastrophy
But to be fair Slavs are brainlets
Communism will win in the end once we evolve enough and our intelligence increases.
>commies still believe this
IQ is going down. Idiocracy is real.
How do you suggest we raise humanities IQ? By euthanizing every African, Mexican, and Muslim seems like a good start desu
>euthanizing every African, Mexican, and Muslim
wtf I love communism now
feels good to be a nuclear chad
Could work under perfect logic machines that have a complete understanding of human psychology.
People really looking hard at this show.
If anything thing it shows that basically the worst scenario wasn't actually that bad.
>tfw to intelligent not to starve to death
worst scenario was bad, it was avoided tho.
Communism maybe not. Socialism probably will.
> Living free, not amazing but you have water, heat, electricity
> Food free, basic shit that isn't super exciting but is healthy
> Free healthcare, pharma, dentistry, eye, etc.
> Small amount of money for whatever - nicer food, entertainment, booze/drugs whatever
> Work to have nicer shit but less pressure to make money and can instead focus on a passion.
Many here might not understand, but most people get bored as fuck not working or having a purpose. Automation and stuff will obsolete many of the shit jobs in a few decades.
Only in Russia and co
They have put so much safety shit in the new generation of reactors that they are pretty fool proof. Like multiple layers of fault protection and every minor event gets scrutinized and the next gen makes it less likely to happen.
I don't even think a malicious actor can actually do anything to cause a incident these days because there are so many safe guards and fail systems in place.
>440 people dies by solar energy
How the fuck do you die by solar energy? It's a fucking square on a surface.
safest to the point of foolproof could be AP1000, but like only a pair are fully functional right now.
>china gets their own slot
Rooftop falling?
Probably dehydration due to harsh work environments to set up solar farms
Yeah we aren't quite there but going forward it's looking bright if the phobia around nuclear subsides.
Should have made three mile island tv series because Nuke accidents are horibble no matter which country it happens
Wow an accident literally no one died in
Men bad! Women good!
These both seem possible. And both makes solar sound even dumber if the only cause of death is when people don't use common sense of not falling down and staying hydrated.
>450 nuclear reactors active in the world
>Only 2 incidents ever reported ever
Sounds pretty solid.
the waste is the problem, it isn't cheap to effectively manage that.
Gen 4 reuses the waste. We literally have been using like 2% of the fuel up until recently
my aunt pays 3 times what i pay for electric nuclear is way too expensive
never forget
>he thinks the show is anti-nuclear energy
>How the fuck do you die by solar energy
Skin cancer
How can someone that delusional make such a good show
>You're the old man with a cane. You just worship a different man's portrait.
This faggot is acting like he wouldn't gobble Obama's knob given any opportunity whatsoever.
I'm a brainlet, but how does spraying water decontaminate radiation? Does it just wash off radioactive dust?
A movie or a TV show is not a product of a single person. There are a lot of people working on them whose talent can really lift the quality.
i thought they were killing insects
The US refuses to reuse the waste in a efficient manner, as that's evil and can lead to nuclear weapon procurement.
>i thought they were killing insects
Would pets, insects etc. really be that much of a risk in spreading radioactive contamination?
>Only 2 incidents ever reported ever
Speaking of which, what happened with three miles anyways?
But there's always residue that will keep accumulating, if that french tokamak is successful then that's something remarkable that will change a lot of things
i can think of 3 off hand
Reminder that Green Peace thinks Chernobyl killed millions of people and a global conspiracy is covering it up.
The writer of the show is pro-nuclear. The only people who think this show is anti-nuclear are screeching nukefag NPCs who think history has an anti-nuclear bias.
But he's saying that BOTH left and right are susceptible to beinv braindead cockgobblers? Both the old Marxist fuck and MAGAsheep. The fact that you think attacking one side means necessarily siding with the other proves his point. This has been pointed out before, but he wrote the show even before Trump was elected. If Clinton had won the election instead then the show would be being compared to the lies being used to escalate the war in Syria or something.
>But he's saying that BOTH left and right are susceptible to beinv braindead cockgobblers?
He did not say that. Show me where he did. Hollywood should not be given the benefit of the doubt any longer. I am not the one claiming any of this has anything to do with Trump. HE implied it on his own in a tweet.
>He did not say that. Show me where he did
>You're the old man with the cane. You just worship a different portrait.
If you're not a retard, that means he's saying no matter what portrait you worship (Lenin or the President) you can still be a blind drone.
Fukushima Daiichi
Three Mile Island
I can double your claim without even googling.
>global conspiracy is covering it up.
Well the Soviet Union did tried to cover it up.
>Three Mile Island
Didn't only like one person died because of that and it wasn't even due to radiation?
That sort of policy is only possible with a strong state, capitalism propagates degeneracy for the sake of the dollar and not the sake of the people, only through capitalism had kikery been allowed to thrive and that's the beauty of it, which people has capitalism benefited the most I wonder
>Moar coal
le evil orange man
That sounds mundane and miserable.
>80+ reactors
>60+ years of operation
>zero accidents
What are they doing right?