Looks like kino is back on the menu, boys.

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>letting Brando dictate the ending of your film

>screening for one day only in my country

Fuck me, guess I'm taking work off

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>tfw a freelancer so I don't even hafta ask anyone for the day off

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Does it still have the plantation shit?

I'm just jealous things like that don't happen where I'm from. I'd love to have the chance to see stuff like Apocalypse Now on the big screen, but since that's off the table my plasma tv will have to do.

You mean the French? It probably will have, but they also might throw in a couple of scenes that didn't make it in or at least I hope they do.

>start work in Tokyo a week before the release
Hopefully some place will screen an undubbed version

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Gonna have to take a two hour bus drive to see this brehs.
i read that the plantation shit is still in but i'm glad at least the shitty bunny scene is out of this one
Hopefully the scenes with Willard stealing the surfboard and the extended Chef/Willard mango sequence is kept in

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Amerishart detected

Nice selfie of you my friend. Is that your reaction when you got your ebin electric car?

Ausfag actually our public transport and road systems are joke

>new cut
>trailer is all stuff everyone's who has seen the film has already seen, as far as i can tell

Only difference i see is in the color grading

I know cos i live here, cunt

Is this the 4hr+ cut?
Y/o/u /wat/ cunt

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I'll watch it alone for the 4k remaster, but considering how much extra footage Coppola has gone on-record about, I wouldn't be surprised to see something new

so, new scenes? anything cut? edited? or is this just a new print from the master with remastered audio?

It is shorter than Redux but longer than original.

Just looked it up;

>It now seems that, rather than a final incarnation, Redux was an effort to get everything usable on screen. The “Final Cut” splits the difference between that 202-minute version and the 153-minute film that opened commercially in August, 1979.

>The “new” cut comes in at a tolerable 183 minutes. The French Plantation sequence, in which Captain Willard and his crew meet survivors from an earlier colonisation, restored for Redux, is still there in something like its entirety.

>But its looks as if the hugely misguided scene — unacceptable in 2001, more unacceptable now — in which the team trade fuel for sex with the Playboy Bunnies has been cut. It was a good decision to leave that out of the first commercial cut.

It's just 20 min. shaved from Redux.

The 1000% nihilistic 5 hour workprint as a remastered cut with bombing of kurtz compound added at the end with end credits would make me bust geysers of nut.
>capt. willard going apeshit on a viet hooker
>capt. willard stabbing a viet child to death with a bayonet
>all the extra doors songs put back in

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sweet fuck what a shit show. Massively overrated movie anyways

>Massively overrated movie
On what metric? Don't be a pseud.

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So what version should I watch?

all of them

Because of the plantation scene? It's been years but I just remember it being drawn out, was is it that offensive?

Apocalypse Now: The #METOO CUT. Supervised by Alyssa Milano


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>Blu-Ray contains all thee versions of the film (Final, Theatrical and Redux)
>also a newly restored print of A Filmmaker's Apocalypse


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thats actually pretty fucking good

>also a newly restored print of A Filmmaker's Apocalypse

oh shit, I made a thread about this half an hour later
apocalypse now mind

>But its looks as if the hugely misguided scene — unacceptable in 2001, more unacceptable now — in which the team trade fuel for sex with the Playboy Bunnies has been cut.
the scene actually has meaning too

>got my blu ray of Theatrical+Redux a couple months ago
>Coppola releases a new fucking cut

remember when every faggot used to parrot the "hearts of darkness: a filmmakers apocalypse is better than apocalypse now" shit solely because of that one episode of community and nothing else

Saying it's better doesn't make sense even if they found about it through that episode in Community that was being modeled by it. It's a great doc and goes hand to hand with the movie, but to say that it's better is just sheer retardation no matter how you try to spin it.

I saw premiere screening of this at Tribeca. Coppola did a live interview with Steven Soderbergh after the film and Robert Duvall was also there. It's basically Redux but slightly trimmed down in ways I couldn't really pick up on unless I were to watch the two back to back. It's still a 3+ hour cut, and almost everything I remember from watching Redux was in included. Coppola himself described it as a middle ground between Redux and the original cut. The 4K remaster looks fantastic
All of that is in there too (save for the bunny scene)

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Wtf? Why?

>unacceptable in 2001, more unacceptable now
but the film takes place in 1969 during a war
or did the #MeToo era wipe out rape throughout history?

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Being this much of a pleb. It was a meme way before that. Movie guides started it actually.

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whats the point of watching films if they're just going to do this when i turn into an old man or dead bros