What would you do in this situation?
What would you do in this situation?
Wonder why gravity isn’t working like normal as that trajectory is flawed. Flawed!
play video games and fap all day
I don't see why I should change anything
Retard here,what is this
From the film Melancholia, it's some fictional celestial body or some shit that orbits near the earth and finally crashes into it. Pretty neat setup imo, too bad von Trier has no fucking subtlety.
have sex
is melancholia a massive rocket ship?
Have sex
What's subtle about planets colliding?
It was nice when they dodged the ^planet the first round and then realized that death was inevitable. Some became depressed and accepted it and some other panicked because they weren't prepared.
I would find out where on Earth it will impact, when it starts to fall I'll run on top of a building and jump onto the other planet. The gravity will shift, allowing me to run along it's surface onto the other side where I'll be safe.
It's a rogue planet
usually when two planets collide they fuse
Breathe a sigh of relief. I've always to die in a disaster, preferably instantly, instead of alone while life goes on around me indifferent. I want to be surrounded by screaming normies who suddenly realise they aren't better than me
Then whats the fucking issue retard
based astrophysicist user
-roasties will slut it out as usual
-omega males will service roasties as usual
so i guess watch comfy tv shows and eat comfy food
how the fuck did anyone look at this diagram and think "yeah that makes total sense"?
Also given the size of the rogue with the size of the earth, it would have straight up pulled earth right out of it's orbit, laying waste to everything anyway. Why the gay slingshot """trajectory""" that would never happen in this universe ever?
Probably the most kino aspect of the film, Dunst accepting sweet death while everyone else around her flips out
They're both male planets and that's gay.
cause its dramatic, jfc. cant stand people like you
the picture looks retarded. I'm sorry your emotions from the "dramatisation" take over for you
Are both of those planets? Are they sure they understand gravity?
I don't think they do, at all
why didn't they just jump onto Melancholia?
Just turn off your brain, bro.
If Melancholia was that close the Earth would be ripped about by tidal forces. Those people would have been dead a long fucking ago.
too high, if melacholia was coming in from a lower angle they could have
melancholia is sentient and decides to crash into earth
So did the magic tent protect them?
>fire effects
Don't let this trick you into watching the movie. It's Dunst being a whore for over two hours and justifying it with "depression."
whats wrong with that
Thank god for you then that you'll only ever work in places like Home Depot or Walmart, that way you can stick with people more your sped
Because you don't get to see her naked. She acts like a whore and justifies it with depression. She fucks a random dude on the day of her wedding, during the wedding.
try and solve the situation
i.e: blow up melancholia