Did...did she just take the red pill?

Did...did she just take the red pill?

>”We hurt our boys by calling something toxic masculinity. Because women can be pretty f***ing toxic. It’s toxic people. We have our good angles, and we have our bad ones.”

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would plow that gilf ass

>standing o for hollywood pedo
>rebukes stupid feminist jargon

Toxic masculinity is the most retarded term imaginable. It's just what women say when they want to pretend Prison Bae doesn't make them wet and want to save face. Soifaggots like Moby don't rape hoes any less

Let's not praise her for speaking common sense.

But that would mean that people come to the realization that there are shitty people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, etc. not just the white straight male ones.

It's the first redpill
Call me when she's mentioning the kikes.

It's a pretty retarded term because a lot of women perpetuate the toxic masculinity meme. I mean just look at the popularity of women using the incel meme

WTF I like stuck-up cunts now?!

>listening to what celebs have to say

It's not toxic masculinity that gets actresses on casting couches in the first place. They go on their own accord

the social lawyers that want to dictate behavior are always the biggest cunts


>fuck me to get this job
>wtf I had to fuck you to get this job

Jews always take up both sides so they win either way

I love when Hollywood retards don't realize what kind of circle they are in.

Absolutely based

Just fucking delete /pol/. Ban everyone who posts there. Make them scared.

You are the retard in this scenario, but its cure you think you are ahead of the curve

No, she took the common sense pill. Stop associating normal people with your retarded pol cult.

First day here?

"Toxic" is a fucking meme word to begin with. Imagine if people sincerely said words like "NPC", "kek", or "redpill" and genuinely built their world view and philosophies around them. That would be ridiculous.

JIDF please leave

actual truth

Bad move on her part. The feminists are gonna turn on her for this.

Ah, one of those rare women that figured it out:
Women don't have rights. They have privileges.
Privileges granted to them by Men.
And if they don't cut their "hear me roar!" bullshit out soon, those privileges will be revoked.
They only have to look at literally every other culture (or time before the present) to see what the natural state of things is.

Wow she is a based now??????

Who popularized word 'toxic'?
Wasn't it League of Legends developers and LoL's fanbase?
Those faggots kept overusing the word and the rest of the normalfags video games devs followed, then it got spilled outside of games to all other communities?

>our boys
she's talking about juan and jamal, not you peter, you're still toxic.

The one parental couple I know of that has zero identity structure for their child (which as always is just another way of saying they do everything they can to confuse the kid into thinking he's a fucking girl, causing the kid to already exhibit degenerate qualities) is pretty much ostracized from the rest of the community, and people are all but calling CPS on them for how fucked up they're making their boy. No other kids even want to be around the little faggot. What kind of cruel fuckup do you have to be to fuck your own child's life up like that?

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Too late, cunt, you have revealed your true forms.

Not until she discusses the way boys in primary and elementary education are viewed as defective girls who must be drugged into compliance.

Cringe and falseflagpilled

>91% of victims of rape and sexual assault are female, and nine percent are male
>97% of rape are committed by males

Yes yes, this a toxic person problem. Impacts both sexes equally, treat them the same

Moron liberals spend decades destroying everything, even people's lives.
They finally realize they might have done "some" damage
>oh, I'm sorry. Will you fix the mess I made for me and still worship me?

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All women deserve rape

What kind of fucked up people do you have to be to let it happen?

>70 year old woman discovers that perhaps women can be bad people too
Is everyone in Hollywood secretly retarded?

I think this is the first time someone should have actually done an OP with 'She's right, you know'.

Like that's going to have an impact in anything. What are they going to do? Call her a nazi?

>Nooo! Don’t call me out on my shit!!

It's not some faggy pill, it's just common sense.
I know you don't see a lot of it on the internet but it is out there.


IMAGINE the outcry if the word 'Femininity' was connected with ANYTHING negative.

black men commit half the murders in the USA

She'll go missing in a week. Screenshot this post. Feminism is a call for help

apparently she also calls herself a humanist rather than a feminist.
this makes me like her a lot more.

People like to blame specific demographics for things going wrong in their lives. Jews, blacks, men, the rich, etc. They need an enemy they can see. Stuff like this falls on deaf ears because people are instinctually prejudiced.

Based black men!

Note how she's most likely going to be painted as a Nazi now because she displayed a single ounce of introspection.

uuuuh sweetie, that's a good thing.

God damn I love this bitch

That's what we need now though, now that the ""left"" has embraced tribalism and lazy thinking harder than any rights

she's a woman, she's just blurting out whatever she thinks might get her bonus points at any point in time. actually, that's all politicians too, but she's female on top.


there's a name for that isnt there? Black and black crime, yet you arent crying about that term. I wonder why

Don't worry, she will be corrected soon by the usuals and do the obligatory forced apology and get back in line.

Based Meryl Lynch

>Imagine if people sincerely said words like "NPC", "kek", or "redpill" and genuinely built their world view and philosophies around them. That would be ridiculous.
Nice try user. I'm surprised this didn't get any butthurt poltards

i don't really think that term hurts boys , nobody pays any attention to feminists or their SJW ally's they are talking to themselves.

More men are raped than women.

despite being 13% percent of the population

Men are the real victims

i'm telling you everyone is extremely close to getting CPS involved. all it will take is evidence of actual sex abuse on their end, or the kid itself being inappropriate with one of ours, or the kid showing suicidal tendencies at a young age. There is only so much one can do legally.

It must have flown too far over their heads.

I'm assuming that is a careful choice of words
men are still on the hit list then, ho-hum.

do you think she would fuck a balding 27 year old manlet? asking for a friend


>nobody pays any attention to feminists or their SJW
except the dumbfuck politicians who think that because someone is using 3 megaphones to sound louder than anyone else, that means they'll get more votes if they sway their actions towards the mentally ill bitches.

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Black men murder a lot of non blacks too.

adult black males are like 4-5% of the population you dumb mathlet.

cool, Think maybe we should give that a term and try to identify why it comes from this group?

Or should we just treat all murder the same and ignore this massive statistical anomaly?

Hmmmm really makes me think

shes based. hates trump but 99% of her friends and family probably says anti-trump things all the time, you really cant expect an old woman to not be influenced, plus trump is kind of a retard


Pretty sure she only changed the term because it's binary and it excludes transexuals.

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Shes just defending Harvey Weinstein after he had to pay 44M$ to settle down the lawsuits he got from women he fucked for roles.

>reddit spacing

Based Meryl fucking Harvey and sticking up for boys everywhere

wtf i LOVE meryl streep now

>Or should we just treat all murder the same
We do. That's why prison is like 80% niggers.

it hurts everybody you senile old bat
it fills honest men with guilt and plagues gullible women with irrational fear

get help
or stop getting help because it isn't helping

she's spoken too much garbage to get any credit for speaking truth. she probably just had a stroke or something, that happens with old women.

well that's even worse.

More like an "analist", not a "humanist"

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fuck off tribalism is hella based

polanski is kino though

Why are people so offended by the concept of toxic masculinity?

Men and women are different. Acting pigheaded and stubborn and violent are obviously traits of masculinity that can be detrimental.

What kind of faggot MRA gets upset by that statement?

Didn't she say bad theings about our favorite Israeli puppet though? Are we allowed to like her now?

Angles? Was it supposed to be written as angels or is that a phrase I haven't heard before?

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Not to mention that toxic masculinity is what they internally desire most.

masculinity has nothing to do with rape

Aside from the faggoty buzzwords, this retard is correct. Imagine women's reactions if men started calling their pettiness and jealousy "toxic feminity". Women biologically have no fucking idea what the term "masculinity" entails, so I don't know why they keep screeching about it.

She doesn't know what toxic masculinity actually is

jack not sure if he should clap or not

You don't have to imagine it. Look at the feminist outcry over words like:


>we treat black murders the same as school shooters
>no differences here, they are literally the same
Fucking kill yourself retard. You solve the problem by isolating it, not treating it like everything else. Maybe when you get your GED youll understand this

>Acting pigheaded and stubborn and violent are obviously traits of masculinity

I've witnessed first hand toxic femininity that is just that. Violent and stubborn. It's not a uniquely Male trait. Also I have a vagina so I win.

No one does

now this is a heavy dose of redpill

>we are all equal
>men aren't not violent than women
You're as fucking delusional as an antiracist.

Are you a christcuck too?

>masculinity has nothing to do with rape
Yea its just 97% of males committing rape by random chance. Good input faggot

>the left: has it's crosshairs on you from every angle, wants to destroy you, your entire lineage, and way of life
>you: let's discuss why this is a bad idea

the left largely doesn't give a shit about your isolated, crusty ass

you don't matter to right or left

>men and women are the same
Very progressive of you. Welcome aboard the liberal train

the reason men rape more, is because

-men are initiators

-men are more powerful

>source: your ass

Correlation does NOT equal causation.

>the reason men rape more, is because
>-men are initiators
>-men are more powerful
Hmmmm what could we call this. Hmmmmmm toxic behavior unique to males because of their differences. Hmmmm if only there was a term for this.

Nah fuck that, its indistinguishable from female problems. Men and women are no different

Meryl Streep? More Meryl BASED



You are free to post your own sources/study, unless you just FEEL you are right. Then you fuck off faggot

>Impacts both sexes equally, treat them the same

boo hoo rape is the worst thing ever. Men are murdered more often and are the biggest victims of masculinity. Women need to stfu about masculinity they dont know shit about it.

WTF I love Meryl now

well he has alzheimer, user :(

This is just further proof women shouldnt be going out without a male escort. Its biology, men are stronger than woman in general. Its only safe to be traveling with one that has your interests in mind

Being able to break the conditioning and make sense is praiseworthy in hollywood.

>Men are murdered more often and are the biggest victims of masculinity.
Wow so you agree toxic masculinity is a unique problem and Streep is complete fucking retard for trying to equate it something entirely different?


Why oh why do you STILL come to this website, tranny?

whoa why are discord trannys so angry all the time? be nice tranny and people won't celebrate you hang yourself in 4 years

So when are (((they))) gonna turn on her?

>look at the popularity of women using the incel meme
i've never seen women using it. mostly incels using it against each other, and non-incels using it to shitpost the low hanging incel fruits so they'll fuck off back to their containment boards. then again I don't visit twitter or reddit, so your experience might be different.

Blacks commit a third of all rapes, will you adress the toxic nigger problem as well?

Those are feminine traits.

toxic masculinity is about how men are TRAINED, through toxic ideas of what a man should be, to be rapists/murderers/etc. If it's biological, and not social, it isn't toxic masculinity, it's just "men rape more"

nice arguments, keep guessing at my sexual orientation. You might just hurt me feelings.

Spoiler: Im a CIS white male so good luck with that

please call me based

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I am not go outside so you lose argument, reddot incel.

what the fuck is a cis?

>If it's biological, and not social, it isn't toxic masculinity,
Alerted FBI to let them know you have a biological need to rape someone. Do you have the nigger gene or something?

toxic masculinity is just harmful cultural norms pushed on men. It absolutely is a thing.

Reminder that this "toxic" idea of masculinity is a hollywood creation

its literally the opposite of tranny you fucking retard. Next time try googling something for 5 seconds.

>men are trained to be rapists and murderers

Masculinity has no correlation to being a rapist though. Dysfunction or inability to practice normative masculinity is heavily correlated more with it

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Only if you are on the receiving end or feel threatened by it. It's a tool to be used. The weak should fear the strong.

>Blacks commit a third of all rapes
This a problem.
>Males commit 97% of all rapes
Literally what are women complaining about REEEE

>harmful cultural norms
Masculine tendencies are not harmful.

based apu

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"cis" is the sexist slur that trannies and queers use among themselves to identify the other 95% of the population.

Hello Fren.

Don't worry. Soon I make plugin that allows frens to sit in chatroom on top of threads and have frenly environment with music and dance

>Acknowledge men are rapists and a problem
Wow, woke. Men truly need to do better because their toxic masculinity.
>Acknowledge nigger males make up a third of all rapes despite being like 6% of the country not even accounting for age
Fuck off racist. I-its socioeconomic issues I swear.

An army of lefties will destroy her on twitter for this

She's working right now with Nicole Kidman, so I guess she's experiencing first hand at the moment.

lmao you keep letting us live rent free in your fucking heads, legit kys incel

if anything, trannies belong here and have been here for a long time. don't be calling people out newfag if ya just don't know. but now you know, newfag

the problem with this argument is that none of those allegedly "toxic" cultural norms have actually been shown to be harmful.

>>Acknowledge men are rapists and a problem
except you arent doing this you fucking retard lmao fuck off

whoa sorry discord tranny for not knowing your weirdo lingo by heart

This is your toxic blackness showing. Your black privilege is not being accountable for all the murders and rapes.