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Was it kino?

>check out these cool cars
>let's rev the engines while parked in the driveway
Hella epic

Only Autists like cars beyond their fuctionality, this is fact

Autism is based.

What would that scene look like without the weird ass editing? Would those two just stay parked in the driveway revving the engine? C R I N G E

Spoken like a soulless npc. Good job.

crackle crackle

Bretty nice cars senpai

lmao poorfag detected

Raised by a single mother i presume

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Not the one everyones replying to but I don't really care for flasy cars and no, I'm not poor and I wasnt raised by a single mother, I just find them kind of attention seeker-y in a desperate kind of way.


Women love them though. Its the reason why men get them in the first place.

This is the scene that spawned the intensifies meme, so it's allright by me.

Women love new cars not good cars
Especially if the cars are german because its a status symbol.

>Jay Leno is autistic

Yeah, big time

>literally wears a fedora
No wonder you guys love breaking bad so much

Hes a faggot