In honor of pride month, what LGBT movies are a must watch?

I've already seen Moonlight and Call Me By Your Name
Any more gaykino or even transkino I should put on my viewing list?

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I literally already made this thread you faggot:


Homosexuality is a sin. If you lust after the same flesh you will perish in hellfire for all eternity and turn to dust.

just watch chernobyl, fellow ally, literally r/ourshow


Passion of the Christ

Short film version of this

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It's okay, I like your thread better I think.

god's own country
just this one, honestly

philadelphia, bohemian rhapsody,
How to Survive a Plague,
Angels in America, Dallas Buyers Club, Longtime Companion,

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Faggots get an entire month?

No such thing

i thought every month was pride month because fags never shut up about sucking cock

The newest Halloween. A gay kid got killed by Mike Myers.


kill yourself you mentally ill faggot

there's nothing prideful about cutting off your dick

It's not really a "gay" movie but I like the themes in Perks of Being A Wallflower since it reminded me a lot of my time as a gay kid in high school. Plus it had lots of cute guys in it.

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have HIV

>Those are the best two movie gays have to offer

So I'll be dust for all eternity, doesn't sound bad

Absolutely Fucking Based

Is there an equivalent to Birth of a Nation but for faggots? A movie where these demons and satan-worshippers get what's coming to them and it's portrayed as an unambiguously good thing?

Unironically this.

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The living end.

Basically anything by Gregg Araki is kino.

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Any kinos with LGBT getting BTFO?

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>Plus it had lots of cute guys in it.
just percy jackson

The Goldfinch

Inshaallah brother.

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Ones where they are being slaughtered

For me, its Straplezz

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Based and godpilled

We're told we are supposed to have sympathy for this.

>implying Johnny Simmons and Ezra are not cute
No (You) for you pathetic faggot

Brokeback Mountain still surpassed those two by a wide af margin.

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This. Just abstain from homolust in this life and have all the gay buttsex you want when you get to heaven.

God's Own Country. Ear guy will play Prince Charles in The Crown

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L.I.E. and Mysterious Skin

has good positive ending , no one dies of aids

Freier Fall, German film from 2013.
>A soon-to-be-father policeman falls for a gay fellow officer and his life starts falling apart.

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I'm not a christcuck but after looking at the data for all sex and relationship related pathologies, from HIV to pedophilia, I've realized that my innate revulsion towards faggotry is indeed rational and the sentiment expressed in this post is in fact based and redpilled

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>people only remember this movie because of a fuck-up at the Oscars

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The Marshall scenes on United States of Tara

Braveheart maybe, idk

The only acceptable one

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What's some good LGBT porn?

any gregg araki

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This based post


You mean glorified mental illness?


Except sexy lesbians they're cool

>t. 17 years old

Lesbikino peaked in with Carol and The Handmaiden

t. AIDs filled homo

ok this is epic


We all know OP won't stop sucking those dicks.

It Chapter 2 will open with two fags getting their asses kicked and than killed by Pennywise.

Perish in hellfire or turn to dust?

Christcucks are confused once again.


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How do gays live with themselves? You know your parents hate you even if they won't admit it?

He's a based zoomer and he's going bash your faggot skull in, millennial sodomite.

>He's a based zoomer and he's going bash your faggot skull in, millennial sodomite.

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>2 replies

Hey fuck you buddy...

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God doesn't real, faggot.

party monster is really good i think its at least a little gay

dubs = 1 prayer

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Anyone watches this?

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>Americans have an entire month of celebrating gay anal sex
Holy shit!! LMFAOOOO

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So much this

Both, retard.

There should be a burn a fag month


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>Christcucks ITT
God's not real and we as a society need to move away from the bible and outlaw Christianity and religion in general for true progress

Don't let your dreams be memes

This movie is fucking great, and really hot.

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is this actually a good movie? I've seen about every kino out - a lot of them shit - but somehow I've managed to not watch this one.

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I don't believe in God but I'd LARP as Christian for the rest of my life if it meant going back to the fag persecution and monogamy days.

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Boomer here, it's a great movie.

Anything with them

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medical futanari miracle

>movie has fags in it
>turn it off and put something else on
Anyone else?

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Tangerine and Silence of the Lambs for transkino

Absolutely based

Fuck fag films, post lesbian kino

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>gf put a rainbow flag on her facebook profile picture
Should I drop her?? Only been dating a month and I'm not that into her. If it turns out she's a fag hag and not just virtue signlaing, it will be a deal breaker.

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Is she hot? If not, yes

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You shitheads should worry about yourselves.

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shut the fuck up gayboy

Is there such a thing as a lesbian foot fetish kino that isn't porno?

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>in honor of assfuckers and cuntlickers month
lel, keep being proud of being aberrations

Avengers Endgame

This looks so French.

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why do most films about butt pirates end with them dying?

It's actual kino with emotion, great characterisation, and story and not just the soft core pron that plagues most dull gay films these days. Regarded as the most kino of all gay films.

>Young and Wild (2012)
Chilean actually

Fuckoff and die sodomite.

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You will die screaming!

To give the characters a redeeming quality.

>Madden, 32, is currently living in LA with roommate Brandon Flynn, 25 (who is openly gay).

Gays everywhere:

Attached: frohhu.jpg (275x183, 6K)

Chile was a French colony so same thing. Thanks for the bolognese, the sexual tension was so tight in that scene.

Love, Simon is a comfy film.

When and why did you start hating gays Yea Forums

For me, it's around 2011 when I realized there's something off about them and the often associated lifestyle. Around 2015 I got into Catholicism and it all fell into place.

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That's a great screencap user, saved.

My time spent on /r9k/ hardened me against fags and trannies. Before maybe 2013 I was pro-gay. But after a few years on /r9k/ I grew to hate them. Used discord a while and grew to hate them even more. Then I met a few IRL at my job and they were so obnoxious I hated them even more.

I have never met a tranny in real life but I've met and tried to be friends with them online and hated every single one of them, hated them so much I'd feel happy if they died and even wished it. I feel nothing but hate for all of them. Obnoxious fucking retards, the lot of them.

The Gospel According to St. Matthew

It sounds like you're the "obnoxious retard" desu.

t. obnoxious retard

Gay piece of shit.

t. queer that smells like diarrhea and has anal herpes

Why would anybody give a shit about a regular persons bones in 200 years?
Nobody is gonna dig up my fucking grave in 200 years, why would they dig up some random trans person


>99.9999% of all people were conservative morons
>if they saw the world now they would be pissed
>they would be pissed that despite there overwhelming majority for all time they still fucking lost

sounds like a bunch of losers to me.

I cringe when near a gay man who smells like a public toilet.

How can people from hundreds or thousands of years ago control what their descendants do? Lmao. They never "lost" anything, their descendants became sissies. It's saying that if they reappeared in the modern day, they'd cringe at most of their descendants.


What it really means is that despite the fact these people were conservative assholes. there ideologies failed and did not stand the test of time.

We are the ones who cringe at how ridiculous our ancestors were.
our ancestors can't cringe or judge anyone, they fucking died, and they died with their primitive philosophies.

chasted and hypocritepilled

Is fag pride month just an American thing? Never heard of it.

Based and Logos pilled

I'm American, 29 years old and literally never heard of it until this year. They keep coming up with new bullshit to push.

>that pic

Judgement of a Right and Just God

Yeah no shit they're dead you retard, the point was that they'd cringe if they were alive now. Also, people 100 years from now will cringe at us and call our worldview a "failed ideology." That's how it works. 2019 isn't the peak of human culture, far from it. It's actually pretty shit right now, we're in a decline.

pride? WTF does pride have to do with eating shit from another mans asshole? Fucking degenerates.

really liked this one. quite a beautiful film.

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It's been around for years user. Try leaving your cave sometimes

>80 IPs, 140 posts
Anyone else have the option on Yea Forums X enabled that new IP addresses are labeled with numbers so you can see who is posting over and over or replying to the same post over and over?
Why are some people so obsessed with homosexuals?

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I never ever understood what there was to be "proud" about concerning being gay. Like sure, accepting that you're gay is cool but being proud? .....Why? What is there to be proud of?
It's like, I don't know, having Down's Syndrome or being born with no legs. Accept it, work with it. Don't degrade yourself over it. But why be proud of being defective? Why promote it as good or something to aspire to? Makes no sense.

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Nice to see another devout Muslim, Marsalis my brother salami lake um.

>perish in hellfire for all eternity and turn to dust.
Sounds like God doesn't know what he wants.

Like gays.

score one for the good guys

It's more that they're proud of overcoming the social struggle and ostracizing that comes with being gay. Look at many of the posts in this thread for reference

I'm pursuing my career and go to the movies with my friends/girl every other week. I get out every day, unless you're talking about reading twitter as "getting out," because I stay off social media.
However, this year I'm seeing this "pride month" thing in my daily life. I never have before. While you may be immersed in gay stuff all the time, I'm not and don't care about it. So if I'm noticing it everywhere this year, that means they're pushing it extra hard.

Best scene apart from the shower scene. Really wish she raped her here desu

ctrl f "happy together"
no results

>having conversations BAD, everyone should make one shitpost then leave!
dumb frogshitter

I'm ostracized for being a faggy antisocial imageboard goes. That doesn't give me the right to be proud of "being different". Fags can go hang if they act that retarded. At least they have friends.

Why the fuck is Shrek killing kids now?

Makes sense I guess, now that I think about it. Still strange to me though.

Is it wrong that Mae Whitman is mai waifu?

Shut the hell up with that terrorist gibberish.

>t. Closeted homosexual

Nah son she cute af

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most people in the past were actually psychotic pederasts and child abusers (read peter damianus and st bernadino of siena or any roman garbage glorifying raping castrated boys or that boy raping tribe in papua new guinea) until based anglos laid down the law on the entire world. we are reverting back to the days of psychotic pederasts and child abusers because of this discord tranny third world shit

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Worse would be your parents pretending to still love you because you're so likely to kill yourself if they don't.

High Tension

Fucking Amal is kino.

Jews in the Holocaust had lower suicide rates than trannies.

Calm down, I don't think anyone asked for your entire life story. Just because you've never heard of pride month doesn't mean it's just being pushed now. If anything it's less rambunctious than it was before, especially compared to the days where gay marriage was in the works of being legalized

Anal is kino

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I'm a closeted homosexual because I never noticed "gay pride month"? Bit of a reach, that.

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Only closet homo would say that


My state has had gay marriage for a long time, and while I remember the massive media shitstorms surrounding it, I never noticed "gay pride month" in particular, especially not being given the same importance as "black history month," which I've known about since I was a kid. But that's what they're doing this year, where I live at least - trying to make it a "thing." They even put it in the mall. They never did that before.

I felt bad because her voice just hits my soul whenever I hear it, I was looking after my niece and she was watching a Disney movie about Tinkerbelle and I didn't know that Mae does the official Disney Tinkerbelle voice.

> muh thread topic!

Kinda like when you guys claim your favorite stall at the truck stop men's room, huh?


True but if you lust after any flesh you're breaking the law.

That's...a very specific analogy, user....Sus

>/pol/ eternally seething
Why is this so funny?

They literally can't come up with other things to say, either. They've been recycling the same gotchas and slogans for literal years

Christians are gay, though.

if that were the case there wouldn't be any christians left

I don't find it funny. I'm legitimately scared sometimes. My gay black friend was beaten by homophobic blacks in his neighborhood when he was only 17 and has permanent brain damage, and barely survived, there have been many times I've been afraid of it happening to me and I'm always watching my back since that happened to him.

For 2000 years, actually. And fags have never been able to refute them. Christian fundies are based as fuck.

Wtf based black men!

Yes, award-winning arguments such as:
>bible said so

Kill yourself faggot scum

Exactly. Can you refute the word of God? Nope. Get dabbed on, homo.

>My gay black friend was beaten by homophobic blacks in his neighborhood when he was only 17 and has permanent brain damage
So he's even more gay now?

fags bring all the hate on themselves

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But I'm a cheerleader is great.

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The bible also says you shouldn't masturbate, have sex before marriage, get tattoos, eat certain foods, or be a cruel person, all things Christlarpers who supposedly follow the "word of God" do on the regular

>permanent brain damage,
He's in a better place.

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>discord tranny third world shit
Fags and trannies won't be happy until every kid is being abused

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>eat certain foods
Lol I see you haven't read the New Testament. Expected of a heathen.

Yeah, I’m thinking this bible thumper is based

But, It's okay if underaged boy

Catholics get the fire too.

So I guess you're going to ignore the rest of the post then, specifically the part about being a cruel person. It's funny how Christlarpers love ignoring passages such as 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins". I guess these kinds of verses are inconvenient when you're only trying to use a religion as a political stick to beat people with

holy shit based

have sex

120 Days of Sodom


Christians are fucking limp wristed cucks, much worse than Canadians. But you guys are right about gays. To bad your priests can't remember that

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>So I guess you're going to ignore the rest of the post then
No, I agree with the rest.

>specifically the part about being a cruel person.
It's more cruel to encourage you to do sin because "you're perfect". A man who yells at you for taking drugs loves you. A man who taps you on the shoulder as you push another needle in is not being compassionate. He's the cruel one.

It's not Christians who are pushing gays off of buildings. We're just yelling. And in this day and age of censorship yelling is all we can do.

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allahu ackbar brother

Babylonian popes are not "my" priests.

Why? You'd still be a virgin

Tangerine is the only fagkino I know

Just wanted to add, lusting for traps is okay as long they're cute.


No, you're a mentally ill faggot.

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No, you're

I actually fuck and chuck women too much which would be a problem if I had to start LARPing as Christian. I don't really want to marry for a while

t. gay


Christians are gay but repressed, so they force themselves into marriage and make babies. Then they spend their miserable lives pretending they don't lust for the homosex God intended them to have, and cope the only way they can: spreading hate and trying to make sure others can't have what they secretly desire.

Fags just can't declare a certain month is theirs, can they?

what the fuck.

No because God isn't real and so there is no word of God, just some fanfiction a bunch of jews and shitskins wrote.

stop spreading aids and asscheeks

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>criticize gays
>l-lol I bet you're gay yourself!
Why do gay keep saying this? Is it their lust for the straight men? I'm yet to see the gigantic list of republicans (that totally exists) who were anti gay but secretly got fucked by Fernando in their spare time and got caught doing it.

Amen. We have to resist and purge this degeneracy

Unironically one the best movies ever made
Same director as oldboy

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Atheism is the bluepill for the masses. Those who rule you are more religious than even the meanest pastor you've came across.

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Well said sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar!

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yes, really well done

This is a joke right? There's a plethora of stories of republican politicians that are anti gay who then turn out to be getting fucked by Fernando. Also I fucked your dad, so you can add him to the list.


Here I got you coverd

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There may be many lurkers here who are homophobes of varying degrees, but none of them rant about it in the thread.

The people who get buttblasted about the 0.2% of the population that are lgbt, who rant about it online, who call for the death of lgbt people, are normally unhinged. And most homophobes would agree with that point.

If you're raving and screaming about how much you hate homosexuals, repeat over and over to everyone that you're not a homosexual, all to the point of near psychosis... then you may just be closeted, EVEN if you don't realise it yet.

It's called "Internalised Homophobia" and one of its manifestations is "Repression Ideology". The desire of the person is suppressed by the conscious mind, and so it finds a new way of coming to the surface. This could be through an association with similar concept, or a bizarre ideology. For instance, I have known many radical catholic traditionalists who were in the closet. They were overcompensating. So many nazis these days end up being trans/gay that it's become a meme... just look at the cancer that is /polgbt/.

You may have had one friend you once had a sexual fantasy about, or maybe you "ironically" like catboys/anime and so on, whatever it is, it may be the crack of light breaking through the repression shell you've created for yourself.

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This is true. I have a friend who constantly talks about insectoid Asian people. Gooks, Chinks, Japs, dog eaters, coin slot eyes etc.

But I found Kpop songs on his phone.


>mfw no ones said behind the candelabra yet

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Truly underrated kino, Damon is so kawaii in the film too

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>i hate thing
>wants to fuck thing
>implying this isn't basic human nature
it's just human nature

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holy cringe

Is that Gwen Stacy with a dick?

>Except sexy lesbians
kys degenerate cumbrain

Jussie smollet kino
Alien covenant

probably. spider fuckers are gay af

Is it though? I doubt arachnophobes are the ones looking at the spider hentai, bro. Personally, there are plenty of things I hate - I probably hate more things than the average person because I'm a miserable person. And I don't want to fuck any of those things I hate. It really sounds like some cringy straw grasping on your part to cope with the fact that a whole lot of people don't like you - like the "fat acceptance" or whatever that Americans do to cope. I genuinely hate obese people, especially obese Walmart scooter people. Their bodies make me want to throw up, they smell and look like shit. They're rude and annoying and stupid. rying to tell me that I say this because I secretly want to fuck fatass people is absurd bordering insane. I'm certain that the majority of homophobes do not want to fuck gays.

kino post

Christcucks ruined homophobia. They made it into a religious issue instead of a medical one. The success of the alt right is because of its science based secularism.

lel fags have statistically higher rates of sexual abuse during childhood by.. wait for it..
OTHER FAGS. yes this is how they reproduce, by preying on kids and all decent human beings fucking hate (you) for it

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>The success of the alt right is because of
the absolute insanity of the left

The original mini series with Sally Hawkins (Fingersmith) was better. The Handmaiden is just pretty asian softcore porn.



Kill yourself faggot scum

Kill yourself faggot scum

I don't think that user is a leftist. And I kinda agree with him. The whole "racial realism" is appealing to the "truth seekers". It's a fact that this part of science has been repressed and that pulls a lot of interest in it.

Alt-right came out on top of that whole "skeptics" drama.

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Kill yourself faggot scum

>had to scroll this far down
What a shithole this place has become

Blue ain’t a very good flick, user

>An entire month dedicated to showing pride in the fact you enjoy cocks in your asshole

That is literally all this is. You are telling the world that you are proud of the fact that you enjoy having a cock pushed into your asshole. What is the point? How is this something to be proud of?

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I'm glad The Handmaiden got posted before it.

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Call Me By Your Name rewatch desu

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it’s at least five times better then blue

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One of my favorites.

The original, La Cage aux Folles, is also acceptable. But my heart will always prefer The Birdcage.

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Pretty much anything Mel Gibson directs. There's an unresolved fetish for homoerotic punishment bubbling away in there.

>not being part of a decent denomination/religion


Yeah unless you're some sort of sociopath. I hope you don't work in a hospital.

>all decent human beings
>unironically virtue signaling on Yea Forums

Attached: back pat.gif (400x400, 39K)

I really hope you don't have kids.

>I hope you don't work

sh-shutup wagie NEET master race reporting in amirite Yea Forumsbros
Yea Forumsbros?

Yeah a couple moments are cliche but it's overall quite sweet

/pol/ is retarded. It's useless to divide politics from before the 19th century or so into "left" and "right." The terms didn't even come into existence until the French Revolution.

Anilingus isn't really that common.

I highly doubt concentration camp inmates had access to guns, knives, and poison.
BTW suicide doesn't follow the predictive trends that you'd think. Going by levels of poverty, war, and misery, you'd expect the highest suicide rates to be in Africa and the Middle East, but instead they're in Eastern Europe and parts of Asia.

Actually the level of persecution varied a lot. In medieval Russia same sex relationships between men were acceptable in the Middle Ages. In other times and places it was an open secret despite being illegal.


Pink Flamingos

Based movie

My own private idaho

Also daily reminder that Keanu is a based bisexual

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twink kino

>It's a fact that this part of science has been repressed
Yeah just like anti-vaccine lunatics have been "repressed."

The guy on the left looks sort of like Glenn Gould in this photo

See? You're doing it yourself.

*tips tinfoil hat*

>calling your retarded ideology bullshit is "repressing" you
grow a set

Absolutely B&R

if you like

I hope you don’t have kids

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These people don't think they're eating from the trash can of ideology (as Zizek would say). They genuinely think they're comparable to Galileo or the Russian scientists that were jailed for challenging Stalinist dogma.

I'm an uncle.

>implicitly trusts mandatory government injections without any guarantees of safety to their newborn babies
guess it’s easier to just go along, huh user? at least you won’t get called a kook

mmm k

Attached: 3169A563-4CD2-4B6D-9629-FD558B038915.gif (223x291, 3.93M)

Whoa! You just blew my mind dude! *hits bong*


Attached: ATTENTION.jpg (117x143, 10K)

>as Zizek would say

Attached: 1558095150060.jpg (597x418, 44K)


Attached: pure-ideology-o-meter-5509018.png (500x468, 115K)

>(as Zizek would say)

Attached: 1542796361-16813847-low-res-louis-theroux-altered-states.jpg (480x477, 36K)

user, that's an incel-o-meter and it's aimed at yourself... when's the last time you've had sex?

Attached: WOW.png (498x302, 239K)

bump uglies

Just watch any of the Harry Potter movies. That shit always seemed pretty gay to me.


? lol incel

Attached: 20190602_002210.jpg (1080x1176, 337K)

have sex

Pleb opinion
My mom loves that film

baste af
