Is Yea Forums pro-Mel Gibson? I know that he's 'cancelled' on twitter

Is Yea Forums pro-Mel Gibson? I know that he's 'cancelled' on twitter

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Yes. He's one of the few people keeping classic story-based filmmaking alive.

Had no opinion, saw Apocalypto the other day, am now fully Team Mel

hes one of the most loved people on this board

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If he actually manages to remake Die Rothschilds and get it released, he will be 100% /ourguy/.

He's based. Btfo jews by plainly showing them as the christkillers they are in Passion of the Christ

Why do they have to keep using such annoying phrases. First it was clap back and now it's cancelling people.

literal computer terminology because they're all NPCs

He’s a great actor but a crap director

Mel is the truth teller

He's a great director but a crap actor

Is there anyone that's anti-Mel Gibson? I don't know anyone that dislikes him irl

he's /ourguy/

Attached: mel.webm (720x1280, 679K)

Yes he is great.

i wish i knew them irl

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Yeah he’s based

did the nig seriously avoid eye contact with him

Makes me lel every single time.

Attached: mel gibson hmm.webm (1280x720, 1.83M)

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what are they reacting to?

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Meryl Streep's fuck Drumpf speech

yeah i agree with his opinions so ill gladly watch any 3/10 trash he pumps out

she pretty much said everyone but the few hundred of actor's in that building were shit and that we should all thank them for enriching our lives with there great arts

Based Mel.


I'm so fucking angry I wasn't here during the Oscars. The thread must have exploded the moment they cut to Mel and Vince.

Twitter is like that. Bunch of oven dodgers over there

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Neither of those are computer terminology

The speech was more about how Hollywood is full of important, sophisticated people who are better than everybody else and that we would be eating our own feces were it not for them enlightening us. I guess the speech was prompted by Trump's victory, but it wasn't even about him. It was about (You) being a piece of shit in her eyes.

He's pretty based and he's made some of the few objectively based films in the past few decades. He's a relic of a time when jews didn't have unilateral control of every single aspect of the business and there was enough room in the market for different things to flourish.