Why did he stupidly go back at night to give the Mexican water? From what we’ve seen of him...

Why did he stupidly go back at night to give the Mexican water? From what we’ve seen of him, he’s not the type of person to give a shit about lives of drug dealers. Plus, it would be obvious to anyone that the drug dealer would be dead at night

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He stole from the man, he was was trying to make it right

It's one of those things that makes you feel like you're in the wrong, so you try to make up for it by undoing the wrong somehow. It's pretty much superstitious/karma sorta thinking, but it puts you at ease of mind and makes you a slightly better person.

it's shown throughout the movie he's very dumb


Something I noticed about this film is that Llewelyn talks to himself when he knows he's going to do something stupid

Most people are doing well until they make one subrational decision.

A little dumb, but he’s just a regular guy in over his head.

I want Lewellyn's wife to BRAP the shit outta my face.

Imagine the sweat in that deep crack coming down like agua.

Sweetie you're mentally ill

To me it seemed reasonable for him to go back. He was partly bringing water, but even so a person in that situation would probably also be antsy and couldn't resist checking in on the scene almost to reassure himself he got away with it.

dont worry babe I can lick your ass also.

well the money briefcase had a tracker in it anyway so unless he literally escaped the country as soon as he got it he was going to end up in a shitty situation anyway

Americans are fucking stupid.

He's not dumb,he's just a genuine everyman. You're used to seeing savvy protagonists in action films who are always one step ahead of the bad guy, or at least able to keep up with him. When you see a regular guy reacting in regular ways to an unfamiliar and potentially fatal situation, you assume he's stupid

Would you dare take the money?
I'd always have the worry in the back of my mind that it would catch up with me somehow.

Yea. I'd just thoroughly check the money for a tracking device first because I'm not a stupid fucking red neck boomer.

I dunno, it's a lot of money. It'd be $6.2 million today. Also nobody would expect Mexican gangsters to have radio trackers in 1980, so if nobody was looking you'd think you would be able to get away with it

I'd take a few bricks of the heroin too

Yeah but I have permanent brain damage so I don't have a lot to live for anyway, and part of me would actually want to be found and killed. No lose situation really

I liked how proficient a combatant Moss was, you could see his Vietnam experience coming through. Even when attacked in his hotel room and being shot at across the streets of a town closed for the night, and crashing a truck that he's driving from the passenger seat since Chigurh shot the driver. He keeps his cool and manages to ambush and nearly kill Chigurh after he realizes that Chigurh is going to check his crashed truck to confirm he killed him.

I'd spend about 10 minutes pulling money out, leave about 5% on top of some dirt or leaves and leave the bag, drive home and pick up my wife and important belongings, drive to a different city, shuffle up the money, go around taking payday loans in various disguises and paying them back the next day with the shuffled money to launder it, buy a new car, then move to Colorado or Southern California and start a better life.

What Llewelyn did was moral, but stupid

I am a pussy so I would probably call the police as soon as I saw all the corpses and guns everywhere. Fuck going into that mess, one of them could still be alive and might kill me

Why would you immediately assume a tracker, ignorant of context? Because you watched alot of movies?

Because leaving a guy to suffer and die is fucked up

Your plan for laundering doesn't create a plausible origin for where you got your newfound wealth from. Just swapping the physical notes isn't laundering.
eg. in Breaking Bad, Walt creates fake customer transactions in his carwash as a way to introduce his dirty money to his bank account without setting off alarm bells.

he's an idiot boomer
half of them can't make change properly, let alone recognize what cash actually is, let alone find a remote site twice without google maps whilst toting a monster energy and a bang's root beer for an undocumented worker

Depends of the bills are sequential or not

the book is better


Unless whoever was trying to find it came really close to him, they probably would never have found it. If Moss had stayed home then there would be no location to go off of either. It wasn't a GPS tracker.

His wife is so hot. Imagine having a poor uneducated hot wife like that and she sits around your trailer all day waiting for you to get back from whatever bullshit you're off doing. Llewellyn didn't even need the money, he already had a perfect life


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They took this from you

Well I'd want to how much money I've got and count it. Then I'd find the tracker, destroy it and throw it away.

Did your boomer dad touch your no-no parts or something?

She’s so fucking hot in Trainspotting

It's almost as bad as you phoneposting