What does Yea Forums think about Friends?

What does Yea Forums think about Friends?

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One of the greatest tv shows ever
The story is really good for a sitcom

Seinfeld for goyim.

Incredibly unfunny dogshit

what story?

Honestly I love it. One of my favourite shows.

Early and mid seasons had some great and unique stories, and the chemistry between all of them was great and made comfy af viewing.

Not the most hilarious show, but it gave me plenty of chuckles.

Hot Meal

Friends are great, sadly I have none

90s Big Bang Theory

I like it for nostalgia's sake and Courtney Cox who was a top-tier sticc in her day

When did each Friend peak?

Attached: friends over the years.jpg (1200x1500, 669K)

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third world garbage

It deserves its popularity, good casting / premise and everything sort of came together nicely.
Looking back it's pretty generic but the writing is good enough that you get a few good laughs here and there

Never seen a single episode, never will.

Patrician opinion coming through.

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Jewish comedy - Its nothing but an endless string of embarassments committed by each character. No normal human being would ever tolerate being belitted so often.

Attached: friends janice pregnany.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Attached: friends rachel appears.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

based and unagipilled

based ross poster

How did Ross get better with age?

Rachel and Monica were hot
Phoebe should've been beaten to death in season 1

>Phoebe should've been beaten to death in season 1
I agree with that but still