Previous Thread Milch's Swan Song. Great film, and fitting end to the series.
/Deadwood General/
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>Let him fucking stay there
Fuck (((David Milch))) for making the last Deadwood line ever anti-Christian
Nice dubs you have there, but don't forget that of all shows in the last 20 years, Deadwood has had the most sympathetic portrayal of a religious figure, and had a religious figure exert more of an influence on the rest of the show than anyone else. Reverend Smith is the fulcrum on which the entire show turns.
>"Saint Paul tells us: By one’s spirit are we all baptized in the one body…For the body is not one member but many… He tells us, The eye cannot say unto the hand, 'I have no need of thee.' Nor again the head to the feet, 'I have no need of thee.' Nay, much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble, and those members of the body which we think of as less honorable, are all necessary. He says that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care, one to another, and where the one member suffer, all the members suffer with it.
The entire series revolves around and is an example of the scripture that was part of Smith's eulogy for Wild Bill.
what did she mean by that
>no Silas
what in tarnation ?
Since Deadwood came back what are the chances of Carnivale returning? Knauf previously was adamant not to revive it with a movie the way Deadwood was brought back.
Didn't like it because I wasnt impregnating her
Steve>Doc = Al > EB> Bullock
why are first world xtians such pussies about everything?
Pretty low. Carnivale was a cult classic, but never had the same critical success (or even the modest audience figures) that Deadwood did.
Why was Doc still alive? Did they just retcon the TB for fan service purposes?
Doc just drank Wu's tea and got better.
>At last, I've truly fixed my Deadwood
stopped watching right then
Why didn't Al drink Wu's tea ;_;
Based and redpilled
Great post, thank you. This is why I still visit Yea Forums
The movie should've been an 8 episode season and it would've been perfect. Felt rushed, but overall satisfying and it ties well with the whole theme of unity and how one individual can't walk against "the people". Hurst spent the whole movie talking about the future without being able to understand that the future had passed by him. Then again even the final for S03 was a great ending for the series, but in a more cynical way. Milch is fantastic, despite his hebrew handicap.
Titus Welliver was too busy with Bosch, sadly.
So how shit is it? S3 tier shit?
I read somewhere that Al lived for like 15 more years after this time, and the
>let Him fucking stay there
was more of a "I'm not dead yet, God can stay in His heaven" than a "fuck God" type of thing.
Either way, it was kind of a shitty line of dialogue to end a show best known for its great dialogue.
To be fair they dropped that storyline pretty quickly in the third season after Al denied him permision to die.
Which is a shame giving that Knauf KNEW exactly where the story would head in which is pretty rare for a lot of writers these days. It seemed like he had just about everything planned out and you could really tell giving how well written the first season is. Second season is also great just got really rushed towards the end just so Ben and Justin could have their confrontation.
Bullshit antisemitism aside, agreed completely about wanting a season order instead of a movie. It just left me feeling even more bad and hungry for the completion as planned. Good ending though
>S3 tier shit
S3 was not good, not even being contrarian.
Charlie Utter died some time after 1913 too. The real Al was a young man during the timeline Deadwood and had a twin brother. He was a lot more ruthless too. The real Calamity Jane was more similar to Joanie than her character in the movie. Bullock wasn't an angry bully too.
Yeah I came back here for the first time in a few years just to talk about this movie and it's nice that you can still find some cogent, thoughtful analysis amongst all the dumbass /pol/ shit.
Wrong because that was a thing Swearengen would say. You can only bitch about that if characters suddenly say something uncharacteristic, ala Game of Thrones.
you are not a real christian and you know it
I have a feeling that David Milch has a lot more genuine interest and sympathy for Christianity than you do.
Goddamn she looks like a child. I don't want to fuck her, I want to take her to the mall to buy shoes with her friends while I read the paper in the car. I getting old?
That was fucking perfection. I'm not even sad that it's over now. What a masterpiece
Why was Harry about to shoot Bullock?
because he was a cocksucker
Because he was in Hearst's pocket. He was also the one who tipped Hearst off that Fields was in custody.
Why did he yell his intentions for everyone to hear?
It's been over ten years. I was expecting the best possible performance after all this build up. How many threads were there about this movie even being MADE that ended up as 'yeah, sure'. And you know what? They finally did it. They made the bitch.
As an oldster fan I expected the worse. Some half-assed grasping at what Deadwood used to be. Sunning in the past glory. A faint shadow of what good drama could be. I got drunk and watched it anyways.
I've never been so glad to be wrong. Shit was fucking satisfying like wow. That. Is how you end a show. Holy shit, Everything. Fuck yeah.
he was never the same after his cinnamon overdose
>Sunning in the past glory
That's kind of what it was, it wasn't bad but it didn't add anything. It wasn't necessary.
What happened to Steve?
He's a fucking vegetable. Did you watch the show hooplehead?
No, I just saw the videos you guys posted of Steve saying the n-word. I thought he was funny, that's why I watched the movie.
>I haven't watched season 1 with the kino reverend and Al's view on religion
just never post again, hooplehead
>le racism is le so cool xD
found the 12-year-old
i stopped watching because it fucking sucks
I stopped fucking you're mom because she fucking sucks too
What was the point of the young prostitute character lads? she didn't even get her tits out.
I thought she'd be related to the dead prostitute or something because of how often she was in the film
Was there even a tit out other than in that awkward lesbian orgy? Was a Deadwood movie rated PG-13 or what?
It was good. But I didn't like the flashbacks at all and could have been done without, fuck the people who didn't watch the show, HBO has that shit available on their Netflix ripoff anyway. I also didn't like the fact that there wasn't even two hours of it and that it actually ended at one point.
they said fuck alot, that would make it R
People who miss critical information that is shoved into your face are the reason most movies are shit now.
If fucks like you could just fucking concentrate and think occasionally and weed your dumb asses out of places where smarter people try and discuss movies and tv... this shit would be Eden.
Couple of cunts, too.
I actually liked the flashbacks, especially the ones Al had about Trixie that were intercut with the new young whore moving around his bed in a way that mirrored how Trixie would.
>especially the ones Al had about Trixie that were intercut with the new young whore moving around his bed in a way that mirrored how Trixie would.
That's gratuitous spoon-feeding and that's for cunts.
That part was fine. Some of the others were pretty gratuitous though, slotted in awkwardly between lines of exposition in a kind of Mexican soap opera style. It definitely felt like they were insisted on by nervous HBO execs.
I liked the part where they said cocksucker
You're a stupid nigger.
Trixie's tits were seen in flashback.
Deadwood has always been, at its heart, very life-affirming, and that's the feeling I got from this film. It was totally true to what came before and I never would have dared imagine we'd get something like this after all this time. Having just finished watching it, I'm very happy right now.
Were they, properly? They were out in the original scene but I think they cut the flashbacks to exclude any real titty action.
You may be right, I watched the end of season 3 just before the film so I guess I've just got those tits in my head. Seems weird that HBO would feel the need to censor anything, though.
Might have been at the request of/out of respect for the actress, this being something of a special occasion and all.
so, was george hearst even close to like how he was in in reality on this show?
there will never be a good tv show again.
Amazing. When it got going with the Charlie Utter plot, it felt just like the show had never ended. I loved it.
>Hearst consolidated and enlarged the Homestake property by fair and foul means. He bought out some adjacent claims, and secured others in the courts. A Hearst employee killed a man who refused to sell his claim, but was acquitted in court after all the witnesses disappeared. Hearst purchased newspapers in Deadwood to influence public opinion. An opposing newspaper editor was physically attacked on a Deadwood street.
What a murdering cunt.
I had the exact same feeling. 13-year real-time skip and it was like it never went off the fucking air. Unbelievable.
Also, was everyone else as blow away as I was about Con Stapleton ministering the wedding? I didn't even recognize him until he opened his mouth. When the hell did he get religion?
maybe after sy died or left
He probably got the plague and found god while dying in the woods.
Andy "God is not mocked" Cramed was the best Deadwood priest
Andy was absolutely based, but don't be talking shit about reverend Smith, now.
Only one thing i I need to know for now: Does Bullock fuck Alma Garett in the movie?
What's the difference between Reverend, Priest, Pastor, Minister, Preacher?
No. They do hug though.
A reverend is a reverend, a priest is a priest, a pastor is a pastor, a minister is a minister, and a preacher is a preacher.
This was the saddest thing for me. I wpulda taken a silus subplot over jane and stubbs nonsense any day
They have a very emotional reunion and a passionate dance at the wedding, but Bullock is a family man now and doesn't stray.
1880...I am forgotten
it's nice that the bullocks got busy immediately after their kid died.
Seth cucked his brother hard
Real busy
His bother died, he didn't cuck him.
You can't cuck a dead man.
If you haven't seen it, check out the panel discussion that was held ahead of the movie's release. You can really see how affected the cast and crew were by the process of writing and filming of the story. I'm thankful for the film but you can see that an a season worth of story would have been as lovingly presented. Like The Sopranos, the show was just an embarrassment of riches from top to bottom.
Yeah, there was clearly much more for that show to give and I'd be lying if I said this movie hadn't made me wistful all over again about the prospect of another 2 or 3 seasons, but after all this time a full season was surely just a pipe dream. I'm just so goddamn happy we got just this,13 years down the line. What a triumph that was.
Everyone is too old and dying. Even if we had actors that could play these characters properly, David Milch would still be suffering for dementia.
Yeah, I meant 13 years ago. Like I said, pipe dream now.
don't downvote my post bro :(
retard here
how do I watch this in HD in an illegal way?
Download it.
Just watched it. Thought it was anticlimactic as fuck.
Why didnt Hearst's guys just blast the nigger general in the cell instead of dragging him in the street and making a big production out of it?
I liked when Seth shot those dudes. I liked when Hearst got beat by the mob.
See this post Also, it was significantly more climactic than the previous finale, when the powderkeg of a town
(with the Pinkertons, Chinese, imported gunfighters, etc) never actually blew up.
On a scale of a Jane/Joanie scene ---> Bike scene how good is this movie
Which sucks because Bosch is trash.
Hey stupid, where in that post does it explain why Hearst's guys just blast the nigger general in the cell? Quote it for me, shitforbrains.
I'm watching this now. It's fucking perfect - like the series never left.
Pay attention HBO. This is what good writing looks like. Even the nothing characters have interesting arcs.
It was more more in reference to the anticlimactic part.
Anyways, lynchings back then would have been more 'acceptable' than just shooting a guy I guess. It's not like Hearst's goons were particularly smart.
What's up u cucks. I just finished last night after watching with my 60yr old landlord then banged her.
I kept thinking about the film the whole time and how awesome it felt after that GOT ending.
RIP Nigger General
I'm thinking of happier times.
Hey, fuck you. Bosch is good for what it is.
Such a nice fishing spot.