So, if the trend continues the next big thing should start 2020

So, if the trend continues the next big thing should start 2020.

Because right now there is nothing that could follow in the footsteps, right?

Attached: LOST-GoT.jpg (791x965, 228K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No, there is nothing. It's also impossible to predict these cultural landmarks. It's a fool's errand trying to predict it.

Was LOST really a cultural landmark?
Never seen it but know the ending.

Thats tragic.

The sopranos was bigger than lost. That show was for poorfags who couldn’t get HBO

It's gonna be a Disney+ series, calling it.
Only during its running time, a year later was literally forgotten, and I followed that shit for granted.

It was huge.

The next big thing will be a new genre. It won't be fantasy again like GoT or thriller like LOST.
Best guess is war drama.

>there was less than a year between LOST and GoT

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>Best guess is war drama.

Kek. Nobody wants to watch that.

If all goes well it’s going to be something related to capeshit. It’s either watchmen or the mandalorian

OP here. Actually that's a better pic.

Attached: Friends-LOST-GoT.jpg (788x1465, 362K)

Too predictable. Capeshit apparently works for movies but that doesn't mean that it will be equally successful as a tv show.


>friend showed me the first episode
>predicted the twist
>tells me that's dumb
>end up being correct years later

So smart!

ThE wAlKiNg DeAd

>it's a "retard thinks everyone was dead all along" episode

Attached: Jesus....gif (250x250, 444K)

It’s not just LOST was the golden age of Yea Forums. LOST was the objective golden age of the audiovisual kinographic medium. There’s literally nothing made before or after it that surpasses it. It is the culmination of all amazing ideas in history, science, philosophy, and esoterics. It’s so good it surpasses other works in other mediums like literature as well, which is practically unheard of.

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It's really not. It's why hollywood greenlights such shows. A large ensemble dramatic series with overarching plots has been successful for years. It will absolutely happen again. What you don't remember is all the shows that got 1 season and failed, or 2 and weren't a hit. One will come out as a hit, it's happening, there is demand for it, but largely there's usually only one big hit.

look at these fragile snowflake losties

LOST was never supposed to be greenlit. Only reason the producer did it was because he knew he was getting fired from ABC and did it as a final fuck you to them.

This is satire, right?

Still did, still got a full season order, still aired, never got canceled, so you have no point.

LOST was great and the timing of the advent of pre-social media compared to what it was now gave legitimacy towards its legacy. It really did shape the way we watch television.

>Mfw remember reading the Ice and Fire books while LOST was airing

Really strange now seeing how back then Ice and Fire was on the threshold of niche and mainstream but now it is a household name.

>pre-social media

Lost was very much post myspace era, and ran during facebook and twitter forming. It also in no way shaped the way we watch television. I don't know why you're saying that. Lost was a written show in a time of reality shows. 2003 we had shows like the bacheorlette, america's next top model, fear factor, survivor. None of this stuff existed in the mid 90's. The landscape was different and you're right about timing. People were clearly hungry for scripted drama. People surviving on an island sounds cool, and it's not a reality show.

The tripcode should have been a dead give away.

Just a dumb ass reply. LOST was the very first mega-show to have an online presence (fan forums, podcasts, etc) where the writers could actually get live updates on how the episodes were received. It was the first instance of a large global community getting together and theorizing/predicting/etc over a show, and the writers having access to that discussion as well.

You are a dumb fucking retard. Love or hate LOST, it was MONUMENTAL in how it shaped how we viewed TV and how TV was written.

>he cant distinguish the massive different between 2004-2008 social media (myspace, early facebook/twitter, etc) and the current social media landscape
Way to out yourself as a youngfag

I do because your entire statement hinges on the premise that there’s a reason these get greenlit, which was wrong.

>still pretending that sopranos was a masterpiece

please stop.

If you were open minded enough for LOST, its changed television for you. Some took it to serious and started complaining about "unrealistic" stuff in a fucking TV show.

But everyone else...if LOST had aired in these days, it would have been so monumental GoT would have been nothing but a short fad.

The guy who said these things are unpredictable is also correct. Black Swans are unpredictable by their nature.

The only people who disagree are the people who actually think stuff like GoT and Chernobyl are cultural icons, when actually they’re just marketing and hype machines, without any actual influence beyond monetary and surface level fashion. GoT has changed nothing about the medium, unlikely LOST or Star Trek (true Black Swans).

>ywn crash on magical island with Sawyer

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Series that have characters that sway back and forth schizophrenically due to different writers being on every episode are not 'monumental', they are dogshit.

The only decent character-based series keep the same writers and dont fuck up the main character when season 2 comes around (remember watching House and thinking he's acting completely OOC then going to the beginning and seeing it was a female writer that episode?)

Compare that to X-Files where every interaction is meaningful because the writer knows who the fuck the characters are.

There will never be another big thing. We are living in the Television Apocalypse.

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This applies to GoT but not LOST. LOST’s characterization is the best of the best in TV.

Lost season 1 is top tier TV.

The problem with LOST along with the Battlestar Galactica reboot and now GOT is they were littered with mystery boxes and the promise that it would all make sense by the end but by season 4 it was obvious LOST had no idea where it was going as they were just making it up as they went along and they replaced old mysteries with new ones hoping you would forget the old ones. BSG promised an understanding of the cylon's plan then dropped that to give us an ending with history repeating itself and one character introduced as a self-centered narcissist being a god the whole time (seriously, wtf?)

Now GOT dropped all the prophecies, the reasons the White Walkers were back, and gave us a king no one in that world would have accepted in the earlier better written seasons of that show.

Start with the end in mind needs to be the motto that networks demand of show creators and have actual answers to their mystery boxes or don't have them at all.

Oh, so you believe the ABC network is run by one guy who was at risk of being fired? And with him being fired soon, no one could stop him, he's being fired, so clearly there's no one above him.... And greenlighting shows from pilot to series is also up to one guy, and that one guy got this series passed through all on his own and no one else said yes to it? Shows never get canceled mid-production, pilots never air in shitty slots to die, that they did everything to make lost fail? That's what you think tripfag?

Yeah in the corporate world sometimes projects that have no budgets get executed and the org has to follow through with it because because of business dependencies and promises. And he greenlit it, assigned resources to it, went way over budget with the pilot, and got fired, but because they saw good response and reviews, they kept it going.

>Love or hate LOST, it was MONUMENTAL in how it shaped how we viewed TV and how TV was written.
>He actually believes this

Yea, tell me what Lost did differently as a result of fans viewership? You're basically saying the show's direction was dictated by fan theories. You know how up your own ass you are?

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>mystery box
Found the brainlet zoomer trying to use the latest buzzword to justify his brainlet opinion.

It’s 2019, almost a decade since the show is finished, and you still don’t understand it. How embarrassing.

>Yea, tell me what Lost did differently as a result of fans viewership?
This one line allows me to know that you are in high school. Anyone around during the original airing of LOST wouldn't need to ask that.

>t’s 2019, almost a decade since the show is finished, and you still don’t understand it. How embarrassing.

People like you still exist? Now that's embarrassing. LOST was badly put together because the writers changed the direction of the show where the end barely connects to the beginning. You're just one of those who loves the Emperor's New Clothes because it gives you a smug feeling of superiority because your incredible intelligence "gets" LOST whereas the plebs don't.

lol you probably never even watched it. I can tell by your vague ramblings about nothing related to the show.

Tell me, what was a plothole for you my dear brainlet zoomer? Let ol SupaHot take care of your wittle ailments

Take your time.

he's a child stop trying

Lost was some YA-level trapped-on-an-island shit.

GOT was fantasy shit.

The next big thing rightfully deserves to be some space operatic sci-fi shit.

TV is dead there won’t be another thing like LOST. It’s over.

>hur dur they we making it up as they went along

even if this tired response was true (it's been debunked several times. anyone who was actually into the show and doesn't get their opinions from other people knows this) why is that a bad thing? The show was entertaining and still one of the best things to ever air. I'm sure you think they were all dead the whole time too?

>claims fan discussion forums had an impact on the show
>literally can't name one thing impacted on the show by fan discussions

Keep thinking your special, Im sure Walt is too.

Because plebs focus on the tabloid drama and cult of personalities surrounding art and are essentially suckers for ad hominems and ad autoritatum and ad populums. They don’t understand how to take the merit of a work of art by itself. They are naturally prone to talking about what this or that actor or writer said in a talk panel or what this producer said to some talk show host. They are essentially bird brained like females.

TV is alive and well thanks to streaming services. What's an issue is the unmitigated glut of low to medium-quality garbage that gets pumped out ad nauseam thanks to entities like Netflix and Hulu trying to pull people in with their "original series," without ever pausing to wonder if maybe a show created with love, care, patience and precision would reel in more people than yet another shitty comedy with a lesbian subplot pumped out on the assembly line. Talent still exists, it is merely competing against a higher-up desire to satisfy various market demographics with dumb shit imitating the dumb shit that came before it.

Also Lost was garbage. How dare that piece of shit be remembered fondly.


Platforms are not synonymous with content. The platforms may exist in ways which are easier and easier to use and distribute but the content itself is dead and shit. It’s been that way since LOST. I’m so so sorry you have to live in this world, zoomer.

Because multiple people wanted the show. The vice president of ABC wanted, the people at disney were the ones that fired him. He took the blame for going over budget and had done this a few times on other shows. Depserate housewives filming at universal is something that always miffed disney, it made the show more expensive. The genius thing about it, the houses at universal are now iconically linked to an ABC show, westeria lane. Braun was smart and did spend too much money on multiple occasions, but he did not get Lost made all on his own or as a fuck you. He got fired for going over budget, seemingly on purpose, not for the show itself, which ABC wanted. Parent company let him go, not ABC.

Wait a sec. So you mean to tell me, following your logic, that when you proclaimed TV to be 'dead,' you were meaning high-quality content on television was dead. You then said there would never be another thing like Lost. Meaning you consider Lost to be a work of quality.

Fuck you, faggot. Forgo ever expressing again what does and doesn't constitute quality content.

ABC had no idea what the show was about before producer greenlit it. There was nothing they “wanted” about it beforehand. All they “wanted” was a new hit show. That’s it. The producer gave them something they were not banking on.

TWD is still airing

I not only meant high quality content, but the medium itself. And this includes film as well. All of it is dead and shit and of subpar quality. It’s what happens when something as good as LOST literally makes you obsolete. Almost a decade and counting and I’m still right.

LOST still contains the greatest scene in western television to date.

Friends is for faggots that wear rose-tinted 90's glasses. That trash is dogshit and anyone who says otherwise is a moron. inb4 zoomer im 92 years old

I was a huge LOST fan and like many at the beginning I thought there would be answers to the mysteries presented but by Season 4 it changed so much I lost interest. I really should have given up after the hatch blew up and no one ever addressed how the guys inside survived being blown up. It became soap opera-y where story logic took a backseat for shock value and touchy feely moments.

LOST was a show with lofty ambitions but instead of knowing from the beginning where they were going as the promised in the first two seasons, it started to become clear from Season 3 they didn't know where they were going and started shifting the direction to fit their new ending, an ending they had no idea about when they started the show.

With an episodic show or a show which has seasonal arcs, changes in direction aren't so bad but when you start a show with entire series arc promising an end from the first episode you need to stick to that ending and give clues along the way that on rewatching you understand better.

It's basically boils down to good writing vs bad amateurish writing.

Were people who liked friends in the 90s wearing nostalgia goggles as well?

I’m just joking by asking you btw. You’re obviously a zoomer pissed off about the fact that nothing good has come out since you’ve been born.

As much as you're trying to be right, you're wrong and posting misinformation about the history of the show. The show was originally pitched at meetings where ABC does all this and went through the process of any show at ABC to get a pilot. It had a different team, different name, working on the same concept till JJ Abrams was brought on. Multiple producers worked on it, it was wanted, they would have said no. He was not some maverick making a show no one knew about without permission. I dont know why that's your headcanon.

Well you still haven’t pointed out a plot hole so I’ll just take that bit you said about not explaining how Locke and Desmond survived the hatch explosions. As the time jumps of the island show, you can literally pop up in another time and place due to the anomalous electromagnetic activity or the island. We see in Locke’s and Desmond’s experiences that they also experienced a jump after the hatch explosion, and we see similar actions with the mechanism at The Orchid as well as the Donkey Wheel. What all of this alludes to is that both Locke and Desmond were plucked from their original time and space when the hatch exploded and they become unstuck in time and then popped back outside of the hatch once the system failure stopped. You can figure all this out by connecting the dots with your brain.

The one thing that pisses me off regarding LOST was all the ambiguity regarding sides and the morally grey characters being good or evil was all tossed out the window in the last season. Interesting ideas just awful, awful execution.

The only thing that was pitched was a Survivor Drama. There were many many potential scripts for this and the one that got geenlit (LOST) is far from anything that can be described as survivor drama.

Did you miss the speech by Locke in season 1 about two sides, black and white, in opposition to each other? Did you really think the resolution of the story would not incorporate these themes? Duality was a central theme of the show all throughout.

It got approved based on concept and a writer was hired to write a script. It was not greenlit based on its initial script, which wasn't even used. JJ wanted supernatural elements.

Honest question Yea Forums, does anyone else get upset when people hate on lost for its ending because they think they're dead the whole time? Don't get me wrong the last season has issues, but they aren't all dead, the ending wasn't that cheap and it was a based show overall.

And Damon wanted them to have a reason to stay on the island. The producer greenlit these resources on the project. Come up with excuses to say the show is derivative all you want, the reality and final product tells a different story.

No because plebs will always be plebs. It’s our job as patricians to style on them at every opportunity.

I did but it felt pretty cartoonish super villainy in the last season.

>And Damon wanted them to have a reason to stay on the island. The producer greenlit these resources on the project

And that stuff would have been approved by a different producer, as it was allocated later in the series. The one who greenlit the pilot was fired and the series was produced by different people moving forward. Point being
>Only reason the producer did it was because he knew he was getting fired from ABC and did it as a final fuck you to them.
Is clearly bullshit.


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it's not about plot holes - it's about writing a story as a whole. GOT, LOST, and BSG were shows with series arcs that promised an ending to the storylines, characters, and mysteries they presented. The viewer enters them think the writer(s) has a well-planned plotted story that will make sense when it comes to an end.

Martin said it himself - if you make a story where the butler did, show clues that he did but then when someone online reveals the butler did and you change it to the maid then you screw up the whole story.

With LOST however they didn't even know the butler did it but hoped they'd figure out the answers to the mysteries they presented but as the show went on they had a different idea of the ending and began cleaning up earlier storylines to fit this new ending hence why they killed off the French woman, removed many of the Others, introduced new adversaries, etc...

BSG promised a story that would explain the Cylon's plan, find the lost colony, reveal the hidden cylons but by season 3 to the direction of the show changed and we ended up with an ending few people could have imagined in season 1 because the writers had no idea they would end up there either.

With GOT it's a little different as they knew at least the butler did it but had no idea how to effectively get there while they were obsessed with subverting expectations which is why they had Arya kill the Night Knight despite 8 seasons of building up Jon Snow as the principle character to do so.

tl;dr: All three shows started off incredible but fizzled out IMHO due to lackluster writing.

It’s about a physical representation of death being subdued by the protector or the island’s source, a physical representation of life. The characters in the finale went through six seasons of characterization where they explored various sides from good and bad. They take sides at the end because they’ve accepted their fates and are determined to fight for whatever side they’ve discovered themselves to be in through all of this characterization. Its a conclusive season, that concludes their stories emotionally. I do not want to be subverted with any sort of flipping of the narrative and motives. I don’t want any more twists by the end of the show. I want conclusion.

no. just no. the only argument you can make is that sopranos is the better show, but talking about cultural phenomenon?

You seem to keep talking about writer’s motives and what writers told you and all that stuff, but have you tried to just look at only at the show and only what the show is telling you? Because the show itself has internal consistency like no other. Everything from season 1 to season 6 is interconnected with allusions and foreshadowing. The fact that you say “the writers didn’t know what they were doing” means nothing to me because the show itself tells a different story altogether. You would know this if you actually paid attention to the show. And again, there are no plot holes, and there are no changing of directions in anything. Everything works off all the themes and ideas introduced in season 1.

that would have been great if that story had been set up at the beginning rather wasting a lot of time with filler and misleading plotlines that either went nowhere or got heavily retconned to fit the end.

It was indeed set up from the beginning. As I said Locke specifically gives a speech alluding to this eternal opposition of life v death, black v white. And the other characters’ stories as well revolve around aspects of life ad death. Again, you need to pay attention. Clearly you’re angry the show didn’t adhere to your headcanon, but frankly I have a theory your headcanon is actually awful and shit, and I’d never want what’s in there.

your ability to miss points is incredible. I'm talking about the craft of writing as a whole in relation to these shows and you want to dither about one of the shows trying to convince me these plot threads actually make sense and therefore my opinion that the show was badly written for reasons explained is wrong. Uh...ok?

Your evidence of bad writing is based off the nonexistence of a set up in season 1 and stories that lead nowhere, both points which are untrue if you watch the show. When your points don’t have merit they can be thrown out the window. Sorry bout it.

I don't understand these repetitive complaints about unanswered mysteries. L O S T and BSG did provide answers to a majority of the questions regardless of how satisfying you found them

And to add: you still haven’t offered up a specific plot hole or a story line that went nowhere to substantiate your claims of bad writing. You keep dodging this responsibility and the more you do it, the more I suspect you haven’t watched the show.

again it's about effectively setting up a story AT THE BEGINNING and sticking to that plan. It's good writing vs bad soap opera-y writing.

Which they did. How many more times will you repeat an unsubstantiated claim while your opposition offers substantiated counterpoints? What sort of flies are you trying to attract to your shit?

Ever wonder why Walking Dead had all those shitty flashbacks ?

tripfriend* if you please

Attached: eggsfreshfromthekeamy.png (1051x591, 997K)

>Which they did.
like hell they did. We needed 6 seasons of it was Purgatory all along or sorry, it wasn't because of timey-wimey stuff and let me take 20 hours to explain what it all means? Or that the hidden cylons were characters who couldn't possibly have been in season 1 particularly the one who married Starbuck whom she randomly met and that they are godly figures setting up everything to start all over again begging the question why we needed this story to begin with?

The writing suffers from what Mr. Rogers (of all people who grasps the concept of good writing better than most) says - "simple and deep is far more essential than complex and shallow."

The latter tends to stoke the ego of some who think they are "brilliant" for understanding the "complexities" of an ultimately shallow work.

It was better and more culturally significant to the new milenium than lost was, that’s what I’m saying if you could actually read

>it was purgatory all along
So you haven’t watched the show. Thanks for playing.

yea lost was pretty popular, it was the show everyone wouldn't shut the fuck up about

agreed, it's certainly my favorite sh-
>more culturally significant

No, LOST was much more influential. LOST as a dramatic format has been copied ever since it became successful. Even Sopranos started to become more LOST-like with the whole cliffhanger at the end of every episode thing. For years after LOST’s finale we saw shows like The Happening, The River, The Dome, and other shows which tried to capture LOST’s mystery telling format and intrigue building. Even movies started to copy it. Sopranos, while still being good, was still just a mob drama in the end. Something which was already done and perfected via The Godfather.

Durr wannabe Mafia fagz watch it

lol! You're a pretentious prat who loves the Emperor's New Clothes because you are so clever. I told you I was big LOST fan but if it makes you feel so superior to say "you clearly didn't watch the show" then there is no helping you. You obviously are still mad that people trash your precious show 10 years later. It's hilarious! Me? It was a show that started with a lot of promise and ended wonky thanks to poor writing.

And you still haven’t offered any examples of plot holes. Continue with your ad hominem attacks, that’s all you’ll ever have because you don’t have anything substantial to actually say. Thanks for all your effort.

Yet again, because it was on a network most people could actually watch, anyone whose seen sopranos would say it’s better made than LOST. Especially towards the end when the show became about a smoke monster

I would say otherwise, but let’s also remember this conversation were having is about which one was more influential.

The internet has allowed people to meta-analyze things that literally weren't meant to be meta-analyzed. Behind the scenes shit has literally nothing to do with how you should enjoy a product of entertainment.

>It was a show that started with a lot of promise and ended wonky thanks to poor writing.
I remember watching every episode with my brother when it aired, I still get upset when I think of everything that happened.

Also I’m confused about your comment about accessibility. Are you saying Sopranos was better simply because more people were able to watch it? I don’t see the connection between a shows quality and its vector for gaining an audience. Also I’m having doubts you actually watched LOST with that final synopsis you gave it.

>Shows can never introduce characters or plotlines that weren't outlined in season 1
>The plot set out in season 1 must take a linear path to the end
>The writers cannot introduce new concepts beyond season 1
What kind of drugs are you on, you fucking retard?

Your opinion doesn’t matter

What a shame because I will still be sharing them regardless.

The Expanse is better than either of these; but normies won't get it.

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>Continue with your ad hominem attacks,
and you yours with your "you just don't understand how brilliant LOST was"

It never fails that people who adopt a condescending tone always fall back on the ad hominem complaint missing their own participation.

If you have to do a presentation outside of the show to explain how it makes sense and how it's good, you've kind of lost that fight. LOST is not brilliant writing. It's modern art shallowness masking itself with pretentious importance IMHO.

But back to my original point - shows need to focus on a coherent storyline with good characters and drop all these mystery boxes and subverting expectations bullshit unless the writers are ACTUALLY good at it.

No I’m saying the opposite, idiot. Nobody was really watching sopranos until towards the end of its run like with most popular shows. And stop trying to defend Lost’s abysmal writing towards the end of the series. It was far better being about people deserted on an island, then it became about throwing in more and more plot twists for entertainment

yawn, strawman!

Unlike you though I’ve actually offered examples in the show which contradict your claim that they didn’t plan or that it didn’t make sense. Hence why you are being lambasted for your ad hominems which have no foundations to stand on and simply make you look weak and foolish.

Give me an example from the show to support your claims to rectify your dwindling reputation please.

>It was far better being about people deserted on an island, then it became about throwing in more and more plot twists for entertainment

Bingo! That's LOST in a nutshell.

oh, you are so hilarious!

This has to be someone from the show or Damian himself, I refuse to believe anyone is this obsessed with proving lost’s legitimacy

If you were saying the opposite you wouldn’t have literally said that more people watched sopranos and therefore that’s why it was better:
>because it was on a network most people could actually watch, anyone whose seen sopranos would say it’s better made than LOST

Maybe try writing better “smart” guy?

Also, you sound like someone who hasn’t watched LOST because you’re still scratching the surface level of the show with what you’re saying it’s about, and frankly there were no plot twists which were not alluded to or foreshadowed earlier in the show. The show does a great job of easing you into revelations subconsciously before they reveal them to you. This is very obvious to anyone that watches the show, that is unless they don’t have the attention span required to think about what they see.

Still waiting for those show examples and plot holes which will substantiate your claims, my empty handed friends.

Filtered for namefaggotry. Get a real hobby

still waiting for you to grasp that plotholes were never my argument

Run away

>you sound like someone who hasn’t watched LOST

That seems to be the go-to argument to refute any criticism. I haven't seen sopranos in its entirety but I can tell it was a far better written show than LOST with competent writers at the helm.

Your argument is that it was bad writing, and that they veered off what they set about in season 1. Offer examples to substantiate it, because I’ve already offered examples disproving this statement via Locke’s speeches about black and white, character storylines like Jack’s and Claire’s being about life and death, and even the interconnection between the Adam and Eve skeletons in the caves which we find are The Mother’s and the MiB’s skeletons.

So please, offer some examples. Because I certainly don’t think anything you’ve said so far has been substantial.

It would seem that way because you make it so, my unsubstantial friend.

lost was never good

Oh yes it was my coping zoomer friend. Unfortunately for you and this world of mediocrity you’ve been born in.

>you wouldn’t have literally said more people have watched sopranos

My first comment literally said LOST was more popular because it was on FOX, you illiterate tripfag

>tripnigger calling other people zoomers

Learn to write better.

>another newfag desperately trying to pretend that tripfags never existed since the inception of this site

You’ll convince someone one day, fella

>JJ and Lindelof
>Not the biggest mediocre hacks in the industry

>I have no arguments left so I’ll say he’s bad at writing!

We all know what you’re doing, just stop, you’re embarrassing yourself

>should we go down the ladder ?
>flashbacks about one character
>I am not sure we should go down the ladder
>flashbacks about one character
>flashbacks about one character
>goes down ladder
>NEXT WEEK on lost, what is down the ladder ?
made me quit the show. glad I did it was shit

For you, my poor zoomer friend. Because you were born in a world in which they were no longer involved in LOST, a project bigger than just them.

These people still haven’t seen LOST and are angry they missed out on it. Sucks for them.

everyone who tries to deny LOST was a big thing must literally be 16 years old because I'm just 22 and not even american and I remember it being The show.

I'm gonna start pretending you're a woman from now on you faggot. I'm tired of seeing you everywhere for months and months and months. You being some sexy whore makes you more bearable and also explains your insipid posts. What women do you look like for reference you fucking degenerate.

Attached: 1545025547269.jpg (250x241, 7K)

Nobody is mad besides you tripfag, cope harder

the lost ending was shite

>not ad homimens
>still no actual examples from the show (which you’ve never watched obviously)

Why are you zoomers so quick to get mad instead of doing something about your lack of knowledge? You know you can improve yourselves right? You don’t have to stay an ignorant zoomer all your life. Try it out, friends.


Lost is like Half Life 2

If you watched it when it was airing you thought it was the best thing in the world at the time.

If you never watched it before until today, you know right away that it was rotten to the core from the very beginning.

So funny XD

Where's the karma button here ?

It was. Then it meandered in the middle and lost a lot of viewersship, they pulled the dominos pizza thing and publicly promised to get better and had an endgoal written up. It got interesting again until it took a big liquid shit in the ending.
6 years for a literal fucking cork to miasma of evil. Stupid and silly fan theories on what the island was were more interesting. And the slap in the face of the B plotline.
>”is the 2nd plotline purgatory?”
>”no. It’s not purgatory.”
>last episode
>it was purgatory
I have no fucking idea why Damon Lindelof keeps getting writing work.

Because you’re mentally deficient and keep inventing these arguments nobody said besides you in your empty head because you’re autistic over an objectively bad tv show that got over huge because people were expecting proper resolution to it instead of the turd that was shat on their tv screens

I could see why anglos would hate the show considering they are underrepresented and people like Widmore are villains while Charlie are shown as drug addict losers. I personally enjoyed not seeing so many anglos in LOST especially since I didn’t have to hear those stupid accents.

It sucked and wasted everyone's time, they should have gone with Invasion.

>still no examples
>still mad
Half Life 2 is still good. Sorry my Yea Forums browsing friend who wants to fit in very badly on Yea Forums. While I’m sure the zoomers on Yea Forums will pat you on the back for saying this, the truth is Half Life 2 still outclasses many games out today and is still a groundbreaking experience both in gameplay and story.

>still thinking I was the one arguing about plot holes

Get medicated

Speaking of Half Life and LOST, both works referenced each other at some point. LOST made reference to Half Life in a Season 1 flashback with Sayid (and also has a similar character as the Gman with Christian Shepherd), and Half Life 2: Episode 2 made a direct reference to Dharma and Season 2’s hatch computer.

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>Half Life 2 is still good

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>Westworld is your next best show


I think I’ve made it clear that you don’t have to give me a plot hole necessarily, you can give me ANY example from the show to substantiate your claims. Unfortunately for you, you still haven’t, which makes your posts just a series of baseless ad hominem attacks coming from someone needlessly frustrated.

almost cried again just watching that
is there something wrong w me emotionally?

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Yup. It is. Sorry to burst your Fortnite bubble. You can go to Yea Forums if you’d like to surround yourself in a support group who likes to pretend otherwise, but reality is a cruel and unwavering mistress.

iam not even an anglo. i just like the word shite

It was huge for it's time. There is a sort of "Before / After LOST" timeline for mainstream television, though that depends on who you ask. But things were different back then. Social media was in infancy, and the internet was a much smaller place. There were no "leaks", no reaction videos, no the Talking Dead, no Youtube channels making two hour long analysis videos on it, etc. A handful of fan theory blogs and forums did exist, but it was nothing like we have now.

It was the kind of show that kept you hooked to your seat, often dishonestly ( is actually a good example. ) But keep the audiences guessing it did. The show was, for the most part, a huge fucking mystery that a ton of people were invested in.

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Your post just made me think of another reason why I like LOST

What the fuck do those shows have to do with each other, what a shit thread

You predicted the island is run by an immortal and a smoke monster? Yea bullshit

>scifi is dead since BSG
Maybe Mandalorian. Please be it.

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Since LOST actually.

Time travel is the best LOST season.

LOST’s time travel is good because it adheres to Novikov consistency principle. All good time travel stories do.

top kek
my guess now based on this post is Elizabeth Moss, but with more fat and witch like features.

>still mad because he doesn’t understand LOST

Lmao just watch it and read books. What’s so hard about that?

You need to suck and fuck yourself

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Im not that user, Im someone else tripfag, welcome to an anonymous board.

I don’t care about who you are. Welcome to being an user. Also it’s 2019 and you still don’t understand LOST? Kek pathetic.

I like how this otherwise interesting OP inviting us to discuss and hypothesise about what the next big cultural tv phenomenon will be, from genre, to style, to even platform has been totally and completely derailed by one single tripfaggot who has to white knight any discussion about his one favourite show. I would say trips should be range banned but they serve there purpose as bait for self important Autists so passerby’s can more easily point and laugh at them

I like how you’re still mad about the fact LOST was the greatest thing that happened to the medium and nothing can ever come close to it.

That was my first post in this thread retard, I’m not the other guy you have been whinging at for an hour, just someone who thought the OP was interesting and saw how you ruined it

I never said you were the other guy my seething friend

>Lost comes out.
>Everybody raves about it.
>Have been around the television show block before.
>Mom makes me watch the first episode.
>Make a joke in passing "I bet this shit ends with it all ending up their dead or some shit"
I said this a few episodes later maybe, when there was a shadow or something taking people, it made me think "oh, its death, they are in purgatory?" because one other show or movie did something kinda like that.

>Years later, last episode.
>Moms watching it.
>She comes in and stares at me.
>I watch the ending.
>Start laughing at how right I was "you wasted all this time trying to figure this shit out and they where really dead?

Its really easy to figure out how a show is going to end, just pick the stupidst outcome possible and thats it.
>I bet he dies.
dies amongst meth.
>I bet she goes crazy and dies.
She goes crazy and dies.

just pick a stupid answer.

Then why are you suggesting I made some opinion or view on your favourite show I haven’t even expressed? I just said you ruined this thread, your obsession with making everything about lost is bordering on delusion

>he’s proud about the fact he didn’t watch the greatest thing to ever happen to the audiovisual kinographic medium
It’s your loss, not mine.

amazon's tolkien series

I didn't I simply said you’re still mad about the fact LOST was the greatest thing that ever happened or that ever will happen for the medium. And when you relate this to the OP’s topic, you understand this also answers his question regarding future gamebreaking shows. That answer being: nothing will come close to LOST. And so, in defence of LOST, we defend the height of the medium, while you continue to seethe about this very truth.

>Kino comes on at 8pm at night.
Waste a whole buncha time watching a bunch of nothing, somebody dies per season, and for what, bahh we dead jim shit?
I was working night shift making money.

>Im gonna keep trying to troll people on Yea Forums in a lost thread
>Im gonna tell people they don't understand it, lol, Im soo good at trolling

Im not even posting about lost in this thread you attention whore. I wish you were attractive so you'd go be on ig and be a thot and not bugging us with things you consider thoughts.

What are the point of these posts? Do they bring anything of value to the table? I think both of you should stop being so mad over my trip and over LOST. Contribute something by either naming examples from the show you don’t like or offering a response to OP’s post, since both of you seem to be critics regarding proper etiquette.

Not like posts like this or this or this are bringing anything to the table. Reminder, if you were on the island, you'd be an extra and die off screen.

And yours is? I’ve been offering my counterpoints with examples. Pick and choose the ones that don’t fit that all you want but it won’t negate what I’ve said. It’s your turn now my pleb friend.

>your post just is a complaint about posts
>my post incorporate elements of Lost and it's lore

Id say we have to go back, but your rotting corpse never made it past season 2.

Still waiting for those riveting good posts, user.

>because they think they're dead the whole time?

Where does this meme come from?

Yes, thinking they were dead the whole time is idiocy. But there are FAR more reasons to hate the ending beside this false assumption.

>L O S T and BSG did provide answers to a majority of the questions regardless of how satisfying you found them

"Guys it's magic." That the whole answer in Lost. If you find that satisfying - sure go ahead. But don't be surprised when people will call you a brainlet. They have a point.

The show has a set of rules it establishes which it follows. From the first season there are already supernatural elements at play like the monster, the island’s healing properties, Claire’s baby, and even the various animals they run into which remind them of their past (Sawyer’s boar, Hurleybird, etc). Everything is about how Jacob brings them to the island through his manipulation and it all follows suit with that. And every other mystery it introduces around these foundations, it answers using the concepts of the show. Any other further answer you want is missing the point of the show and the nature of the esoteric and the unexplainable.

Well they were dead the whole time in the flash sideways. That is actually cheap, it made half of season 6 pretty much pointless.

The flashsideways was about closure and a representation of their own personal journeys and emotional growth. It’s allegorical to their emotional journeys.

You are a hardcore christian, aren't you?

Because you argue in defense of LOST just like christians argue in defense of christianity.

>answers are not important
>muh feelings are important

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I never said those things. Your inability to actually address my words rather than some made up strawman makes me question your ability to even understand what I’m talking about, but I’ll try again for your sake:

There are answers in the show. The mysteries they posit throughout it have answers that are consistent and make sense with the shows themes. They actually provide two versions of answers for every mystery: one of science and one of faith, consistent with one of the show’s central themes. For example The Source itself can either be looked at as the source of all life as Jacob says (faith answer), but it can also be looked at as a location of intense electromagnetic energy from a concentration of exotic matter which various scientists throughout history tried to study. Another example of these faith/science type answers is with the numbers, which relate to both the candidate’s coordinates on Jacob’s lighthouse, but also the core values of the Valenzetti Equation.

There’s plenty of answers in LOST. You just have to do a good job of thinking and analyzing.

Daily reminder that zoomers will never ever experience something as good as LOST, and nobody else in the future will either.

We may not have been born in the time of space travel, but we got to be born during the time of LOST.

Imagine if people watched STALKER and said it was dumb because they never explained the weird stuff or the telepathic girl at there end. That’s LOST haters for you.

Holy shit. You actually believe the bullshit you write, don't you?

Ok buddy, throwing words like "electromagnetic" and "exotic matter" in, doesn't make something scientific. It only makes it worse. It's a fucking mockery of anybody with half a brain.

Again, LOST is basically american hardcore christianity. It doesn't make sense, but hey in the end there is some "feel good community". And if you are hellbent on finding some answers, you will find them. They won't make sense for any sane person, but you will have them and treasure them.

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Are words like electromagnetic or exotic big words for you? They’re pretty standard and self explanatory. Sorry you are upset over the fact that LOST is a sci-fi. Maybe go watch The OC or Breaking Bad instead. You seem to be the type that needs “familiarity” in his shows.

Not to mention thats how it’s described by Dharma/Widmore scientists within the show itself



>Are words like electromagnetic or exotic big words for you? They’re pretty standard and self explanatory

I like how you went from "exotic matter" to "exotic". Nice move. You are so smart, probably nobody caught that.

Ok, did you think “exotic matter” was a big word? Did you also miss the part they call it that in the show?

Holy shit you guys are retarded


Abrams has literally used that term in interviews and during a ted talk to explain what he intentionally tries to do

But JJ was not a writer for LOST nor did he direct anything more than a few episodes.

>He's proud about being wrong about the ending of a TV show

Top kek.

they weren't dead you fucking retard, you didn't predicted it

>Start with the end in mind needs to be the motto that networks demand of show creators
This is what they did with How I Met Your Mother and everyone still complained because even though it was the planned ending from the very beginning, most of the stuff that happened in between pointed the characters in a different direction.

>via Locke’s speeches about black and white, character storylines like Jack’s and Claire’s being about life and death, and even the interconnection between the Adam and Eve skeletons in the caves which we find are The Mother’s and the MiB’s skeletons.

All shit that came out much later in the show after it had already changed direction to fit the new ending (though I guess it's not new since there wasn't ending planned at the beginning). Basically they did a lot fixing and retconning to force threads to fit it. This why there aren't a lot of people rewatching the show knowing as they do where it ends up and that's what GOT, BSG, and LOST share in common - low rewatch value due to the their respective endings.

The stuff I said in the green text is detailed in season 1. And those themes are referenced throughout the show all the way to season 6.

because of how it was executed. Start with the end in mind but also stick to it with consistency

>And those themes are referenced throughout the show all the way to season 6.

horseshit - Season 1 was primarily people on an island trying to figure out what was going on while dealing with each other and the mysterious Others not Jacob, forced Christianity, black&white

?? Locke making the speech about black and white happens in season 1. And the Adam and Eve skeletons are discovered in the caves in season 1. In season 1 we also explore Jack’s character dealing with his father’s death. And we also learn about Claire’s baby being some sort of a bad omen by that psychic in Australia. All of this is in season 1. Not sure why you think this is horseshit. Did you watch the show?

chernobyl already surpassed both of these shit shows.

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Other stuff not mentioned: Walt having some sort of psychic abilities, Hurley seeing the numbers everywhere, and Jack seeing his dead dad all allude to the fact that they’re Jacob’s candidates and they are able to alter the strings of fate and also have some connection with the beyond.

>not understanding how green text works

There there zoomer. Something good will come out in your lifetime one day...

Surprised trip fag not banned yet as many Yea Forums users filter her posts

Never ever butthurt anglo.