Why are """""critics""""" trying so hard to sabotage this movie?

Why are """""critics""""" trying so hard to sabotage this movie?

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Other urls found in this thread:


They are all paid shills by Disney- WB biggest competitor by far. (maybe Disney's only competitor)

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Because they are tasteless faggots who only want to suck Disney's teenie weenie.

why are there a bunch of troop transport helicopters surrounding Godzilla? what are they gonna do, paradrop onto him in the middle of the pacific?

Because it's a movie with dialog like this
>His name is King Gidorah
>Did she say gonorrhea?

If this movie had a Disney logo Yea Forums would be shitting all over it.

They are monitoring his vitals and maybe even controlling his with radio frequencies.

Dont be ridiculous, its not like they are trying to attack the 40 story monsters.

>stuckmann didnt like it
>jeremy jahns didnt like it
>avgn didnt like it
>angry joe didnt like it
it sucks bro

why are they so close? why is there a ship that close as well?

There are multiple ships actually and its very possible they didnt know he would surface where he did.

>Literally who?
>Reddit the reviewer
>He said he had fun but had issues with it, as did all Godzilla fans. His fat friends hated it more.
>Literal manbaby who nobody cares about.

Made me think bro...

I liked the movie but...
"Oh God...."
Jesus the dialogue was dumb.

Because its a shit movie unless you're willing to excuse it because its a good godzilla movie, which isn't setting the bar very high.

Dubs of truth.

It clearly can't be a deep part of the ocean since he's standing up.

The pacing went so fast the only way they could think to slow is down was by having a few one liners. Which is arguably alright because they don't do it when the major stuff happens.

>It clearly can't be a deep part of the ocean since he's standing up.
Actually it can - since its a giant monster you pathetic contrarian.

you can clearly see how tall he is in in relation to other buildings and the water is only up to his knees, it's not deep. how is pointing that out contrarian you retard?

Don't even know why people are trying to meme that avgn hated it. Out of both his friends he clearly liked it the most, even said he wanted to see it again. He just didn't have concrete opinions on it other than he liked the music, had fun, and wished that the monsters fought in the day.

>it's not deep.
What does that have to do with anything you dumb contrarian? You asked why the stuff was surrounding him, you got a plausible answer. You're a contrarian for finding anything lame reason to complain- even after being rebutted with an educated response.

Its above his knees and even then that water is quite deep.

> You asked why the stuff was surrounding him, you got a plausible answer.
I'm not even the same person who originally asked you fuck, I was just pointing out the water wasn't deep. And how is it plausible if I pointed out why it isn't?
>You're a contrarian for finding anything lame reason to complain- even after being rebutted with an educated response
I'm not complaining dipshit, it's just a poster to look cool. I'm just saying that the explanation that he just surfaced there doesn't make sense.
>Its above his knees and even then that water is quite deep.
No it's not, and certainly not deep enough for him to swim under and surface from that point.

Because they know he's going to fight Ghidorah instead of attempting to destroy them? It's not that hard to comprehend. Can't believe out of all the questions you could have about this movie you chose this one.

>I'm just saying that the explanation that he just surfaced there doesn't make sense.
Thats because you're a idiot fixated on contradicting 1 point.

The water is above Godzilla's knees- you havent even stated 1 fact about the poster correctly. If the water comes up to GODZILLA's knee, its DEEP water. Dumb ass.

G-guys... is mothta....? You know??? :(

>Thats because you're a idiot fixated on contradicting 1 point.
yeah that's the point I replied to. Why are you so assravaged that you were wrong instead of just acknowledging it?
>The water is above Godzilla's knees- you havent even stated 1 fact about the poster correctly
It looks at knee level to me, but sure, we'll say it's right above his knees. That's still not deep.

I thought the humor was actually bearable besides these two specific lines. It feels like those were jokes specifically aimed at children, given that this film is geared towards them.

>Godzilla too big to swim in that water any further
>But no, he didnt surface there from swimming where the water became too shallow
You're literally trying so hard - you are contradicting what you're claiming to be true.

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unless the water suddenly got that shallow in a moment he wouldn't have logically surfaced there, he would've surfaced way earlier.

>too shallow for godzilla to swim
>he didnt surface there because water is at his knees
Wow you're dumb as fuck, just stop. You're wrong.

Is this movie good? I just want to see some serious action, Fuck the plot.

they are trying to save you money and time by warning you not to waste either on this trash fire of a movie. I am legit baffled how any one could be defending this boring mediocrity. I thought you fags had taste?

Why are kaijufags so delusional bros

Because it doesn’t push:
>race mixing
>stronk womyn
>evil white males
>Holocaust guilt
>open borders

That’s why.

>Godzilla sinks into San Fran bay at the end of 2014
>H-How is it suddenly shallow! He would have surfaced way earlier!

Daily reminder that nobody left the theater asking this question except for you.

Rent free

Buy tickets and come to the movie 30 minutes late.

you will get no action, you will get what feels like hours of "plot" waiting for action to happen. only to be teased about action happening just out of frame while you continue to have "plot" forced upon you plus shitty jokes and quips.

But he’s telling the honest truth.

>muh paid critics conspiracy
they're just brainlets

>unless the water suddenly got that shallow in a moment he wouldn't have logically surfaced there
He breached the surface because the water got shallow you pathetic contrarian.

Its not hard to understand. Unless you're trying to cover how stupid you were by contemplating why the ships were near Godzilla.

Because it's genuinely not a very good movie. I'm amazed by how much Yea Forums is pretending it's a masterpiece, but then again this board will probably suck any movie's cock as long as it isn't made by Disney.

>hear hype about this movie about how it's 2 hours of monster fighting
>there's still 30 minutes of boring human set up and then another 40 minutes of badly written human garbage spread throughout

What is this meme?

>but then again this board will probably suck any movie's cock as long as it isn't made by Disney.
>plz respond to me
>I will contradict anything If you just respond to me :(

Don't you guys have to beat Avatar at the box office or something?

>thinks I'm fishing for responses
>responds anyway

Someone's upset that his movie isn't good.

Wow, nice lie faggot

>>>avgn didnt like it
But he did like it, his complaints were nitpicks about all the fights being in tropical storms and he said he recommends the movie, faggot.

>which isn't setting the bar very high.
Godzilla movies are the best monster movies ever made and that's including every form of supernatural monster movie.
There's a reason that they allowed Godzilla to crossover into every other kind of fiction.

The problem is that people are more infatuated with surreal horror rather than destructive horror these days.

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How come they went from Heisenberg to the little cunt from Stranger Things here? Such a step down.

>thinks I liked the movie
>diverts attention to distract from contrarian shill
I didnt even like the movie, it sucked. Jokes on you.

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I’m just mad they nuked atlantis

Because in the film monarch is helping him during the fight va ghidorah as well as evacuating citizens

>little human sized Godzilla statues holding spears

>let's waste time with this shitty mom character trying to pretend unleashing monsters is good so we have an excuse for a plot
>let's waste 30 minutes killing godzilla and then reviving him again

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>but then again this board will probably suck any movie's cock as long as it isn't made by Disney.
literally everyone praising this film here talks about how scale is displayed, how the monsters are perfectly shot and how the few moments of fighting are all kino. We're even saying that the human element is still bland and cliche but at least they tried and did something with them.

Get that head off your ass and try to read what the people you're criticizing are actually saying

They should have had Ghidorah blow up the plane they were on when the girl activated the Orca.
Would have been much better plotline.

Are you retarded or didn’t see it most of the movie is monsters fighting or smashing shit

Don’t be like that user. You just know she’s gonna seek comfort with her daddy after the end of the film.

>We're even saying that the human element is still bland and cliche but at least they tried and did something with them.
No, there are plenty of cock suckers here trying to pretend that the bad human writing is excusable and that it didn't take up a significant portion of the film.

>y-you're just a shill! It's totally just a coincidence that the board shitposts about every disney movie while praising non-disney movies!

Yeah, ok newfag.

fundamental misunderstanding of what a godzilla movie is.

I don't give even one fuck about Avatar's box office.

This movie was seriously boring. BORING! None of the characters are likable. I hate boring dad, I hate white hair glasses, I hate colonel wahmyn, I hate waffle wife. Tywin I guess gives no shits and is at least consistent however he just disappears after waffle wife leaves so what was the point? Ken Watanabi isn't bad but he leaves at the end of act 2 and I couldn't give less of a shit only finding comfort that there would be one less person to waste screen time on with unnecessary lines.

d-delete this

Agreed. Those those lines were the worst, but the rest of humor was well done. I didn't find it too funny, but it did its job at lightening the mood of certain scenes when necessary and it wasn't overdone at all. I liked how it was handled more than a quippy superhero movie even if I might laugh at the latter's jokes more.

>No, there are plenty of cock suckers here trying to pretend that the bad human writing is excusable
>Someone agrees with you- we're even saying that the human element is still bland cliche
>Immediately activate contrarian comment- agreeing with what you just had posted
Look guys! He disagrees!

>but then again this board will probably suck any movie's cock as long as it isn't made by Disney.
Look all! He said the opposite of what many people have posted! Wow! Thats so new and edgy!

>>>>but at least they tried and did something with them.
No, he's just another cock sucker. Try reading before responding.

>Look all! He said the opposite of what many people have posted!
No I didn't. Stop seething so hard that someone disagrees with your pretend-hivemind.

are you fucking gaslighting me? fake news coverage of trunkless mammoth and giant spider destroying cites real quick don't count. because it's just 2 seconds of stock footage played over and over. a bunch of red dots moving around on a map don't count because that don't mean shit. At the very end of the movie. The very end, Mothra and Rodahn go at it hard for 30 seconds before Mothra stabs him through the chest. Every other time a monster is going to fight another monster it's like 1 second of the monsters clashing before we cut to shots of humans screaming somewhere going "AHHHHHH run! Look a tale over there, look out"
We see Godzilla and Ghidorah going at it in the background before panning down from that exciting shit to people fixing a ham radio. So much better. And lets just listen to these shit heels bitch at each other. The human "DRAMA" is what people come to kaiju movies for after all.

>We're even saying that the human element is still bland and cliche but at least they tried and did something with them.
>No, there are plenty of cock suckers here trying to pretend that the bad human writing is excusable
>Literally tried to debate and disagree with post that agreed with him.
>No I didn't.
Damn youre trying really hard huh?

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This. Retards see one clip of monsters fighting and go "yaaay, I got what I wanted!" but it's a nothingburger, and they are too stupid to realize this.

I say this as a Godzilla fan.

>literally excuses it
>"n-no he agreed with u!"

How bad is your reading comprehension?

How come Cinemassacre videos can't just be James and Mike talking about shit anymore? Why does it always have to also include the fat coattail riders?

Skull Island is still the best of these Monsterverse movies. Kong shows up early and there's tons of action but the human shit doesn't make me want to roll my eyes into my fucking skull like KOTM does.

I know the movie was bad, but I still had fun watching it so I'll deny it was bad just to piss people off here. it works too.

>said the human element was bland and cliche but knows it must exist for Godzilla movie- claims they tried
>excuses it
So you're trying so hard for replies, you even will deny and contradict that someone was agreeing with you.

You look dumb as fuck.

>"yeah go see it but instead go see something else that's better"

that's their "recommendation"

>but at least they tried
>not an excuse

Please go back to school user. Ask your teachers to help you learn how to read properly.

There are legitimate issues with this movie but nothing that warrants this level of hate. People hate.

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I had fun for spurts of like thirty seconds but it's hard to have fun when there's nothing there underneath. Brainlets don't understand this.

I like that you're ignoring that that "better movie" is John Wick 3.

This movie is shot like shit and the scale is fucked beyond repair in comparison to 2014.

They hate fun

the entire movie lacked substance, most of the things I enjoyed were them using things like Godzilla and mothra's old roar and them using the tune for Mothra's original theme. small things that I liked, but not legs for the movie to stand on.

and you were ignoring how their recommendation wasn't exactly a recommendation, if you say "go see it but you might have a better time seeing something else" is implying the movie is not as good as it should be, they were trying real hard not to shit on it
James also said he had more fun with Skull Island

>We're even saying that the human element is still bland and cliche
Sounds like they really like it huh? Would be hard to misunderstand this unless, you wanted to. If you were some kind of contrarian. Oh wait.

Agreed. You and I have finer taste, user.

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And he also said he enjoyed it more than the 2014 movie, which he criticized but also enjoyed, so stop trying to run this fucking narrative where he hates it you fucking faggot.

Wow that's seriously a joke in the movie? Glad I'm not paying for that trash. Looks like another day one cam rip for me

>let me selectively ignore parts of the post so I can pretend I'm right

Please try harder user.

you should stop trying to run the narrative that they loved it, fucking idiot, not everyone is a faggy fanboy like you creaming their pants over dumb monster movies

When did i ever say that you fucking retard.

It was actually kind of funny, because Zhang Ziyi immediately corrects them angrily. It's a Marvel moment but I chuckled.

>b-but the fans love it!!
>don’t listen to professionals!
Lol WB is so pathetic

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>let me selectively ignore parts of the post so I can pretend I'm right

>literally reply to a post agreeing with you saying 'no'
There it is for everyone to see. Havent left anything out. Feel free to stop replying, you're not doing yourself any favors.

>movie critics
They're as professional as the janitors on this board.

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>Smaller friday opening than Shazam and Detective Pikachu

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Yes, the "professionals" who loved Ghostbusters '16, The Last Jedi, and think Black Panther is the greatest film of all time. Truly opinions to be trusted.

The monster scenes were amazing but most of the characters and dialogues were pure cringe and somehow fucked up the atmosphere. Solid 3/5

Thank god mr ginger was there to lighten the mood in the face of multiple 40 story monsters

They still want people to see Spendgame to beat Avatar

What exactly was amazing about seeing quick thirty-second clips of monsters charging at each other every now and then?

If it had a Disney logo it would be a 90% on rt

>Havent left anything out.
Except for the part where he excuses it.

Are you going to keep repeating your flawed argument or are you going to learn how to read?

Honestly this might be it

>as of 31 of may

that's good because it's now lower than Aladdin

>Except for the part where he excuses it.
No, i didnt entire post is there. Can you read? Are you dumb? Or just a contrarian?

>someone says they agree with you
>tell them 'no' - they are wrong because other people posting here may be expressing opposite opinion.
Are you going to keep repeating obvious inaccuracies or will you just go away?

I would listen to fans over paid "professionals" any day of the fucking year.

Just got back from the theater at the 1:00 show.
Pros: it's not stingy on the Monster action, the monsters are sweet looking CGI upgrades that don't abandon the classic looks of the originals.
Lots of monster fightan.
The monster themes and score in general is also great stuff.
Cons: Half the movie is spent on a script that makes Pacific Rim 2 look like the Godfather Part II. The writing in this so so fucking unbelievable stupid that it grates my nerves. I come in with very low expectations for a Godzilla story but Christ this thing was sub-Sharknado.

Oh and for an added treat, Chinkendary Pictures does their classic "We kill off all Japanese characters, enjoy sexy Chinese Waif-fu kekekekekek. Seriously, being a Japanese character in a Chinese-owned Legendary picture is a death sentence.
Overall 6/10

Think this is why the went ahead and made GvK instead of waiting another 2 years or so?

>No, i didnt entire post is there.
And yet you keep ignoring it and selectively reading o make yourself look right. Can you read? Are you dumb? Or just a contrarian?

>Are you going to keep repeating obvious inaccuracies or will you just go away?
Are you?

The story was unfortunately bad. Like, really bad. They should have just gone the "eco terrorists trying to control the monsters" route instead of the pseudo-intellectual bullshit about saving the earth by destroying it.

Marvel really has poisoned us with self aware metahumor.

I have to give a special shout-out to Bradley Shitford.
Every single line the man speaks in the movie is cringy cornball garbage straight from the dumbest 80's movies. But he bellows them out with considerable enthusiasm. Every other English speaking actor is simply annoying, but he goes that extra mile so you wish he'd die from something.

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>B-bbut you left out part i dont like!
>entire post is cited
>Literally has to check himself after several comments about reading comprehension
Ya goofed, sorry. Maybe you didnt read the post correctly?

Because James' wife runs the show

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This is, I think, the first movie where I'm rooting for every human actor in the movie to die, except for the inscrutable Watanabe, who of course dies.
I was of course relieved when the mother died (although not horribly enough) but too many other characters survived this film.

A special Kek to Chinkendary Pictures for making the benevolent Mothra a mainland Chinese monster.

the scene with them all bowing was awful, felt like the fucking lion king

Are you saying the lion King is bad?

That little boy maddie was hawt is he in any other films?

LOOK GUYS, disagreement brewing!

I wonder wat will happen if he says Lion King was bad!?

Did I see this actual scene wrong (it isn't green btw), and one of the monsters bowing to him was a MUTO? They allude to 17 monsters, but outside of brief clips showing glimpses of Kong, there are only seven monsters.

Yes, one of them was a MUTO

How many Rodans were there I swear every other scene was Rodan getting killed

>Constant, subpar CG
>Distractingly inconsistent monster sizes
>Monster action is uninspired and drawn out, with barely any good moments
>Human action is boring as fuck
>The most pants-on-head retarded version of the already stupid "humanity is a disease" meme ever put to film
>Not a single human character whose motivations and actions aren't boring, fucking ridiculous, or inconsistent
>Relies on contrivances, so characters constantly know stuff they shouldn't know about the kaiju and forget things about the military/science anyone with their job should know
>Consistently awful dialogue in general
>Too many fakeout moments where someone gets saved at last second
>Literally every single fight takes place under heavy smoke, snow, or rain like they're ashamed of Ghidorah or some shit
>Only moment with any spectacle to it was Rodan's wings causing hurricane winds, everything else is shot too poorly to capture kaiju sizes
>Cringy humor attempts
>Movie can't decide how smart kaijus are
>Wastes tons of time on throwaway worldbuilding nobody gives a fuck about, that isn't done well, for movies that probably won't happen
The last movie's human element got lame once Cranston's character died, but the tone and monster bits were perfect. I was hoping that if this one was stupid, it'd at least be the fun kind of stupid. It wasn't.

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critics bad

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How stupid. They weren't a well-designed monster to begin with, and one bowing to it's natural prey is wtf. It's hard to fuck up a giant spider but the Manbearpig, I mean Mammoth-ape was pretty shitty looking.

Headlines of newspaper in credits roll shows new Mothra egg. Chin up bro

>Distractingly inconsistent monster sizes
I'm glad it wasn't just me. Godzilla and Gidorah in particular seemed all over the place size-wise.

You had to love the scene with Gidorah "trying" to wreck the osprey like a T-Rex from Jurassic park.

Is this real?!

The military are portrayed as unimaginative, stupid goons.
Chink-pilled maybe.

If you see this movie to watch a resurrected Twin Lannister, you will not be disappointed

Please tell me you are pretending to be stupid.

He's not even the mastermind, he literally just directs his goons to shoot scientists for little reason.
Like Big Guy in TDKR, he's just following the females plan.

Yes. I took that picture.

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It shits on stupid liberal environmentalists thats why.

That dumb cunts speech about humans being a disease sounded like something that retard AOC would say.

That said the movie was great other than the family its a low 9.

Hinds as the Colonel was the most inspired casting since Tiny Lister played the President.
She ends up looking like a transexual Okoye.

Holy based.

Because Mousecapeshit good Japkaijukino bad.

Controlling and unleashing radioactive super-monsters isn't even remotely a liberal agenda, it doesn't even make sense in the movie. No one's motivation makes sense in the movie. All of the main characters, protagonists, antagonists alike, are equally idiotic.
You have to be in full Almond Milk mode to give this dumb film anywhere close to a 9.

They kill off Watanabe and the other Japanese cast for stupid plot raisins, so the Chink-fu can carry on in future films. I guarantee you won't see another Jap in this franchise.

The movie is easily a 9 if you take the dumb as fuck story out, which I think is the real tragedy here.

If you give this a 9, you have to give Pacific Rim 2 at least an 8, and Pacific Rim an 11.
The monster sfx was competent but not game-changing.

>movie about giant monsters

this is autism

Camrip when

Except I don't? PR2s animations, sounds and music were nowhere near this movie.

>Muh Nostalgia
I enjoyed the riffs on the old monster themes myself, and the classic monster shrieks, but in many cases the creatures and mechs of PR were more effective than the creature shit in KoM. Gidorah in particular had a lot of moments where they adhered to his classic model too closely and you could almost imagine the wires. Especially whenever he's meant to be menacing humans, with his heads all close together.
Shill all you like, this thing is redbox-material.

>including every form of supernatural monster movie
Christ, this is coping to the max. I've been a Godzilla fan for my entire life but that statement is just flat out wrong

>King Kong '33 (and pretty much any Universal monster movie for that matter)
>An American Werewolf in London
>John Carpenter's The Thing

The only two Godzilla movies that stack up to these are Gojira and Shin Godzilla. Even as a fan I'm willing to admit that 95% of Godzilla movies are objectively shit-tier films. I still enjoy them, but I'm not lying to myself about their quality like most of you shills do.

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Are people even slightly interested in Godzilla vs Kong after this?

Fuck you Yea Forums for making me watch this. It was beyond terrible.

Diehard longtime G-fan
It was ok, BUT:
-too much CGI, some battles where Transformers-tier
-doesn't help thay the entire movie it's dark and raining
-human story was meh and took too much space
-they tried really hard at providing some fan service but didn't always work, i dug the mothra song thou
-speaking of Mothra, probably the worst design ever and barely shows up
-the color palette is the same the entire movie to the point it gets boring, Rodans entry was the only part that looked different and was probably the best
-the whole "monsterverse" was forced into it and could care less about the kong one

It wasn't boring and don't regret buying the tickets, but GMK did it better.

I really wasn't expecting it to be that bad, but it was. I was getting veitnam flashbacks to Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom in the way that it descended into a complete farcical cheese-fest but maintained a melodramatic and saccharine tone. It's almost so bad it's good.

>Mothra vs. Godzilla
>Ghidrah the Three-Headed Monster
>Monster Zero
The holy '60s trilogy deserves its due.

Just came back from this. What a fucking shit movie.

Ghidorah is cute. CUTE!

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This movie will not make Skull Island money.
But if it goes back to its native Chinkland and makes money, we will get a neverending stream of them.

>muh nostalgia
Who the fuck are you replying to? Cause it sure as shit ain't me. I said nothing about nostalgia. If they had changed too much you'd be bitching about how it wasn't even based on the source material. The bottom line here in that comparing this movie to PR2 is stupid and makes no sense, seeing as how one completely destroys the other in terms of quality.

In the old Godzilla films they used fucking swing at each other, they used to bite each other, they used to trade beams with each other, they used to pick up and toss each other, they used to do back flips and land on each other, they used to do tail swings and drop each other on their asses, THEY USED TO FIGHT IN THE DAYTIME WHERE YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE ACTION, they used to go at it until they were drenched in blood and looked like they went 12 rounds in the greatest boxing match of all time. Don’t tell me this piece of shit lived up to any of that. All the monsters did in this movie were pin each other down and then it would cut to a scene of the retard whore from strangers things running with her family. This wasn’t a Godzilla film this was a family running away from danger film with Godzilla practicing UFC in the background. Overall a 1/10 experience

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>dr. inception solemnly sacrifices himself
>this cunt is immediately quipping afterward

>muh night time
>muh day time
I honestly to god don't understand this. I personally think them fighting at night works much better than the day because it allows them to highlight the effects better.

They used to fight like they were humans in costumes.

Now they fight like animals

Just came back from reading this bait. I have cancer now.

At least MCU shills get paid

>le bait
Sorry if I offended your retarded sensibilities, I can imagine you screaming like a little girl whenever da monsterz fought and the actors quiped, Suck my dick.

>man, I guess two nukes weren't enough for this guy, huh?
I thought that was a little bit much.

If you like giant monster fights, yes. It's not a great film overall but the fights and the monsters themselves are pretty spectacular.


The only thing dumber was Dad hitching an Osprey to go look for his daughter "I'M PRETTY SURE SHE'S SOMEWHERE ON EARTH, WE CAN STOP FOR MORE GAS".

What was his problem?

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>race mixing
It might go with that WMAF in the future but that's not the race mixing to what progressives want to see

And hide the horrendous CGI don’t kid yourself incel.

Unironically the humans in costumes had more soul.


>King Ghidorah



This is an easy way to identify Yea Forums shitposters.

Disney's wet dream is to weaken Warner Bros. enough to make them vulnerable for a merger or acquisition. Warner Bros. Also has a lot of power in the telecom industry which is a market Disney has no foothold in.

Warner Bros. Is the only company that is a true rival to Disney. If Comcast had won the bidding war against Disney for Fox they could have been a viable third pillar, but unless they buy out someone smaller, Warner Bros remains the only real firewall in Disney conquering the entertainment industry.


>King Ghidorah



>the movie

You read my mind, after coming out of the theater I couldn't stop thinking how much better even Final Wars was, at least the action was visible.
This movie made me apreciate how good the Millenium saga actually was

At least we didn't have to endure a CPR scene on the not-breathing-daughter. If they launched into le CPR like San Andreas I was going to walk out of the movie. Stupid little bitch deserved to die for activating the "Piss off Gidorah" signal and then camping the device til he showed up (really pissed).

lmao Endgame came and went, move on loser.

They should've removed him and everything he sound completely and outright. Even that kid from megalon is less annoying

This alone is what shit on 2014.

I was waiting for it. It would have been pretty awkward to be Kyle Chandler and be told "here's the part where you put your mouth on hers," h-haha.

You forgot to list redditzam and john wick 3

>>stronk womyn
Black female soldier was commanding Monarch
>>evil white males
Evil old white eco-terrorist
Try again faggot

>>entire post is cited
And you keep ignoring the part that actually matters. Ya goofed, sorry. Maybe you didnt read the post correctly?

Disney has no agenda against Warner Brothers.
Warners is content to team up with their new Chink partners to churn out films that make Last Knight look cerebral. They do it to themselves.
Harry Potter is just about the last thing keeping them alive.
WB's plan is to pander at Chinks and hot topic Joker fans as hard as they possibly can between Potter-verse installments.

>"Where are you going"
>"I'm going to look for my daugther!"
>"Do you know here she is?"
>"Then where are you going?"
And then he tries to leave anyway. He was in the one place on earth where he was most capable of finding her location, but it didn't fucking matter that he had zero motivation to leave and no plan for what direction to even head in the second he left, because they needed a scene where something interrupted him leaving. If something hadn't stopped he, he would've literally just had to immediately return because there was absolutely nowhere else for him to go. I can't fucking stand writing like this. It's not even like it HAD to happen that way, they just didn't give a shit.

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>GMK did it better
every monster jobbed hilariously hard to Godzilla in that movie

At least there were actual. paced fights.

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That shot of Ghidorah's ass from the ground was hot.

>The monster scenes were amazing but most of the characters and dialogues were pure cringe

doesn't this apply to most Toho films

Legitimately no less silly physics than Godzilla's breath suddenly being a FORCE BEAM that can send Gidorah flying in KoM.

And that human-built temple complex AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN, with Godzilla-scale passages, leading to a lethally radioactive chamber. That was amazingly wtf and convenient-as-fuck. I got a giggle out of the retarded heiroglyphs tho.

The physics of Godzilla's atomic breath are where you draw the line? He literally blew King Ghidorah away, that shit was awesome.

I'm willing to accept fantastical fantasy physics.
The basic premise involves creatures that couldn't support their own weight unless they were on the moon.
I DO ask for a bit of consistency, I have a problem with Cyclops of the X-Men melting steel doors with OPTIC BLAST too.

what the FUCK are they going to do with Godzilla vs Kong lmao. that nibba Kong is nothing in comparison to Ghidorah, Rodan.

Godzilla isn't a female, it's 2019 people!

Lets not get physics involved in this. Godzilla is literally so super massive and heavy it would need like 2 or 3 sets of bones to keep its weight from crushing itself.

Yeah, the plot wasn't the best but makes sense (in it's weird way) and it's a more solid movie, fights where actually engaging.
This was simply a big MEH

Wait, we're pretending that the movies of the old films had good fights? They might not have been amazing in KotM but certainly better than shit like beam spam central of Heisei and some of the stuff in late Showa.

He does that in pretty much every movie from the '90s onward, too.

Kong is supposed to be all Ong-Bak super ninja monkey with improvised Nunchuks and shit.
I wish to God I was fucking with you.

Godzilla's atomic breath has always struck with a ton of force, though, ever since he almost knocked the female muto off her feet in 2014.

Because if its considered good, people would watch this film instead of Avengers for the 3rd time and beat Avatar

I don't know if you can tell, but this thread is full of elitist Godzilla fans who secretly have never actually seen another Godzilla movie

Well the late showa era was aimed at kids and delivered on the fun factor. Heisei had some duds.
But any millenium-era Godzilla or even heisei Gamera shit all over this movie

Honestly I feel like maybe they should have done kong v zilla first. This movie might be the next justice league in regards to jumping the gun too soon. Hopefully not though, I'd be really fucking sad if my boy got canned.

You have to be 18 to post here

The beam spamming in the Heisei series was awful, but I disagree with you on the late showa fights. We got Hedorah, Godzilla flying. the Godzilla Tower, Gigan opening up Anguiris' face with his buzzsaw, Jet Jaguar, Godzilla's flying dropkick, and, well, everything in the MechaGodzilla films.

not really. they were hardly fights. the monsters literally didn't last a minute against godzilla since they just drop dead after one or two hits from the atomic breath

Really makes one think.

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>muh rick and morty boogieman
Nobody fucking cares. Holy shit, we all agree the guy was awful and needed to go.

>I'd be really fucking sad if my boy got canned.
Won't happen, as GvK is too far into development to cancel it. At most it will probably be the last "Monsterverse" movie.

We get far more long stretches of grappling and swinging and Godzilla fucking things up than we do in KotM.

That was always the plan, short of King of the Monsters making ~$50m worldwide over the course of its theatrical run. We're safe!

Wasn't it a known fact that it will GvK is the last? As far as I know Toho can release a new Godzilla movie next year and knowing toho, they're probably already working on a triology to release the day they get the rights again

I'll give you Mecha Godzilla, but of the stuff is just too goofy. It was a blast as a kid but going back and rewatching them, I don't think they hold up. But I will agree more fights need to happen during the day.

Careful now, user. Don't want to being logic into an argument in this thread

GvK is when the contract ends, but they can renew it effortlessly if they wanted to. It's just up to if Toho and Warner Brothers both feel like the movies are making enough money to justify doing so

I think we'd just have to disagree, I still love those battles. Anything to break the monotony of watching two monsters wave their limbs and shoot completely ineffective beams at each other.

Because monster movies tend to appeal to a niche audience.

Imagine wanting to see King Ghidorah's lightning or Mothra's glow in the middle of the fucking afternoon.
Fuck off, moron.

I liked how the heads felt like they're actually conjoined twins unlike in the Toho movies were he is basically a single being that happens to have 3 heads

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But eco-terrorists are all white middle-class punks who think everyone else is wrong

And not all of them were equal.

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Is visually stunning, but otherwisw is not great.

It’s a fine matinee film

You can tell that was a forced Marvel quip shoved in at the last minute at least

Fair enough, we'll probably disagree on the fact I find KotM (while not the best Godzilla film by any stretch), better than around half of the films from the Showa/Heisei/Millennium eras too. But it's nice to have someone civil on here.

You really think Monsterverse is still in a good spot for Toho to extend Legendary's contract?

>You will never be triple-penetrated by Ghidorah-kun while screaming 'Fuck me daddy!'
Why even live?

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is that mammoth some monster from Toho or is he an OC?

Is it bad I thought it was cooling seeing Muto, a huge Mammoth and a Spider Kaiju at the end? I thought it was neat they made some attempt to have original USA Kaijus mixed with the OG japanese ones


Of course, and I apologize if I came off as being unpleasant or angry. It's not worth it getting mad over a Godzilla film, of all things - I think we all just want to have a great and enjoyable experience watching these movies and discussing them. And thank you for talking about it with me, it's always nice to share these thoughts with kindred spirits.
I didn't think it was going to happen anyway, but who knows? I wouldn't mind smaller scale stuff after this.

The entirety of his dialogue, no his entire purpose in the movie is to spout cheese like a cheese fountain.
There isn't a single redeemable performance in this movie. At all.

I"m gonna ruffle some feathers here, but 90% of the old movies are pure garbage trash. Oh look i'm godzilla but I can bob and weave and box now! Oh I can skate on my tail now and use my breath as a booster! Like come the fuck on, this shit is cheesy garbage at best.

The majority of Godzilla movies are light sci-fantasy entertainment for children.
An entirely different genre than these modern films.

I wish they had used some least known Toho monster in his place like Baragon mostly because I think he is very cute with his pug eyes and floppy ears

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The OC monster designs reminded me of the monsters from the Zilla animated series

Mmmm .... The material itself isn’t really literature classic to start with. For I care, there is one the only, the original one lives up to its hype among tons of “a name “Godzilla” in the titles. The rest of them are just another flicks that suppose to provide the good time at the cinema. I think it would fun to ask those who made harsh comment that on what ground you think the way you thought.

I like Baragon too. He's the puppy of the Toho roster. We have one more next year and the Toho cinematic universe to look forward to. I hope to see him in a movie again.

I dunno but I think I might have liked 2014 slightly more? There was less monster shit and that sucks, but what was there just felt like it packed more of a punch.

Still had a decent time with KoTM though.

Apparently Toho is super stingy with licensing out monsters. that's why the spider squid thing was an OC too

>Kong vs Godzilla is after this movie

Why didn’t they do Kong vs Godzilla before this one? I feel like this one is a grander finale

The story that isn't Godzilla and or Gidorah beat-em-ups is tonally all over the place.
We get a teenie girl, which is fine, but she's flipping the bird and swearing which is supposed to be appropriate for what audience?
Long stretches of characters making passionate speeches that are incredibly stupid or self-serving or presumptuous given that they actually know very little about these creatures motives, and it's a bit much to assume they even have complex motives. And as a counter-point to all the pretentious dialogue, we have a ton of incredibly shitty one-liners.

>bats baragon and then insta-kills it with atomic breath
>only physical contact with Ghidorah is a bite and a shove into a building before insta-killing it with atomic breath
>smacks Mothra with his tail before atomic breathing her twice
>just zaps Ghidorah again after he's resurrected
>this is more than the antarctic scene which were just two monsters wrestling for 10 minutes, the scene where Godzilla grabs Ghidorah out of the air and drags him into the sea, and the entire Boston scene

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>one bowing to it's natural prey is wtf
No, they're Godzilla's prey, he's not theirs.

GvK is looking like it's going to have mechagodzilla/Ghidora or some other plot point that requires it to be after. We will have to wait and see

I could have swore their ecosystem was built on implanting eggs in Godzillas from the 2014 movie.

I hope hey actually do pull Destroyah from the severed Ghidorah head somehow and have the final act of GvK be Kong, Godzilla, Rodan, and Mothra Jr teaming up against him.

I am expecting Orochi but yeah, we'lorhl have to wait and see.

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True, they could say they used the severed head of Gidorah to make mecha gidorah

Never heard of Orochi. What's he from?

Is he directly related to Ghidorah?

Japanese Mythology.

Saw this today. """Critics""" are absolute sewer drinking mongoloids if they think this movie was trash. This not only btfo of 2014 it's a solid 8-9/10

Yes, Japanese mythology. Toho debuted their own version in a separate feature film to the Godzilla series.


This. Most critics are already owned by Disney

I especially liked the part in black panther where the black-skinned violent person chucked a spear. Very progressive.

I thought the spider was Kumonga

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Anyone see the film in 4DX? Always wanted to check out a movie in that format but the closest theater is nearly 2 hours away; this one worth making the drive?

Nah. The spider squid thing only had 6 legs.

Nope. It's a new guy because they didn't have the rights

Also wondering this. I have a 4dx like 15 minutes away but I'm cautious to spend the extra money to try it

FPBP, surprised no one else acknowledges this.

If dubs Gigan is the main antagonist in Godzilla 3 (not Godzilla vs Kong).

I fucking loved the film. It's funny though because I posted a thread on here a year ago literally detailing the entire fucking plot of the movie down to the letter just from watching the trailer. Sure as shit I was right, it was another divorced family story with the mom being retarded. If anything though I was glad that they didn't try to make her seem like the right one in the end, she KNEW she fucked up by the end of the film. Either way, Critics are literal leaches on society. This movie was great.

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Can't wait for an edit that removes the shitty puns and family drama

I thought it was a redesign of Crustaceous Rex from the animated series.

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Probably not. But look at it this way, it ends before the SJW nonesense can super infest it beyond the token diveristy army.

Agreed. There's more incentive to just watch movies instead of looking to critics first.

I don't blame them given how the West shits on everything nice. I loved the new film though.

It was incredible! Definitely added heavily to the experience for me - there was one moment in particular near the beginning of the movie that I absolutely was not expecting but completely drew me in. You'll know it when it happens, that's all I'll say.
We had a white, magically empowered family as the protagonists, what more can you ask for?

I don't see Toho renewing up with WB/Legendary when its clear the people at Legendary intend to scrub Japan from the Godzilla mythos and replace it with China.
They aren't making THAT much money.

Just came back from IMAX. I was pretty much grinning like an autistic kid through the entire film. This was just fucking amazing, and further proved to me that 90% of the critics are complete and utter retards.

The human story completely made sense; Emma was a character that got traumatized by Godzilla's first "attack", and went into a state where she had to justify that her son died for SOMETHING, even if it means destorying almost all of humanity. She tried to pretty much brainwash her daughter (which actually worked until Ghidorah's release) to think that her own father is the enemy and everything she does is for "the family". In my opinion this made for a great human storyline, a million times better than Godzilla 2014's.

The cinematography, shot composition and sound desing were astounding. Some of the scenes like Godzilla's underwater appearance were just utter fucking KINO. The battles were much much better, the finale was fucking amazing, and I just got even more hyped for the future sequels.

Honestly one of the best Godzilla movies I've ever seen. Can't wait for Kong.

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Who was in the wrong here?

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Wish disney payed me to say I was hyped af to see it and came out disappointed af
It's alright, but so much wasted potential. The Rodan entry was the only part that felt like watching a kaiju since we see a city get destroyed, then its just cgi monsters and rain.
Skull Island was better

>I was pretty much grinning like an autistic kid
So business as usual.

The sabatoge is working. $130 million only. That’s 1/3 of the 1998 box office

I might go watch it again just to review that part of the characters

Cool story user. Glad to read that you enjoyed it.

Wouldn't be surprised if it's the next toho made godzilla film

Full agreement, Skull Island was a much better movie.

Is anyone else offended that they fridged Mothra in this movie? She died purely to advance Godzilla's story. Typical monster patriarchy. #itwashertime

1/3rd of the weekend opening?

Critics, all the way
The movie wasnt perfect, no, but it was satisfying
She's coming back in GvK, bank on it

I'd be fans over critics any day. If I saw this as a non-fan or regular movie goer I would probably go see it that day.

Not really. She was glorious and laid an egg. We'll see her offspring most likely.

As someone who fucking loved the film, I ALSO wished there were more fight scenes in the city rather than the middle of nowhere. I wanted to see cities blown up and destroyed. It's funny that WB have destroyed countless fucking cities in their shitty DC universe and bored me to tears but the one film where I WANT to see a destroyed city, they don't do it. Fucking bastard kikes.

I do agree that it's a bit problematic that she's the only kaiju coded as feminine. That, and it's a little weird that the kaiju are gendered anyway.

The whole fight with Baragon probably goes on for three and a half minutes, with brief glimpses of Yuri and Takeda trying to get closer and then getting in danger.

In a span of one minute the Monarch crew hollers at control panels with brief glimpses of Godzilla grappling Ghidorah in underwater shakycam.

Honestly the most fun I've had watching a movie in a decade at least. The only thing that annoyed me were the glasses guy who tried to constantly break jokes.
Oh yeah and one thing I forgot: the callbacks and "easter eggs" were great as well. The remix of the original themes, the oxygen destroyer, "Monster Zero", etc. Really appreciated them.

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It was a good ass movie and the plot all made sense. Millie was so hot in this too

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Skull Island and 2014 set up the premise that the Kaijus weren't unique but part of titan "races".

Except maybe Ghidorah, who they figure out is an extra-terrestrial from cave paintings that give no hint that it's extraterrestrial Becuz Story.

Mothra gets fucked in almost EVERY SINGLE film she is in. Hell, in her VERY FIRST film against Godzilla she gets destroyed in like 5 fucking minutes.

Don’t forget the casual reveal of the Mothra tribe twins

Look at this gay ass faggot lying, what part of the plot didnt make sense

Yeah, it was pretty fun. The engineer was annoying. He just complained and made light of everything.

wawawawait, what? I completely skipped over that, details?

she was dying anyway in Mothra vs Godzilla, and even then she kept Godzilla on the ground for a long time before he got in the wing

Nobody is calling it a masterpiece, we are, however, calling out bullshit claiming its trash when its literally just a weak story. The entire move is strong as fuck outside of the weak plot and some really shitty one-liners. Point me to a monster movie with monster fight scenes as good as this one. I'll wait.

Fair enough, but at the very least, I want more female and nongendered kaiju representation. Give me diversity or give me death!

how did anyone miss this, there's like a good two or three minutes of Chinese wife showing Kyle Chandler family photos and every female is a twin, also she has a twin sister at the Mothra cocoon site

Jesus, that's Captain Marvel tier levels of awful dialogue

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>Mike Stoklasa [will] like it

Asian girl says she's the granddaughter of the 60s twins and her own twin is the one who sees Mothra emerge from her cocoon after it's blessed by the Gemini constellation.

You probably went to the bathroom when they showed the identical twin sitting in front of reborn Mothra, as well as the other one showing family photos of all the women siblings of each generation being completely identical, all while having connection with Mothra on their expeditions for her related artifacts

It was all from one character that could have just not been in this movie with nothing of importance lost.

holy shit I completely skipped over it because I focused too much on the older Japanese women trying to find some connection

that's awesome

Actually, yeah. The end desing looked like a bug, Mothra is supposed to be full of light and color, that thing did not spark joy.

I would've enjoyed it more on an IMAX probably, the music was gr8. but man, so many missed opportunities

Was anybody else bothered by the xenophobic nature of the conflict? Is Godzilla the Trump of the kaiju, wanting to wipe out the alien just for the crime of visiting Earth?

The Chink scientist had a couple of twin girls in her family, its a pretty vague "easter egg".
>We have Kaijus on lock down, nations want their DNA, so lets have security that a half dozen guys with AR-15s can overcome.

Because fuck China.

>there will be some blog posts actually spinning this
Mark my words

Godzilla acting like a complete wimp and turning himself into a nightlight at the thought of fighting King Ghidorah was pretty shameful, not gonna lie.

The audience

>pretty vague
>every female is a twin
>two of them are in a photo captioned INFANT ISLAND, 1961

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>The whole scene with Vera and Kyle having a shitty fucking tantrum
God what an awful scene. Thankfully the next scene after that was the GOAT Rodan scene so it got the taste out of my mouth.

Yea Forumsmblr is already saying this shit

For newcomers they'll have no idea why it's in the movie. They should've spent more time on it or made a Mothra solo film again

I unironically love this line.

>for newcomers

Who gives a fuck

>Who gives a fuck
If we want normies to fund our kino then we should

Pacific Rim 1 and Kong Skull Island.




gotta love the scene when Rodan bows to Goji

>sorry for siding with your rival a few minutes ago, pal

I would disagree. Godzilla doesn't strike first, and the music when he appears to confront King Ghidorah honestly seemed more remorseful than anything.

I only noticed the two twin little girls in the picture. They jumped around on characters so much, and there was so much intercontinental travel, that I automatically assumed the Chinese chick(s) were the same character.

they literally used their song/theme
movie would've been 1000 times better if that gril was the lead character

What a shitty poster

Skull Island's influence was pretty clear on KOM, that is, the savage scrabbling and grappling, lots of writhing around and trying to get a good grip, the advantage Kong has of course is it's broad daylight and unga bunga is more agile and can use tools but that's not what you expect from Godzilla in the first place

Kong is the same universe so you can argue they're the same (which they are, one is just day time and the other is night time). PRs fight scenes are nearly all at night (a big reason because are hating on this movie) and are about the same, but not quite as good. Try again.

>when Godzilla avenges his waifu

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He has like five lines and most likely wants to kill himself for being in such a critic stained flop. I know I would.

are you fucking stupid, for not only taking the initial statement seriously but also for not seeing how clear it is Godzilla fucking hates Ghidorah that he was pissed before he was even thawed out?

So is Kong gonna like double in size in the next movie?

>when he keeps exploding, and her spirit keeps roaring

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He was very goofy in this movie, i don't even know why you'd hire a guy like him for this role


Considering he was a teenager is his own movie and that was like 30/40 years ago, yeah probably.

Who else got a boner at the end when Godzilla appeared to be gulping down Ghidora's head? H-Hah...N-Not me....Would have been awesome if he had just swallowed though, instead of blasting him...hah hah...

Why does Kong look more chimp-like in this teaser image than the noble Harambe visage?

Attached: godzilla+vs.+kong.jpg (640x375, 127K)

Pretty sure it's a meme reference desu

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Calm down and rephrase your post and I'll respond to it.

>beefed up
>chrging sound
>expecting a slightly larger, red beam

my dick flew off

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more soul

I unironically saw an article around the time of Skull Island comparing Kong and Godzilla to Trump and how populism has lead to people wanting Kangz and how that's a bad thing.

>muh soul
Now you can fuck off

The water effects in the Kong fight alone surpass anything in King of the Monsters.
And fully daylit.


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I was hoping they were going to sexualize her more. Kikes must have not had anything to do with this one.

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Lel, makes sense that he was the first head ripped off

I forgot how fucking amazing Skull Island was, just in terms of the fighting scenes. Kong ripping out the Skullcrawler's intestines, the poison gas+katana scene, the flashing camera scene, just amazing

Which of the Heisei era should I watch and which to avoid? Loved '85 and Godzilla vs Biollante although not a big fan of the flying base was funny though

It helps too, that the scale of Kong Island is such that armed humans aren't utterly inconsequential.
I eyerolled when the Monarch guys opened fire on Ghidorah at the Antarctic. I mean, it hadn't actually attacked anything yet, and at that scale small arms fire is retarded.

vs Mothra and Vs Spacegodzilla are the only truly bad Heisei kino

>Which of the Heisei era should I watch
vs Ghidorah is pure kino

The new poster better do something like highlight God and King in Godzilla vs King Kong

Watch it all

I hope RLM review it and Mike gives it a 10/10 while Jay is sad



Alright, thanks guys. By the way that vs Ghidorah poster is fucking amazing to the point that I want to print it

You should. I have it laminated on my wall