Game of Thrones FAQ

Explain me the Vale.

Not defending your liege means open rebellion, even if you don't attack him. Why the lords of the Vale would agree to Lysa Arryn (a foreigner, no matter who's wife she was) tactic to do nothing ? Why Joffrey isn't immediatly sending his troops after Stannis and Robb are defeated ? Dorne had the excuse of being far for the battle but the Vale is close to both the North, the Riverlands and the Kingslands were 95% of the fight went on.

Was there really nobody in the Vale capable of pointing out how crazy the breastfeeding lunatic middle-age woman leading them really was ? How Littlefinger scheme were completly obvious ?

Fuck at some point you could make a coup and take the power in the entire Vale just with 20 good men and some balls. It's a wonder no Braavosi adventurers tried that.

Attached: index.jpg (244x206, 11K)

You are a brainlet

You're not very smart.

I'm only pointing out how dumb the Lords of the Vale were. The Lannisters were the most likely to win, Stannis was a close second and both of them were gonna punish the Vale for not helping them. Instead, they didn't even help the only one sympathic to the Vale, Robb.

Waiting to get punished made no sense

Littlefinger bribed some of the powerful Vale lords or planned to have them killed. The book explains it properly

>"He put down his quill. "Redfort and Waynwood are old. One or both of them may die. Gilwood Hunter will be murdered by his brothers. Most likely by young Harlan, who arranged Lord Eon's death. In for a penny, in for a stag, I always say. Belmore is corrupt and can be bought. Templeton I shall befriend. Bronze Yohn Royce will continue to be hostile, I fear, but so long as he stands alone he is not so much a threat."

>not defending your liege
Lysa is a scared crazy person
>why no coup
Regent to her son, their Lord. Arryns have ruled the Vale for hundreds of years, not such an easy thing to betray
>why isn't joff attacking them
Afterwards he would be in the right but he doesn't need more enemies
>why no one take Eyrie
Because then whoever rules the throne at the end of the conflict is gonna go fuck up wherever took the Vale. Only people retarded enough to do something like that are ironborn
They are sworn to their liege

Lysa kept Vale untouched and safe. The smallfok probably weren't complaining.

That's for taking power, how did he manage to make them betray Joffrey in the first place ?

Obeying your liege doesn't mean you're suppose to rebel against the Crown.

The smalfolk I understand, the high lords it's very odd.

You're very unintelligent. Not defending your liege does NOT mean open rebellion. Doing nothing is a totally valid tactic. Sending troops to punish people for not rebelling is retarded.

Because the lords don't get to decide. The only person that can rally the vale is the lord of the vale. Joff will punish the Arryns for the "betrayal". the way the feudalism system of Westeros works, the high lords dont get a choice

> Show Oberyn: let's make peace, Lannisters tend to lose peace.
> Book Oberyn: let's make peace... until Young Griff come
> Show Lysa: Petyr4life
> Book Lysa: Petyr4life
> Book Littlefinger: My masterplan involves the one kingdom untouch by the war and the North who is grateful from being freed of the Boltons
> TV Littlefinger: My masterplan involves fucking around in Winterfell with no purpose.

It is rebellion. Feudalism works that way, you're obligated to defend your liege. Refusing is treason.

>I'm only pointing out how dumb the Lords of the Vale were.
What do you mean? It all worked out perfectly for them. They're the only area that wasn't weakened by the war, and the only area that's adequately prepared for winter in terms of food supplies. They went from one of the weaker kingdoms to probably the strongest just by doing nothing.
>It is rebellion. Feudalism works that way, you're obligated to defend your liege. Refusing is treason.
Not if you retroactively pay lipservice to whoever wins. Especially if you're the only area with it's entire army intact.

Can some explain to me how the most mountainous area of Westeros also has the most knights and considerable amounts of cavalry?
Mountains and steep hills aren't the most suitable environment for horses, neither for riding nor for breeding them.

The mountains are filled with bandits and barbarians, there are only a few somewhat safe roads through them. All the civilized people live in the vale behind the mountains, thus the kingdom being called the Vale.

Attached: the vale.jpg (1024x683, 189K)

Yes but "the vale" is relatively tiny, hilly and full of rocky coast line, still not very good land for raising horses.
I mean what about the reach or dorne, realistically they should have the largest amounts of horses and cavalry

how do you go from this to getting shanked by a goblin in a dining hall?

Petyr conspired to keep them out of the war. In the book and before the show went to shit Petyr planned for the war to remove the starks from power so he could use the army of the vale to install himself in the north.
Robin arryn and his regent mother were under Petyr's influence, and he skillfully used politics and threats to keep the majority of the lords against intervention.

>Yes but "the vale" is relatively tiny, hilly and full of rocky coast line, still not very good land for raising horses.
If I remember correctly it's described as a fairly flat area that's insanely fertile for farming.
>I mean what about the reach or dorne, realistically they should have the largest amounts of horses and cavalry
I think the Reach does have the the most cavalry and knights, or at least did before the war began. They made up the bulk of Renly's army. Dorne on the other hand is almost entirely a desert.

Attached: Dorne.png (1130x715, 1.64M)

It's Morrowind horses

Why does everyone in both the show and fanbase pretend like Tyrion is some kind of awesome negotiator when in reality he fails at pretty much every negotiation he ever attempts?

Davos could talk circles around him and has a better beard.

>It is rebellion. Feudalism works that way, you're obligated to defend your liege. Refusing is treason.
Feudalism isnt a universal system you colossal imbecile, your liege can call upon you to raise levies for him but it depends on what oath he made you swear whether you're obliged to and you can STILL deny him. He can try to punish you afterwards like you said, even though it's not a REBELLION, but it would be unbelievably stupid to do so straight after a war, because you're weak and spent from warfare, especially invading something like the Vale.

It's a minor risk at best to play neutral and slightly damaging at worst.

In the show he was pretty clever at the start but, just like every other character, dropped 20 iq points when his storyline diverged from the books.

> play CK2 Agot as the Vale
> "I'm so smart, i'll just wait for everyone to be exhausted and then i'll declare independance or even take the Throne".
> Tywin dies of old age at the start of the war.
> "Wait... what ?"
> Stannis make a pact with Robb. They crush the Lannisters, the North/Riverlands become independant and Stannis get the Iron Throne.
> All Lannisters are executed. Rhllor is now my official religion and Stannis is asking me to convert. Robb died in a trial by combat against the Great Jon (no idea why or why he fought himself) and Bran declared war on the White Walkers.
> Dany united Mehreen, Yunkai, Astapor and she's conquering Volantis.

Muh... muh masterplan !

You can still turn on Stannis if and when Dany invades. Though seeing that she went the full anti-slavery path, she'll probably get assassinated before making it to westeros.

I'm fucked.

If all else fails just murder every king until the realm falls apart.

I focus on economy, I suck at scheming. Stannis has Varys.

Now the White Walkers just got defeated by Mormont and the North.

Where's my chaos ladder !

>Stannis has Varys.
how? Did he found a way to grow Varys balls?

Varys kinda comes with the territory