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This is probably true, but she won't work in any other states either

Because she's not very good and her career is over

What? You want her to get a time machine?

last time i checked northern ireland wasnt a state

But it is you utter retard

Wow so brave!!! Despite the fact that the movie industry only gives a shit about California and New York. Virtue signaling roastie.

>when your number 1 political concern is murdering your own children
>this is somehow an acceptable thing to admit out loud

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Is Sophie's husband glad to know that his dutiful wife's in love with the idea of getting pregnant only to change her mind 8 months in and dump little fucker in the drain?

>>when your number 1 political concern is murdering your own children
doesn't matter what you call it, Christfag
her body, her choice

A lot of production is now in Georgia, since all these liberals want more taxes but don't actually want to pay them so they're going to red states.

>Ban abortion
>the trash of society who promote it promise not to come to your state
Sounds like a win-win.


What about not working in places where thousands of girls are being raped by a certain group?
Nah fuck girls, girl power.

that pic was tens of pounds ago

>her career is over
spinoff of her rule of Tha Norf

Women can give birth to themselves?

Why are you faggots so obsessed with this shit? Humans are a plague, who the fuck cares if you get rid of a non-sentient fetus. But “muh degeneracy and morality”, get the fuck out. Humans inherently have little value, anyone that says otherwise has an inflated sense of importance.

Also where is the television show/movie in the OP you faggot

>non whites are a plague

Fixed that for you


fetus != child

I highly doubt you'll still be anti abortion when someone you love is carrying the spawn of some gang banger rapist.

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Good, these will keep the fruitcakes out of the south
Stay out faggots. We're backwards bigots

keep in mind everytime you beat it to blacked porn you are also murdering children

northern ireland logic
>abortion is bad
>carbombing the living fuck out of anyone who happens to be walking by is fine

>Non sentient
You mean sapient? Because they want abortion legalized even right after birth

Someone can be your child without being a child. You'd know that if you stopped jerking off to anime and started a family. Please dont reproduce tho. But feel free to stfu/kys