The Dark Crystal Prequel!?

Finally get to see some some much needed puppet action lads it looks amazing!

Attached: The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance.png (614x370, 217K)

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Why watch Netflix crap like this when you could just watch Thunderbolt Fantasy instead?

please have sex

oy vey

Attached: 1545637164518.jpg (1000x563, 393K)

It does look amazing Yea Forums brainlets can't even handle how much of a underrate genius Henson was

Have you never seen the original m8,there's a reason that the turtles movies from the 90s still hold hold up til today

Attached: even donny is freaked out.jpg (600x600, 397K)

Fuck Netflix and fuck shills

>enjoying things made you a shill
proceed to practise sexual intercourse

I watched Dark Crystal recently and I don't get the hype. The Skeksis were interesting but everything was just bland trash.

Did the atmosphere & feeling of dread not hook you user?

Came to say this. Thunder Fantasy is pure puppet kino.
Dark Crystal looks cool though.

Not really. I guess you need to have seen it growing up, I never did. The Skeksis are interesting and I'd love to know more about them.

People only like it because the puppets look neat, as an actual film there’s nothing noteworthy about it. Same with Labyrinth.

>zoomers just dont "get" The Dark Crystal

Attached: zoomers.webm (720x720, 2.57M)

Getting paid to promote shit shows makes you a shill

Wow that looks fucking dope. I really hope Netflix doesn’t ruin it. I can’t see how they could since the characters are all puppets from another race. Not really any room to shoehorn in political agendas.

I enjoy the world of Thra. Looking forward to pirating this.

Dear God.. someone give me the nuclear codes I have to save this blessed mother earth from an infection

Labyrinth is a better constructed movie. So much of Dark Crystal feels like a Lord of the Rings knock-off, and it falls right between that awkward space of being too dark for little kids yet too immature for teens/adults.

The opposite actually. It flopped because boomers all knew it was garbage when it first came out and only became a “”“cult classic””” when zoomers watched it on DVD years later.

read the novelization, if you can find it.
there's quite a lot of backstory on them and their planet, it's all canon

>Age of Resistance


>gelflings are peaceful cucks
>skeksis attack
>gelflings fight back
That's the act of resisting, redditor.

no nonono nonononono, you fucking faggot lefty bitch, this is about trump like it always is with you melted brain soidrinking fucknuts

because Dark Crystal has a cool and unique fantasy world and isn´t just another generic samurai setting

>implying we won't see just how gelflings finally fight

Dark Crystal bored me to fucking tears

>ralph ineson

Could be good.

Had to look for the thread... shame on Yea Forums. They would make 20 GoT threads like a bunch of normies but won´t hype the Dark Crystal prequel. Honestly Yea Forums never discusses good stuff anymore.

I want to fuck the puppet

don't worry she'll be dead by the end of the movie anyway


how's that?

Attached: Confused Mouse.png (372x497, 243K)