Are you still paying for this shit?

Are you still paying for this shit?

If so, why?

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my gf pays for it and i use her account

I never did. Imagine paying to get brainwashed.

It has all the seasons of Supernatural

Cancelled my account 2 weeks ago.
Can't find anything worth watching.

My mother has one

>start something new and kind of like it
>immediately they shove a nigger into it to fuck a white woman for no reason at all

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My friend met an American girl at some point like 5 years ago and got her Netflix account.

I still use it. The bitch rarely watches anything and when she does she watches 1 episode of something and never watches it again.

thats nice of him

I've been using my dad's 2nd wife's netflix password for like 10 years now

I like rewatching Star Trek desu

Because I have disposable income

How's it feel coming from a broken home?

That makes more of a chad, I'm also s nigger btw

I really thought Netflix was great in like 2014 but now its horrible everything is garbage

>I'm not
My dad is

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i know a guy who was anti netflix because he lived with his parents and his mommy didnt let him have an account

Sound like a truly pathetic person

>Paying for streaming

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>Are you still paying for this shit?
I've noticed a ton of new Korean, Turkish and Indian movies on NETFLIX.
What the fuck.

How can you have such a selection and have nothing to watch?

>ow can you have such a selection and have nothing to watch?
Says more about Hollywood than about NETFLIX.

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Waiting for Manhunter to come back

my parents still use it

I said I would if they brought back Lucifer and they did so until WB removes it I'm subscribed

no, I have the Patrician's streaming choice

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This, I still pay for it just for Picard, I should just buy the Bluray sets desu

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You can still find a lot of good shows and documentaries on there. Hulu is expensive as fuck! 15 bucks a month. Fuck that shit and HBO is not much better.

I've never paid for a Netflix subscription. I just used a gf's account. That was 5 or so years ago.

Dude it's like £7.99 a month and you can always find something to watch. What kind of pathetic loser wouldn't be subbed to at least one streaming service?

>paying for media

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Never paid to begin with.
>paying for things you can just torrent

So nothing of value?

>What kind of pathetic loser wouldn't be subbed to at least one streaming service?

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I'm getting ready to cancel mine. They send me recommendations in my email every few days and they are a movie about niggers accused of murder in New York, a documentary about AOC the congressman, a documentary about illegal aliens. I never watch anything like this, it's like how Youtube keeps recommending me Daily Show and John OIlver clips, I never watch anything that would indicate I like that stuff


oy vey the goyim!

They say they are recommended from my viewing. They are obviously not

And you can't think of a different way to spend your disposable income than Netflix? How stupid are you?

Netflix is progressive and as such sees capitalism as the biggest oppressor of the women and non-white males (same thing really).
Paying them is literally an insult to them as you are perpetuating the systems of oppression through it.

>paying for streaming services
>funding women/nigger propaganda

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I can find anything to watch on Google.

Why would I use 6 euros a month for that "service" that I already get for free? Is your life so empty there is really nothing more important to use money on than a service you don't need?

Why do you hate people of color?

not him, but it's not even more than 1% of my salary. 60% goes to savings/Investment. it barely put a dent on my budget

$12/month is literally fucking nothing. My wife and I have a combined household income of $210k/yr.
>CAD, but still
Why wouldn't we pay for it? There's some good stuff on there sometimes. The entire year is only 0.06% of our annual salaries.

My parents are waiting for me to finish watching The Trailer Park Boys, then they'll cancel it.

Chef's table was an absolute kino through all of its seasons (German chef was the biggest cunt of them all, to nobody's surprise), but then they had to go and shoved an episode about 'undocumented citizen' into it and I unsubscribed from the Netflix.

An even stupider way to "spend" your money than Netflix.

I doubt you're intelligent enough to become an investor. You would spend more time watching the market flow over watching garbage shows on Netflix.


>he doesn't realize that savings for many people includes investments, because people type shorthand on the internet to make a point

Go back.

savings is investment in Austrian school. or consider it as cash in your portfolio if you're too autistic about it

If you're not attempting to multiply it you're not investing in anything.

Hoarding cash is the stupidest thing you could do with your money.

yes, because I'm not a poorfag and its cost is entirely negligible, especially compared to the convenience it provides.


i never paid for streaming access for stuff i can actually own on my hard drive for free in better quality and never will

>I'm throwing money away because I'm not poor
That's.... Your reasoning?

Legitimately about to cancel. Nothing on it I want to watch.

And if there was something you wanted to watch, why wouldnt you pirate it?

An external hard drive is a better use of your money than Netflix.

"savings" is money the bank uses to invest or loan out to other things and gives you around a 2% APY if you're smart about choosing the right banks, federally insured up to $250,000. I've been chucking most of my excess wealth into savings accounts ever since I started working my first job at 16 years old, and I get about $5000 of "free" money every year of APY to either throw back into my various savings accounts, or spend on whatever the fuck I want.

It's not as "fast" as normal investment portfolios (which I also have) but it's extremely safe and consistent

>convenience is "throwing away money"
>$120 a year is a lot of money
if you drop a penny on the ground and it rolls under a car in a parking lot, do you chase after that penny? are you that fucking desperate? fucking poorfaggots lmao.

I had a job so $10/mo wasn't a big deal. Now I don't and the price keeps going up.

I've been Netflix-free for over a year now.

A jew would search for it. They know the value of money, which is why they rule over you.

not understanding time and effort vs money and opportunity cost is the biggest sign that you're never gonna make it. you need to lay off the /pol/ my uneducated friend.

dude, having 5% of cash in your portfolio is normal. do I need to tell you why?

I suggest you look into properties.

You will never get ahead in life if you think the bank will make you rich.

Why aren't you buying apartments and renting them? If you manage to own 5 properties you won't ever need to work again(at least in my country) . While I don't mean to insult your intelligence no more. I do feel there are better uses of that money you own. I wish you the best user. Look into it.

Unless you are holding a deflating currency. Then it's not entirely dumb. But you could still toss it in some risk free shit.

I'm already "rich" compared to 99.98% of the world, and my investments and savings will guarantee me a spot in that last 0.01% by retirement. I'm more or less guaranteed to be a multimillionaire in my mid-late 40s at this point, and I don't give a shit about having to upkeep and maintain properties or the insane amount of drama involved with rental properties and the scum who live in them.

Yes you do.

I have 0 amount of money on any bank. I ask for credits to buy a house, then spend all my earnings paying for it, while I rent it to some family and use that money to pay for credits.

Then I ask for credits again, buy another house and repeat, this time it takes me less amount of time to pay for it. Then I do it again, and again, and again.

I don't work anymore and I'm not even 40 yet. Also, I don't have a Netflix account, waste of money.

My nieces use it.

>I'm totally a genius look at this loop hole that only I'm exploiting and is definitely profitable and I make so much money I don't even have to work, by the way netflix is just way too expensive!
the LARP is real.

Netflix is mostly useful for having shit downloaded on my phone to watch on train to work.

because its a pretty good deal for the content, none of the other streaming services have even close to the amount of quality content, and Network TV is obviously way fucking worse

I don't use it myself but my mother uses my account all the time so I keep it active for her

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I get Hulu and Showtime for $5 through an old student email

You are very nice, fren.

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