Simon Pegg Reminds Toxic ‘Star Wars’ Fans: ‘The Last Jedi’ Is ‘Just A F*cking Film’ and ‘None of It Matters’

>Simon Pegg Reminds Toxic ‘Star Wars’ Fans: ‘The Last Jedi’ Is ‘Just A F*cking Film’ and ‘None of It Matters’


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Tran needs to grow some nuts and stop playing the victim

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>the same OTfags that harassed a child actor in the prequels want to lecture us

I'd like to thank Disney for letting me understand the Prequels weren't actually that bad.

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Yes they fucking were. Don't kid yourself.

I don't even have any ill will towards Tran. By giving her that sort of flawed, poorly written role - it was almost as though she was sacrificed in order to create a controversy.

Based Pegg dabbing on the toxincels

shut up, rewatch them you moron, forget jar jar and forget I don't like sand

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Nah they were decent, the second one sucked for sure, but the third one was great. The newest films just make the third one look much better

I like how Hollywood has devolved into actually saying "ITS JUST A PRODUCT STOP CARING SO MUCH"


Only ROTS is good. The others are boring, which is worse than being bad.

How dare he tell me a film is just a film. Start the petitions, lads. He's going down.

He's right you know.

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Gives them a good excuse to pump out whatever vapid garbage they want, so of course they took to that.

Says the man who flipped the fuck out over The Phantom Menace 20 years ago

What a cunt

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And forget the shitty plot and shitty acting and overbearing cgi

Sith and Menace are misunderstood. Clones is easily the worst one.

Clones is kino you fucking philistine

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>none of it matters lol
>your escapism fantasy doesnt matter lol
>Im a famous millionaire celebrity who doesnt need no escapism
>none of it matters lol

The classic reddit response

Is he pegging the tran?

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>have hot Vietnamese chick
>gets killed early on
>fat Vietnamese chick survives and eats up some screentime

Poor Finn

I love the fact that they have to jettison any of their progressive tenets to sell this line.
You can't exactly run a victory lap for your exclusivity and then say it's just a movie that doesn't matter.

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that whole harassment to delete her instagram was literally a meme though

Make kino

Exactly, he knows from experience not to take it so seriously.

Reminder : Star Wars fans are more alpha than MCU Cucks; they told Disney to fuck off after last Jedi
MCU fans will watch movie after movie that are as bad (if not worse) than last Jedi

thanks user

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Didn't he once said that anybody who liked the prequels was a horrible person?

They spawned the greatest animated series and the other greatest, Clone Wars and then Star Wars Rebels and arguably one of the better early 00s shows Robot Chicken.

Oh the poor woman who plays dress-up make believe for a living

This comes after he literally said "I miss George Lucas." Really makes ya think.

He's right. No one needs 500 Star Wars threads every day. At this point spaceshitters are even worse than capeshitters.

>he tells petulant man children that movies aren't real life
>""news article"" calls people """toxic""" using his words

Phantom Menace is political kino
Revenge of the Sith is hyper political kino
Attack of the Clones is shit

Yeah and so was your mediocre attempt at star trek (though admittedly it was the least terrible of the nutrek trilogy)

well if it's just a fucking film that doesn't matter, why exactly should I pay money to watch it?

Based and correct opinion. The failure of the prequels was attack of the clones.

>none of it matters
Youre right, i wont be seeing it

This is from like a fucking year ago. This board is just a bunch of nerds jacking each other off, isn't it?

to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Last Jedi...

The CGI was pretty good for early 2000s.

Uhm.. are you new here or something kiddo?


Fuck off

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*heavy breathing*

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only good part of AotC was Natalie in BDSM getup

>None of It Matters
Exactly. Fuck that zombie franchise for mindless subhumans.

They’re still bad, just in a different way

fuck me what an abysmal world

Friendly reminder there is zero evidence Kelly Marie Tran ever got any harassment.

>Jul 26, 2018
Don't you have something better to do?

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Ahem, DISNEY said so

Why would a wholesome company that loves its customers lie?

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Maybe if you're a brainlet. The implication is obvious: Pegg is let down by these movies but he thinks harassing the actors is childish and stupid. And hes right

Nobody is harassing actors.

>have to interact with people in a society influenced by capeshit, starwars, and bullshit celebrity nonsense

Pegg had no problems harassing Lucas for a decade.

>headline itself calls fans "toxic" which is basically calling for them to be ostracized and attacked
>oy this don't affect you none!

Pretend Jarjar is a sith lord and that everything he does is to manipulate the heroes into doing what he wants and the first movie is much better.

It's more like this, but replace children with fans.

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This guy literally spent the last two decades
>insulting Lucas for no reason on Twitter
>shitting on the prequels and even being autistic enough to bash the prequels in a tv show
>drove a child actor to become fucked up
>attacking anyone who disagreed with him or gave any sort of positive criticism for the prequels
>told people to watch RLM and claimed that they knew what they were talking about
>begged Lucas to voice a character from The Clone Wars and made up with him, only to backstab Lucas and go back to talking shit about him after Disney announced a new trilogy and Pegg got a role in it
>shits on TLJ then tells the fans off for attacking Kelly

I'm sure there's a lot more but holy shit. How much of a hypocrite is this faggot? He's literally the biggest manchild of them all.

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He's right. Star Wars literally doesn't matter at all.

When was she in BDSM getup?

Pegg is alright
No one else could have salvaged star trek beyond


>Attack of the Clones is shit
No, it's intergalactic, deco-noir kino.

He says that but at the same time Disney is going "This is not just a fucking film" and "it matters"

He bitched about episode 1 the entire 2nd season of spaced

Th goyim are so stupid it works

Cuckboy fucked up Star Trek too. Is nothing sacred to these people? They're no different than ISIS destroying cultural heritage sites.

is lexi still getting fat

If Disney want people to pay money to see it then it kinda matters

Such a sad admission that the franchise turned to putrid shit. Pegg, a lifelong star wars fan has ended up with the attitude that the next star wars movie doesn't matter, and that it's just another movie.

Forgive him, he's extremely British.

people only shot talk about rose tico and she took it personally


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>Forget the things that make it bad
Based retard

This same man dedicated an episode of Spaced just to shit all over Phantom Menace.

I don't care she's my Clonesfu

I want to cuddle her while we watch comfy Kamino scenes

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6 months later:
>I miss George. :'(

Screen cap threads are bad enough, but I'm going to start reporting these spammed threads.

If it doesn’t matter why force retarded libtard politics into every fucking thing, when most people of all races hate them?

>this movie is important for minorities
>shut up it's just a fucking movie it's not important
I don't understand

It's easy, they will say whatever they think makes them look the best at the moment

Apparently Yea Forums discussing actual movie stuff aside from topical titles of the day are kinda rare. Even pr0n videos get the cut here.

>dude nothing matters lmao
pegg is such a fedora tipper

Sith was good though the reason for Anakin's fall was stupid and contrived. Clones was awful. Phantom Menance was okay.

then you should fucking off yourself you bandwagon jumping faggot god I hate everything you and your kind stand for

E1 is the best prequel ever made and if you disagree you should be arrested

All just cause he plays a role in it?

well guess what fucker
nothing in life fucking matters
put a fucking bullet in your head mate, cause you're a fucking retard

If you read that shithole of a script, find nothing wrong with it, and accept the role, then I'm sorry, but you deserve all the harassment in the world. You only took it because you got paid lots. You care more about money than art.

good come back

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I wish Yea Forums would listen to him

what a prick

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This dude made his entire "career" out of obsessing over American children's media.

You guys must be joking, what a snooze fest. Just explosions, awkward love story and political trade negotiations for hours. There is more action if you watch the UK parliament. At least they have quirky traditions and isn't just monotone legalese about some trading nonsense.

he is right yet hes wrong

t. Brian Posehn

My man. I maintained this for years and then Force Awakens happened. Never felt so vindicated before in my life. At least not until the Game of Thrones shot I called eight years ago paid off with Dany going mad king.

>be retard pegg
>was the most toxic piece of shit star wars fuck
>sold out for a bit role in force awakens
he's a nigger that's projecting

>article headline addressing "toxic" fans
I doubt Pegg used that faggy word to describe star wars fans.
Besides, it is just a flick

he used to be funny, back in the days of spaced and shaun of the dead.

but a few years ago he turned into some super unfun twat. right about when he started acting in hollywood films.

i dont care if hes in hollywood films (although i did not like him in star trek at all). but i miss his humor and intensity. instead hes just kind of there. being fat and doughy.

i dont get how nick frost still likes him.

can anyone tell me if pegg is any good in the mission impossible films?

i refuse to watch any of those as they are all stupid shit.

Isn't Pegg renowned for shitting on the prequels?

He's fine in them. Nothing amazingly good or bad.

Much like the films.

This is a grown-ass man with a receding hairline

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Yup. He absolutely shit on prequels, the fans who liked them, and hr compared George Lucas to a man who murders his own child. Which makes him a fucking hypocrite.

I don't understand why the likes of you are so relentless on assuring me that the prequels are THAT bad. they're far from brilliant, but they're enjoyable watches all the same.

Why does it 'matter' if actors have nobodies not liking them???

He's himself which is the only reason anyone ever hires him

>it's just a fucking film
Says the guy who felt so betrayed by The Phantom Menace that he incorporated his disappointment into Spaced

They're shit.

He's right that none of it matters, because I will continue not watching Shart Wars movies lol

What mcu films are just as bad as the last jedi?

and also pushed with every other nerd in hollywood to make the Plinkett Reviews go viral because someone addressed there long seeding nerd rage for it

>"this is shit" - Audience
>"Lol you idiots it's just a movie you losers" - Disney

If films don't matter then why do you have a job? You clearly don't matter.

Pegg's films with Wright are literally nothing but riffs on other films. They live and breathe films, and now that he's been involved in this franchise, he's like "it's just a film, guys!"

This is probably a holdover from his guilt over being JJ's sounding board when he was planning The Force Awakens.
