Was Nostalgia Critic ever good?

Was Nostalgia Critic ever good?

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doug is a con artist

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no. he got popular when the standards for being an online reviewer were so much lower

No. He was just early and worked hard on bringing his dreams to life.

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No, in fact he might be the worst, and that's saying something

No, you were just a child.

Not really, he's always been a screechy soiboi
At least he had some dignity back then though



yesterday someone posted a song he did about the Chipmunk movies and I think it took several years from my life

Not really, he just seems a lot better in comparison to now. I can watch his 2007-2008 stuff without wanting to kill myself.

it's so terrible. the backgrounds look like they were made by a 12 who just learned about the gradient tool in photoshop


He was never good, he was just a novelty. Now, it's just pathetic.

The women of the channel were good waifus but other than that the whole site was not very good

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Are we doing it?

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>some people actually enjoy having a grown man screech in their ears

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This man is almost in his 40s. I'd pity him if he wasn't such an idiot

le shiggy shuffletello



It's amazing how we used to make fun of Latza for desperately wanting to be at his level, and now he's well above anything Doug could ever dream to be.

I wonder if Doug actually thinks he's cool.

Zoomers: The Thread

He is completely oblivious to his reputation.

what's Latza doing now
last I heard of him he was doing some pr work for Disney, right?

>CRINGE Compilation - Volume One

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>listening to critics
imagine being this much of a pleb

His early stuff was funny enough, in the same cringey way AVGN was funny.
Got old real fucking fast tho.

Had to turn it off before even 10 seconds had passed

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The problem is Doug isn't humble like AVGN. James has passion. Doug just comes off like a rip-off artist and has no passion behind anything he does and simply thinks he's the funniest man alive, along with thinking that's he the next Roger Ebert. Sometimes, very rarely, Doug used to actually show that he was passionate. I really enjoyed his Siskel & Ebert video a lot, as I could tell he cared a lot about them. Now, there is absolutely no passion, and I bet Doug hates his fanbase for forcing him back into the role of the Nostalgia Critic. AVGN is getting obviously away from the games James actually played as a child, but at least James seems to actually care for his fans and try to deliver. Doug just thinks lesser of everyone else for his lack of talent.

You guys remember that one kid in highschool who wasn't very funny, but was nice and people would laugh at their "jokes" just to be polite? Then they got it in their heads that they actually are pretty funny, when in reality people are more laughing at than them with them?

Channel Awesome was a collection of "those kids" and i'm not sure we're going to get another like it.

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I grew up watching Nostalgia Critic. I got in within his first season. Im probably the only person on Yea Forums who admits to liking his old stuff (to extent). fuck it. ill share my thoughts on each year.

Quick observational jokes. Its sort of like watching a livestream of a movie with a group of people, except those group of people is an actual guy in front of you. Youll notice that about 25% of the jokes are drawn out and cringe, but its still an overrall good experience. I dont have a favorite, but Cartoon All Star is a good introduction, and the Wizard, Jingle All the Way, Mortal Kombat Annhilation is probably a good starter to the standard critic ep
At this point, the review format went from it from commentary to more structured jokes. Like theres actual setups now. The skits are still cringy, but again, they make up only 25% of the review. The nickelodeon month is great, peak old critic. If you dont like it, you probably should give up watching now lol. Overrall, the 2009 year will be his generic formula for a while. The best review of this year is Titanic Animated movie. Dont care what Yea Forums says, theres honestly no other cartoon reviewer that tops this with humor. I rec you at least try this before quiting the NC.
The Anniversary shit is cringy as fuck.
Peak year for the critic. (though my favorite ep ever is in 2011). The eps i rec from this are Conan reviews, Neverending story 2, Pebble and the Penguin, Rocky IV, and his IT review is classic. This is the year you started seeing real cringe (the room skit) (kickassia)
My favorite NC ep ever is Neverending Story III. While before, all his reviews were 25% cringe, this review is honestly spot on all the way. Even the skit at the end if pretty funny and resembles a bit of avgn. 4:24 makes me Kek

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I don't get how anybody ever liked Linkara.

No one was really reviewing comic books back then

Linkara only worked when he was sperging out about stupid Rob Liefeld comics, and it wasn't funny for the reasons he intended

Pretty much this. I hate niggers, as weird as it is to say now back in 08 Douge actually had production value behind his work when compared to the competition barring AVGN of course. Most reviewers were nothing but some seriously hate nigger autistic neckbeard screaming at the top of his lungs at an NES game AVGN already reviewed but this time being played on an emulator and recorded with hypercam 2 at 11FPS.

Why are xoomers so whiny? Imagine being a 30+ year old posting on an anime imageboard and feeling this entitled

>James seems to actually care for his fans and try to deliver
not in The Screenwave Era
it's all about efficiency now

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Think he's still working at Disney, but still, that's more than Doug can say.

James is still passionate. He recently made a video where he watched every Dracula movie to determine which was the most accurate by comparing the books to the films. Doug would never go through that much effort to entertain his fans. AVGN has gotten worse, but I think James still cares, and at least the skits are not anywhere near as bad as Doug Walker's.

If anyone says yes they need to dilate

He just condensed movies down to Thirty minutes and made money off of it

But yeah, by 2011, you started having some really boring eps. Like who the fuck remembers the Alaska review.
This year is infamous for when Douge really started becoming a meme
>fry the coke
even as a kid, i thought this was the cringiest shit ever.
This is also the year you got barts nightmare

The 1 year anniversary specials were cringe. But Knights of Suburbia is astonishingly worse than kickassia. this is probably the part of my life, that realize douge is kind of a loser
Peak year of popularity for the critic. In 2012, everyone knew who NC was. He was fucking filling up rooms in anime cons and shit. Never been as popular again, since this year.
Star Trek month is pretty good like all his january months. After that? yeah, pretty forgettable honestly. I can see why douge wanted to kill the critic off.

I will say Signs, was another high note. pretty good review
>nu Critic
There are still a lot of eps, i flat out cant watch. the cringe is too unreal. Most of the meme moments that are talked about all come from the 2013-2015 era of the critic, so you probably already know about it.
My favorite eps from this era are Master of Disguise, Disney Afternoons and Devil. I find myself going back to these.
>2017 onwards
Dead at this point. Nothing is original like the old NC's. It will never get as cringy as 2013-2015 era (althought Deadpool 2 comes close). Its honestly reminiscent of 2012 era episodes. everything feels on repeat. I watched every ep from 2017 onwards, and honestly cant think of particular moment i remember much.


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Honestly love how when Nostalgia Critic came back, he told us he wouldn't review films that are in theaters. And then he started doing just that and reshooting scenes with his own cast... terrible.

high quality post


Imagine being in that room and watching this happen live

as much as we shit on james for the muh kids excuse. it was honestly probably for the best that avgn eps came out every few months instead of every 2 weeks. Every new ep just feels more special that way, and longevity of eps like Earthbound and Pepsiman would of suffered on a quick schedule.
Nostalgia critic has become bland with every new ep now of days.

This is the other advantage James has over Doug, in that he can turn off his popular persona and generally be himself for other videos like the Cinemassacre reviews, and his audience still enjoys those.

Doug had other personas but I don't get the feeling that people enjoyed them as much as Critic.

this. also for most other 'internet celebrities'. being there first was literally the most important factor

2009 you also had Melvin, Brother of the Joker.


he got big by being the first of the internet reviewers and also piggy backing on the AVGN. He was half-decent as what he did.

and he wanted to be an animator. He should thank god everday that he didn't have to keep working as a janitor.


>reminder that overexposure to douge and CA turns you into a massive faggot who loves anal

Nostalgia critic review satantango

Doug has always ranged from mediocre to shit, the difference was he was just among the first on Blip to reach the dizzying heights of mediocrity and at the time there wasn't much in the way of structured video content, especially on Youtube.

Now Spoony, there was a man who had a glimmer of talent. Unfortunately it was all limited to a very narrow range of interests in which he had a genuine and long-fostered passion, and when he ran out of material to cover he didn't have enough talent to create material from scratch, and in his cuntish frustration drove away his own fanbase.

I'm not Angry Joe's biggest fan, but the guy put in unbelievable effort and it paid off for him. Of all those Channel Awesome autists he came out top.

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their lives are probably so bleak that this was the highlight of their week

like seeing the weird kid in school throw a fit

>Douge cringe
>almost an hour

Yup, anyone who has worked a boring/miserable job can relate to this. Any random event is interesting by virtue of it breaking the monotony.

Douge and company are a Yea Forums staple.

I used to watch this guy's reviews all the time and genuinely enjoyed them. I stopped watching around the time he had that one black guy and a fat girl start joining in doing these awful comedy skits in every review. Did that shit ever stop and he went back to just movie reviews? or is it still going on?

hell idk if this guy is even still doing this shit

He is insufferable.

Yes, his reviews of the Matrix trilogy are spot-on.


No, he’s always been cringey as fuck. Truly awful.

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Imagine the smell.

In fairness to Lewis he really didn't want to have to get a job.


Who did it better?

this one is the absolute worst imo
idk why it isn't posted in every Douge thread

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She won

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She's already a fatass, so you'd worry she would balloon up if she got pregnant, but for some reason, no.

Still going. They are under some kind of contract I think.

I need lewd webms or pics of this nostalgia whore

Nostalgia Critic was never good, you were just 13.

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I don't think I've ever actually heard the original
the parodies were underplaying it if anything

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How come Doug fucking sucks at using high production values, actors, and studios, but JonTron (who is younger and started later than him) is excellent at it?

she unironically did. her recent video essays or whatever the fuck you want to call them are actually really well researched and interesting. way above the usual sperg bait all the other non-suicided/transitioned 'reviewers' are producing right now.

Doug beats JonTron at being a decent human being however. Fuck off /pol/

name one thing jon tron did wrong

How many awards had Douge been nominated for?
Too cheap to even get a razzie

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clever girl

Tangent here but JonTron's new vid is genuinely pretty good.

He got popular because his videos showed all the funny/good parts of shit movies without him being too obnoxious about it

Then he started focusing more on skits

member when the hugos meant something

Jon never had a 73 page long document stating how much it sucked to work with him and how incompetent he was. Jon's only crime was overdosing on redpills.

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Jon probably has more money because of Game Grumps bux + he’s a rich kid. Even with that though I think his newer videos are still shittier than his older ones


The problem with Doug and the rest of his ilk is they never understood that most people watched those vids because they enjoy quick rundowns of movies, not for their autistic skits where they fight evil versions of themselves with ever more elaborate storylines. Fucking Linkara was the worst for that.

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