So what exactly was the message of this movie? If we can't all live like kings we should all wallow in shit?

So what exactly was the message of this movie? If we can't all live like kings we should all wallow in shit?

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White people

Wypipo/ richpipo have the resources to save muh poor/ muh minorities but they don't cause elitism / racism. It's made for middle class wypipo

Worst film of the trilogy

Best was District 9 and i hope it never ever gets a sequel.
Chappie was watchable even with its poorly written script, if it explored the issues of Ai gang bangers more it would be high kino.

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if white people were allowed to excel they would create a space utopia while niggers still wallowed in shit. Then if some hippie liberal wanted to make everyone equal they would destroy everything. Very redpilled movie.

>Wypipo/ richpipo have the resources to save muh poor/ muh minorities
Factually, objectively true


I want to love Chappie but Jackman's villain was weak and Die Antwoord were grating in most of their scenes. Blomkamp should make more scifi kinos

allegory for health care but it falls apart since the cure-all pods come at no cost to the ruling class, they are ready to be automatically distributed with the press of a single button and don't require anyone maintaining, refilling or operating them. also the fact that the only reason not everyone has access to them is that the ruling class is evil and just doesn't want the dirty lower class to have them, is the final nail in the coffin. but the action is really good.

The movie failed to establish why the magical medical bed was so exclusive, yet they just had hundreds of them collecting dust in a hangar when literally everyone has them in their house.
It squandered a really great sci fi premise and setting for a really ham fisted simplistic message about how we should all be nice to eachother and share.

except its not

you can literally look up the Gates Foundation, even with billions they can't even make a dent because they're fighting racial IQ and failed cultures who would still be in the stone age if it wasn't for European contact

I liked the movie for the special effects and the visuals the first time I watched, the second time I realized it was Prometheus/GoT Season 8 level retarded.

>Factually, objectively true
untilthe saved poor/minorities start having ten kids per couple because the white man is paying for everything now and the mess is three times worse than before.

Matt Damon was miscast. His role should've been played with a POC.

You know what bothers me the most about this movie, that I've never seen anyone else mention.
How does he get his clothes on.

for some reason all the blom films have major writing problems. they need to fix that before doing anything else, the action/direction and themes are solid.

>district 9
>for some reason the military just let the African gang run the getto and stockpile alien weapons, their only plot purpose is to save money on not rendering prawns.

>everyone has magic medical beds but somehow they can't use them in hospitals but its ok to kill people at random

>gangsters exist again to save money rendering scout units. wolverine has no scirpt, no motive and no reason to be a cunt. weaver has no lines. zero exploration of the HUGE consequences of not only having just created Ai but also that Ai then deciding it does not want ANYONE to die...EVER.

>california reaches its natural state with open immigration
>white guy ridiculed for having a job
>only returns to crime when his life depends on it
>throws it all away to save a woman and her bastard child
>rich white people will somehow, now and only now, will use heavy handed deadly force to protect their last place of refuge
whatever, who gives a fuck. Kruger was the hero and had the best friends a man could want.

I think there was a rumor going around they wanted Eminem to play this role but he turned it down because he demanded it take place in Detroit.

Activate the Sweetie Man

>minorities are now begging for white saviors

Times sure have changed, I remember shitskins calling the blind side a white savior film because it's about a white woman who helps a low I.Q hood negro.

Didn't they make the leader of Elysium a poo-in-the-loo for the sole reason of establishing that it was a class focus and not a racial one?

Eminem was supposed to be in southpaw too but Jake Gyllenhaal replaced him.

In all fairness poos would probably be allowed in the space utopia, at least the light skinned ones since they arent nigger tier.

white people are evil but it's a human right to live near them

Imagine being so cucked you actively defend imaginary rich people.

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>send the pods down to earth
>overpopulation is worsened even more because noone will die of natural causes anymore except for old age which will most likely be at 150 years old for everyone
>then again it also doesn't matter because those pods would just be snatched up by criminal gangs who rule over everyone already thus strenghtening their grip on the people

there are literally millions of those pods tho and even if gangs somehow managed to snatch them up, there'd be mobs in every town hunting those gangs.

this. jesus

get a job you fucking deadbeat

>I-I-If I suck up enough to the born-rich maybe they'll let me be one of them! They totally have more in common with me than other non-white americans of my class and aren't just laughing while they have me act as their chief slave who smacks down the other slaves! They'll reward me! You'll see!

Worker in USA walking down the street
He see millionaire in luxury car drives by
He think: "One day I will like that guy drive some supercar"

Worker in France (for example) walking down the street
He see millionaire in luxury car drives by
He think: "One day I will drag that bastard from his car, beat his ass and he will walking like me"

>district 9
I don't really have a problem with the execution, the african warlord worked for the script and added to the world instead of being a distraction. Plus this one is more directly lifted from real life than the other two, since it's based heavily on Johannesburg's peak shithole years.

>The Rich who are born into wealth and own for a living rather than wok for a living.
>Not the true deadbeats.

>wah some people are lucky
>they should be stripped of what their parents worked hard to achieve for them

That's what I got out of it, though clearly it wasn't what they were intending.

>Chappie was watchable

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More like (((white))) people

I too hate french 'people'

>Le class focus
You kill the rich person, you take his money. Now you're the rich man. Now people want your money.
What would you do?
>"Oh I'd keep evenly distributing it"
Oh. wow, funny thing it's lost its value now.
It's not defending the rich, it's a matter of understanding human nature.

>My perfect, self maintaining, numerious pods that were only kept by rich fags because they're mean
Holy fuck this film over reaches to protect its own premise from being fucked up.

>So what exactly was the message of this movie?
Women ruin fucking everything

Global equality means everybody on Earth gets about $10,700 per year. That's great news for a few billion Subsaharan Africans, continental Indians and certain Caribbean or Pacific Islanders and bad news for everybody else.

Enjoy being a bourgeoisie pig who thinks he can live on $10,701 a year, the revolution is coming for you

I watched it for Matt Damon, was average and had some alright moments.

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What am I wrong about? Enlighten me.

>Ummm sweaty, the truth is racist so it's wrong
That's literally how leftists think

The exosqueleton was put with his clothes on. The real question is how does he take them off.

How do you think everyone getting an equal amount of money for free will effect the cost of things?

The message is that the global elite lives like Roman kings, while the other 99.9% are slave drones.

I don't. I'm actually addressing a theoretically "perfect" system of global redistribution. In practice it would end up way worse than that and all wealth would be destroyed entirely but if you could just tax and redistribute everybody, then everyone who currently makes more than $10,700 global average is clearly a greedy exploiter who needs to be taken down a peg.

This. I'm not going to space without a source of vindaloo.

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Do you even read the posts that you reply to

He was going to die in 3 days anyway, if he got healed then they could just remove the exosuit, if not then it wouldn't matter.


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Please stop trying to "get it" and go re-elect Drumpf

>Enjoy being a bourgeoisie pig who thinks he can live on $10,701 a year, the revolution is coming for you
That's implying costs wouldn't change to reflect this.
You're not going to get a bunch of third worlders to work in sweat shops for a bowl of rice and a fish head a day anymore when they're nigger-rich. Mass market consumer goods would suffer, but it would just mean you roll back to cottage industry, and more localized industry that doesn't require a global infrastructure based on trade imbalance.

Redistribution of wealth I guess. The west had multiple revolutions over that exact issue.

"niggers invading your beautiful peaceful community won't lift them up, it'll just turn your home into a shithole as well"

Okay? I can't actually dispute this. I'm just getting towards apparently every redistributionist thinks "redistribution" means stripping the millionaires and billionaires to increase the income of every barista from 30 grand a year to 60 grand a year, but the whole half of the planet still getting by on $1.25 a day can go fuck themselves

This. Nobody gets Blomkamp

>district 9
>for some reason the U.S military just let Nigger run the getto and stockpile weapons, their only plot purpose is to save money on not rendering poors.
Just like real life

>Space Habitats safe enough to be rich people suburbs
>Mini-van sized shuttles make it to upper orbit without a problem
>automated immortality machines that can bring you back from violent traumatic death
>robot work force
>not mining the asteroid belt and shitting out O'Neil cylinders as fast as you can
>space elevator on titan to orbital refineries
>population and resource pressures completely eliminated
>Asteroid colonies are reinforced and equipped with fusion drives are sent off towards alpha centauri
>Build giant solar collectors orbiting around the sun to power giant MASER and LASERs to power light sales between the stars
>continue expanding between the stars
>you not have an interstellar human empire armed with solar cannons around each colonized system
Put me in charge of NASA. I've played enough Masters of orion and galactic civ to be qualified to run a galactic empire.

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Ah but user, population growth that stopped long ago means that we will never have enough resources for everyone to live well, no matter our level of technology.

>never have enough resources for everyone to live well
>needing population growth when you have tech
Seriously, if you can establish asteroid mining, and long term sustainable space habitation you've literally kicked the bottom out of the supply side of the equation for all material resources.
In a single metal rich asteroid you could have more gold in it than has ever been dug up on earth in the history of mankind.
You would have to transition to a resource based economy because classical economic models stop working when you have infinite accessible resources. There is as much as you can take, and so much that no one needs to scrabble over them.
They also have armies of robot workers, so basic labor isn't required.
So you either just leave earth behind to eat itself alive and colonize the solar system yourself, or you uplift as many as you can because why the fuck not, what else do you do with infinity resources and automated manufacturing.

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What do you plan on eating

this guy was fucking BASED

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I didn't understand his motivations. Badly developed


Money and then rage against people who have wronged him. He really hated the people in Elysium running things for spurning him even though he did their dirty work.

This movie was so on the nose with its preachy immigration message that it ruined what little of value could be found in the film.

was even more based in district 9

prawn fuckers

>he's not a lithovore
Bro, you have O'neil cylinders in the asteroid belt. It's really not that hard to find all the volatile you need to make fertilizers, and water for hydro and aeroponics.
You could even make a smaller stanford torus or bernall sphere that rotates a little slower so it's under less than 1 g and grow bigger fruits since the size of fruit is partly determined by how much the stem can support.
You can also use the regolith from processed asteroids, fertilizers, and an inoculation of soil bacteria to create fertile soil so it can look like those nice green-belt sci-fi cities in conceptual art. Introduce plants and animals and make a very limited ecosystem or habitat preserve inside your habitats.
Also its getting close to a point where you can grow artificial meat in petri dishes.

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Artificial meat will either never take off or be really gross.
The kicker will be that all cellular organisms have a soul, so vegans are fucked unless they literally kill themselves by starvation. You'll see.
You'll all see.

>fiat currency

Surely no one is really this dumb...

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lab grown meat, automated hydroponic farms. Food will be taken care of long before we get to the point where we can build space elevators and "shit out O'Neill cylinders" like the user you replied to suggested.

>Artificial meat will either never take off or be really gross.
That's fine, you can grind up bugs and mix it with some bean texture and it would taste like any other chunk formed meat product.
You'd want to bring animals with you though, if you're colonizing space you're going to want to bring parts of earth with you. If you have open green spaces you could have chickens and goats and sheep to graze and forage and in turn help fertilize these spaces, anything you introduce to these little ecosystems would have to be managed because there's probably not a lot of large predators to naturally cull the populations. So there would be eggs, chicken, prok chops, venison, maybe some beef on a really special occasion.

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>wolverine has reason to be a cunt
He's a God botherer, which means he can just decide to prosecute a Christian jihad for ... reasons.

>like the user you replied to suggested.
I was talking about in the context of the universe in the movie, where they have all of that shit, or the means to do it.

Legitimately if I could live in space I'd be down to eat bugs. It's a pragmatic but realistic solution. You'd probably get real meat sometimes but it would have to be supplemented with locusts and whatnot

>allegories have to make sense
retards gonna tard

but why was he fighting the MC played by matt damon at the end?

The taste isn't horrible. And it wouldn't be like you're eating a bowl of crickets. As long as you're not trying to fake a steak or a big cut of meat you can simulate ground meat pretty easily. And if you have a few generations who never had a t-bone they wouldn't exactly be craving it.

Because Matt Damon had the codes in his brain that could make him President of Elysium

He blew him up, I'd hold a grudge about that shit.