There is a concerted effort to erode the family, the nation, and even the ethnic group going on in the west today, and nobody with a brain can deny this.
-Females doing shit they can't / shouldn't be doing. -Holding up beta males and faggots ad the "ideal" in their shitty films -Family unit is ALWAYS secondary to some single "progressive" adult
Who...well, besides the obvious, is behind this shit? It's going on all over Europe too, and the only people that seem to be intent on rejecting the shit are the Chinese and Muslims.
How long are people going to let them get away with this shit before they finally just start burning down their shit?
>handful of stockholders and global banks So they try to manipulate the masses via broadcasting and "entertainment" in order to exploit us via bribing corrupt politicians. Cancer.
Matthew Thomas
>I think you know who it is Well, yea, of course, but there's other complicit as well.
Carter Collins
Yep. Welcome to the desert of the real.
Nicholas Martin
So why do people think this is all crazy talk then?
Brayden Gutierrez
They've been brainwashed from the cradle. Their version of history comes from those same companies and stockholders.
Colton Diaz
And now it's global. This is problematic.
Easton Clark
Imagine being a retarded American whose only role models are in movies and series. Ahahaha, you fucking losers deserve everything you get.
Josiah Davis
What's their next step?
Dominic Thomas
Do you incels ever stop complaining
Jordan Murphy
I like how you creatures always cry about family values when you’re loli fapping degenerates who will never have a family
Evan Ramirez
Can you tell us why that is?
Jonathan Cooper
Because you’re low IQ man children that blame everyone else for everything
Levi Ramirez
What I can't understand yet is the overall goal of the people doing this. As days go by and the more you pay attention you see it more, but seriously what do those in charge seek to ultimately accomplish?
Xavier Miller
>Imagine being a retarded foreigner that doesn't understand what operant conditioning through broadcast and print media does to their culture.
This is why Muslims just walked right into your nation the same way Mexicans walk right across our borders. You're in this too.
Parker Johnson
Forgot to put on your tinfoil hat again, did you.
Lucas Morales
>What's their next step? I think it's the elimination of national borders for the sole purpose of exploiting labor around the world. Basically I see rich faggots in gated communities with armed guards while the rest of us have to fight off shitskins 24/7.
Noah Myers
Your kind doesn't make these posts user. I'm actually concerned about my fellow anons, unlike you.
Alexander Davis
When did all you moralfags start polluting this board with your christian larping? Fuck off you insecure bitch