Is it dead?

Is it dead?

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>and in next week's episode, The Doctor goes back in time to help Hilary Clinton become president


I dunno it sure seems like it. It was always mediocre at best and then they turned up the sjws dial to max. I doubt that did any favors.

Anyone got viewing data to show how badly fucked the Literally Who (formerly Doctor) franchise is?

Who is the doctor now? Is mofaggot still majority writer on the multi-episodic plots?

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Yes, Doctor Who

It died when they picked the current incarnation.

Was mediocre, uninspired and bland as all fuck but apparently the ratings were good (bigger than Capaldi's entire era) so I dunno. Let's see if they stay in the next season.

>2 years per season
Absolute state of this production company

>be a mediocre british sci fi show with a dedicated following of neckbeards
>ZOG BBC orders you to crank up the agitprop factor to "attract a younger crowd of viewers"
>neckbeards abandon show in protest, no new viewers arrive because lefties don't give a shit about it outside of 'btfoing da rasists'
>get cancelled

Nah we finally got off Mr Moff's Wild Ride
We just didn't know it would be even worse without him. I actually miss Clara

Hello, yes

he only acceptable pairing is a white male doctor and young attractive female companion.

Okay thank you

Aw fuck, its worse now? I had to skip matt smith seasons cause of him

>Basically three gap years almost in a row
>Ratings plummeted
>Comics are not moving at all
>Toys are gathering dust
>Nothing in the reruns
>Not even a DVD release yet
>None of the classic Doctors like it
>Every single old guard fan has been forced out by the marketing
Wilderness Years Part 2 will be unforgiving.

Doctor is a woman now. She can't act for shit. Neither can any of the companions (inb4 muh bradders, he's shit too). Every episode is the most boring slog of shit you ever saw with no attempt at making the political pandering subtle.
Honestly go watch the 'Tsuranga Condundrum' from S11 just to experience the hellscape that is current Doctor Who. You'll absolutely regret it but I don't deserve to suffer alone.

Bring back old man pls thx


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I actually forgot about this show. Now that I think of it, it seems to no longer come up in "regular" news now that mainstream media has stopped beating that female Doctor drum.

They got what they wanted and now it's a dud and the misogynistic boogeyman will get the blame when the show is axed.

Yep. Perfect time for a movie franchise. Doctor Who-ess will keep a modest audience of lesbians and SJW dorks and the majority will move on to the films.

It’s been dead since 1980, user.

knock knock



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hope so

it died when the 10th doctor died and russel t davis stopped writing

I agree with this. Although I don't necessarily hate Matt Smith it certainly was the beginning of the end.

I loved the grittiness of 2005-2010 doctor who. That diminished completely afterwards.

Its hard to even call Doctor Who as "sci-fi" anymore, the exploration element has been watered down massively.

Yeah I’ve dropped it now, it’s just not very good at all, the only people who watch it are the gays, feminists, odd balls and the PC brigade the rest of us are racist, Trump lover nazis because we don’t like the new direction


I hope so. The last series last half its audience by the end, which was just old fans slowly giving up on it. It was fucking abhorrent.

Moffat made the show about the Doctor rather than about the Doctor's adventures.

>I loved the grittiness of 2005-2010 doctor who
RTD wasn't gritty, it was camp and OTT. Classic series 7 is as gritty as DW gets.

I'm gay and I didn't like it.

There was a pretty good episode about amazon being bad
Then there was another good one about brown people saving london from the blitz

>First Star Wars now this.

We're all fucked.

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I had to give it up several years ago with the poz became too much to bear

It's been dead ever since Moffat took over

>those comments

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Was he a nazi?

You'll realise it's better than nu-Who

You didn’t like being gay ?

The Baker era is deservedly famous but the show peaked during Pertwee's tenure.


I'm watching Classic with a friend who's new to Who and he's been really enjoying it, he still really misses Hartnell but we're coming up to season 9 and he absolutely loves to UNIT family.

New Who doesn't have much in the way of comfiness

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It's been dead since Smith and Moffat killed it

>brown people saving london from the blitz


remember the /who/ general that killed himself by killing /reylo, I member, looks like it killed the whole show too

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Watching this show is peak onions

The first 4 doctors and their crews are top tier comfy banter
>Hartnell, Ian, Barbara, Vicki
>Troughton, Jamie, Zoe/Victoria
>UNIT family
>Baker, Sarah Jane/Harry/Leela/Romana
JNT era just doesn't have this comfiness factor.
Pertwee is great: Inferno, Daemons, Three Doctors, Green Death, Invasion of the dinosaurs. So comfy.

Been dead since Smith left

I'm pretty sure that's one of those fixed points in time that even the doctor can't change.

Genuinely the worst the show’s ever been. The Sixth Doctor’s run was unironically better


Tom, SJS and Harry were the absolute peak.

No, Who

peak of nu-who was in season 4 and it took a nosedive in season 7 and has been falling in quality ever since. it's no surprise that it's a steaming piece of shit now

Literally just replace that song with Change is Gonna Come by Sam Cook and it would have been kino

this sums up the new Doc

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I think he mean the look of the show. The more grainy, less perfect look. The typical Brit overcast skies not being made blue every time, things like that. Felt more lived in. At least the episodes set on Earth in current times.

They had a great chance to do something new with a female doc but instead they chose to go down the predictable route of the weekly lecture rodeo and unsurprisingly a big chunk of the fanbase wasn't having it. Combine it with Chibnall's inability to write proper Doctor Who and bam, a recipe for disaster. I wouldn't say it's dead but definitely dying. It's government funded though so I don't think it's gonna actually die any time soon especially since that would defeat the agenda they're pushing extra hard now.

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It's always been dead to anyone over the age of 12.

then she has to undo it after it causes a WW3 with russia.

>The typical Brit overcast skies not being made blue every time, things like that
Oh I see. You really do get an over-saturated, glossy artificiality to the Moffatt era. Chib's shit doesn't even feel like it takes place in Britain

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>roastie cunt
Every fucking time. People talk about Jews all the time but letting these fuckholes out of the kitchen is what really doomed the west.

>white bitch slobbering over stronk black women

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Have sex, respect women.

honestly it is, I gave when i got tired of only enjoying 1 or 2 episodes per series. I liked the idea of the show being a showcase for a variety of fantasical stories but it's very soft in that department. It's never really focused on the high concept stuff desu. It's always been about the feels, I was expecting it to be something it's not.

Series 11 lost viewers on a consistent basis, losing half the audience it started with. There are simply millions of people who will not watch anymore

We failed God's plan when we allowed them to have an equal place in society. Now God let's Islam take over to make things right.

Yes it's fucked currently. The good thing about the show is that it is effectively the most tanginable show out there. You can reboot it without actually rebooting it. We need a good man in the role like Capaldi and good writers who are liberal enough but no insane far leftists. Moffat was good when he was good and it's why his episodes will be remembered forever and Chinballs won't.

not with the bbc overseeing it. they'll double down.