Is this the biggest ascension of all time?
Her skull got twice as thicker/wider
Is this the biggest ascension of all time?
Her skull got twice as thicker/wider
It's called aging you fucking autist
But at 14 I had almost the same FWHR than I have now, which is ~ 1.81
right looks fucking retarded
It's actually drug and alcohol abuse
Then you didn't go through puberty, or more likely you're still under 18 and have never talked to a girl you weren't related to.
pretty fucking sure your skull doesn't widen as you age, you fucking idiot
Her face widened because it's accumulated a small quantity of fat.
I'm 24 and puberty wasn't the best, so no reason to talk to women
I hope for your mom's sake your head wasn't the same size it is now when you were born. Not that she'd have a big problem after I hollowed her out.
Weed and takeaway
how old are yall,lol
a little more fat, different angle, different makeup, different lighting.
>Her skull got twice as thicker/wider
probably looks like that because she's wearing a wig for the last two seasons. It frames her face completely differently.
Why doesn't she have more of a mustache?
>aging makes your entire head grow 1.5x larger
maybe if you're an inbred bong
imagine declining this hard and fast
I'd probably a drug addicted whore too
The facial bones are not rigid and develop as we age. Her cheekbones and jaw have become sharper, not that you’d know what those are.
>pretty fucking sure your skull doesn't widen as you age, you fucking idiot
She was basically a kid during the first season. Kids, oh I don't know, maybe kinda tend to grow into adults and part of that is the actual physical growing part.
Not that the alleged substance abuse helped.
This bitch looks like the toasted bread from ren and stimpy
the main thing is her hair got smaller. bigger hair suits her and balances her bone structure.