summer memes edition
/comfy/ SUPERNATURAL thread
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based, I wanted to make a thread the other day
Are they really stopping next season? I kinda hoped they'd go for 365 episodes.
What's the biblical significance of that number?
How the fuck is Jared not an incel???
is that the anorexic lesbian from season 14?
unironically wanted them to go for 1000 episodes even though I have been bitching about the quality for a decade
user, check the calendar
his cock is literally anaconda tier
But you don't see that unless you were already going to have sex with him. Is he proof that hairstyle is almost equally as important as good facial aesthetics?
>Is he proof that hairstyle is almost equally as important as good facial aesthetics?
user, wymyn literally write blog posts about his hair and shlick thir cunts thinking about him, I don't really get it where you're going with this
>I don't really get it where you're going with this
Just trying to keep the tread alive mostly
Lebanon Lesbos spin-off when?
Lads we have to start our threads with another keyword next time because it attracts a turbo autist fag that floods our content with off topic shit
>it's a supporting character is lesbian so dean won't have to have sex with her episode
Delete this
I’ve to work on a Deathpu
Dude, Asia. I hope we get tons of classic rock for the last season
Hello boys
checked blessed trips. the show needs more rain to maximize the comfyness
Cursed rain would be a cool episode. As in stay dry or get dead.
Fuck chuck
God was never on your side
Who here is /Alex/?
If they ended this at the end of Season 3 with the original story that Kripke wrote, it would have gone down in history as one of - if not the - greatest show of all time.
>ywn watch the first three seasons for the first time again
what are the chances we see the real form of god
>it's a charlie is literally sam and dean's sister episode
I would think this is his real form since God shaped Adam after himself or something.
We already did. The White Cloud thing that went into the sky with Amara
>TFW no hunting battle harem of the Sioux Falls girls
>TFW Jody Mills will never take you in after your entire family is killed by a supernatural horror
>TFW you will never be raised in a quasi-family of qts who can't see you as a brother but do see you as family so you all end up fucking
>TFW you will never be trained from your teen years to be a monster hunting chad that road trips around America saving people and hunting things
>TFW Wayward Sisters was cancelled so you won't even get to watch other people do it after Supernatural ends.
This is hell
>a quasi-family of qts who can't see you as a brother but do see you as family so you all end up fucking
I mean what I say, sammeh
People shipped the boys and they were literally brothers. Is it too much to ask to have the first polylesbian powerquadrouple air on the CW for my viewing pleasure? I'm not asking for the moon here
Are you the same user who makes those "milf warrior tribe on an island" threads?
Not that I know of but I've been on some pretty strong painkillers lately so you never know
Arguably not because it has not developed its identity against X-Files or Buffy until the angels arrive
s11e04 is best episode.
Fuck PEDOwitz, fuck plec, fuck Legashits, and fuck the CW
Amara needs to come back so I can come on her back
Checked and based
>tfw she loves kino
>tfw no spinoff
user you need to stop wanting this, otherwise chicas abominatas will come and get you
wouldn't it make sense that after decade of being around such things would eventually give jared and jensen ugly beast fetish or something like that
I get a feeling that irl jared is more of a chad bully, especially since most of the pranks he does on set are just outright mean
do you think either of them fucked paris hilton? she was definitely up for it
Some fans called him out for doxing a few times
Oh they staked her alright
Absolute chads
what's up idgits?
where's Paris hands bro
>the look on his face
you just know
this was in 2010, they both got married that year, so the question is, is it before or after the weddings..
Taking a shit (formerly season 9)
>every occult shlock kino from hereon will be heavily politicized or subversive for subversion's sake, full of token minority instead of crafting characters that are universally relatable thus transcending race, will be heavy handed instead of using subtle and clever metaphors
worst timeline
>tfw intentionally did not finish the animation series so I have something else to watch once live action Supernatural ends
How the fuck was there no This Ain't Supernatural porn parody of the show yet???
ENOUGH of these faceswaps
>trying to write my own occult shlock
>tfw full of ideas and can come up with prophecies, organizations, weapons, spells on the fly
>never could patch them together to make a good story
Sounds like you need a team
why are these unsettling for some
i've never seen it before either. there's also an entire dvd called fandom or something about supernatural cons
>entire dvd called fandom or something about supernatural cons
yikes i bet it's full of cringe shippers
Which one of you autists made this thread?
I dropped her after I learned she's starring in fucking Pokemon
I watched this the other night. It's pretty cringe especially in the beginning when it focuses on the people that show up to these things but it had some decent moments with the actor interviews.
>no Wayward Sisters Claire in tight-fitting pants to watch
literally who is that young whore
misha's face on jensen's body and jared's face on misha's body look good, others are shit. especially when you swap jensen's face, he only looks good with his real head
lmao I already forgot, guess that happens when you skip every scene with jody and her brats in it
do you think she sucks deformed jew cocks to get more roles because her once-in-a-season appearences in supernatural are going to end?
My favorite is Jared's face on Jensen's body. It's almost bizarre looking.
she's already in another series. if anything, plec just outsucked her because plec got another tv series to her name
faceswapping has triple the autism of Jack
She isn't that hot. Sure I would gf and even marry her in an instant because I'm an incel, but even in that pic I find that nigress on the left more attractive and I hate niggers.
we had a chance for the get of 5x5 and ofc we didn't get it
Can anyone give me a quick run about what happens in season 12,13 and 14?
Lucifer sperges our about God leaving again and so Lucifer fathers a son to prove he's a better father than God was to him. His nephilim child has the potential to surpass his own power, and so it attracts the attention of different organizations, powers even that of alternate realities to control or kill the nephilim. and they all duke it out
what a fucking wasted get, chuck damn
what did it even say? never force gets, I always say
sam gets tied up and beaten a lot, dies only like once or twice, dean and cas have their gay moments, mom is back, but then dies, cas, dean and sam adopt lucifer's son and act as three progressive dads to the antichrist, the devil gets killed in one of the most reidiculous fight scenes since 1978 and none of it really matters because god is a dick and another apocalyse is basically happening again
>sam gets tied up and beaten a lot
It hurts when you put it like that
>mom is back
you forgot the worst
>charlie dies but comes back as nu-charlie
Dean was always tied to Baby, he was literally conceived in her.
god I wish they hadn't brought her back
why would you purposely ruin the perception of somebody trying to catch up to the series?
bobby also comes back as nu-bobby
What happened to the stalker necromancer chick that was obsessed with Jack? She was cute and I was hoping to see more of her
He literally asked for it
raised more zombies and had an orgy with them
>it's a dean drinks liters of strong alcohol but never gets drunk episode
>it's a Rowena episode
you can't get hurt if you expect to
I bet somewhere in tumblr there is a shopped version of that gif which has castiel giving him a blowjob
>never force gets, I always say
this time we didn't, I'm only seething now that we still didn't get the get
I bet nu-bobby dies in season 15 and sammie and dean will be super-sad over it although they have zero reason to be
I hope nu-charlie dies. the real camel already died in a quite gory way, hope they give the nu-camel even bloodier death
when is ketch coming back
i hope she dies offscreen
Giv Toni gf NOW!
any reaction videos to that?
someone explain this joke to me
chose to snort crack instead of allowing shipfggotry basically
here is how the show ends, screencap this because it's very likely outcome
>final season is fighting chuck, obviously chuck is defeated
>amara will take over chuck's position as god and thus becomes the new "good god", old god is most likely trapped away the same way amara was before
>jack and castiel will become humans and live as father-son hunters
>sam and dean both die, last scene is both of them together in heaven
carry on my wayward son obviously plays during the final scene
I love when Buffy actors are on the show
yea the question is when will SMG herself show up?
They aged well
>season 7 was half the show, 7 years ago
Season 15 would be a great time for her to make an appearance
First of the new angels or a cameo as a hunter would be cool
she fucking better. she cameod on big bang finale
All the way to swan song is pretty great.
i wish this team up lasted a bit longer
Agreed. I wonder what they show would have been like if they'd given Anna Cas's role like they originally intended.
That was trippy
>that was the only time in the series EVER when they both sort of had a gf
how is this acceptable? sam and dean are both square.jaw giga chads, I know the show is about brotherhood but fucking come on. even hannibal added sex scenes from season 2 onwards because they realised theu have attractive cast, but supernatural actually has less and less of it. destiel really does seem to become canon ffs they need to get their shit toghether
I'd prefer her as a hunter, something similar to those two guys hunting the cicada monsters where she has a vendetta or something. I dont think being an angel would suit her well
also this
Probably very different. I also liked the set up where Anna is a support angel character but operating outside heaven. She's there for additional intelligence and muscle but is not always on the screen so she's more mysterious. The way she was schooling Castiel in free will was pretty kino, and her scenes usually involve being under natural light while castiel was under artificial light, which differentiates their enlightenment on free will vs blindly following orders
Nah, adding real romantic relationships would add unnecessary drama. It's better without it
Everyone Sam dicks dies.
casual but semi-steady flings with established characters would be in-line with Sam and Dean, Dean especially
>if they'd given Anna Cas's role like they originally intended.
is this why tumblr thinks castiel is real? because the role of castiel was originally supposed to be played by a female?
who the fuck knows what tumblr thinks. They hate the white patriarchy but watch a show with three white male leads religiously. but it is true that Castiel took over Anna's intended role once Castiel's popularity skyrocketed
these depress me. anna instead of cas but cas also around would have been much more kino
>People making fun of the women
>not seeing the true and pure truth behind the picture that he is happy to take a photo with true fans regardless of how they look
Really homely picture. I like it. He's even bending over and leaning on them, unlike a lot of other celebs who are afraid of even touching other people.
In part. The rewrite happened some time half way through S4 so that's why there's some odd characterisation and why Cas goes from a well intentioned extremist in danger of falling hard to Clarence while Anna went from pure and enlightened human-angel to "I must kill the parents of Sam" in a very emotionless angel like way more befitting of early Cas. The Destiel stuff mostly came later
didn't that slut she banged in Baby live? also, that had to be the best use of sex scene in anything I've seen in a long time, that hookup was actually tied to plot
>pretty people are also nice people
REEEE next up we find he is high IQ as well
She probably got chewed on by a vap the second Baby pulled out of the lot
Julie McNiven was reminding the writers she's available to come back and wants to come back for season 15. let's hope for the best
even then Anna was never truly evil. Her goal was to stop the apocalypse at all costs to save the greater humanity, it just so happens she was at odds with the Winchesters and Michael. Ask any human and they will probably think Anna's plan made sense and worth the sacrifice
fuck. any other changes like this in the series?
I agree, I feel like Cas would have come around but could have been more of a link to heaven the way Hannah was after Metatron
>any other changes like this in the series?
Bobby was a last-minute rewrite because actress of the psychic Missouri couldn't make it to filming for season 1 finale. Bobby since then took over the substitute parental role and why Missouri didn't come back until season 13
this is a good change, sam and dean don't need a black stepmom
That seems like it was for the better. I think Missouri's voice would have gotten old real fast. I wish she could have been on the show more, but as much as Bobby would be a little grating
Chuck sucks
we know that the vessel's of angels and demons don't need to eat, but do their vessels still do things like grow hair, fingernails, or get body odor or bad breath, etc? or are they more like anne rice vampires where their body always stays the same while possessed?
>finally a good supernatural thread
Cas would have gone back in time to try to kill Mary and John. Cas would have been killed.
Jo and Bela were supposed to be bumped up to special guest stars but the screaming fans caused the writers to remove them from the show. Bela was thought to be "too aggressive" and Jo was "too sweet and not tough enough". The "fans" basically killed off some of the bestgirls because they didn't want their boyfriends having girlfriends.
It seems implied that they dont need to do upkeep at least while they have their grace. Cas says that they dont need to shower at some point when hes with Hannah
demons and angels have biokinesis, im sure they keep it in stasis somehow, although demons would probably care less since they can even animate corpses via possession
they've fucked up with this. in season 4 and 6 castiel enjoys eating because food tastes so good but in season 9 when he becomes human he acts like he never tasted food before. again in season 10 he describes food having no taste, just moleculs
This makes sense cause Misha said he did the gruff Cas voice cause he thought he would only be around for an episode or two and now regrets it cause it hurts his throat.
Presumably it's the angel responsible for the vessel that controls these processes. Cas grew a beard in purgatory for example and a few angels and demons have had similar changes, Crowley being the most obvious example.
>Jo and Bela got killed off by fans
This is the worst timeline
>in season 4 and 6 castiel enjoys eating because food tastes so good
wasn't that season 5 and because of Famine? Underrated horseman by the way
>The "fans" basically killed off some of the bestgirls because they didn't want their boyfriends having girlfriends.
meanwhile, they like Charlie for the exact same thing except she's lesbo and doesn't threaten the shipfaggotry
Webmanon, I summon thee
holy shit the entire series would have been ruined. i don't even necessarily believe that because missouri hardly seemed to know anything compared to bobby and wasn't even a hunter.
I dont remember him eating except for when hes under famine's influence. When else does he eat?
And the execs killed our waifu spin-off too. It's a load of bullshit
I hate this show's fandom so fucking much and I hate the cuck showrunners and jensen and jared and especially misha collins for enableing those fucks
>Alona Tal can convincingly play with a knife
>Dean calls out Jo for "playing hunter" and being too young
>Jo is the "little sister" hunter who, despite John Winchester's involvement in her dad's death, still respects and works with the Winchesters
>hated by the female viewers
>Felicia Day can only twirl her wrist in a cringe try-hard manner in the episode where her bad and good personality got split into two
>quirky geek lesbo that's good in hacking
>fine, ok
>becomes a hunter offscreen in less than a season
Maybe at that point what Castiel was really craving was to be human and he manifested that as eating red meat like the boys do. Except wrong because he's Cas.
You mean that Wayward Sisters thing? That felt forced, I'm glad they cancelled that. I'd have watched a spinoff with just Jodi and Donna, but with all the kids it felt like too much.
to be fair the level of yasqueenslayness was not that high in 2006 than it was in 2012+
She was a psychic though. I agree though. Bobby was a better character. They probably realised that since they expanded on him so much and more or less forgot about Missouri
>jensen and jared and especially misha collins for enableing those fucks
Jensen despises destiel. He is civil about it during cons because he knows how to avoid cancel culture but he does not tolerate anything more than shipfaggotry being played as a joke. He's on record saying he didn't like that Dean kept the trenchcoat when Castiel exploded from Leviathans, and his most recent interview states he believes season 15 should focus on Sam and Dean as brothers. He's also hands on in his character for the last season and is even helping write some episode parts.
Remember that time when Crowley was possessing a woman and had a foursome with the woman's husband and another couple before killing them?
>The "fans" basically killed off some of the bestgirls because they didn't want their boyfriends having girlfriends.
the show wouldn't work with either of sam and dean having a real love interest because of the general plot of the series and what they do. the only way they could have regular gfs is just how the show handled it with time skips and flashbacks
They like the fact that her being gay is mentioned in EVERY episode she's in, it really is her defining trait
I dont get how someone can look past the absolute shit writing of her wanting nothing to do with the Winchesters and then the next episode shes in she loves them
That's a mighty wrong opinion you've got there. Claire and Alex were a cute and their show had potential. They're near enough the same age as the boys in S1 too.
yeah, Missuori would have worked a bit differently, I assume. They would have focused more on her psychic abilities. Remember she called Dean amateur for relying on EMF? Anyway, Bobby was a more than a happy coincident to have been written in.
holy shit, has the webmizer been with us all along? great to see you, how's job hunting going? thanks for the new webms
Don't make me break out the Latin. We know the /comfy/ LORE to bring him here.
Why doesnt he like that Dean kept the trenchcoat? I dont support Destiel but the two of them were friends, and that trenchcoat is basically Cas. He doesnt like that Cas is so close with the boys now or what?
He just thought it was too melodramatic. I dunno man, not saying I agree, just pointing out Jensen's perspective
>his most recent interview states he believes season 15 should focus on Sam and Dean as brothers. He's also hands on in his character for the last season and is even helping write some episode parts.
Nice, maybe season 15 will be good.
I wonder how much influence Jensen and Jared have had on the series overall.
For the record, Wayward Sisters backdoor pilot was rough, yes. It's flawed. BUT, it had potential
>Supernatural is stuck on the same old angels vs demons
Wayward Sisters had a dream walker as the potential villain. She could literally open portals and summon new monsters. We saw, for the first time, a giant kaiju, a pack of predator-lite monsters with actual good prosthetics for once. Other alternative dimensions had the tentacled deities Yokoth and Glythur. Apocalypse world had tempter demons with actual horns, Nosferatu-esque vampires. portal hopping gave the spin-off the PERFECT excuse to introduce new lore that would have felt out of place in the main series
>Supernatural focuses on Sam and Dean
if there's one thing "The Thing" episode really is memorable for, it's about a splinter Men of Letters summoning Yokoth to reset creation to zero, and certain members of the same subgroup preventing that cosmic-tier apocalypse. There are TONS of potential armageddons and for the first time, it happened without the Winchesters. It showed that something similar could happen with a different group of people. Wayward Sisters had members with different skillset--a lead hunter, a medic who can focus on autopsies and research, a psychic, etc. There was so much potential. Artemis could pop up and train the young huntresses. Rowena could continue her story there. Emily Swallow mused about her character showing up on their doorstep after being discarded as the vessel of the Darkness. The Bane twins could show up.
>how's job hunting going?
Back on portal business, this also gives the PERFECT excuse on
>why don't they just ask for help from Sam and Dean?
Buffy and Angel did this. Angel had portal shenanigans to Pylea when Buffy was facing an apocalypse on Earth. Supernatural could have a huge fight going down and the Wayward Sisters could be stuck in some dimension. Crossover potential is there, and where it should have been but would ruin the stakes, you have a good excuse.
Literally the perfect way to pass the torch on. Sam and Dean dealt with classic Biblical threats, the Wayward Sisters were looking to be dealing with Lovecraftian ones. They had the lore in place for regular MOTW villians and also new alternate dimension monsters.
And Legashits stole it all for the sake of continuing a Twilight rip off that had long since worn out its welcome.
hope it gets better, webmizer. We set up a thread dedicated to thanking you last week but it died out without you having the chance to see it. I think.
Can you do requests?
Also, they would be starting out small with their own thing. Supernatural would be over by the time they started squaring off against angel-tier threats
I hope they do a third desperate backdoor pilot in the final season.
I was wishing this a few months back but with Chuck as the final boss in the main series--how do you make a spinoff whose stakes are even half of what's going to happen with season 15? Still, we're talking a significant chunk of viewers here so either that happens or the CW crashes and burns.
Go for it
It'll work out
Rowena Unbound blasting Billie/Death please
or apocalypse world angels teleporting like comets into the camp
Those supercuts are great. Maybe one of the Colt killing stuff?
oh and episode name is "Funeralia" for the Rowena scene, "Good Intentions" for the apocalypse world scenes, both season 13. Just pick whichever you like. Thank you!
this filename still gets me
I think their DC superhero crap will keep them afloat, for a few years anyway.
Yikes I haven't yet seen seasons 12-14, perhaps
I should leave this thread before I get spoiled even more, LOL!
>more DC shows
>Arrow is ending, but 2 more take it place to join the other half-a-dozen DC shows
I know that shitty Batwoman is one of them but what else is getting a show?
im not exactly keeping count, all i know is they have too many DC shows now
PEDOwitz begged Jensen and Jared not to end it but he's getting enough blowjobs from Plec not to scramble for a spinoff. His latest interview thinks the CW will survive somehow
absolutely fucking based. Thank you!
you're the best, webmizer
w-we'll see the shedim for season 15, r-right?
Those angels delayed their assault and you know what they say, those who hesitate, disintegrate.
Chuck opened up hell, so maybe
i want more road scenes, especially creepy ones
it's perhaps the biggest tease in the show about lore
was it kino?
Swamp Thing gave me early Supernatural vibes, recommend for superbros looking for a new show in a similar vein
>inb4 shill
go ahead and pirate it
the Darkness arc was kinda lifted from Swamp Thing which had a crossover with Hellblazer/Constantine right?
fucking kek
i thought this was going to be a movie?
Reminder that Krissy grew up hot. And THICC
i really thought desperately for a moment that was Anna, who was the lone angel trying to help humanity in Apocalypse world. Would have made for a better story and parallel, really
okay but that was young Amara
I realised that a second after I posted it. There's a similar picture of the boys with Madison
But Anna was actually cute
the acting looks horrendous but the effects look fantastic. i'll give it a try after supernatural ends. i still have to finish the good omens book and then try the show
>tfw never had the time to finish the book and stuck for months
no, I meant when the bag was pulled off and the red hair showed (the character was facing against the viewers for a few seconds), I was hoping for a split second that it would be Anna
op here going to sleep now will make another thread tomorrow looks like we can go fine
didn't know OP was also shoop user? goodnight. now i gotta meet up my old man and tell him he's not invited to my wedding
Oh right, my bad, I forgot about that scene. It would have been a way better story, you're right
Thanks for the thread OP, most fun I've had here in a while
>the acting looks horrendous
it's actually pretty good too
Hannah is an underrated cutie imo
Also because of the conventions she was able to meet a doctor that was a specialist to help her with her hypermobility syndrome.
This. Hannah is one of the best angels
I stopped watching this midway through season 8, is it worth picking back up?
Shame she had to die
No, avoid it at any cost
Yes (formerly no)
Depends on why you stopped watching. It's still a fun show but they really start to skimp out on the lore and stuff
I'm okay with her dying cause she started manipulating Cas and turning on him, but I'm mad it was a pencil neck whiner angel that did it
Based webmizer and his deliveries
Reminder that these guys either wanted to sell or gang rape Claire and therefore had it coming.
She didn't have to but she made her choices and they led to it. It's still a pity though, she was just scared of the Darkness like everyone else.
I actually forgot that arc. I need to rewatch
Finally, a decent SPN thread. Stay comfy lads
What was her problem?
I saw this in a GoT thread and thought it might be fun to adapt.
i'm watching risky business on showtime atm and metatron is tom cruise's "cool" friend, the one that tells him to say "what the fuck" which is the impetus for the whole movie. fucking kek
I don't think i'll get to it before the thread autosages but I'll post mine next thread
fucking hell he's young
For illustrative purposes, this would be Dean's set for Season 5.
yeah they all are; it was made in 1983. based cruise aged well compared to metatron. maybe that's the secret of scientology - it's really just a bunch of people that sell their souls, maybe they get a group rate and more than the standard 10 years
i'll make one when i get my pc setup. i'm on my shitty old laptop and don't have my supernatural folder
Maybe it's like a pyramid scheme where they don't come for you if you recruit more people. That's why they're so insistent you join, it's to keep Growley away
As cool as the Colt is I think his weapon should be his .45
It's been with him since the beginning.
I know, I always remember him from revenge of the nerds
You're probably right. Either that or his shotgun
brutal dude. too bad irl family isn't like supernatural
Sorry i blanked out, lads. Talking to the folks. I caved in and gave my old man another chance to attend my wedding. Supernatural is right. Kripke is right. Family is hell.
If you think that's best, lad. Just make sure you set clear boundaries, like if he gets drunk or tries to feel up the bridesmaids then he goes, no ifs or buts. It makes it easier.
He’s sunk us financially and done crap things in general but i eventually caved in after venting out my feefees about him
Fuck him, he sounds like bad news.
my died was a drunk who grew up on a big farm in ohio. he had 10 brothers and sisters and when their dad died my dad got 80 acres that were worth a lot because they had tobacco permits which are gold in farming. tldr we went down there at my grandfathers last days and my dad's older sister conned him and he gave all 80 acres to her. he totally fucked me and my brother over. still seeth about it to this day even though he's dead now. i could have made 20k a year from my forty acres having the neighboring grow the shit. i wouldn't even have had to be in the area and at that time i was in college. instead i was stuck with student debt out the ass after college i mean my whole he told me and my bro would be set and in one day he gets shitfaced and lets his big sister take it all