Wonder Woman and Aquaman getting sequels

>Wonder Woman and Aquaman getting sequels
>Batman getting a reboot
>Superman sequel is cancelled
>Flash movie is cancelled
>Cyborg movie is cancelled
>Justice League sequel is cancelled
How the fuck is this going to work?

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the sooner capeshit cancer dies, the better

Fuck the whole world.

Dr Manhattan appears in the beginning of the next DCEU movie, and says that he fucked up the timeline.

>DC tries to mimic MCU success by going all-in on shared universe/crossover movies
>Fails miserably

It's ridiculous how inconsistent DC movies are; you get an excellent one, then a terrible one, then an okay one, and so on. They need to find their own version of Kevin Feige to oversee everything...an...Anti-Feige.
*thunder sounds out of no where*

The movies arent successful enough to warrant a cohesive universe with a steady cast.

>C-cavil is not out y-yet guys I s-swear!!


Who even cares about post-Snyder DC?

Whichever movies NPCs like, that's what they're sticking with.

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they fucked up by not going nolan-way
we would have 2 different sides - childish marvel and more serious dc
but instead they decided to go full retarded with aliens, maginc and basically make marvel 2.0

dc shouldnt use superman or other retarded superpowered characters, they should focus on batman, his enemies and few other characters that can work without magic

now we have 2x same shit (just with different logo) instead 2 different ways

the entire universe was doomed from the start
they need to start again. this time with a really optimistic superman

DC should just make films that aren't connected. For example Joker.

>some movies are good and some are not instead of every movie being the same thing
holy shit that's crazy

All of what you said is retarded

>Flash movie is cancelled
>Cyborg movie is cancelled

Both of these things are good. As for "How this works", DC has finally realised that it needs to start the same way that MC started. With lots of little one off movies that are self contained. Remember back to the days of Toby Maguire Spiderman and Eric Banner Hulk. DC has to do this for the next decade before they can reboot again and start trying for a true interconnected universe.

Optimism won't save Clueless producers

>you get an excellent one
the last time it happened was TDK


by pretending superman doesn't exist like all other forms of media

I haven't seen WW because I'm sure it's just jewish propaganda that got high reviews in lieu of being appealing to the kind of critic who works at pubications like The New Yorker, but Aquaman was okay.

The CW already has a perfect Flash. Ezra Miller sucked.

Vaughns pitch sounded bad and it's not kingsmen 2 wasn't awful

i like the maldraw idea where superman is retired from superheroing, old and operates his own food joint in metropolis. fucker's too strong to make any movie about him interesting.



He sticks around on the earth long after it gets too hot for humans to survive. He stays until the Sun eats the earth.

>>serious DC
Marvel has done serious far better than DC.

>How the fuck is this going to work?
It won't, they already gave up
From now on they'll just ignore continuity and throw shit at the wall to see what sticks

God, I fucking hate WB. I enjoyed BvS and Man of Steel and other fans of those movies won't be getting a sequel because those movies didn't pull Marvel money even though Marvel did the ground work to build their universes. If DC fans think Superman, after its 10059987324th movie of doing the same shit is going to make BILLIONS, then they're fucking stupid and so is WB; same goes for Batman. Marvel made it's money by building off the success of Iron Man and having an overarching story that formed an umbrella for lesser known heroes; tying them all in together. Fuck, I would've loved a Man of Steel 2 and a good sequel to BvS, but now we're practically promised Marvel 2.0 from WB and I couldn't care less.

at the begining yeah but they shat the bed introducing aliens and other bullshit and going deeper into it

Comic book universes have always been a clusterfuck.

why lie to yourself like this, not even a fan of capeshit but even I know that's not true. Marvel is for grown kids.

So does this mean Cavill is gone as Superman? Of so, that's a shame. He was the 2nd best Superman.

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it was still mediocre marvel capeshit tier

>marvel did serious better than DC
You're kidding, right? Infinity War was practically all of your favorite heroes acting like retards just so they could serious the fuck up after half the universe gets snapped in Endgame. It was incredibly dumb.

Proof Cavil quit?

Yeah, didn't think so. He cameo'd in Shazam for Christ's sake. DChads going strong and long!

not him, but the last time DC treated us like adults was TDK. snyder's movies are equivalent of early '00s numetal. only edgy teenagers and americans ever thought of it as mature.

Agreed. The next film they should make is a Black Manta origin reboot. But be sure NOT to include or mention Aquaman in any way.

still did it better than whatever edgelorDC was doing

Weren't you told youre a retard already

He didn't though. They didn't show Superman's face and the guy in the suit was some nobody

Marvel is the only capeshit with a connected universe, don't drag DC into this shit!

That was a stand-in retard lmao. Cavill is gone, except it


We told you over and over again for the past year Cavil didn't quit. Just because they didn't show his face, doesn't mean it wasn't him in the suit.

Just like Ben Affleck right? lmao

>It's ridiculous how inconsistent DC movies are; you get an excellent one, then a terrible one, then an okay one, and so on.
Marvel movies are exactly the same, but everyone just pretends they're not.

Iron man 2 & 3, Thor 1 & 2, First avenger, age of Ultron, captain marvel, antman 1 & 2 - all of them are either forgettable or genuinely terrible and that's like a 1/3 of marvel's run.
Phase 1 and 2 of the MCU has four good movies out of 12 and if it hadn't been for avengers and winter soldier revitalizing the universe at key points, the MCU would probably be already be a forgotten failure by now.

seething DCuck

It was Shazam's stunt double inside the suit:

>Cavill was in discussions to do the cameo as part of his contract renegotiations to continue playing the iconic DC superhero, but sadly, according to Sandberg, plans for his cameo fell through and the man in the blue and red suit is instead Zachary Levi's stunt double.




Yeah I'm sure that planned Superman sequel will come to light sometime in the next decade lmao

WB are fucking retards.
They should just do a Flashpoint parodox and reboot the whole universe with people that won't break their contracts half way trough.

Other sources state that Cavill was happy enough to go into the suit again no problem but he wasn't available for the time of filming and that's coming from people who worked on the film.

>At one point, we'd hoped it was going to be Cavill doing it, but unfortunately his schedule didn't allow him to do it. We still wanted to do it anyway, and it turned out to be better, because it let us do a hard cut on Freddy's reaction, because if we had Cavill there, we'd actually written lines, they had a dialogue, but then it's a little bit of a hat on hat, because really what it's about is Freddy's reaction, so we got to get out on that.


Yikes. I don't know why you guys take that AND THAT'S A GOOD THING site seriously especially when they throw their own words in instead of gathering sources.

Apparently there's an alternate ending where the Shazam family transforms and goes to save the day, and it's gonna be an extra on the blu-ray
should have gone with that instead

>Superman sequel is cancelled
>Flash movie is cancelled
>Justice League sequel is cancelled
Superheroes with retarded levels of godly abilities are just boring.

>Cyborg movie is cancelled

>Batman getting a reboot
Fucking great. Batman is THE flagship hero DC should focus on.

>Wonder Woman and Aquaman getting sequels
Makes sense. Minorities and feminism are the lifeblood of current US media.

>muh buzzwords
Both universes are inconsistent in quality and have a large number of shit entries. The difference between the DCU and the MCU is that the MCU's good movies were the ones that needed to count and DCU's good movies were for the side characters.
The other thing is that MCU has good actors that can play the characters well enough to carry dogshit films like the iron mans and thors, while Cavill and Affleck were majorly miscast and couldn't carry their own films, let alone Justice league.

>So.. you destroyed your EU and need to clean up the pieces...

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aboslutely reddit.

fine by me. the best part of the man of steel and batman v superman was watching mike jay and rich shit on them.

Do you think cavill still receives payment/residuals from MoS? Or has the movie industry gone to quick cash grabs? I heard the warden still receives residuals of around 100k per month from shawshank, because so many people, schools etc and broadcasters buy the movie today. I honestly dont think a single person would have bought a man of steel dvd in years

>damage control

Why would they say anything else you gullible retard? Fuckin kek. This is getting embarrassing at this point. I'm sure it'll take you another one or two years to come to grips with reality, same way you did Affleck

Good riddance

Capeshit is not about the flying people who punch things. Its about interactions between interesting characters.

Guardians of the Galaxy proved this.

Following the line of articles, all it really says is that Vaughn's proposed movie isn't happening, and the writers run with everything from there. I'm not sure where they got the idea that because HIS MoS2 isn't happening there isn't going to BE one. They aren't exactly going to tell him either way.

Another day more articles. It's all so tiresome.

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Hell, right there in that article.

>Cavill later posted a genuinely bizarre video on Instagram lifting a Superman action figure with the caption “Today was exciting. #superman”. Collider also reported this year that the actor was still Superman, saying there was “no truth” to the “patently inaccurate” rumors.

>“Aquaman” actor Jason Momoa also defended Cavill last December in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, saying “he loves the character and he’s not (leaving the role), 100 percent.”

When did it say it was cancelled

Who cares? Antje was killed off, capeshit should have been killed off, and Cavill is doing just fine.

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Fuck this universe

Good, after DCU dead MCU will follow

They hope people already forgot BvS, SS and JL


why do you dcucks keep losing? it's hilarious, you thought you could go up against Chad Marvel?

DC is just incapable of making good movies after Nolan

its over, put a fork that gay shit.

Correct it wasn't canceled, that would imply there were plans for it to begin with kek

>Flash movie is cancelled?

the irony is that man of steel is one of the best superhero/scifi invasion films in recent years. It is superior to all dc films and 99% of MCU films. it's beautiful to watch and listen to


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you know i rewatched justice league this weekend and something came to my mind

its the perfect super friends movie, not justice league, but the 70s super friends,
its so corny that it hurts, they even show bruce and diana buying the hall of justice in the end of the movie

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>Superheroes with retarded levels of godly abilities are just boring.
noh you got it wrong
super heroes with boring non powerfull powers are boring
what makes SUPER heroes cool is the SUPER part, if i want to watch a hero movie i just go watch indiana jones, that is superior to all capeshit movies ever made.
whats the point of a SUPER hero that cannot be SUPER?

>user talks about Man of Steel
>posts a pick of someone talking about Batman v superman, a diferent movie

Superman is boring because he has no weaknesses except the green rock
hes literally just "I WIN HEHE ME STRONG"
its the same reason Captain Marvel is such a one dimensional boring character

Warner brothers have no clue what they are doing

Also Vaughs proposal for a trilogy with a whole first film about Superman growing up on Krypton is fucking retarded

all DC posters and fans are pajeets
every last one of you

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> he has no weaknesses except the green rock
>green rock
eletricity, loud noises, magic, strong people and sharp bones

>posting pictures of reddit like its going to change anything
you not realy helping yourself there

theres a reason your entire universe is in shambles, canceled movies left and right.

they're all shit, MoS included. now stop trying to robocall my grandma you poopskin pajeet fuck.

>theres a reason your entire universe is in shambles, canceled movies left and right.
because they rushed thing like star wars did ?

>an excellent one
well that's already one better than MCU

DC characters are boring, the cgi sucks, the writing sucks, and you handed too movies to the hack retard Zack Snyder and then retroactively tried to pretend he was a misunderstood genius.

Wonderwoman is the only movie that should get a sequel. Aquaman sucked and I'm honestky surprised it did so well. Batman doesnt need anymore films after nolan already perfected batman. Cyborg might have been cool but not popular enough for his own movie. Justice league sucked. Flash is lame, if I wanted to watch a movie about a guy running fast I'd watch chariots of fire. Capeshit should just end, it's so bad America deserves to collapse for making it a dominant film theme.

Fucking this, they should have followed Nolans lead and made DC more serious with actual talented actors.

>DC characters are boring,
they are more interesting than other capeshit heroes thats for sure. otherwise the DCAU would had not worked.

>the cgi sucks
i cant think of a single movie where it doesnt.
>the writing sucks,
just like every other capeshit movie out there. DC or not.

>better visuals/cinematography than anything from MCU, it's actually a beautiful film
>the best soundtrack of any capeshit to date, it's a masterpiece
>CGI equal to infinity war, which is the best we have seen from MCU
>best villain. more believable and charistmatic than anything from MCU with the exception of Thanos, and Zod was at least equal to Thanos in how well he was played
>a great scifi invasion story
had it been released by marvel you would be worshipping it. but no, you have been told it's 'too boring' and 'too violent'. well what the fuck do you expect when a super powered alien is throwing another super powered alien around in a city? would it better if they stopped every few minutes to quip before continuing the fight?

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Bullshit lol, even marvels R rated films are geared towards children. Blade and spawn are the only adult marvel movies.


we already got that with louis and clark back in the 90s

I agree. If you mean by saying 99% of DC movies, that it's better than all of them except Nolan-trilogy, then we agree even more.

Fun would be enough for me

I don't even think it was entirely the fault of Zack Snyder. The problem was that it was being rushed, starting to get sloppy, and there were some seriously bad casting decisions: Lex and The Flash were absolutely ridiculous and Suicide Squad was atrocious.

I would like DC to focus on standalone franchises.

>A standalone Superman trilogy
It's tempting to add Batman to this because of muh batman and superman comic book stories, but let's NOT. Batman overshadows Superman in popularity and the screenwriting for superman will be affected. Just make a standalone trilogy, period.

>A standalone Barman trilogy
Yes, we can have more Batman trilogies after Nolan, we never grow tired of Batman. Batman is great.

>Standalone Wonder Woman-trilogy
Yes, let's do that too, she is great and female movie watchers will love it too.

>Standalone Aquaman-trilogy
Yes, but use a white man as in the comic books... for the love of god stop ruining characters just because you want more diversity on screen. Let the bi-characters be minorities instead if you have to.

>Other standalone trilogies are welcome
As long as you put the best directors and producers on the abovementioned trilogies, for quality sake.

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