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Other urls found in this thread:

Why Sophie became ftm?

Because she is dumb feminist whore just like her character in GOT.

23 years old, holy fucking shit kek

Attached: turner.jpg (1242x1535, 982K)

you just know their carreers are dead because they are doing shit like this.

They won't come to Alabama? Oh no that sucks.

Attached: laura-m-zanders-white-women-should-be-hunted-and-killed-7205821.png (500x633, 73K)

Never liked Chastain, she always looked like a huge bitch. Isn't she adult Bev in the new IT? What a tragic casting if so

Lol. She's going the route of Sarah Jessica Parker except at a more rapid level.

Why do women hate babies so much?

Zanders is a Jewish name.

It's hedonism more than anything, it's not like (most) women will go around killing children because they like it, but they won't have problems killing a child for X reward.

Birmingham has been getting some Georgia spill over filming recently. Netflix had parts of downtown blocked off for some big film a couple of months ago and there was another filming just last week. Interesting how Hollywood has descended on the southeast.

only in the west

Because up to a rather recent point in human history, sex always led to babies and thus sleeping around led to being shunned by society, church and family. Sex was pretty much reserved for husband and wife, because pregnancy without husband was pretty much suicide. After birth prevention and abortions became a thing, women could pretty much sleep around without a direct consequence, they just had to sacrifice the child if an oopsie happened. Because 80% of women go for 20% of all men, most men got the bad end of the deal now and thus they push for abortion to reverse the sexual liberation. Anti-abortion people simply want to return to a more traditional society.

Its not that women hate babies, its that man hate women which can sleep around without being punished.

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Yep, it's losers agitating for the sexual equivalent of gibs. Pathetic, and Canute-ish.

They don't, they just don't want to be forced to have one.

>vow to boycott

Just like all these celebrities that "vowed" to leave the country if Trump won the election?
They're literally just petulant children. Even if they WEREN'T lying it's hardly a threat, but they're bluffing on top of that. Ignore them. Let the babies throw their tantrums.

Can't they just choose to not get nutted in by every guy she sees?

In places like China and Korea they literally abandon babies, especially girls, on the fucking sides of mountains to die of exposure to the elements. It's even done openly and ignored by both society and law-enforcement.

Because they're stupid and Jews write articles like this

Attached: dont have kids, goyim!.jpg (1013x537, 159K)

>Interesting how Hollywood has descended on the southeast.
Yeah, almost like Leftists have ruined the West Coast with crime, over-regulation and high taxes or something.

It's incredibly easy to not go to Alabama, though. It's not on the same level as moving to another country. Hollywood - although it's not really Hollywood any longer, but let's call it that for convenience - has been filming in shithole states for years because it's cheaper. They now realize that people are looking at these places politically, and it makes no sense to enrich the coffers of those states by millions of dollars while fighting against their ideologies. Best to cut off the supply. It means more filming will move abroad, of course.

Sophie is such a repulsive whore.

everybody think same yaaaay

Good thing there are at least a thousand ways to prevent it, huh?

That's not how it works, there are many reasons for wanting an abortion.


>Its not that women hate babies, its that man hate women which can sleep around without being punished.

Yeah, Tumblr, it's totally that. Not that decent people find the murder of infants to be reprehensible.


oh no what ever will we do without a couple of washed up roasties

Tbh, that's usually how it works. The number of rape babies is actually quite low. The majority is women thinking a baby will inconvenience them in some way.

wtf is wrong with jewish people

>filmed Winterfell scenes in Northern Ireland where abortion is completely illegal

Attached: 1365131633566.gif (207x207, 1.37M)

Aside from "oopsie i slept around too much, tee hee", what are they?
People keep saying this but never list them.

Attached: Abortion is the New Condom.jpg (988x773, 151K)

>let me kill my fucking baby!

There's no point in this kind of statement, abortion isn't going anywhere. Women in the shithole states will now be traveling elsewhere to get the abortion done, that's all.

thats a good, vague non answer

What the fuck are you talking about? I said it wasn't about getting "nutted in by every guy", that has nothing to do with thinking a baby will inconvenience them.

Attached: 1540596865953.jpg (936x800, 86K)

>it makes no sense to enrich the coffers of those states by millions of dollars while fighting against their ideologies. Best to cut off the supply. It means more filming will move abroad, of course.

Yeah, they're going to spend millions of dollars to relocate their studios, resources, equipment, etc. and then pay millions more over time in the higher taxes of wherever they production to, all because they want to virtue-signal about not enough babies being killed. I'm 100% that's what's going to happen.

Your name is an incel name

Nobody except an incel thinks that abortion to remove one specific fetus is the result of sex with multiple partners, and cherrypicking from your /pol/ images folder proves nothing.

then theyll be charged anyway lol

They see white Europeans as competition, culturally and economically.

Attached: abort your white kids, goyim!.jpg (680x857, 74K)

Women can do anything except raise a child


>abortion isn't going anywhere

Said literally everyone about other things before it got banned.

>violent murderer rapist
>innocent unborn with limitless potential for good

They don't have to answer to you, don't you get it? There are potentially as many reasons as there are women who want abortions.

>babies being killed

How ironic. You're 100 per cent what, by the way?

>It's the jews fault I can't get laid

They won't be paying higher taxes, why don't you read the sentences you're quoting? Oh, you can't read, you're "pro-life", I get it.

Well lets look at your argument:

Ad hominem, I can be a tranny from the moon, it has nothing to do with my argument.
>decent people find the murder of infants reprehensible
Moralistic fallacy
Have you ever fapped? That makes you a mass murderer according to your logic. An infant is simply a more advanced sperm, they both die during abortion / masturbation. Yet one is fine while the other isnt.

Attached: 1553448052518.jpg (900x900, 60K)

> I said it wasn't about getting "nutted in by every guy",
If the baby they're aborting is not a product of rape, and it usually isn't, then "getting nutted in by every guy" is actually a fair description of poor life choices.

left article was written by Damian Carrington (not Jewish)

right article was written by Alberto Nardelli (not Jewish)


Attached: Soyboy 1.png (644x800, 15K)

Attached: literally pol.png (729x288, 150K)

No they won't, there have always been such networks and it's not in anyone's interest to shut them down.

>They don't have to answer to you

I'm convinced these transparently dishonest shitshows of "pro-life" sentiment on Yea Forums originate with an intensely felt need to feel answered to, frankly.

To be fair, someone like that deserves to be infertile. Condoms have been around for centuries.

I wonder if they're boycotting countries where abortions are even more restricted, but not only that, women are also treated like slaves like Saudi Arabia, fuck, every country in the Middle East, African countries. How about South American countries like Brazil, Argentina, etc.

Oh, how silly of me, of course not. They won't get any likes or sjw points from that.

A life isn't created from jacking off, fuck off retard.

an unexpected degenerate haven. state has abortion rights built into constitution now so even if roe vs wade is overturned abortions would still be legal there

name a more based country than northern ireland. ill wait.

Right, simply shift the definition of life until your own actions are excused.

Nothing in American history has ever been successfully banned once it became legal.

based and redpilled

Attached: Crowder.jpg (1200x675, 85K)

Is anyone surprised by this?

Companies like Apple that were threatening to pull out entirely from North Carolina for not letting men in drag use the same public bathrooms as little girls regularly do business in countries where homosexuality is literally illegal or even punishable by death.

Liberals are entirely defined by hypocrisy.
Their "morals" only come into play as far as manipulating America. They are never, ever universally applied.

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Exactly. The impotent spite of incels.

Attached: gaydolf6.jpg (773x721, 150K)

Aborting a baby due to "financial difficulties" or "I won't be a good parent" is premeditated murder out of self-interest and should be prosecuted and punished as such. Just put the baby up for adoption if you actually can't support it.

Rape babies and medical problem babies are 0.1% of abortions, the remaining 99.9% is irresponsible roasties killing people because they can't be bothered to use birth control. And THAT should be banned and punishable by law.

It's Yea Forums. There's always going to be an exceptionalistic attitude where masturbation's involved.

>xe unironically doesn't understand basic biology to the point where xey thinks this is a valid argument

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One more and I would have gotten Buzzword Bingo.
But regardless, it's sad that your fat, used-up ass thought that this was an actual valid response/argument.

Attached: Incel Accusation Cuck.jpg (2474x2904, 750K)

wtf i love Hitler now??

Oh yeah, all those Hollywood movies that won't now be shot in the middle of Africa. You dipshit.

cry moar incel
(and have sex)

>They don't have to answer to you, don't you get it?

Holy shit, imagine how fucking stupid and overweight you have to be before saying something like this unironically.

Then why do you guys hate him so much, lol

Attached: 1512151664013.png (1240x822, 1.94M)

You incels sure don't cope well with that whole "incel" thing.

I never said it was good for bad that Hitler was a tranny

These are just historical facts.

Attached: gay nazis.jpg (750x1077, 203K)

Learn to deal.

there are many reasons to want to murder someone so its ok :)

>I said it wasn't about getting "nutted in by every guy", that has nothing to do with thinking a baby will inconvenience them.

Yes it does you disingenuous fucking idiot. Women who don't sleep around don't typically have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy.

>Because 80% of women go for 20% of all men,
>Regurgitating this figure
God dammit, user. Oh what, you're going to spam that OKCupid thing as evidence next? The 80/20 talking point has been BTFO already. It's like when Holocaust denial shit gets BTFO on /his/ to /pol/ autists then slink over to Yea Forums to they can spam the same stupid talking points all over again but with less fear of reprisal.

Attached: WySl0IX.png (268x325, 87K)

Sounds like you're being a trans-exclusionary bigot

Attached: hot.jpg (600x800, 155K)

>incel buzzwords

alabama fat & stupid? maybe even mississipi

Attached: that-nationwide-obesity-data-puts-the-nations-most-overweight-people-in-the-states-often-coded-as-d. (1260x920, 99K)

So why not allow the people to decide by referendum? Oh right, because the vast majority of normies and moralfags and even other women will agree with the "nazi incel" view of abortion and ban it permanently.

But you ARE an incel. You hate the idea of women enjoying their lives, so you want them to be forced to carry unwanted children to term. It doesn't mean anything to your life because you'll never be in a position to get a woman pregnant, you're just lashing out in spite. Whatever, abortions will continue.

you dont seem to cope well with being openly retarded

To be fair to her, she has said she's glad to be leaving Northern Ireland due to their abortion laws.

>They won't be paying higher taxes

Are you sub-intelligent?
The entire reason they film in Alabama and Georgia is because they taxes related to it are lower their.

>Be a fucking retard
>Want to kill children
>Act both intellectually AND morally superior to people both smarter AND better than you
Yep, typical abortionist.

the 80-20 shit is peddled by the bitter incel brigade, not the /pol/fags

/pol/ spams the 13-50 stats

Do incels unironically believe anyone that hates them or makes fun of them is the type of soi shitstain in that pic posted? Genuine cope if true. Normies, Chads, etc. hate or make fun of incels whenever exposed to their shit as well.

This guy has dumped his "I hate white people, Jews are superior" folder several thousand times over the last half decade

At this point I hope he's a false flagging /pol/tard trying to make people hate Jews more


That'd be covert retardation there.


Imagine how stupid and virginal you have to be not to accept that this is the operative issue: they don't have to answer to you.

I know. But them spamming the 80/20 thing over and over despite being BTFO reminds me of /pol/ spamming those Stormfag graphs/talking points.

Nah bro, just trust me. 80% of men are incels just like me.

It's like virtue signaling leftists are gigantic hypocrites. Who would have thought?

Sounds more like you're a fat retard that desperately wants to play Armchair Psychologist to me.


Attached: jb8ymxga6g821.jpg (1670x1670, 220K)

Agreed. I'm actually being naziphobic

Attached: gay nazis paulie.jpg (404x713, 89K)

The incel is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an incel...

>You're like the fat pajeet, user...

How is tranny nazi pics "anti-white"? Does the truth hurt that much?

Attached: gay nazis3.png (582x696, 219K)

>I want all the dicks in the world but none of the consequences
Whores of Babylon.


You retards keep forgetting this argument has been debunked countless times. Probably because Abortionists don't have many ACTUAL arguments.

>Getting this buttblasted by memes

You have a child's view of the world. Plenty of women in long-term relationships get an abortion because they don't want children at that point in their lives, or even at all. It's not unusual.

>The Incel is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a virgin, unfuckable, manchild, bitter loser, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an Incel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I won't have sex.”

Piss-poor response, breh.

so they kill it because it’s inconvenient?

The rights of an individual over their body are absolute, they're not up for debate.

this is the 800th time this retarded abortion debate is happening on Yea Forums



I'm surprised I haven't seen any footage of an incel losing it in real life and accosting random women for being roastie whores and random guys for being Chad fucking shits. I'd have thought at least one of them would have had a public meltdown, especially if alcohol is involved.


where's it say that? as if anyone would ever accuse you assclowns of being "christfags"

>To be fair, someone like that deserves to be infertile.

Literally any woman willing to kill children deserves to be infertile.
Honestly the best compromise would be any Abortion being required to also include sterilization procedures. Then these women can be as "sexually liberated" as they want and can sleep with as many frat-tards as they want, and no babies will be killed for it. Then everyone would be happy.

Life beginning at conception is a pretty sound argument. At conception entirely new DNA is formed dictating height, eye color, temperament and proclivity towards certain psychological traits.

le uncle le sit le down

>trannies boycotting US

What else is new?

Read all of the words you quoted. They'll move abroad.

What a cogent and thoughtful response to the issues raised by that user. I'm sold!

My right to not have my tax dollars pay for abortions instead of new roads is also not up for debate. Either give it to the popular vote, or shut the fuck up forever and endure state legislatures flip flopping abortion every time the ruling party changes.

They still sell products and do business in those countries even if they're not filming their, retard.

You'd only contrive something else to whine about, user.

Why is Yea Forums now filled with religious nutters?

I have to admit he got me mad ages ago with his long passionate defense of Harvey Weinstein and his calls for all Internet forums to be shut down like IMDB was

No, it's just annoying how you make the same troll threads on Yea Forums and /pol/ 10 times a day, every day, for years on end, despite the fact that nobody has ever given a shit about anything you've had to say

Attached: Untitled.png (1126x402, 184K)

>simply shift the definition of life until your own actions are excused.

This is hilarious coming from people who arbitrarily decide how many months a baby takes before being legally considered a "baby".

correct, the childs right to their life is not up for debate

>even if they're not filming their, retard

You can't make this shit up.

Whether or not that is the case, I don't see why someone who opposes abortion if they believe this should be viciously attacked. If you don't agree, whatever, but they are opposing it because they believe human life is being terminated, which shows some moral fibre.

>removing a fetus and throwing it into the trash
>shooting millions of sperm into a sock
I wonder where the casualties are higher

The bible forbids wasting your seed outside of procreation. Yet I dont see christfags trying to ban masturbation.

Attached: 1557152084236.jpg (620x402, 14K)

Yeah, I never said they didn't, I said it had nothing to do with number of partners. Learn to read, seriously.

/pol/ is leaking again

I blame gookmoot for rangebanning half of /pol/ to extort Yea Forums pass shekels

Didn't she film in Morocco

this poster is a woman, you can tell by how uppity she is

So because i don't want women to have a freepass for murdering their children i'm religious?

Lose weight.

I'm guessing the studios won't give a fuck about what they want and will film wherever they please, all this can do is hurt their careers.


They're too scared to say anything in public, on the record.

Won't someone puh-LEASE think of the Precious Babies?

Attached: Helen-Lovejoy.gif.png (770x280, 101K)

Lol we run this shit homeboy

Is this the Trump election 2.0?

>But you ARE an incel.

If you keep saying it it will become true, for sure.
Just like how you convinced yourself that there's "health at every size" and obesity isn't slowly killing you.

it's not really murder since you aren't killing a conscious human being, you're removing a brainless fleshy clump. abortions past the point of time where the fetus actually has some brain function has never been allowed afaik

promiscuity has nothing to do with abortions?

Remember when you were young and though women were kind, gentle and nurturing?

Do faggots unironically believe that anyone that disagrees with their retard politics is an "incel"?

Not sober but one get shitfaced due to their misery and go on an insane rant is something I'm surprised isn't out there, or isn't something that has happened but isn't spammed on Yea Forums. But incel shit does make for good comedy material. My Twisted World would be a very good black comedy.

But being such a fatass is part of why you're an incel, incel. Have sex.

Attached: prochart.png (1190x806, 239K)

If California made abortion illegal you just know these bitches would change their tune so fast.

Harvey Weinstein did nothing wrong. Stop crying about mean trolls roastie

Except we've already seen multiple times that the slippery slope is very real despite commies trying to convince us otherwise. Allow first trimester abortions, and they'll start demanding second trimester abortions. Allow that, and they'll want full term abortions. Allow that, and they'll want post-pregnancy abortions.

The only winning move is not to play.

How are the welsh oppressed?

No, your right not to have your tax dollars pay for abortions is totally up for debate. Nobody's going to shut up.

>the welsh are an oppressed minority
Wat. Maybe in the 1300s.

So you're admitting you have no actual argument?

Maybe the nazi's shouldn't have been such trannys if you get triggered by it

>actually the guys calling people incels are all chad alpha males
*everybody that's ever called out incels on social media has been a fat shitskin loser himself*
>haha c-cope

When they spam the same exact shit that incels do on their forums or r/braincels in response to certain things, then yes, it's a safe bet to peg him as an incel.

>Just like how you convinced yourself that there's "health at every size"

more like how you convinced yourself that's what they convinced themselves of, incel. (because you're an incel)

I'm not sure I quite understand what you were trying to say with this post but the rationale is that human life is being terminated. This is talking in philosophical terms. This is a philosophical argument rather than a legislative one and under those grounds abortion is absolutely terminating a human life or the potential for human life and both are equally troubling.

No taxation without representation = If you want my tax dollars to pay for your abortions, you better have a popular vote saying 50%+1 of the voting age population agrees with you.

Otherwise fuck off.

No, again, it clearly is. You're pissing up a drainpipe on this shit, abortion is going to happen, it's just a question of how expensive and inconvenient it is for the person seeking it.

>abortions past the point of time where the fetus actually has some brain function has never been allowed afaik
Imagine being his ill-informed.

Why are they having unprotected sex if they don't want children?
If they NEVER want children, why aren't they sterilizing themselves?

>the bible
our book retard we do what we want with it lol

Does an incel cease to be an incel after they've been pegged?

You sure seem to care

But dude, you actually ARE an incel.

Men dressed up as women for a joke?
Wow, what a revelation!

For real man consider your life. How many hours have you poured into "literally pol.png" "pol irl.png" "Why are whites so intimidated by Jewish superiority? Is it because they're as dumb as niggers?" "gay nazi3.png"

You were doing this shit since like five years ago and you literally do it every day, aren't you missing a fucking synagogue service or something

The point being Chads, normies, etc. will shit on incels along with the soi faggots whenever exposed to incel bullshit, idiot.

Good thing for her no states that have anti abortion laws have a booming movie industry

>The rights of an individual over killing their children are absolute.

No they aren't, femcel.

A question for pro-choice's: Do you think abortion should generally be illegal during the third trimester of pregnancy? Why or why not?


Attached: wegwghh.jpg (372x350, 19K)

Yes, promiscuity has nothing to do with abortions.

but if we don't allow abortions, then we go down the slippery slope of first not allowing abortions, then not allowing women to have sex that would cause pregnancy in the first place, then we would obviously next put women into camps to further stop pregnancies from happening. obviously, the only reasonable way to go about this is to allow abortions.

>getting this worked up over gay nazi memes that you begin to incoherently ramble
calm down dude

Uh, it’s not a real child yet sweaty. What if I want to go out with the girls?

Nope. Only way an incel stops being an incel is vaginal penetration with a willing, consenting partner he's not paying to have sex with.

That's right incels, having sex with a hooker does NOT make you not an incel.

>getting so buttblasted by actual arguments that you spam a thread with liberal shitposting



and? she is still hypocrite, she should denies shooting GOT in ireland, right now GOT is wrapped so who cares if she is moving from ireland.

This is something to look for, though they rant pretty incontinently already without being drunk.

Pissed off, maybe. Irritated. But do you think anybody has looked at "jews have superior iqs whites are niggers4.png" for the 150,000th time and suddenly said "At least I truly see, Jews really ARE the master race! I'm going to stop being such a Nazi right now and donate to Israel."

well thats how it works in my country. feel free to bring up some points about how it works in america and how it should be improved

Why can't people accept that abortion is a necessary evil similar to civilian casualties in war? That's how I've always viewed it and seems to avoid most of the moral bullshit both sides throw out. Let's just be honest if it was illegal degenerates would throw themselves down stairs.

If I knew posting some gay nazi pics made you so buttmad I would have done it more.

Attached: pepelaughz.jpg (800x450, 40K)

>implying any of the things you listed are bad
get a load of this faggot

Wtf are you even talking about. You're rambling incoherently about things nobody is talking about.

All because of a few tranny nazi pics

>they'll want post-pregnancy abortions
Nah, a fetus isn't a baby.

Nah, they're not going to fuck off.

10/10 thread.

Attached: 1558343571576.png (947x832, 890K)

>caring about jessica cumstain and sophie turner diaries

Attached: nope.jpg (613x531, 36K)


Lose weight, roastie.

Attached: Desu Face 1.jpg (480x480, 86K)

What's incoherent about my post? I'm directly addressing the guy who does this, who is clearly posting in this thread.

Attached: Untitled.png (862x674, 253K)

>triggered nazi incel
ahahahahahahahahah kys useless waste of space

So why don't they get their tubes tied then?

imagine BEING retarded

oh right i forgot to mention the final plunge of the slippery slope. since 100% of pregnancies are caused by shitty men, all men would also be put in separate camps and the lands would be ruled by autoreproductive eunuchs

So do you have an actual counter-argument? Or are YOU just whining?

>put the baby up for adoption
>essentially guaranteeing that it'll grow up in horrible conditions and ultimately become a criminal/burden on society

>things nobody is talking about.
One of his "jews are superior, whites are niggers" posts is right here


stop trying to control women's bodies incel no wonder you can't get sex

>again posting stuff nobody has posted
You seem to have been driven schizophrenic by anti-pol trolling/shitposting. Get help

If you hate criminals so much why don't you just kill em?

>getting this butthurt over some shitposter bantz

I don't have an opni

Serial killer niggers and spic rapists have WAY more rights than innocent unborn children! What are you, a nazi or something?

>saving some shit from 2 years ago that nobody even brought up ITT
WOW these shitposters have driven you insane

Because fat roasties and their soiboy man-slaves like you assume that religion is the only reason that anyone would criticize infanticide.

Attached: Leftists and Capitalist Markets tranny Cartoon.jpg (782x652, 82K)

Why do I get the feeling the "Have sex" posters accusing everyone of being "an incel" are virgins themselves? Is it because in their eyes sex is the ultimate prize? It's the platonic ideal they dream of reaching.

Because if you have had sex, and regular sex, it's something you don't really think about. It's like ice cream. It's great, but you don't obsess about it 24/7.

>61 seconds apart
Stuff YOU post. C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T-L-Y

But pro-life people are brainless fleshy clumps, they're worried it's going to be them next.

kek@that pic. Gonna save it and use it now. Thanks man

TOOO TOOO, All aboard Ellen Page train.

Attached: 1517140381495.jpg (1872x1874, 729K)

He never said jews were superior he said that whites blaming jews for their virginity is similar to blacks blaming whites for everything

Discord trannies who think rubbing your appendages together is sex

Do you think this is an actual argument?
Are you really trying to say "stop killing literal babies" isn't a valid argument?

What are you adding to the conversation when you shitpost like this?

Not having proper sex education (like Southern states with their abstinence only bullshit) has been shown to increase in abortions and teen pregnancies.

let me break down havesexposting for you user
1/4 is done by seething discord trannies
1/4 is done by chads seeking to trigger incels
1/4 is done by projecting incels
and the final quarter is done by trolls looking to derail discussions

You're overthinking it. It's often bait posted to wind anons up. I've done 'Have sex' before to random posts and occasionally LARP as an unhinged incel purely to bait other anons.

>Because if you have had sex, and regular sex, it's something you don't really think about. It's like ice cream. It's great, but you don't obsess about it 24/7.
Check out this incel bluffing.

Get help and get these imaginary trolls out of your head. They're there rent free as things stand.

Attached: asdgwww.png (372x123, 5K)

Being such a femcel is why you bury yourself in cheesecake and ice cream and became a fatass. Lose weight.

Who are these people and why should I care?

Pro-life Yea Forums posters are all incels, so people are noting that they're incels. It's nothing to do with the "have sex" meme.

I tell /pol/ spammers to have sex cuz it makes them chimp out mostly

nice shop


Attached: 1559396699991.png (208x144, 1K)

eat ice cream

Because incels expect you to have a fit of rage or despair whenever women express an opinion.

>1/4 is done by chads seeking to trigger incels
Probably a lot lower than that. Chads aren't feminist allies sjw leftists. They don't support their delusions. They're disgusted by them.

t. chad (or former chad before marriage and kids)

>I'm surprised I haven't seen any footage of an incel losing it in real life and accosting random women for being roastie whores and random guys for being Chad fucking shits.

It's almost like the "incel" label is a baseless boogieman that doesn't really exist in any capacity that can actually influence society in any measurable way.

Actually, the vast majority of citizens won't vote at all, just like every election.

>getting this paranoid

Do you have a single fact to back that up, tranny? I mean not being able to have kids doesn't mean you should kill others'

most trannys are nazis man

How much do you reckon the virginity problem is caused by this generation raised by shit fathers, or absentee ones altogether?

well yeah but that doesn't stop them from bullying incels into bettering themselves

tranny and leftist havesexposting is malicious, chad havesexposting is benevolent

Have sex.

what are you rambling about? DONATE TO ISRAEL RIGHT NOW

>But pro-life people are brainless fleshy clumps, they're worried it's going to be them next.

Fucking lel. It's hilarious when Leftists try to play they "y-y-your side is the ugly side!"-card.
Anyone who has seen a leftist rally, especially an abortion-related one, knows that you cucks are stacked wall-to-wall with escaped circus freaks.

Attached: Leftism Makes you Ugly Complilation.jpg (3000x4500, 1.52M)

>Source: just trust me, bro

>Liberals are entirely defined by hypocrisy.
Not when the goal is to destroy white men. They're very consistent once you view everything they do through that lense.

No, but you can hiss about women getting abortions on a Yea Forums thread, which is what you're doing, incel.

think of the peaches!

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 33K)

Like I told my email chain

Quit having unprotected sex if you don't want kids. Have some agency in your life and be on the pill if you don't want an abortion
>but the pill is only 99% effective
then don't fuck 100 guys.



Keep saying it. Keep saying it. Reality will change. You can do it.

imo the much MUCH greater culprit is smartphones and social media

people have forgotten how to human socializing

>Why is Yea Forums now filled with religious nutters?
Whatever it takes to get replies

>It's hilarious when Leftists try to play they "y-y-your side is the ugly side!"-card.

Not as funny as the spectacle of you trying to look confident, breh.

Do you incels ever get tired of whining about everything?

You don't get to debate your way out of virginity, incel.

It's caused by ugly guys not knowing how to make the best of themselves thanks to homosocial nerd subcultures keeping them lame. Seriously. They think having a wash and losing weight = selling out.

through that what?

I will when you have sex

In one debunked study that has never been repeated but you reference anyway because it confirms your retard-beliefs and prejudice?

People don't have unprotected sex solely because a government-funded class didn't tell them "penis + vagoo make babby". Abortions are sky fucking high in liberal shithole cities.

why is Yea Forums filled with unironic trannies and roasties?

What I don't get is why they all take
>Are we sure this isn't really just a rationalisation for killing babies? Maybe we shouldn't kill babies. Maybe if the morality about what might be baby murder is up in the air, we should be erring on the side of caution rather than jumping headfirst into the other side?
to be like an attack on women. "Oh, men just want to control women's bodies" they say. How about we just want society to function properly and for there to be no handwavy justification for such a horrific thing?

It might be that abortion is a necessary evil that's better than the inevitable alternatives (safer than women doing abortions illegally or even by themselves), maybe there are arguments for that, so make those arguments instead of stupid ones. The other side's argument is just that "maybe if you weren't fucking so much this wouldn't be a problem in the first place". When that Charmed actress proposed women enforce a sex ban until women are allowed abortions again, it was such a fucking own goal I couldn't believe it.

have gender

Very interesting that you immediately thought it was a reference to your looks. Projecting.


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who do you think is the target audience of disney capeshit?

look on the bright side, at least it's not a degenerate communist pit like Yea Forums

It's certainly not 80% but over a quarter of American young men are incels and the number is rising steadily

Attached: Untitled.png (836x634, 113K)

>just want society to function properly
>"I demand to have a wife!" says Algernon, waving his knife and fork autistically

because you want to feel beleaguered, user

has sophie ever been to georgia in her life? i doubt it

How would you know what "incels" post on "incel forums" unless you have been there, faggot?

Shhhh, they're brown people. They exempted.

Sucks that all women are continuously raped until pregnant :(

Everyone on this thread advocating a pro-life position IS a seething incel. You seem confused.

>no sex in the past year = no sex in their whole lives
sorry incel, I know you'd like to buff your numbers so you don't seem like an anomalous waste of genetic material, but that's not how inceldom works

>You're pissing up a drainpipe on this shit, mail-bombs are going to happen, it's just a question of how expensive and inconvenient it is for the person seeking it.

You heard it here, folks. Legalize mail-bombs.

quick rundown on her?

For example, the lawmakers of Tennessee have decided that sex education in their state should be mandatory only if the pregnancy rate among fifteen- to seventeen-year-olds is above 19.5 per 1,000 girls. In other words, these policymakers are willing to surrender their “family values” only if a certain threshold is reached, and even then just until the rate can be brought under control again. Aside from being a classic example of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted, this also raises some very interesting questions. For one thing, it suggests that lawmakers know that sex education is effective at addressing teen pregnancy rates—that’s why they’re willing to deploy it if the necessity arises. Why, then, would they wish to implement it only selectively? The answer lies in the Judeo-Christian morality that dominates this country. Further examination of the ways in which sex education and religiosity vary across the United States reveals a link between the two and the impact this has on what’s taught in the classroom.

Here’s a fact: in no state where at least 45 percent of people identify as very religious is the teen birth rate below twenty-five births per 1,000 girls. We’re talking about Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas—otherwise known as the Bible Belt. Correlation is not causation, and there are certainly many factors that contribute to teen birth rates, but it seems clear that deep religiosity does not provide an outstanding starting point for states hoping to address unplanned teen pregnancies.

Attached: gradypawl_map.png (692x600, 36K)

cry moar

you can easily google stats that show 30% of guys 15-30 are virgins

All samefag.

because of the extent to which people like you have made an "incel forum" of Yea Forums, incel

Attached: Screenshot_20190531-170617_YouTube.jpg (1139x793, 434K)

t. discord trannies


>It's like ice cream. It's great
If you've actually had sex you'd know this isn't true. It isn't like ice cream. It isn't great. I'd much rather have ice cream than sex.

Yea Forums is more obsessed with incels than /r9k/

>t. paranoid incel

Attached: 1s4Gb.jpg (491x224, 27K)

>if I have to be [x] they have to be [y]

Sound reasoning there, incel.

Not all virgins are incels. To be an incel, you have to think women are culpable for not having sex with you, and turn that feeling into a minority "identity". A guy who hasn't had sex yet just hasn't had sex yet. It took me years to get laid, but I never let my occasional resentment of women turn into the poison you guys have in your systems. Seek help.

How old is Sophie? She's already starting to hit the wall by the looks of it.

>I filmed in a place I would boycott if I hadn't made all my money already, but now I've made my money so it's time for empty virtue-signalling.

Wow, what a fucking saint.

hey, if it gets (You)s...

There are people on Yea Forums who aren't incels, so there are more people talking about it, while inceldom is the air /r9k/ breathes.

>To be an incel, you have to think women are culpable for not having sex with you, and turn that feeling into a minority "identity"
Then what's up with all the cunts here calling other people incel?

Why the fuck are you not supporting abortion?
do you know how much it costs the planet and everyone in the planet a kid?

>You're rambling incoherently

I can confirm that this is not the case. You're just too stupid to follow a conversation.

Calm down and dilate

>incel can't even read his graphs correctly


>Hear about incels for first time in 2018
>Look them up
>One of the top result is r/braincels
>Go there and quickly learn about the subculture, it's memes, etc.
There's your answer, you defective fag.

>Nah, a fetus isn't a baby.

And a baby isn't a toddler. Doesn't mean you can abort them either.

To be fair, a lot of people don't realize that Northern Ireland has different laws from Britain. English people themselves are often completely unaware of this, as the Westminster government prefers to censor the imperial weirdness of Northern Ireland from the British media.

yea you dont know what you're talking about, you're just spouting media bullshit. do you also consider pepe is a nazi symbol?

no tears now incel only dreams

>low-income people are INHERENTLY criminal!

Gotta' love that Progressivist tolerance and lack of prejudice right there.

The funny part is that when you say shit like this you never realize HOW fucking regressive and prejudiced you make yourself sound.

the funny thing is there are more girls on r9k than tv. make of that what you will sweeties

She's stupid cunt irl and in the show
Fuck sansa and fuck sophie

he's actually entirely right
virgins are guys (or girls) who haven't had sex yet

incels are guys who think that their not having had sex yet means the world is broken, women are evil and there is a vast conspiracy on all levels of government, media and business targeting explicitly them and preventing them from finding sex

incels deserve mockery online and therapy IRL

Because everyone on this thread advocating a pro-life position have been seething about "promiscuity", and it's obvious that women's sexual freedom is their real objection. Nobody who posts on Yea Forums is really a traditionalist, it's all misanthropic - and often misogynist - LARPing.

stop trying to kill babies femcel no wonder you're so fat

>wow more murica politics as if the entire world should care

Attached: 1557784414376.jpg (258x245, 12K)

>baby has no choice in the matter
>legal in most states

>person does have a choice in the matter
>illegal in most states

please explain this

>no one responds to this post
Dude we don't teach teenagers about contraception but we get med of they get unwanted pregnancies :(

I've just accurately described what incels are, I've been here for a decade, cut the shit.

and pepe is a nazi symbol

How do we solve the thot question?

Attached: thot crusader.png (1080x1047, 952K)

>dead career
>stars in:
>the most watched HBO show ever
>a billion dollar movie

Sure does suck to have a dead career right

>Why do I get the feeling the "Have sex" posters accusing everyone of being "an incel" are virgins themselves?

Because it's 100% true.
Modern Leftists are, provably, the most sexless demographic there is. They're literally going extinct, lol.

Attached: Liberal Birthrates Inceldom.png (500x298, 149K)

Absolutely based.

>why are people so against being forced to ruin their lives and their children's lives

Gee I truly wonder.

OK, so that's a "no" on the whole "do you have a single fact to back that up?"-thing. Good to know.

and ive been here since abatap, do you think you're special or something? you have a soccer mom understanding of this stuff, its laughable. you most likely also think being an incel is all about entitlement.

Quit being Captain Saveahoe for GOT actors, you flaming queer

close your legs

That's what I don't get about abortion.

I personally am happy that my political and racial enemies are killing their own offspring. Why would I want to see more niggers and leftists in my society? It makes no sense.

>bluffing that you will boycott a state because they don't kill enough babies
>"expressing an opinion"

Lol, nice damage control.
People make fun of you when you say stupid shit. Deal with it, roastie.

I described what incels are. Nobody cares what an incel finds laughable, incel.

You're a beta orbiter for a woman you will never meet. How does it feel?

they need adults ready to work in factories. not a bunch of babies that can't do anything.

What does your post have to do with the post you are responding to?
Are you a schizoid?

But they ARE going to boycott Alabama, it's an incredibly easy thing to do, why are you confused about this? It would harm them more NOT to.

sweetie if you post on a board with incels, you're also an incel

>lifetime commitment to raising a child that costs around 200k
>an inconvenience
What kind of retard would think that.

>virginity problem

Virgins, male OR female, aren't the ones killing babies, so they're not the "problem" that needs to be dealt with.

They want to make the Holocaust something that actually happened

>waaaaaah, stop criticizing me for killing kids!

No. Deal with it.

What angers them is the idea of women having control over their own bodies. This overrides everything else, even logic.

i firmly support the idea of all women being put on birth control. problem solved, no more kids

She makes more in a year than you will in your life. No one knows you exist. Stay assmad

Fetuses aren't kids, glad I could be of help.

you realize youre also describing yourself too, right?

>no argument

Thanks for posting anyway, I guess.

Attached: Smug Laugh 1.png (548x666, 361K)

Have sex incel.

Back in the real world, kids aren't a problem if people want them, it's people not wanting to have them and being forced to that's the issue.

>all unsourced

WEW. Convincing.

put all women on birth control
problem solved

There's no debate to be had, you don't get to control women's bodies.

Yea but guess which one is crying about a "dead career" while you slave away like cuck, you brain dead faggot

Well thats the problem of freedom, you let people do what they want but then you have to pay to fix their fuckups through taxes. Personal responsibility gets thrown out of the window, since father state will always help you out. If you stop social welfare, then the problem will fix itself. Men simply dont want to pay for the adventures of women, which they will never get to fuck anyway.

Attached: 1536585477605.jpg (640x638, 52K)

The solution is freedom to choose, which is already here. Alabama will be brought to heel, it's a broken-down shithole.

Get a incel mug for your Facebook friend José.


Whatever you have to tell yourself, femcel.
Stop getting so worked up. Why do you care about abortion anyway? Your trans-penis can't carry a baby like an actual womb can. You don't have to worry about pregnancy.

Attached: SJW Face 2.png (471x373, 188K)

the solution is putting all women on birth control.

>What angers them is the idea of women having control over their own bodies.
Yes, but are they wrong?

You can only prevent it in a police state, the opposite of what you claim to want.

>which they will never get to fuck anyway.
Thanks for confirming that this is an incel talking point. Abortion will continue, but you will never have sex.

>But they ARE going to boycott Alabama
They aren't, lol.

>it's an incredibly easy thing to do, why are you confused about this? It would harm them more NOT to.
And it will harm Alabama zero in the end even if they do.

This projection achieves nothing in terms of getting you laid.

>arbitrary age-limits

Toddlers also aren't babies. You're still a murderer if you inject acid into their brains either way.

with it,

have you incels considered "mewing"? it is a method of chewing food (you incels love food right?) that bulks up your jaw muscles and makes you less unattractive

Quite obviously.

They are, lol.

Alabama is a poor state. It won't be difficult to fix their problem.

Nice. Thats the reason social welfare exists, because people didnt need it

what a fucking joke

thanks braincel poster

>And it will harm Alabama zero

True enough. There's a point beyond which nothing can *get* more busted-assed.

No son, fetuses objectively aren't babies, they're more like tapeworms.

>There's no debate to be had

Apparently there is. Otherwise your past-time of killing kids wouldn't be on its way to becoming illegal and you fat roastie retards wouldn't be marching in the streets in Handmaid's Tale cosplay to whine about it, lol.

Attached: Leftists cosplaying at fucking courtrooms.jpg (1200x675, 239K)

>Quite obviously.
Just because you say it is doesn't mean it actually is, user.

incels worship the intense body modification surgeries of the plastic surgeon Barry Eppley, who removes ribs for patients and admits his work is criticized as being “on the edge.”

Men fly to Eppley from all over the world to get their new bodies. But what exactly do incels want to change about their body to become the Chads they both revere and despise? Here’s a list of what some clients request from Eppley and what he can do for them:

Shoulder widening and narrowing
Deltoid implants
Quadricep implants
Testicular enlargement implants, some “dinosaur-egg size”
Facial-masculinization surgery
A manlier nose
A manlier head shape
Male-model cheekbones
Prominent, full-lips

Attached: eppley.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

what day is it everyone celebrates annually again? Their conception or birth? Hmmmmm tough concept

>The solution is freedom to choose
Murder isn't a valid choice, roastie.

>Alabama will be brought to heel
lol, no it won't.

>it's a broken-down shithole.
Then go back to filming in California, cunt.
Oh wait, you won't. You'll just keep complaining, lol.

Christfag-tickling legislation =|= valid debate.

what the fuck are these canned response posts?

>Because everyone on this thread advocating a pro-life position have been seething about "promiscuity", and it's obvious that women's sexual freedom is their real objection. Nobody who posts on Yea Forums is really a traditionalist, it's all misanthropic - and often misogynist - LARPing.

>talking about "projection"


trying a bit too hard there user. even the other incels probably notice it

>on its way to becoming illegal
Lol abortions would still happen in your fantasy world where its outlawed
How fucking mad are you

Best post in the thread.

>The solution is freedom to choose
Then why don't upstanding tax payers get to choose not to support femgroid degeneracy? Why don't whites get to choose not to associate with niggers?

Freedom of choice isn't real.

You don't seem to know what projection means.

Dr Barry Eppley, BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON, can change your life and looks forward to helping you be the best you can be

Do tapeworms grow to be conscious, human sized bipeds?

>If I say it it's true!

Jews also aren't parasites, but people like you didn't care back in the 30's either.

Attached: Nazi March.jpg (491x374, 29K)

>Then why don't upstanding tax payers get to choose
They do, you don't have to get an abortion if you don't want to. Get someone to read you the Constitution.

>Why don't whites get to choose not to associate with niggers?

because being a /pol/mutt is not a bannable offense

Have your roasties considered closing your legs and reading a book that isn't 50 Shades of Gray?

>you don't have to get an abortion if you don't want to
No, but they have to pay for it if others choose to get one. That's unethical.

Why do women look like drag qweens now and is that faggot James Charles to blame

You think that's an argument for legally-enforced parasitism?

>why don't upstanding tax payers get to choose not to support femgroid degeneracy

Please promise me you'll go public with your concerns and explain them using precisely these same terms, user. FEMGROID DEGENERACY!

>Lol abortions would still happen in your fantasy world where its outlawed

Inevitable. But things would still be better because most abortions wouldn't happen, and women that tried would be brought to fucking heel for it.
How mad does that make you, roastie? :^)

>ban people that don't share my views
So much for freedom, huh.

as the owner of precisely zero (0) roasties I couldn't really speak to that, incel

No it isn't.

>valid debate = whatever I feel like

OK, Tumblr.

In your jack-off fantasy, who cares what happens? Enjoy seething, incel. Meanwhile, the real world will move on.

sorry to find you don't care about white people's right to freedom of association, user

Wow, good argument, roastie. Really iron-clad.

>freedom to choose
>don't get to choose
Pick one, buddy.

No, but neither does it = whatever you like. Some rich hicks have made an oppressive law to tickle the other hicks. That's life, but it's not federal or sustainable.

>Meanwhile, the real world will move on.

Yeah, it's moving on to celebrities being ignored and these laws staying in place.

Seethe harder, femcel.

Literally read the Constitution.

It's not up for debate.

>it's weird to forbid baby murder
are northern irish literally the only sane people left on those two islands

eh? eh?

Attached: choose elliot.png (500x446, 137K)

>sure you can still abort your baby but
thats all that matters retard. Outlawing it literally does nothing to me.
What's your entire miserable life been like knowing its legal though? Thats probably hundreds of millions of dead fetus that youve done nothing about. Keep fighting though, youre doing a lot, i promise

They aren't trying to change the law, just giving notice.

>reddit spacing
fuck off back to the_donald you virgin

>celebrities being ignored
>400 replies, half are you
Nice you gottem good

>moving on to celebrities being ignored

Well it's not like Yea Forums, where the pronouncements of celebrities are anticipated with bated breath, is the real world after all.

>read this document limiting your freedom
Huh wow, great supportive argument

>What's your entire miserable life been like knowing its legal though?

interesting question. on the one hand it's unlikely the incel cared until very recently when pretending to care about the "innocent babies" became neckbeard orthodoxy but he's probably loosed a lifetime's worth of anal blood into that short period


You're a pro-life ancap? Congratulations on your total retardation.

(also several of poor quality semen)

>You're a pro-life ancap?
Not pro-life.