>2.4 megatons
Do people really take this fiction seriously?
2.4 megatons
Do people seriously sit and stare at a screen when they could be kicking the ass, seeing the world, and taking bames
>2.4 megatons
Who or what are you quoting?
2 to 4 megatons nigger
Oldfag here, not from Ukraine but form a country 500 kilometers west, i remmeber when that shit blown because of that raidoactive clould we werent allowed to eat any leafy greens or fruits or shit like that. We thought its meme and propaganda but my father pulled his old army Geiger counter, pointed it at our apple trees and scale started jumping, no serious number readings like "oh shit we dead" but enough to make you, "yeah im not gonna eat this.."
Panic in Europe was real back then not a meme at all.
>"significant thermal explosion"
>how significant?
>"we estimate between 2-4 megatons"
This is way way too large.
>tons of corium at 2000 degrees falling into a closed up pool full of water
Yeah that's bullshit, it should be closer to 5 megatons at least
How would it even explode, it would just evaporate into the air, no explosion
>This is way way too large.
says who
Literally everything about the event is western exaggeration. Tourists and youtubers go there all the time, seems pretty carefree and casual for a place that's supposed to be SUPER dangerous that was just irradiated a few decades ago.
>everything is a lie, we live in the matrix, muh holohoax, my chernohoax, the earth is a triangle, take the red pill you sheep
/pol/ everyone
t. believes there could be megaton explosion
The thing about the radiation is that you cant really see it, its not a toxic cloud or anything and it doesnt just evaporates it degrades very slowly, if you think it a meme, book a ticket and go there, it a pretty big area im sure you gonna make it to sneak into Pripyat...
Physics and common sense.
1. Common Sense: 2-4 megatons is 133-266x larger than early atomic bombs like pic, do you realize how large that is? A steam explosion??
2. Physics: If you calculate the energy released by the entire water tank suddenly turning into super-heated steam(it wouldn't happen) it maxes out at ~10 kilotons.
That people can think a steam explosion could equal a medium sized hydrogen bomb is hilarious.
Same, my sis was born in Germany in 1986. Shit was real.
There was no way for the steam to escape. The pressure would build up quickly and then blam. And the explosion would cause the radioactive material to explode as well.
you seem to be really smart
I was 6 months old when Chernobyl happened and I remember the same thing.
t. believes in global warming.
>99.9 percent of researchers are jew shills, golbal warming is a myth boys!!111
Wow get a load of this anti semite.
>corium superheating 7000 cubic meters of water into 11,200,000 cubic meters of steam instantly under pressure and under 3 operational nuclear reactors
user, I don't think you were properly accounting for just how much water was in play
It's one of the few things that were real.
IRL "Khomyuk" was a man of course. These were the Soviet nuke guys making those calculations and they came to the conclusion that quite little of the core material meeting with water was enough to nuke Europe.
You're not accounting for how large 2-4 megatons is.
Do the calcs, it's not nearly enough energy.
>under 3 operational nuclear reactors
Irrelevant they can't create a nuclear explosion even with the steam explosion.
>IRL "Khomyuk" was a man of course
You mean several hundred men and women. She's representing all the other scientists that were helping out the Liquidators that aren't in the series.
>You mean several hundred men and women.
No in this particular episode he was a man.
There were no women nuclear physicists.
And you are not accounting for how much energy it takes to superheat 7000 cubic meters of water into steam. YOU do the calculations, using 2257 g/j, it comes out to 15,799,000,000 joules, which is roughly 3.77 megatons.
The math checks out, you're just an idiot.
>15,799,000,000 joules, which is roughly 3.77 megatons
Or I'm an idiot.
I'll kill myself now and toss myself in a dumpster.
>"Not enough information to make a reliable calculation"
AKA I don't want to bother leave me alone.
Even ball park you can tell it;s not even close to megaton range unless it triggers nuclear explosion which is impossible.
Trips of truth
>The explosion, on 29 September 1957, estimated to have a force of about 70–100 tons of TNT, threw the 160-ton concrete lid into the air
Literally smaller than those Chinese explosions...
O, shit. Here come drumpf supporter!
Ok, I didn't remember this, so deleting
> Literally smaller than those Chinese explosions...
Except the Chinese didn't spread tons of nuclear material all over the place
lmao at the pic
>unless it triggers nuclear explosion which is impossible.
Do you know this from a trusted Soviet source or just guessing?
that's an endothermic process
granted I don't know anything about additional chemical or nuclear reactions stemming from the core hitting water, but if we just count it as a heat-giving object then it needs to radiate enough energy to basically liquefy the entire power plant every second for it to give water enough energy to cause a megaton explosion
checked old hag. There is still hope in this shithole
Now spread those tons out over the area of europe
yes, and don't come back fuckhole
The most polluted areas are near the source.
FYI, we were discussing this explosion:
The most retarded thing is that it being reported to Gorbachev must be real. I mean the fact that some "scientist" actually provided these numbers on a meeting.
Here is untranslated original youtu.be
Somebody called Vasiliy Nesterenko says "3-5 megatons"
They just took amount of energy released if all 100% of fuel fissioned.
Which is super retarded because in purpose built devices where Uranium is pushed towards each other with explosion only several % of material fissions resulting in kilotons. The rest is thrown away by nuclear explosion.
>people think a giant critical chunk of highly enriched uranium can’t turn into a bomb
>people don’t know that the second the water is hit massive amounts of hydrogen are created that would boost any nuclear reaction to a thermonuclear fusion aka into megaton range
I’m less interested in the yield and more interested in how hitting the watersets of the nuclear chain reaction
Im watching the first episode now why the fuck is everyone so hellbent on not being truthful and lying to each other when they know they're killing themselves?
it annoys me like Walt's wife annoyed me in BB, surely irl people would've just rebelled and said fuck it