Are you fucking shitting me?

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I honest to god didn't even think he was going to nominate himself, I thought he would give a speech and say, "because of my experience governing and in the field, I think XYZ should be considered as king."

literally thought this as well

>how to create a rival and divide the north
Yes perfect

Atleast they are saying please when they are being rude.

Have sex

Liz Sommer was raped by incestuous brothers of her father.

Sansa's greatest experience building event during the entire show was getting raped
she did nothing


Ramsay raping Sansa was the ultimate shut down hehe

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user please sit, have sex.

There will be a reckoning

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He still has a better claim to the throne than either her or Bran. Her only memorable moments are getting raped by Ramsay and getting cucked out of ruling the North by Jon.

Whenever a man tries to mansplain just say "Uncle please sit" and that will show him.


Rape is magic, it makes you more powerful.

>OP writes article with stupid braindead tagline
>Goes on Yea Forums to promote their work under the guise of making fun of it

At least you're aware your work is shit at least, but fuck off

moar liek ultimate SLUT down amirite lel

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It made no sense. The extent of his incompetence was how he fucked up the young wolf's rebellion, which nobody in that pavilion sans Bran (because lol time travel) knew about. As far as any of them were aware, he WAS as good a choice as any.

Did you not like how my queen slayed that old white hetero male?

Well nobody else was talking so he took the initiative, which he has been known to do before. He made a pretty good claim before he was shut down by feminization. Because "rape" > years of starvation and torture, somehow.

I wish we got to see more of it. Listening to her moans of pleasure as Ramsay fucks her in the ass was hot.

fucking hell who does she think she is
she got yelled at a bunch in kings landing and had to have sex once with the man she married, the guy was a veteran of two wars


Robb dug his own grave from the very beginning when he chose to fight for the North rather than join his forces with Stannis.

They brought him back for this scene- can you imagine?

That would imply that DD can write more then the most basic schlock imaginable. Nah, they wanted him to nominate himself and being shut down by his younger niece subverted that expectation.

What if right when she said that he just drew his sword and decapitated her

But the king liked it, so it must've been good for the realm.

Attached: the rape.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

That's how she learned how to shut down others. Just like she learned to be the smartest person in Westeros from Littlefinger.

Half True: Without Sansa existing within the world, Baelish wouldn't of found a liking to her due to his undying lover to her mother and sent the Knights of the Vale to rescue Winterfell from Ramsay.

based hole

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Imagine having your last scene in the biggest show you've ever been in and probably ever will be be concluded with this

He got carried away with the lords' ambitions and pathos.

we can still remember him as Brutus in Rome.

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>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little cunt? I'll have you know I have won the most tourneys out of everyone in the riverlands, and I've been involved in numerous battles with the Lannisters, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in siege warfare and I'm the top knight in the entire Tully army. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Westeros, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me on that throne? Think again, halfwit. As we speak I am calling my bannermen from across the riverlands and your castle is being marched on right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Riverrun armory and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable arse off the face of the Seven Kingdoms, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

I remember him as Captain Jack Randall in Outlander. Ass and cock ahoy!

he ewas also in The Terror if I remember correctly. Still, kinda shitty way to remembered by


He has been in plenty of stuff. He's one of those actors that never becomes massive but is pretty ubiquitous and has a good career nonetheless.

He joined the Statks in their war against the Lannister when he could've just chilled at Riverrun just for faggot Robb to fuck it all up for some foreign twat. He spent years in some shitty dungeon and this is the thanks he gets.


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Lannisters invaded the riverlands first and began attacking them, destroying their armies, burning their crops, besieging Riverrun, etc. The Lannisters attacked them first and were the aggressors until the Starks rescued them and then they joined their cause.

>be women
>get raped
>evolve as an individual
i approve our jewish writers this time

Anyone have the macro talking about why he'd actually be a much better ruler?

They did him dirty

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Ramsay must have had super-strength if he was able to rip that dress like it was tissue paper.

They massacred my boy...

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and he wasn't even shirtless.

Cat started all that shit by taking Tyrion

Fucking women

Because anything in GoT makes sense

And then stupidly loses him. What was she trying to achieve by this "trial"? If she "succeeded" she'd get him executed which would be an worse outcome.

No they lost when that idiot began chanting THE KING IN THE NORTH

I thought it was uncle, have sex? I've been watching GOT exclusively through Yea Forums

Bruh look a this dude.

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>3/10, wouldn't bang

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He fucked his own war up Radmure dealt Tywin his only defeat in the field in Tywins entire life.

If Roose had moved to encircle him then they'd have won

"please sit, I know you've been in a dungeon getting tortured and raped for the last 2 years but that's just comedy relief when it happens to a man"

>having standards is bad you incel
>eeew no I wouldn't fuck a basement dwelling virgin haha even though i am tumblrina discord tranny

seriously, wtf is a discord tranny? I've seen this phrase for months now.

the new reddit. which was the new gaia online. which was some other shit I don't know about

>tortured and raped

He wasn't tortured and raped breh.

It's not that she evolved, but that everyone else lost 50 IQ points after season 5

She was willingly raped

>which was some other shit I don't know about

Sansa just like Sophie Turner are stupid SJW whores. Pic related

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These people don't know what they want

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s u b v e r t e d w a v e

why do those people think that other females are ideologically close to them and/or that they had any benefit if a woman would rule?

>pic related: Guida Diehl, Leader of the National Socialist Women's League

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Don't think he's all that mad considering he's still gonna have more of a career afterwards than sophie.

>Uncle please sit
Nice "shut-down" you cretins

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what normal person would think that this scene was okay

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It wasnt even special, Tywin told people to sit down or fuck off in most of his scenes. The cringe comes from having Sandra, a character which has done nothing throughout most of the series, get ultimate power and putting people in their place, while Sophie Turner makes her smug, shit-eating grin face. When Tywin threatened people you could immediatly see that he isnt fucking around. Dany was cringe too, but at least she had her dragons, so people had to obey. But with Sandra it just feels so artificial and forced.

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Wait til you see this

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that incompetence was also literally one mistake. he didn't listen to robbs orders, but its not like capturing the mountain would've won robb the war

I thought the same.

OP please sit

Omg guys a white girl told a white man to sit down we truly live in an enlightened age

>look at all the twits
>it's literally "fuck white men" each time with 300k like

What the fuck happened to the US?

Incels, please sit.

Game of Thrones has completely destroyed you because you clearly weren't expecting it to be a feminist triumph, like it was. You were too stupid when reading the books and watching the adaption to see it coming, but Game of Thrones was always feminist. Caitlyn, Sansa, Arya, Dany, Cersei. They were always in charge. Always. It became obvious as they started to dominate towards the end of the show. This comment - 'uncle, please sit' was the pinnacle, but there were other incredible moments of course. It was only Incel backlash that prevented Dany taking the Iron Throne. She was justified in burning Kings Landing because it was KINGS Landing, a fucking patriarchal city that needs badly to start over with female control.

I bet you didn't realise that the female stars of GOT are all based on real life female Scientists? (who actually did more for modern science than men)

Dany is Marie Curie. She discovered Dragons, as Marie discovered Radiation. And like Marie she paid the price as she was killed by those jealous of her dragons as Marie was given cancer by the US government.

Sansa is Jane Goodall. A lovely and sweet lady, who was raped as a youngster. She spends her time observing chimps (ie the men of Westeros) and comes to dominate their society. The quote 'Uncle please sit' is directly lifted from a quote Jane said to a chimp 'Coco please sit' and it sat back down

Arya is Rachel Carson who realised the impact of pesticides on ecosystems. Arya is based on one of the beetle species she saved.

There are many more connections and references to feminist history and literature throughout the show. I won't mention them all as they are treats for us feminists. You have lost this show, you have lost the MCU and you are going to lose Hollywood to us.

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In the end things like this make me feel actually a bit sorry for women.

Imagine the world and everything in it feels like it relates to you and through your oestrogen soaked nervous system you feelings about all of it, constantly.

It has to be a living hell.

If only you knew how degenerate our public education system is

This was subtly bringing to light the way in which war veterans are treated in modern society. Based D & D.

due to the patriarchal culture weighting its brainwashing ideology into women's mind, females are mostly conservative

learn basic fuckin english, tripfaggot

Rape gives you superpowers.

they learn history I guess......

Which is why he was told to sit. He could have had a good recommendation but decided he should get it and that immediately was like, too dumb for everyone, that's why Sansa told him to sit without directly insulting him for such a dumb idea.

She's literally less qualified to be a ruler than he is.

so what you are saying is: Sansa is a mind-reader and knows what he is going to say before he said it?


You’ll never get to fuck her ugly ass you Jorah-tier white knight

Fresh pasta?

>Marie was given cancer by the US government.

Women can't refute arguments so they praise each other for witty retorts like "stop talking" or "have sex"


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based and royalty-pilled

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AOC is that like CDC?

Indeed. Women are incapable of holding a decent conversation or logically advancing their points. All they can do is try to shut the conversation down.

Yes yes uncle, very well done

>getting raped
you literally cannot be raped by your husband


That's why she didn't say she should be Queen. She just wanted to continue to rule the North and do right by her people that she's been doing well with.

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Why didn't Robb remind them that his father had died for Stannis and tell thrm that he wasn't going to allow his father to have died in vain. What would they have done, killed Ned Stark's son? The only reason Robb didn't join up with Stannis is their victory over the Lannisters and Tyrells would have been the end of the story.

these dumb bitches think its a great shutdown until you find an uncle who actually responds.

“shut the fuck up and speak when spoken too niece. the adults are speaking,”

It's fantasy. In real life, their actual uncle would fucking school them

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