2 boats stuck in ice for 8 episodes

>2 boats stuck in ice for 8 episodes


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are boats the biggest pleb filter?

get lost, roasty

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if only that was all it was. They didn't need the supernatural horseshit. Just make a show about Franklin's Lost Expedition

>They didn't need the supernatural horseshit
What other supernatural stuff was there besides the bear thing?

>2 cocks stuck in OP for 8 hours

honestly i could watch 40 episodes of them stuck in the ice


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Most likely the worst movie I ever seen
No lying

el creatura...

You are the worst kind of shitposter



Based TuunChad

Could've been a really nice show if not for the ridiculous mutant polar bear plotline.

>Blu-ray just went on sale for $13

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This. If there was a woman to self-insert as it’d be a million times better
That’s why Chernobyl will always be better than this sausagefest incel party

Free on rarbg.to

There was zero supernatural stuff after the 1st episode besides manbearpig. This show was trash. It's genuinely hilarious to see people on here unironically liking it.

But I can't put that on my shelf.

Burnable BDs are like .7$ a piece

The fine folks at AMC can package it a lot better than I ever could.

Yes. They are

but why

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Did they find megatron?

whats on his face

The Terror > Chernobyl / change my mind.

>This grim Crozier discovery comes from actual reports in Inuit testimony, which described finding one man's remains as "positively festooned" with jewelry, as depicted. An uncanny, inexplicable artifact.

>dude I'm so cold I hope a bear don't eat me
American """""""""television""""""""""

No, of course. Chernobyl started fine but there isn't much character wise nor plot wise to be fair. The fireman plot wasn't nearly as deep as they thought it would be

Love that show so much

>tfw the conductor an hero’d after writing the score for this show

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Poor Little, he was loyal to Crozier until the end

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>tfw you will never have a jopson and a little to watch over you

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I'm afraid season 2 won't be as good

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I lost all my Terror pics from the live threads does anyone have the “my 17 bottles of spirits”

This one?

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I'd even settle for a Hickey if he's on a leash

Why are they all white?

The real story is one of the scariest in history. Why did they ruin it with some retarded polar bear shit. BUT MUH LEAD POISONING MADE THEM SEE THINGS. Ruined an otherwise good show.

>no niggers

based af

Yes thank you user

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>There was zero supernatural stuff
>besides manbearpig

AMC doesn't give a fuck about race politics it seems

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So was it fateful to the book? I really liked the novel

>hating on fantastical elements
are we supposed to consider you mature now?

There are some changes, Irving gets a bigger role than in the book for instance and characters get more character development. It's also more violent and bleak

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:( I want to rewatch this show but it’s just so soul destroying

>1 boat stuck in the ocean for 8 years

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are they out yet?

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>The real polar bear monster was the friends we made along the way

The first 4 or 5 episodes are really comfy though

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Yes but there are questions about the return trip

Not exactly. They tried to add some things to it for historical accuracy, and changed the roles for a couple characters. Like in the show Gibson is in a relationship with Hickey instead of Magnus, and in the last episodes they have Little in charge of the surviving group instead of Des Voeux. The boats are also not burned because they were found underwater before the show was filmed.

>gay sex
Wow epic


Oh yes. And Cascas fixed


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It never ends, does it

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but titanic

Based James Cameron can achieve the impossible


what does that even mean

>unironically posting stonetoss
have sex

resd in beece DDDDD-x

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It would have been too awkward to show Hickey having sex with a mentally retarded man on tv.

They don't even show any sex in the show, do they?

would have been good but as soon as that stupid fucking x files polar bear showed up the entire show went to shit.

No, just noises

So it's true what they said, this show IS the ultimate pleb filter

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