Why do people think that Netflix is pushing SJW meme? I dare you to find a black in this series

Why do people think that Netflix is pushing SJW meme? I dare you to find a black in this series.


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The series is so full of historical inaccuracies it isn't even funny. Putting in black bvlls would only elevate the series.

this show is so historically inaccurate that it instantly qualifies it for the trash. anything netflix makes is always complete garbage made as cheap as possible and by the worst creators around.

I made it two mins into that shit series and dropped it.

when are people going to realize Netflix's marketing budget is nonexistent since some many people do it for free? look at this shit, it isn't even subtle anymore.

>wears his leather armor like a wife beater
So this is the power of Netflix's historical department.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (550x309, 30K)

>Putting in black bvlls would only elevate the series.

>anglos playing romans

you can't out bull the true bvlls, look into what the name "italy" means.

You've watched so much cuckflix you expect us to judge the individual bait outside of the poisonous meal.

Every other piece of media they pump out exists to inspire hesitation in men.

Caligula? Is this mostly about gay sex and shit?

Attached: purefoy.jpg (236x274, 13K)

>>anglos playing romans
If they cast actual eyetalians they would be fat hairy manlets

anglos are like 3cm taller than the shortest region of italy on average and north italians are taller than anglos, on average that is.

Yeah not buying it, Wops are midgets with greasy hair and too much cologne. They deliver pizzas, mafia shit and work on cars. Nothing else. Plebs of the world.

This show is a whole L.

you reminded me of this classic scene, thanks user


Shut your spegetti filled mouth you dago guinea

Ciaran Hinds is the best actor who ever portrayed Caesar

Is this anything like the show Rome or is it about that gay shit?

imagine rome but worse in everyway and 0 care and attention to historical accuracy. dont watch it.

>this show is so historically inaccurate
The weird thing is that the historical inaccuracies also make no sense. Like I could understand condensing or simplifying some events for the sake of narrative, but at times they were just outright making shit up when there was no need to because there was a perfectly logical explanation as to why that happened. The Caligula episodes were better, although they never explained where his name came from.

Italians are the /fit/test people of Europe

This. Got a chance to check out netflix history series when visiting relatives and they were really bad. And Im not saying "That one knight in the back has inaccurate armor for that time period"-wrong, but rather "the costumes are the only somewhat accurate aspects from the show, everything else is fiction-tier"-wrong.

t. historyfag

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I love how the show is so sterile and safe in its characters

hurr durr lets do caligula who already has as movie, Caesar who has 10 movies, and Commodus who was in gladiator and another flick.

its just so bad. If they had the balls they would hav done elagabalus

This bait will get me each and every time. This show is absolutely terrible and it's not even funny bad. It just makes me mad.

You have never been to italy in your life

Did you live back then? Then shut the fuck up.

No, but luckily people left some historical sources behind which tell us how people lived. Sure, those sources might be somewhat wrong too, but they are still better than whatever those Netflix series bring up. Movies and series about history spread false pictures of history and then retards go around spewing bullshit because history certainly was like in that one movie.

I've seen BMI charts

Pretending to be a cuck still makes you a cuck. Kys Cuck!

Elagabalus and Nero are next since they're doing "Muuuh evil" emperors

bmi charts are so basic and incorrect and are totally thrown by the idea of muscle. you can be "obese" and be hyper healthy and jacked, on the otherside you can be a lumpy fridge and be "healthy"

Being jacked isn't necessarily being healthy. Bodybuilders (etc) have shorter lifespans than an average male.

How bad is it? I was thinking about giving it a watch since I'm a sucker for Roman aesthetics but might just skip it now.

Is it because of the steroids?

from another user

>de bello gallico depicted
>roman legionnaires wearing lorica segmentata
>legionnaires without formation
>later Pompey threatens Crassus with A GLADIUS IN THE FUCKING POMERIUM IN THE CITY OF ROME
>surrounded by legionnaires in uniform, carrying swords
>after the battle of Pharsalus, Caesar threatens Brutus, treating him like some kind of prisoner
>Cato and Cicero no where to be found
>Pompey not getting murdered after leaving his ship
>but the best part is Pompey KNEELING before Ptolemy in his throne room. A CONSUL OF ROME KNEELING BEFORE A FUCKING FOREIGN KING OF A CLIENT STATE
>Caesar KNEELING before Ptolemy, and being frightend after Ptolemy presents Pompey's head

>single consul
I didn't even make it past the first episode.

Egypt virgins not getting cucked by Roman chads is too much for me, why do they make shit so bad on purpose