Haven't watched BB, so pitch it w/out spoilers

haven't watched BB, so pitch it w/out spoilers

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Walter White breaks bad

Walter White is a cucked LMAO white male that has a midlife crisis and wants to start smoking pot when suddenly his whole life goes south.

Don't do drugs kids.

cucked middle-aged chemistry prof loses his shit when he's diagnosed with cancer ... eventually and reluctantly cooks meth... these are the first 3-4 episodes
all the other episodes follow the pattern of:
1. him and his wigger friend do good after cooking superior meth
2. fuck it up for no reason for the sake of unnecessary drama that the hack writers thought would be good
3. deal with said drama with a heavy cost to themselves and their loved ones.
here's like 11 cycles of these three steps. You're better off skipping this shit my dude

It has lots things cool about it but it should be outdated by now

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Imagine a show without time

where as most shows create a story, breaking bad creates an immersive world that feels lived in and alive.

Imagine having an unstoppable urge to COOK as everything but the COOKing has gone down to shit,
so you pressure others that have nothing to do with you to COOK which pushes them to swear a lot at you but you don't care, you must make breakfast for your retarded son

>no please in OP’s post

Basically all you need to know is Walt did nothing wrong

Are you referring to Breaking Bad or Bill Burr? Either way, both end up getting cucked.

Part of what made Breaking Bad work was having to wait a week to see what happens next. binging takes the fun out of the show.

Walt dies at the end in a shootout with some drug dealing nazis and Jesse escapes

Malcolm in the Shit

Jesse dies at the end in a gunfight with some mexicans paid off by Walt who becomes the meth king

you want a good show, but a show that isn't one of the all time greats? then watch BB.

A chemistry teacher has a mid life crisis after discovering he has lung cancer. He teams up with an old student of his to cook meth. His wife cucks him, his son and sister in law hate him, and he gets his brother in law killed. Oh and his student hates him. Pretty much everyone hates him by the end of the show when he dies.

Some clean cut guy makes some drugs, then stuff happens

starts off as a black comedy before turning into a shitty made for tv scarface kingpin crime thing
stop watching after season 2

Season 1 was so good