Has this country of 50 million people ever produced a good movie?
Has this country of 50 million people ever produced a good movie?
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Almost looks like Ukraine, except for that peninsula at the bottom.
sure Russia has made lots of good movies.
It's 30 million nowadays
I don't think Chernobyl killed that many...
No one wants to make their children endure this shit.
What country?
That movie about the guy with the flying super-car was pretty cool. They could make kino if they try more.
Soviets were not Russians, Russians are parasitic worms who enslaved countless talented and civilized peoples who did all the real work in the USSR.
why are slavs so homophobic when they're like 50% of all gay porn.
>t. soviet animal
american here, whats the difference between a russian and a ukranian? they look the same, they talk the same gobldygook, they both have atrocious taste in food, clothing, etc
>talks about atrocious taste in anything ever
Three guys one hammer
Of course, there's a thread about one right now
>mfw a euro talks shit about my grilled cheese with american sliced cheese and pbr
yeah, i may get shot tomorrow, but at least i dont have to see my kids and grandkids grow up muslim
>be american
>get shot
>be european
>get beheaded
>atrocious taste in food
I dont think that happens
>be american
>give tip
>don't get shot
>die of measles
This is kino
>fish so rancid, all flights have banned it
>50 million
Hohol please
>But they shouldn't have! Because it doesn't simply have a rancid smell, and a unique taste, it also goes perfectly with rye bread! Hey, Paul!
I dont think that happens
c*pitalism did
Why are hohols so subhuman? I've met loads of them since I moved to a new country to work and they are always without fail so full of themselves despite being from a completely shitty non country.
Russians are really butthurt about Ukraine.
god i love this.
+ dark bread and vodka this is fucking nuts.
i love these potatoes
cockholes are the "we wuz" of slavs
Yeah.... I’m from Ukraine and I can attest. We’ve seen better times
Every day actually
that's fucking racist
it happens when e*Ros are in eyesight of me
Every day actually
How could a country that doesn't exist produce anything, silly?
STALKER was great you capeshit devouring retards
Stalker is a game you mongrel
Russians are dumb, aggressive, drunk, dirty animals that parasitize on subjugated peoples whom they are killing and "russsifying"
How long has Ukraine got? Will Russia chomp more off in the future?
They may not produce many movies but they produce the most beautiful women in the world.
no. it was much much more
*camwhores and pros