Flopzilla BTFO

Flopzilla BTFO
Kaijucucks BTFO - cutting-edge effects are still no substitute for a good story.
How will they ever recover?

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>profile of a chick

People just can’t appreciate a good monster movie nowadays. Everyone makes a fuss outta “reasonable plot”, “relatable characters”, and “character growth”. Just watch two big monsters fight it out and enjoy the silly plot

I went Thursday night and there was barely anyone there. Usually when I see a movie premiere on the Thursday it's packed.

That's the kind of argument a 12 year old boy would make. What happened to Yea Forums being better than reddit?

>there are people are emotionally invested in how much money films make

With you? take me somewhere expensive.

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Obviously it requires a white penis to write a coherent sentence?

>post twitter screenshot of some random idiot with terrible grammar giving the most basic opinion
for what purpose?

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The power of Disney shills...

That "sentence" gave me brain damage

Which one? there are four.

This guy always gives accurate box office for China...rip. I expected more after people said it was full of fights that the chinese audience would've ate up.

>Cutting-edge effects are still no substitute for a good story.

Shin Godzilla universe died for this garbage.


Isn't he saying it's doing fine in China?

Fuck. Misunderstood it with my reading comprehension. I wonder why it's doing poorly everywhere else.

tell us about your homeland, this "reddit" you speak of

Shin Godzilla was always going to be a one shot, ya donut.

Still would of been a better universe instead of this Hollywood Capeshit low tier garbage. Just imagine what other Godzilla monsters would of looked like in the Shin universe

>except China
what is up with the eternal insectoid chink and their love for mindless action explosion films?

Is it still a guy if it has a 1 inch penis

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$400 million isn’t good?

these films are so insanely over produced, that that probably barely covers the advertising fees.

>cutting edge effects
Half the movie was done in the dark and the mist so they could cut costs and not do real animation

The break even point for this movie is 430 million, according to BOP.

>400 million
>twice the money spent making the movie
>not safe
People sure are spoiled with movies making 1 billion and shit.

I fucking loved Trick R Treat and I thought Krampus was okay (had some really nice moments), did Dougherty drop the ball in this one? I can’t wait to see it and I honestly don’t give a shit about Godzilla. I love campy, sincere stuff so will I like this?

>already with the four sided excuses
Yea Forums is ALWAYS wrong. These movies are destined to fail

Are you retarded? The studio barely gets half that dough. You think cinemas show this shit for free? You think distribution is free? Do you know how much moolah local distributors take for themselves overseas?
The rule of thumb is that roughly 50% of movies BO is what the studio gets to take home.

The irony laced into this post is underrated

I'm going to see it with a group of friends this weekend. We already have it planned and have been hype for months. Some people (adults) actually work for a living and have to wait until the actual weekend to see movies. Wait until Monday before you tout your doomsday prophecies.

The capeshit audience should love it

>tfw no shin Ghidorah

>daisy ridley

I was going to go see it but Yea Forums said it was shit..

Ah yes, this random guy on twitter saying it's a flop means it's a flop. Too bad this flop beat Aladdin's ass.

Releases are done on a sliding scale, first week studio gets 80-90% of the take, second week it drops to 50% and then gets lower and lower. It’s why studios are desperate to get those massive opening day numbers and then don’t give a shit when it falls off the box office after just a few weeks.

>that reaching on his subtweet
They are trying too hard

he's a box office insider, pretty good track record

yet disney is doing crazy numbers all over the place. Cinema is dead.

The problem is there's nowhere near enough screen time for the monsters and there's constant cutting back and forth between the humans and the monsters. The Antarctic fight was decent but also had a bunch of human shit and the final battle refused to stay on the monsters. Massive disappointment honestly.

>literal whos
>arguing about numbers
>on social media

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for butthurt James?

Yeah it's doing badly here as well. It's been a rough year for WB. Shazam has been their most profitable film so far

>>there are people are emotionally invested in how much money films make
Well it is usually the deciding factor in if a film gets a sequel or not. Fortunately for Godzilla fans Godzilla vs Kong has already been made
>He doesn't know Gavin Feng
It's over bro.

>just turn your brain off bro

Dumb movies for idiots come out every week. Most of them are unremarkable, like this one.

>yet disney is doing crazy numbers all over the place. Cinema is dead.

I hate Disney so fucking much. Aladdin was a shitty movie yet it's already made so much money. FUCK Disney, I want them to burn.

Fuck you he needs to finish his goddamn rebuild of Eva so evafags can suicide en mass

>yet disney is doing crazy numbers all over the place.
So far it's just capshit. Dumbo flopped and Aladdin isn't hitting anywhere near a billion like they wanted

>cutting-edge effects are still no substitute for a good story.
explain every super hero movie from the past 5 years.

>The problem is there's nowhere near enough screen time for the monsters and there's constant cutting back and forth between the humans and the monsters.

This is how all Godzilla movies are. Unlike the previous one though, the humans are in close proximity to the monsters when the camera is on them so it doesn't feel like they are taking the audience out of the action, which is why KOTM overall works better than 2014.

2014 had better photography / cinematography but overall KOTM is an upgrade. They are both good movies that are worth watching and re watching though.

I really can't understand their love affair with the MCU. That final battle was just complete CGI nonsense that they trash other films for

I don't understand who keeps saying KOTM doesn't have monster screen time. Is this relative to the Hesei films? Because in KOTM the monsters show up 15 minutes into the film. I mean, there's the fight in Antarctica, the fight off Isla de Mara and the Battle of Boston. 2014 had way less monsters.

Ready PLayer One is a male fantasy and is bad but Endgame is good because theres more than one female hooray! also yes I know there both shit

Imaging thinking RPO isn't bad.

Why is Godzilla so shilled by /m/

B-Bros, I thought kaijukino was going to beat capeshit...

So what you are saying is that in two days it made back it's entire budget after paying the theaters their cut and it's still got a few weeks in theaters to make a profit?

what, are they scared of Godzilla-fags? How many angles are you shills going to go at to try and make this movie look horrifyingly bad to fans who will see it no matter what?

>its bvs
>there wont be much monster action, like the first one
>its capeshit
>the actors suck
>the story sucks
>the monsters suck

>too much monster action
>too many monsters
>its wishes it was capeshit
>doesnt delve into the story enough
>doesnt use its actors right
>no ones at my theater, just like Captain Marvel!

Because he's pals with their favorite superhero Ultraman.

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Flopzilla was stillborn. A box office nuclear bomb. It's confirmed that it's gonna make less in its entire run than Endgame did in 12 hours.
Deal with it and cope, Kaijufag.

It was a good movie tho...

> Anno saves another genre.
> Shitty contenders until everyone just gives up in quiet futility.

The Anno curse strikes again.

Oh no something other than superhero movies! Better seethe and hope it does poorly because I hate creativity and soul!

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The seething laced into this post is underrated

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Yuegh wahg eddgam insted...

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I accept your concession, dog.
Now go and buy Endgame tickets like a good boy.

>creativity and soul

There's heart and craft in Kaijufilms and not a shred of disgusting irony.

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You defend your shit by naming something else that's shit that nobody likes then saying you know they're both shit? I don't even know how to talk to the redditors formulating bullshit like this.

>Wanting to watch endgame when the "GURL POWER" scene is in it

Pure cringe.

Explain this, then.


>cutting-edge effects
>in superhero movies
Kek. You say this and yet most of the time superhero movies get criticized for shitty effects. People aren't just invested in the special effects you know.

>if its not endgame numbers, its a flop
Along with
>opinionated hyperbole stated as fact
Are you also paid to seethe on threads about endgame not beating Avatar??

Reminder that you endgame will never top Avatar no matter how many tickers marvelcucks buy

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watch two big monsters fight for 2 sec before cutting to boring unlikable characters deliver boring dialog concerning a stupid melodramatic plot. Maybe you will see a tail flop in the background.
If I actually got to see monsters fight, the shitty story could be overlooked. But I didn't get that, so all I'm left with is boring dumb story with boring dumb characters.

You came here and shat it up with your garbage opinions.

how the fuck are a thursday and friday (work days) indicative of its success on that weekend let alone its theatrical lifetime

It's not an opinionated hyperbole, faggot. Based on statistical data of past blockbusters, with a 6,7/13,3mil Friday - Flopzilla is tracking for 40-50mil domestic opening and 350-450 worldwide total.
It's nearly guaranteed it won't even break even.
Shamefur dispray!

>350 million to 450 million dollars is somehow bad

I fucking hate how inflated box offices have become. If your movie isn't making a billion why even bother. See them have Godzilla and Kong dress up in spandex and quip at each other and that's going to give KvsG at least a billion.

It is bad when a movie needs 400 just to break even. Blame 100+million production budgets, which I think another 100+million stacked on top of that for marketing. Now consider that the theaters don't show that shit for free, and you have local distributors overseas to pay off, and you get a big YIKES.

>unironically believing the things you read on Yea Forums

Fucking Christ, just kill yourself already.

I am. My will to live on this earth is eroding day by day.

>its nearly guaranteed it won't even break even.
>nearly guaranteed

Opinionated. And at this time, yes, Hyperbolic.
Your gay ass wont even commit to your original statement

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These numbers make no sense tho.




If you can handle really bad dialogue if it means getting grade A kaijukino like I can, then it's fantastic.

Yea Forums does it again

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It was obvious that it was a bomb when the 1XBET camrip never showed up

If Rampage can pull the camera back to show the action without cutting away from the action every few seconds, then this film has no excuse.

Why is every single movie Yea Forums decided to back a flop?

user, its even worse than that.._ The production budget is 210 on its own. Its well acknowledged in the industry that this film has one of the heavier marketing budgets of the summer. The estimates are it needing about 550 to 575 for the break even poiint.


Which was worse?
Floplita or Flopzilla?

>Yea Forums being better than anything
Kek, this place for shitposting and be weebs

Watch the Chinks salvage this garbage like they did with Kong Island.

>except for China
Literally only market that matters

Reminder these movies have backing from the Chinese shadow government, Tencent. Stop supporting chink companies

>How will they ever recover?
By enjoying the movie and ignoring faggots like you.

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Who wants to have a good laugh?

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I enjoyed both of them, asshole.
They are for a niche market, not the unwashed masses.
Go jack off to Endgame some more.

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But Godzilla underperforming is not something you want to read on your weekend. Of course the result is still unknown but at the very least it won't do better than previous movies so the profit margin will definitely be smaller. The future of the series hangs in balance they may cancell future plans right away and it will end on Godzilla vs. Kong. It will be a big tragedy.


How can one studio be THIS fucking incompetent?

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Have courage.

When will the west stop making Godzilla films?

why is Yea Forums obsessed with wanting movies to fail

I loved it, Yea Forums.

Go to japan to see Shin Gihdorah.

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In general? Never. It's already the longest running movie franchise in existence.
For Monsterverse Godzilla vs. Kong might be the last. The stakes will be incredibly high but as it is now I'm not an optimist even if crossoverse are generally doing good. But they really need to reschedule and even with that they may just announce that it's gonna be the last movie no matter what. It's a sad day.

The image that destroyed Yea Forums

Its is. This is only a flop if your expectations are that it will pass End Game, which is a goal that can not be reached

not when it has a $200 million dollar budget

KotM was more expensive so the margin is smaller. It's not good. If the studio sees that the profits for this one aren't greater than previous movies they may just announce the end of their series. But they can also treat it as a signal to restructure the series like they did with DCEU. Toho is happy so far we'll see what they say but besides Godzilla vs. Kong I see no options for them to make the series into a hit.

Ishiro Honda's prophecy is coming true. Kaiju renaissance is a lie.

>cutting-edge effects are still no substitute for a good story
but it works for capeshit apparently..

literally who?? even most people who comment in there was also giving a doubt.

its doing well in goji homeland.

Based. I want every non-superhero movie to fail.

I haven't talked with any Japanese about what he thinks the general impression is, Asian market in general is like the only place it's doing well as it should but for the studio it may be not enough.

Production budget of over 200 million not including marketing costs. A 400 million global box office will lose them millions, which is pretty much the definition of a flop.

What's wrong with this?

literally who?

Not really. Capeshit CGI is fucking garbage compared to Godzilla's

I worked Friday and Godzilla was by far the more popular movie
Rocketman is flopping and Ma has the black teenager demographic money behind it so it might take first place.

This image makes no sense, CM earned more than those other 4 combined

Nips are liking it, if you go to 2chan they pretty been discussing about it especially about wanting to fuck mothra.

And i thought it also doing well in the west too. Its only 1 day after its release, why do people already seething about it??

>Implying 2chan or this place is indicitive of box office performance
Are you high?

Because we can already compare it to other movies and it's looking bad. I'm really counting for Asia and some improvement over Sunday or later.

read the previous post, user talking about the general impression about it, and 2ch with the link i give about it (a nips rt) are only the proof that nips are liking it. twitter also an easy place to looking about that.

>if you go to 2chan
are you fucking retarded? CHANS ARE NOT THE WORLD get out of your fucking bubble for fuckssake

no wonder you retards are wrong about everything

then go to twitter for the bigger audience. the result are pretty much the same if you looking about what nips thinking about the movie. im not talking about the "box office" in my second post. here in my first post if you want to see the box office related stuff in nips.

>Godzila and Ghidorah is running at each other! they gonna fight!
>Lets cut to some human shit
>Cut back they are done fighting
>Repeat few more times
It deserve to flop

Confirmed didn't see the movie

>the humans are in close proximity to the monsters when the camera is on them so it doesn't feel like they are taking the audience out of the action

Bro this is even more annoying to me. I don't want to see the monsters fighting in the background.

I want it front and center so i can see the cool shit happening.

The idea of characters running around an environment as kaiju fuck it up is interesting but i can honestly only stand it once a movie.

what the fuck is wrong with chinese and their shit taste?
They ruined WoW and now they are ruinning movies.

tiananmen square massacre

this franchise needs to have human characters people actually care about. normies arent impressed with big cgi monsters anymore

i cant name a single character in this besides godzila

>OG made 530$M
>Opening of 93$M

50$M opening is kinda trash, they took way to long to make the movie.

The original Godzilla had pretty shitty word of mouth. That's why despite having such an opening it only made 200 million domestic.


Have the monsters talk and give they personalities. There, I fixed your boring ass franchise.

Godzilla 2014 made 513 million as it's lifetime revenue. This will be fine.
And it's a great movie. First movie in years I'm going to see again at the theater right after seeing it the first time.

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>Unironically caring about the opinions of literal communists

>implying China won’t save us

But when half the movie is human shit you better make me care about it, because God forbid you make the other half of the movie at least watchable.


Yikes and not-even-sublepilled.

Because with a few exceptions (Thor 2) the plots to those movies are at least tolerable.

>They are for a niche market

They have nothing else to occupy their time with

Completely different scenarios for the two movies, you weasel.

Legendary's kaiju cinematic universe is going down almost the exact same route that WB's DC universe did.

>The first movie was directed by a guy who wanted to elevate it slightly above the standards of the genre but botched the attempt because he didn't have the chops to make elevated cinema.
>The first movie still met with financial and critical success, but audiences are lukewarm and it produced very little hype for future installments.
>The studio, instead of trying to fix the problem, mandates a soft reboot so all sequels will be Marvel-style quipfests. Marvel does big numbers so obviously this is what audiences want.
>None of the people involved really grasp what makes Marvel successful so they just make the movie as dumb and quippy as possible and just hope Asia will save them at the box office.
>Sequel bombs anyway, the cinematic universe falls over and dies ten yards from the starting gate, and the franchise has to go dormant for a decade.
>Nobody cares because they're too busy sucking off Marvel
>Disney buys out every other media company, eventually branches out and even buys out Time Warner, Sprint, Walmart, Amazon, Home Depot and the nation of Venezuela.
>We will live in 1984 but with Mickey Mouse instead of Big Brother

Character, user - not special effect.