100+ BLACK teens beat and rob people in Baltimore

Continued from so it's allowed

Was it apekino?

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Your days are numbered whitey

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doesn this happen all the time in the US, sometimes they just burn cities

>white teen right in the center

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Whites let this happen

Shhhhh, let /pol/tards be retarded. They don't have a safe space for their autism.

based niggers paying back racist whites for their evil

Is this a flashmob? Are they running to where the whiteys at?

>one white guy
haha see blacks are just like you and me theres nothing to be seen here

99% black just like the crime rates :)

just a group of honor students getting together for a community service project bro

This, I even saw another white guy about forty minutes back. In my eyes, this makes whitey just as culpable as the overwhelming sea of negro faces (if not moreso, as this is probably their fault for colonialism).

Despite being a mere 13 percent of the population

Aww, you poor poor babies. Come here and give me a big hug and a kiss.

Beautiful American diversity.

I thank America for their media demanding this come to every other nation so we can all be enriched.

He was probably on assignment for the new national geographic special about urban monkeys

I'm sure they were just kidding

Black women's vocal cords should be removed as a public safety hazard.

Go away you balding tranny.

Imagine how easily this could have been avoided if one white person concealed carried. Literally one could fire into that crowd in self defense and they'd all scatter like bugs. Why are people so against being able to defend ourselves?


I take bigger dumps than this skinny white bitch



>longtime lefty controlled city with 'minoritys'
>is a crime ridden hellhole of a city
*smacks lips* That really makes me think, white boy.

"Why do you NEED an AR-15, user?"

Looks like an early death to me.

only if you are a cute female (female)

clearly a mulatto, retard

Niggers come in different shades you fucking bigot.

A race mixed abomination, even better

Wow and then have more white supremacists like Zimmerman murdering innocent children for no reason?

This is their culture and you need to respect that. How many people did yo ancestors colonize? This is payback.

why did these event partake?
>black people
yes I understand this, but what, according to them, is their grievance?

The funny thing about this whole thing was the fact that the Baltimore PD sent out a tweet about how their cops were doing great work by keeping the harbor safe and the shitlib SJW twitter mobs descended on it claiming they just wanted to kill black teens. Articles were written in the Sun about how they were just being racist and trying to stop a few kids from having a little bit of fun. Then the videos came out and the story quickly disappeared

Please go be gay somewhere else. Preferably, amidst a gang of feral niggers.

>orks leave Mordor to pillage the lands of gondor

2/10 bait, im just pointing it out to the rest of the fish

It is Baltimore, only criminals are allowed to have guns.