What the fuck does this even mean?
What the fuck does this even mean?
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the bulge on that black tranny kek
Oh, man, why must they bring politics into my favorite reality schlock?
It means that everyone there is some flavor of "not-straight." Anyone can hook up with anyone
So this is the power of liberty and the free market woah
>What the fuck does this even mean?
It means American must burn.
you may not like it but this is peak male(female) performance
Wow, two-spiritphobic much?
Are the two nigs on the left the only straight people in this pic?
It means its only gay if you bottom.
It just means a bunch of straight people and one or two gays will say they are gender fluid to get on a reality tv show in the hopes that they will become famous.
so giga nigga is going to fuck every chick isn't he? and maybe that one tall white boi
giga nigga gets outclassed by the other black dude lol
>I want the orginal Aquaman look
He stuffs his crotch. Ive been to enough male strip clubs to know a fake buldge and that is definitely fake.
pushing tranny shit hard
next on the agenda is to get everyone to love an attractive female singer only to find out years later that "she" was born a "he"
*cough*billie eilish*cough*
It means they're all bi. That's fucking based, not gonna lie, and they're pretty hot if rather brown.
>Ive been to enough male strip
Why do you visit them, user?
Welcome to Prolapse Island!
You're a complete faggot but I think I can take your word for it.
Me at the back with those thick glasses
I wish there was more incidental gay shit in porno. The girls always touch each other, why don't the guys?
Thanks for your insights gaynon
I prefer the company of men.
It means everyone will have aids before the first season is over.
gays not welcome
I'll touch you.
what a fag
really looking forward to not watching this
Formerly Poz Isle
>Black dude - Normal bulge
>Black woman(male) - fucking 120mm Smoothbore wrapped in lycra
seriously why does this happen
you see this shit in porn, too
What is it about male bodies you find attractive, vs female bodies?
Honestly thought this one was a trap too.
Fucking would; you're nuts if you wouldn't.
I am seriously de-aroused by that haircut, though.
>she's about to get fucked balls deep with big tranny cock
Not anymore.
It looks expensive and yet also like a haircut a child would give to a doll
It means trash is what it means.
Reminds me of that episode of Naked Attraction, the British "dating" show where people choose someone based entirely on how they look naked, where the person picking was this turbo leftist "pansexual," who obviously was using politics to determine whom she would reject. No self-respecting pansexual would dare say no to a tranny with his dick hanging out under his manboobs, as people might think it's because he was trans, and she ended up barely able to disguise her disgust at the final two and had a terrible date that she ghosted first opportunity.
Yes I would. Though I'm still disappointed it wasn't a trap running around in a high cut one piece,
Sqaure builds and they have always been more friendly than women. More open and up front as well. Never see women at the gym working on their form, getting the workout right. Speaks to a mindset I just dont like.
Lots of real estate for kissing
real and most definitely gay
oh fucking kek
>cmon guise b faggots 2
Fuck off. A picture is nothing more than a trick, and the reality of the situation is those faggots have that the distinctive faggot / tranny voice, adams apple, man bones that clearly point to a dude....which would make you a giant faggot.
kys already with your trash.
No, No, It's not a matter if I'M nuts, it's if she's GOT nuts
for what purpose
There's no way that a straight (heterosexual) white (Caucasian) couple (Two adult humans) consistent of a man (male) and a woman (female) can be formed.
Gender fuilds are all a lie. They are all just attention seekers, they all secretly find their non preferred sex repulsive when the cards are down and no one is looking
She munches carpet but can’t give up dick
I'm straight and had sex with women and prefer women, but I've kissed guys and sucked their dicks and had fully body contact, even the balls. Enjoyed it all really. Just not really into guys when we're not fucking.
Whitebois can’t compete
Gender fluids are those who claim to be "nonbinary" or some other shit, so straight cis girls who want a piece of that oppression cake
Liking dick or vaginas is optional
>sexual fluid
it's a breeding pit
>Ive been to enough male strip clubs
everyone dies
>str vs dex
Gonna get outstyled, that's for sure. This is Jojo-esque.
Sure w/e you say dude
That's a woman with short hair user
LGBTQIA is finally a real place
>What the fuck does this even mean?
--- I've got it!! We'll do mixed up gender shit and what not, jam it all into one season so we look ground-breaking and shit and we never have to deal with it again.
(unless it's successful)
since when do you faggots watch this show?
whew, lads
>he doesnt know how good a firm chest feels
sad user
Is this survivor?
lol, one of the girls is already drooling over that bbc
Post yfw all the fags die of aids 2 episodes in and all we're left with is lesbians
The one who doesn’t succumb to suicidal thoughts?
The jews won, western civilization is over. It was a good run, but I guess all things come to an end.
yeah aids survivor.
You are mentally ill. Enroll in conversion therapy and seek God’s forgiveness.
>*anglo civilization
Interdasting. A real live user who literally can’t stop sucking cocks.
It'll be great seeing the normals completely ignoring the freaks and avoiding them
based degenerate knowledge
>sexually fluid
Because we'll need diapers 24/7 once we become the authentic woman deep inside of us.
Soooo basically they are all bi?
Based. This is their plan. To make young women want to imitate these vapid shells of people and find some dirty coon to date
>we will never get a show like this but with only hot lesbians and no ugly fags because that doesn't fit the narrative
I’m Poopin from my front hole
To the tune of night moves from bob segar
This kills the white devils so I support this
>2 white guys
>2 (arguably 3) white women
>11 mutts and nigs
Sure showed them
I did make out with this guy once, we were naked and basically hugging and kissing, it was hawt. No ass to speak of for the grab though.
Where's Tila Tequila?
Did he stuff it with panties? That doesn't look like balls
Is it legal to fuck teenagers yet?
dating reality shows are among the lowest forms of television so it's not like they can make it worse
R-Robert's a tranny now.....??
have sex
Do normies think any of these are attractive?
No, but they pretend to so they can "stick it to Trump."
age of consent is 16
music to purge degenerates to.
could be stuffed. he does not have that big of a bulge on his instagram.
no one noticed the star gate tattoo on the chad in the front?
not all degenerates are degenerate
Why would a male stripper stuff his crotch? He's going to get his dick out at some point.
It takes a democrat to think bestiality will have any effect on the government.
>He's going to get his dick out at some point.
Not all the time.
Big stuffed his speedo when he stripped danced on Rob&Big
I keep telling myself that jews are to fault for all that, but deep down I'm starting to realise that maybe humanity is just that terrible, maybe we deserve extinction
You know what, man? You're a humongous faggot, but damnit I respect you. I literally can't find fault in this logic.
>not enjoying the show
Who cares. Going to a bar with all tjes1e people would be great. They'd all have funny stories. Only problem withost of these people is they cant take a joke/ light bullying.
If these faggots could take a joke as well as they take dick thered be less conflict in the world
Seems like giga niga is the only straight guy there the other are some sort of human.
Extreme Eco Terrorism is the only and true ideology. Anything else, left, right, is all bullshit, the things they defend don't matter as both only focus on human problems. Humanity is around for just a few dozens of millenniums, and managed to terraphorm de planet on that time. Humanity deserves extintion, humanity is cancer.
Remember: First kill everyone, then kill other eco-terrorists, then kill self.
I wonder if they made homosexuality the norm... would they then push straightness because it'd be...
Fuck these kikes. Fuck them all
>Ive been to enough male strip clubs
thank you user
truly a fabulous creature
The funniest thing that could happen is, that everyone involved would end up male to female pairings.
What makes me happy is, that I have zero confusion about my gender. And if I had, I hope I had enough brains and people around me who'd say, that it would be a terrible idea to try to turn my dick into something it isn't.
. . .Strangely credible. I dunno if that's what you were going for, but, congrats.
look at the wrist and hands, it's a trap
based and nazi pilled
>Not a single attractive guy
how many of these are trannies?
She's built like a giraffe
christian traps are best traps
dude that's a pretty dog
tfw the gender fluid comes out
user, advising someone not to cut the balls off their child and turn their undeveloped dick inside out will soon be a crime.