Fuck every single one of you. I liked it

Fuck every single one of you. I liked it

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You only liked it because you saw it in cinemas as a child, xoomer.

Even Stevens was a delight.

im glad you enjoyed it. i did too at the time. how does it hold up in 2019? i'd love to revisit it.

I’m currently rewatching it. It’s not too bad. A little campy, but I like camp

I didn't think it was too different from the other Indiana Jones movies.

Based and checkpilled

>tfw no Russian qt

I saw it as an adult and thought it was good except the Shia monkey swinging part.

This was the last movie I ever saw on film and it also came out after I had a bunch of blu-rays. It made me realize how objectively pure shit 35mm film release prints were, especially compared to blu-ray. Thank god every theater switched to digital

Same here. Better than Temple Of Doom.

holy crap... based and checked

One of the water scenes you can see the crystal skull is half full of water

why wouldnt it be able to fill with water

Have you seen Signs???

I refused to watch the trash. The contempt people showed for it completely justified my decision.

Why wouldn't the water vapor in the air affect ayy lmaos though

Its a solid decent indy but the worst of them


Same here OP.

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It was fine. The skull looked AMAZING and the magnetic skeleton was AMAZING. I bet if it was a functional magnetic system that worked to hold the whole skeleton together the thing would cost a million dollars auction. Sex.

Well... I can't argue with those digits.

I liked it also, at least more than Temple of Doom.


Attached: This is your home now and forever.jpg (638x848, 178K)

Indy looks for religious/christianity-related shit > any other version of Indy

Wrong. It goes like this:


It's great.
Only problems are the fridge survival and Shia swinging on vines.

> Raiders = Great, nearing Strongly Great
> Temple = Near Great
> Crusade = Great
> Skull = Great

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She looked so worn out and worried in this shot.
Comfort her anons!

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I enjoyed it for the most part and I'm twice your age.

I don’t understand how the fridge survival is a common complaint in the movie. In previous movies you had nazis get their faces melted off by ghosts and a human sacrifice where a guy phases into another mans chest to rip out his heart

>how does it hold up in 2019? i'd love to revisit it.
are you a faggot or a hole?

it really wasn't that different. Aliums were a bit of a weird direction to take things but the whole shindig was in the spirit of the other movies more than people like to admit.

That being said, Shia can go get fucked. he was a terrible casting choice.

Any movie that opens on a cgi prairie dog deserves all the ridicule people heap on it

Temple of doom is the best one

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Fem wojack posters should be executed

>Only problems are the fridge survival
spotted the npc

>I don’t understand how the fridge survival is a common complaint in the movie. In previous movies you had nazis get their faces melted off by ghosts and a human sacrifice where a guy phases into another mans chest to rip out his heart
Because those are supernatural elements intentionally fantastical and divorced from the otherwise realistic earth of this universe.
Their is nothing supernatural or sci-fi about the atomic bomb test or Indy himself (he isn't super human).
> #1 - The lead of the fridge isn't even remotely thick enough to protect him from the radiation (and he left the fridge once it was thrown and not nearly far enough to be safe from the radiation)
> #2 - The heat would have been hot enough to melt the fridge.
> #3 - Even if the fridge would not melt, Indy would have been boiled alive inside.
> #4 - The fridge being thrown and crashing would almost certainly have brown the fucking shit out of most of his bones.

>reddit spacing
kill yourself
kill yourself
> a weird direction
Ignorant cock sucker

broke I meant.

>guy phases into another mans chest to rip out his heart
It's almost as if you've never even seen the movie

>Overthinking: The Post
>fantastical and divorced from the otherwise realistic earth of this universe
That’s exactly my point. It’s unrealistic and outlandish. The perfect escape for Indy.

He did so through supernatural/mystical means.

>That’s exactly my point. It’s unrealistic and outlandish. The perfect escape for Indy.
But the earth and Indy have always been realistic and NOT outlandish. The supernatural elements are the exception because they are separate from the laws of nature and science.

Indy can survive shit like jumping out of a plane in an inflatable raft, these are fun adventure movies. Cock sucking faggot scum like you need the rope

he didnt do it at all you dumb fuck

at I least I'm not a fucking retard with terrible taste.

I bet you enjoy jerking off to jewish renditions christian iconography

Temple of doom is the best one reddit nigger

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Uhm sweaty?

glad to see i'm not alone

Atlantis movie when?

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If only that woman would have been a tad less annoying. The Last Crusade had always been my favourite (I absolutely love the soundtrack as well), but recently I rewatched all three and I enjoyed ToD the most.

The story is fantastic. Sophia is by far the best Indy girl.

Temple of Doom is the best one. The girl and the kid are there for cheap snirks but they don't affect the overall tone of the film which is one of the most fucked up and sickening you can get for a mainstream adventure film.


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this is the most smooth brained take on this board

so do you

>Fuck every single one of you.
>I liked it

It's a watchable, entertaining movie. Nowhere near as good as the originals, it alternates between very good scenes, average scenes and very forced, obnoxious cgi porn.
Compared to the star wars reboot it's a fucking masterpiece but that one has women and niggers so audiences are not allowed to dislike it
It's like a time capsule remembering people hated indie 4 when it came out, back then you were allowed to dislike things

I don't get why they used the worst "part time" take in the actual movie.

Harry probably just done with the whole thing and just wanted to go back home at that point


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What about jumping out of the plane in Temple of Doom?

Tell me where you live faggot!!

That makes zero sense on any level you fucking retarded piece of shit.

I turned it off at the fridge scene. I was falling asleep. Crystal Skull and and Sunshine are the only movies I've turned off; that made it past the 10 min mark.

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Storywise even Infernal machine, Emperor's tomb and Staff of kings are better than Crystal skull

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I like it more than Temple of Doom, but not as much as the other two. Will never understand the rabid hate it gets.

>having taste this bad
the absolute state of (you)

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