Will there ever be a level headed, truthful...

Will there ever be a level headed, truthful, and unbiased biopic on this guy detailing the mania and mob mentality that surrounded his case?

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is this the guy who raped a girl behind a dumpster?

Yup kek.

Michael Cera will play him. Directed by a black woman director.

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it was drunken sex until two white knights thought it was rape.

If I remember right both him and the girl were drunk and had consensual sex, two people passing by thought it was rape, she had a boyfriend and in order to get out of it she claimed it wasn't consensual, and because she's a woman she got flooded with positive attention for it so she kept pushing the narrative and all the leeches and parasites latched on because the male is white.

what exactly would you like to see in a fair and balanced biopic about the criminal rapist Brock turner?

He literally did nothing wrong.

you're forgetting the part where she was unconscious and he tried to escape when discovered.

t. someone who wasn't there

You forgot the part where she screamed for help and the guys saw him on top of her trying to get escape
Have sex incel (but don’t rape or kill)

it wasn't sex even, it was finger blasting.
have sex.

Why do women always cheat on their boyfriends?

You remember wrong. That isn't at all what anyone, even the defendant, testified.

Because all women are whores of course.

This dude looks like a rapist

They were both boarder-line blackout drunk and He put a finger inside her
Sexual assault =/= rape.
That’s why he only got 6 months.

Why were people so angry over something that little? That's not a big deal at all.

Penetration without consent is rape in any court of the law, user. He got six months because he had the money to get good lawyers and because the girl was blackout when it happened.

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Probably the most fair assessment of the situation.

The girl remembers literally none of it. Her “trauma” is entirely a product being treated like a rape victim by people who didn’t even witness the act.

I feel bad for her, and I don’t jump at the chance to defend a douchebag, but the public reaction is so overblown and uninformed.

>black football players gangrape girl
>school forces girl to drop case and transfer schools
>white swimmer fingerbangs drunk chick
>expelled from school and goes to prison

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I thought she was unconscious
How could she scream for help

not even close

Have sex

>Penetration without consent is rape in any court of the law, user
No, it isn’t you fucktard. Rape is defined as penetrating someone with your genitals. Everything else falls under sexual assault/battery

really makes me think

>Rape in the United States is defined by the Department of Justice as "Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim."
>Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object

>Rape in the United States is defined by the Department of Justice as "Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim."
Legal definitions also tend to vary by state, so if he was charged with rape it was obviously fitting the legal definition in his state.

What about the two black fb players that were falsely accused of rape and still had their scholarships revoked?
Have sex dude.


>Q: In 2012, the Department of Justice announced a change to the definition of Rape for the Uniform Crime Reporting Program’s (UCR) Summary Reporting System (Summary). How does the new definition differ from the old one?

>A: The old definition was “The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will.” Many agencies interpreted this definition as excluding a long list of sex offenses that are criminal in most jurisdictions, such as offenses involving oral or anal penetration, penetration with objects, and rapes of males. The new Summary definition of Rape is: “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.."

the incel prime himself

you will never be a real woman, fucking tranny.

She was never unconscious and the two retards who harassed him barely knew English and chased him for no reason.

>the two retards who harassed him barely knew English
They were Swedish and testified at the trial, they spoke English.

>falsely accused

Damn, you got btfo.

He has a point

They never even had sex, he fingered her then two Swedes attacked him because it's illegal in Sweden for white men to have sex with anyone except other men

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>two drunk people have sex and one passes out
>the other and thrown in prison to be raped and is slandered in media and textbooks for the rest of his life
welcome to the 21st century

You ever read To Kill a Mockingbird?

No they didn't. Why are you lying?

as if that makes it horrible or something

You're forgetting the part where he obviously showed remorse, did several classes about sexual assault and other bullshit to show you try to do better. See that's the thing most libshits don't get, it's not that blacks get more punishment because of racism but because they act "hood" for their homies and that screws them over. Criminal cases should be about rehabilitation and he showed he wanted to. Not to mention the fact everyone automatically assumed he was guilty, said he was a rapist and deserved to die doesn't help either, courts see that as extra punishment. And his whole life was basically over having to start over again.

And let's not forget the questionable behaviour of the victim in question, she drank way too much, even before she got to the party. Before they were found there were 0 reasons she didn't go with him willingly so consent was still iffy. Should he have stopped fingering her when she passed out, yeh obviously. But is that fair to write him of as a degenerate rapist, i don't think so. Fact is, the only statement who saw it all happening was Brock Turner himself, if the woman didn't drank like a whore she might have been semi conscious and you could take her statement as fact. And the only proof that he raped her was a couple of fuccbois who attacked Brock and he ran away scared.

Everybody in Sweden can speak English, especially the people who are wealthy enough to take a trip to America.