Holy fuck based

Holy fuck based

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I was always baffled that anyone would think Kojima was actually right-wing after playing through the series. Libertarian sure, but come on.

Mr. Kojima please stop making cuckold

Expect a Japanese man to be corrupted by stupid American racial politics and not just see a movie as a movie and instead spaz out like either retarded white or black about how they don't like the movie based on everything besides whether its a just a good film or not.

His opinion is worth more than 99% of American's opinion for the above reason. He just sees it as a film. Either its good or it sucks.

and people acted like green book was the bad winner lol

Stop seeing things through /pol/ lenses. Green Book was a great movie and comfy road trip kino in its own right.

>likes wholesome movies
>makes sjw roasties seethe because he puts sexy women in his games (even though his men are beefcake fanservice too)
>made a whole vidya about his husbando
He's alright

Is Kojima a good reviewer?

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>stop being such anti bulls

His terseness is the perfect review. It's exactly how I felt after watching the movie.


The phantom pain & death stranding.

that makes no sense

>the phantom pain of alienation is healed by connection with those similar to you
Seems pretty straightforward

People thought Kojima was right-wing because he said it

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please dont use that word on a blue board, you have no idea the pain and hurt that is associated with that word


so based! bend the knee

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Those are his video games.

I smoked a cigarette and browsed the news. A story about niggers, written by a nigger, talked about how niggers needed more et. cetera. The needs of a nigger are endless. a nigger on every television channel. a nigger in every movie. nothing but nigger music for niggers and those who wish to be niggers. that is almost worse than being a nigger. at least a nigger does not want to be a nigger. a nigger does not want to be a nigger so badly he will kill everyone who is not a nigger just so that he might not be reminded that he is a nigger. I was glad to be alone again in my room, where no nigger had ever been. there are few places lice this left in the world. when the nigger was the freed the world became the nigger's slave. At night the niggers come out, brave in the absence of light, as if the Night were an accomplice to the niggers, lending shadow to the misdeeds of the darkies. Beneath the luminescence of gaudy streetlights the gangs of niggers, in feral nigger packs, would stumble and howl, liquored-up on cheap nigger drinks and enthused by the scantily clad negresses. In the day these niggers were more docile. The tumult of the niggers grew tedious and I decided to leave, to walk perhaps to a place where no niggers ever went.

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Why is it a cuckold? The movie rustled Shirley's disowned ooga booga family's jimmies.

To do this I needed to walk down the niggerstained streets and wait in subway overrun by niggers. Every nigger looked at me as if waiting for me to call them what they, as niggers, knew what I, as not a nigger, knew them to be. Most of the passengers were niggers or niglets. Each nigger stared at the other niggers with the suspicion that infects every nigger due to the violence inherent in each nigger and no one knows what a nigger is capable of more than a nigger. that is why niggers always leer as they do, for niggers assume that everyone has a propensity for violence equal to a nigger's. In the fresh blossoming night air after I had risen from the stench of the niggersded subway I felt a peace that can only be known when all niggers are absent. Perhaps this is why niggers are so disgruntle, they never have the chance to leave niggers behind. Perhaps these types of free and fresh nights are not available to niggers who must leer with niggerhate in their niggerheads and niggerhearts all the days of their niggardly lives. But now the streets were clean, vacant of all niggers and the cacophony of niggers. I had come out of that nigger-Gehenna where the golems of the niggerloving Ickes waste and writhe. I was lost in the coolness of a midnight devoid of darkies. It was almost ruined, knowing I would have to return to the niggers. Knowing that everywhere else, niggers were muddying everything with their niggerhands and their niggernotions. But for now there was the peace of no niggers.

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yeah, I get that, still doesn't make any sense

lol wut?

Saying nigger does mot make you right wing

Why do you hate cattle? Dont you like beef?

What's wrong with green book? I thought it was a fine movie. Can anyone here explain why they disliked it?

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He hated BvS and loved Civil War.

Also twitter.com/HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN/status/1122399804963713026?s=09

>paragraph explaining why he loved Spiderverse
>Saw Captain Marvel
Kek every time.