What does it say about a country when one of its most loved heroes is a man who didn't work for what he has? A man who, without the serum, was berated, pitied, humiliated, and would have ended up miserable and depressed in life?
What does it say about a country when one of its most loved heroes is a man who didn't work for what he has? A man who...
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It sounds like the county's core values have been subverted
What made him special was because of the type of person he is and the characteristics that he had. That's the entire reason he got the serum in the first place.
>genetics are the final blackpill
That's too much for normalfags who just want to go see robot man beat up purple alien man
Those literally mean nothing without the serum. Without the serum, he was just a kid getting beat up you felt bad for.
It says might doesn't make right, but right makes might.
>Steve Jumps on the grenade sacrificing himself as everyone ducks for cover
Get this flag off this flag pole!
>Everyone applies brute force trying to climb a greased up pole
>Steve applies brains and pulls the pin allowing him to tilt the pole down and get the flag
Wow what a faggot who never accomplished anything and only ever got beat up and isn't mentally and spiritually resilient.
Also he's not even Captain America when he wakes up in the future. He's just Cap, Steve, or Rodgers.
>be a good person and you will be rewarded by the militarised state with physical benefits...
Brehs... just b yourself and believe in yourself. Work hard, and you too can have all this.
>be weak and scrawny and sickly
>want to serve in the military
yeah, i'd totally want steve rogers to try and carry my injured body out of a combat situation
the point is he kept fighting on and would have never given. he was willing to throw hs life away during basic training to protect even just a handful of more able-bodied/capable soldiers. He was perfectly content with contributing to the cause in any way possible. And so this tells us that even if you are not gifted in some ways you are still useful/a hero as long as you're willing to sacrifice what little you have for the betterment of your country.
The cognitive dissonance of people is hilarious.
You have to wonder how the average person who believes in "just be yourself" can even comprehend the meaning of this film. Like, when they watch it do they have no clue why Captain America had to transform into Chad? Like, in their minds is that just a joke? Because they believe that anybody can accomplish anything if their personality is right... so why even modify him physically? What is going on their brain?
Better the 135lbs white guy than any woman or non-white.
He is the kind of guy who would take the bullet for you because you are too dumb fat and idiot to get to the ground ASAP you lazy faggot have war
Yeah but he wouldn't have had the serum if he wasn't like that in the first place.
One of the most decorated WW2 combat veterans was a skinny manlet that was told he wouldnt make the cut
no one watched captain america, it made like 50 mil
still preferable to a woman
>tfw you realize there's no un-jewing serum
Wrong, Cap isn't even top tier strength on his own squad. Wanda can fucking bend reality. How many morons have super strength even greater than his and still acconplish half of what he does? The serum isn't his superpower it's his mental fortitude and his pure soul.
It's too bad he didn't know he was on the wrong side.
Just be yourself lmao
Has there ever been a super hero who "earned" their powers aside from one punch man who is a total joke anyway?
thats dumb if he never got the serum he would've died like 5 minutes into the movie and never would've been frozen and thawed in the future
how did batman "earn" his white privilege ?
he proved u wrong by lifting mjolnir.
He was worthy
He worked as best he could but had shit genes. He was destined to fail in life. Science changed all of that.
>parents die right infront of you brutally
I mean yeah he was rich but he travels to asia and fucks off for like 10 years with no money
You mean the country that treats celebrities like royalty?
Iron Fist
>Also he's not even Captain America when he wakes up in the future. He's just Cap, Steve, or Rodgers
What? No, he’s def Captain America wearing a big USA flag and making PSAs for kids
So he's fodder with an IQ of like 105?
Hulk, Iron Man, and Dr. Strange. But shit, even Iron Man wouldn't be where he is without inheriting shit from his pops, and I forgot most of the other two's backstories
It tells me the country only cares about real value and not fruitless effort.
>even Iron Man wouldn't be where he is without inheriting shit from his pops
>builds this in a cave with a box of scraps
I would argue that anyone with super intelligence did not earn their "powers". They where literally born better than 99.9% of the population.
I'm Steve Rogers before the serum.
>wouldn't be superhero without super suit
>wouldn't have super suit without kidnapping experience and fortune
>wouldn't have fortune or kidnapping experience without being titan of industry
>wouldn't be titan of industry (or educated) without dad's money
Stark has an IQ of 270. When you are at that level you don't need money for an education. See Reed Richards for further details.
I mean, Batman is arguably more popular than cap and he trained himself to peak physical and mental perfection over a number of years.
That's the difference between western and japanese heroes.
japanese heroes have training arcs and powerup through hardu worku.
While western heroes instantly get abilities through magic/radiation/technology
I don't get why more people can't get the Captain America treatment considering he was made with fucking 1940s technology.
who says there wasn't. they died mostly.
lol they even made his hair look thinner as a skinny manlet weakling
me on the left
marvel is cuck
>be teenager with attitude
>giant head tells a robot to turn you into a superhero
sucks being a guy and seeing this dumb shit in movies. this must be what its like to be a girl and see all those fake tit hoes on instagram
The scientist that created it was shot by a HYDRA agent and the doctors that took Cap's blood sample later said that it was locked in his DNA or something. HYDRA did manage to replicate it though. Dr Zola made a super soldier serum, albeit less potent for Bucky and Howard Stark was carrying 5 samples of the serum in 1991 when Bucky intercepted it and killed him but Zemo killed all of those super soldiers
Who would do such a thing, goyim? Surely not your friends in Israel.
You are looking at it wrong. Steve possessed quality's you cannot be born with. If you are a piece of shit, using the serum would just make you an evil fuck.
It's not fair. If we are talking about good, the doctor who invented the super hero formula wanted to share it to humanity but he ends up dying and his name erased from history, no Nobel Prize as well.
Jackie Chan
Isn't that its very appeal? That anyone could become (like) him? No dead billionaire mommy and daddy or super powers needed.
He does have super powers though. The super hero formula changed him biologically. His metabolism is so insane that he can't risk death from alcohol poisoning because his liver treats even 100% pure alcohol like water.
Captain America could hardly be called human.
It doesn't fucking say anything, its a goddamn comic
He had a good heart
>his liver treats even 100% pure alcohol like water
stop making things up
Quite a push you got here, but no. Almost nobody's saying that "be yourself :^)" is the only thing it takes. The serum shows that you do need the physical capability, but in the end he was chosen over any other soldier specifically because he was the perfect mindset to give it to. He was already willing to do whatever it takes, regardless of how folly his circumstances were.
No one can match the Tooch.
Green Arrow, Batman, and DE off the top of my head.
Why didn't they let him into the army, anyway? Audy Murphy was his size and he ended up killing like five hundred germans.
You retarded nigger, the serum only worked properly because of those traits.
Exactly. It didn't matter how hard he worked, his success was due to magic.
Why didn't he just be himself?
No, it didn't, you retard. They gave it to him because he was the least likely to abuse the power.
This picture just made me realize Chris Evans had Pectus Excavatum that was partially corrected by surgery. I wonder if he sympathizes with Eric Harris.
>what /pol/ imagines they look like while posting on the internet
>what /pol/ actually looks like
If he wasn't injected with a one in a billion super soldier serum, he'd be worth less than fodder.
You just described literally all female soldiers.
>Right: /pol/
>Left: /leftypol/
Wrong. Everything special about Steve came BEFORE the serum, that's why he was given the serum in the first place. And that is proven in Endgame when he shows himself to be worthy enough to hold Mjolnir.
>a man who didn't work for what he has?
He worked every day of his life to get where he is. It did not work, that is true, and he only managed due to sheer luck, that is also true. But he did work.
Mental fortitude and attitude is also genetics. Did you know your brain is a part of your body?
Yea Forums's brain hasn't been inside its body for a long time now
>I sit in my chair shitposting and pissing in bottles all day because of genetics!
Really? That's the hill you're willing to die on?
I'm happy with my life, I'm just spreading truth.
He's not right, but also not entirely wrong. people really don't choose what they like or dislike, nor do they choose what motivates them or how strong is their will. All those things happen to them as a mixture of genetics and environment.
Wow you wrecked his argument.
Everyone knows God gives everyone free will and the spirit is where our thoughts come fro.
>accuse him of having retarded, religious logic
>use completely retarded deterministic logic to explain the state of your life
>retarded deterministic logic
Dude, you may not like it, but as far as we know, and as long a science works the way its suposed to work, the world is either entirely deterministic, or half random half deterministic, no other possibility can be valid.
Either way, humans have literally no power over the state of their life.
Um no because the brain is magic and God, idiot.
I earned everything I have, incel.
Theoretical models of determinism have nothing to do with the state of your life. "I theorize that all matter acts in a predictable manner. Therefore, life is deterministic and can be no other way and all things are genetics and environment including my choice to act like a hedonistic sloth in light of learning these "facts".
No, in fact, humans do have power over the state of their life, because by default we are not an omniscient observer, nor are we aware of an omniscient observer who is capable of providing perfect information. Without perfect information, we do not know that our actions are determinstic, and thus effectively we do have free will for the simple matter that we do not and cannot know any better. We are, in fact, "in control" of our own lives until evidence of perfect information exists or an observer capable of presenting perfect information exists.
Living your life as if determinism were both true and engaging in shitty sloth behavior because of a theoretical lack of free will is just fucking stupid. This is the same stupid logic liberals use to try and say niggers committing violent crime shouldn't be punished or jailed because they are essentially determinstic nigger natural disasters due to their "environment and genetics".
In short, no.
>t. dumb incels who make no effort to change their lives and pretend they have no choice because their jaw is 2mm shorter than Chad's and they're only 5'11" which is confirmed manlet status thus never gonna make it
You're pathetic and stupid. What "science" are you referring to, redditcel?
>has bad genes
>gets shit on by everyone despite being a good person
>girls laugh at him and think he's pathetic
>somehow transforms into a chad
>he's EXACTLY the same person
>now he's a rolemodel and loved by everyone
Really makes you think.
I have a perfect GPA studying electrical engineering spending only 1/3 of the year even studying. It takes me a day to learn what people spend a week on.
Tell me all about how I'm equal to a low IQ retard like yourself. Tell me all about how much harder I work than you. Please.
Are incels admitting they are spindly, ugly little manlets itt?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
The point is he was given a magic injection before he gave up. Most of the times you work for nothing and your efforts are not rewarded.
in life you can either give up after failure or blindly continue on. he was ultimately rewarded for pressing on and showing courage. "maybe that could one day be me too if I keep pressing on like he did"; in this way he functions as a typical american icon.
Being strong is also necessary but it's not the most important factor. The super soldiers made by the Soviet were strong but they were too violent and got iced. If Cap was a psychopath then no amount of steroid could help him.
Also if you want super drug just go sniff some weeds in Wakanda lol.
I hope Thor uses this copy pasta in his next movie
Why didn't he just be himself?
doubt that he's close to being 135lbs there, probably closer to 110
>be physically unfit loser
>get handed magical superpowers you didn't earn
>show everyone how you were a better person than them all along
>even though you've cheated the most crucial part of the journey
this is literally every nerd power fantasy ever, and it shows how nerds completely miss the point of being a good person.
>be a good person
>try your hardest, but fail since your genetics are shit
>die a miserable tryhard good goy
Better message.
>retards arguing over the moral implications of a work of fiction originally meant to entertain little boys
He was still treated like shit after the serum and made into a glorified propaganda tool until he proved himself on a mission he did of his own accord.
No, it doesn't make you think cause incels acting like looks, muscle, height, etc. do matter for a man and lead to positive stuff aren't revealing anything new. But the lookismfags always understate the value of charisma, wit, confidence, etc.
>looks matter
LMAO go back to r9k.
Just because you're a pathetic loser doesn't mean everyone else is.
I have this argument with my cousin all the time who still doesn't seem to get that Steve wasn't chosen at random.
I am a balding manlet with a small penis and diagnosed with autism
>Steve Jumps on the grenade sacrificing himself for Israel
A lot of big talk but without all those drugs he'd be dead.
They do. So does personality and other factors. Incel overstate the importance of looks and see personality as irrelevant and guys on the other side of the coin make banal statements like it's all about who you are and the face never matters. They're both shit.
Tony stark doesnt have any power its just his money lol. He would be nothing without money.
He’s still a super genius. Even if he lost all his money he’d be able to get it all back
He was in a cave with nothing but scrap metal and walked out a walking tank.
Steve Rogers would literally die if he was anywhere without his powers.
Fuck off, /pol/
Getting everything without any real work is a fundamental aspect of America's mysticism. Just look at the likes of Homer Simpson and Ray Romano. Captain America was boomerism personified.
The point is that his power his is brain, not his money.
Rogers power his is heart above all else, not his muscles.
Daily reminder. If holes aren't throwing themselves at you, you are not attractive and foids will never care about you. You'll just be some free meal ticket for them whilst they fuck Chad.
If he's got such a heart how come he doesn't have the willpower to lift even for a little bit?
It's the American spirit.
If you're a good, moral person on the inside then science and technology can empower you to be a hero.
>some chucklefuck starts a capeshit bait thread
>it's full of brainlet autists seething about genetic determinism and free will
just when you thought capeshitters couldnt be faggier
you retards are so goddamn embarassing
Maybe women would feel more comfortable approaching you if you didn't refer to them as "holes". Just throwing that out there...
DAILY REMINDER: . You will never be Chad, you coping bluepilled cuck faggot.
I don't know. Let's ask Wonder Woman.
Go drink you soi, you bluepilled faggot. It's an unspoken fact incels and much more intelligent than the average person and if 100 based incel brothers say something is so, that means more than a million normie cucks saying it isn't so.
>tfw shoulders of left and body of right
any kinos for this feel
maybe you're a retarded cracker
You can give a morally strong person a super-serum to become strong.
You cant give a bully/morally-corrupt strong guy a sense of justice and "right and wrong".
Im Him after but not American
>you can’t teach a bad person to be good
are you stupid?
If Batman was real, then he would be a wanted criminal for beating up "innocent", "unarmed" blacks that "dindu nuffin"!
Women don't know what they want. You have to show them. Chad is an obvious want. But if you think it just stops right there, you're an idiot. Women don't know what they want to eat, do, or watch. They especially don't know who they want to date or marry. It's especially bad in the US. If you aren't willing to be daring and risk death, you'll never live. If you can't even risk rejection because you expect the world to come to you, you're going to be left behind. The sad thing is that you're better than Chad because he's never had to risk. Things come to him, rendering him as a woman. Chad is afraid to die. You can't be. Be a goddamned man.
>euro posting hours
>nothing but insecure eurocucks whining about murica
270 IQ lmao. Proof that comic book writers are brainlets.
The highest IQ is probably like 180-200, at 120-130 you'd already have trouble relating to most people, if he had 200+ IQ he would be a mega autist not some extrovert chad.
It’s canon that the serum also amplifies your base personality, is why the Red Skull went Hydra on the Nazis. Did you even watch the movie?
good AKUM
>europoors cry about ”America imperialism”
>still demand that America spend trillions defending their worthless countries
Let Putin invade and nuke these ungrateful cucks.
Jumping on the grenade is literally the single most brainlet thing this faggot could do, the grenade was thrown in the open field 50 feet away from anyone
If only hydra had grenades
>120-130 you'd already have trouble relating to most people
How so?
>I have no social skills because I'm really smart
Make that ~130 IQ.
The average person is 100, that 30 point IQ gap has an effect
so how should he have got his abilities then?
to me he is a female character in male body
get the power and get used to it and not earn power himself/herself
Yeah I totally approach them with the words "Hey hole, wanna go for a drink?"
It says that Disney is extremely good at marketing poor characters while Warner Bros is extremely bad at marketing good ones.
Wowie, Jews insert their shitty values into things, shocking.
Fuck off niggerduck
It's a fact, brainlet.
There's a reason why most scientists only have up to 140 IQ. Over 140 IQ there's a 90% chance you'd drop out of academia because you can no longer relate to your peers and vice versa.
You can be like Cap if you just lift and strive to be a best version of yourself, user.
Did you even watch the film? He was constantly rejected from joining up and the only reason he was accepted is because the doctor working on the super serum project saw his pure intentions and strength of character and vouched for him. He was literally taken on for the serum and wouldn't have been accepted otherwise.
I know but how would they struggle to relate assuming 130 does not go hand in hand with extreme autism? I guess they won't keep up when it comes to intellectual interests and stuff but you can still relax and shoot the shit with friends.
t. /sci/ autist
Bruh it would be like you trying to be friends with an 80iq sandnigger
He had heart. That's all they were looking for
The serum would've made other people buff too but that's how you end up with huge assholes or villains
Imagine being that close to fucking that girl with the big tits but then getting frozen and meeting her the next time when she's a granny, would you still do it?
It's designed to appeal to lonely turbovirgins who watch capeshit.
>too lazy to put on muscle
You're extremely bored interacting with less intelligent people. Imagine being friends with teenager for instance.
We have steroids now yet they're still whining
Its actually made for normalfags who think if they keep trying some day they'll be rewarded.
Christcuckolds and Americans are stupid enough to actually believe this.
One thing I always wondered was how strong and fast a person would be if they were like a chad and took the serum.
Give me a break. If we couldn't even choose what we like or dislike, we couldn't choose anything.
Mcfucking kill yourself mobile fag.
But we can't. You don't wake up one morning and suddenly decide to dislike something for no reason. It's a reaction based on previous information and/or biological factors. You don't get to decide.
>What "science" are you referring to, redditcel?
Literally all of it. Science as a concept is based on the idea that every event is the consequence of a previous event. Infrmation transforms, but it cannot be created nor destroyed. Therefore, when you choose somehting, it's only because some previous events have moved the world around you into taking that decision. Saying that we can just choose our options out of the blue is not unlike saying that we could will ourselves to fly regardless of what gravity has to say about it. As long as the universe is ruled by strict laws, and as long as we have to abide to those laws, we can't have free will.
That was a lot of words for saying "well, no, because, uh, no". Not a single thing yu said is an actual argument nor is it based in how the world actually works. Literally wishful thinking and denial.
>core values
Maybe the problem is you user, maybe you are just dumb, ugly and you are a shitty person and that's why you can get a gf.
>How so?
Because you literally find nothing interesting that most people obsess about.
The tropes of the mad scientist, or the nerd that is a social outcast exist for a reason.
>at 120-130 you'd already have trouble relating to most people
Not really.
Incel neets are deluded into thinking they are smart for a IQ internet test they took when they were teens (but they are afraid to retook it). They love to think their are smart enlighted people instead of just worthless people
The serum would drive anyone else to insanity. The serum made him strong, he was already great
Drugs are good, mkay
legalise all!!
I'm so cool
Wait... Your IQ is under 120? God no wonders why this board is so brainlet and pleb.
When did Yea Forums get so retarded? Why is it that 99% of posts ITT miss OP's point?
>b-but muh strong values
>Cap lifted Mjolnir, he's worthy
>he jumped on a grenade
>he was a hero before the serum!
Shut up fags. If he was such a hero why did he need the serum in the first place? Doesn't matter how "nice" you are, genetics are everything (at least, that's the moral of Captain America). That's OP's point - OP is trying to give you all a redpill and instead you want to go for the juicy "steak" through the bluepilled lies.
>as a Manlet you can be the best most good person ever but literally none of that matters because you’re a few inches shorter than everyone else
I got 127 when i was 15 then took the online mensa test a few months ago and got 117 at age 29
You get the super soldier serum. What sort of exaggerates traits do you develop, aside from the superhuman strength, durability etc. shit?
the serum was about finding the right person for the job, rogers was chosen because he possessed all the qualities the doctor was looking for despite being physically weak
Thats not true though he worked hard and had a winning attitude and he succeeded and made thanks to The Land Of Opportunity™
What does it say about a faggot who puts too much time and energy thinking about a fictional character from capeshit?
Roided up actor teaches young boys that in order to be loved, a part of the team, respected and a hero you need to take "super soldier serum" that's difficult to find. this movies are like a long steroids ad.
sup E;R
you´re right tho
>are you stupid?
Are you 12?
>What does it say about a country when one of its most loved heroes is a man who didn't work for what he has?
Wrong, what Cap worked to have was his love for his country, his bravery, his attitude, etc. He was given the serum BECAUSE he had all these values and because he risked his life to save others. He had the best soul and that's why he was chosen.
I love how that movie also proves once and for all that "muh bone structure" is bullshit: work out, eat well, and get low body fat and most men will look hot as fuck.
If one day you mentally ill antisemites can explain what Jews would gain from doing this, I might start listening. Until then, suck a cock.
He didn’t get the serum, he EARNED the serum.
The lack of drive and motivation to train physically you mean
>the personification of America's morals and values is literally a roid pusher
Let that sink in.
His power is overcoming a disability
t. S.oylent cuck
iirc he couldn't train physically, he had a bunch of health issues which is why he had to fake his way into the army even during wartime
Now you're getting it
Would it increase depression?
Whatever faggot.
Wouldn't matter when he was a super sick kid with developmental issues. He's lucky he's even alive considering the diseases they mention in the film.
He's literally one of the very few heroes who got his powers thanks to his actual ability, instead of by birth or by accident, ya dingus.
Spidey is the one who didn't work for them, or Thor.
Look back to the 1910s-40s. Now look at pic related. Try surviving that shit without modern medical advancements.
If he had just started GOMAD and lifting he wouldn't have needed the serum. Seriously it's a kind of bullshit he gets to cut in line. Give me the serum and I'll do just as dandy a job saving the world.