Says “vaminos children”

>says “vaminos children”
>when the kids are Brazilian

Post more plot holes from Signs

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I watched this when I was 10 years old and got scared shitless on this scene, because the brazillian town they showed is really close to where I live.

>aliens cross the galaxy to get here in cloaked stealth ships
>they don’t even bring a knife

What are the kids saying in the scene? I’ve always wondered.

They keep screaming "Nossa!" which translates to "Wow!"
And a lot of "Oh my god!"
The boy in the end says "He's behind the garage!"

Vamos means the same in Portuguese you absolute brainlet

portuguese is merely bad spanish desu

>he says vamonos
>in portuguese brazilian the right thing would actually "Vamos" or "Saiam da frente"


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Brown people all speak Spanish

What about the kid speaking Portuguese and suddenly speaking English
>He's over here.

>he thinks that’s incorrect

>aliens have interstellar FTL craft
>they don’t have raincoats

>Video is from Brazil
>no one gets their brains blown out or their face peeled off

Joaquin speaks spanish as any usafag would to brs, but the kid suddenly says
"he's behind", well, you can pretend he thought about sending the video international news because only a rich kid that knows english would have such an amazing cam to film like that

I closed the window permanently after watching this as a kid, pure kino

I'm a young fag. What movie is this?

My bad I didn't read the full post sorry.

should have been vaminos pendejo

>genetically engineer their race for generations, enhancing longevity, immunity, intelligence, unaffected by and purpose built for space travel
>ignore physical enhancements because being strong was meaningless in their space age.