First of all let me say that the music is fucking amazing. I knew the movie would be kino from the trailer and the song when mothra opens her wings. But my fuck was the soundtrack good
At first i read other peoples reviews and they said there needed to be more human stuff. Holy shit after seeing this. Even my gf was like "there couldve been a lot less of the human stuff" the family shit is so fucking lame, even wife said "it was unneeded"
the best moments were for sure when mothra descends down for first time. it was so fucking kino i nearly came in the theater.
Once again this godzilla movie does the same as the 2014 where they kill off the best character in the movie. Ken watanabe is fucking amazing in this movie. He is a fucking martyr.
the reviewers saying they liked 2014 better have absolutely shit taste and are BTFO by this movie.
The fight scenes are fucking based. I might go see it again.
PS: gf says the dad is hot. my wife is so based she recognized the theme song at the end
i bet you saw this by yourself you fucking incel. you think the dad is hot. pathetic
Gavin Sanders
>gf >wife Good movie but your story is a bit thin my dude
Aaron Butler
my gf is my wife bro
Mason Green
just came back from this. god damn wtf are these mouse reviewers even saying it felt like it had too much human shit. youre right. even with it reduced from 2014 it still felt a little too much. your gf sounds cute and redpilled
Adrian Clark
>mothra descending down >ghydora eating powerplant >mothrra stabbing rodan and then dying to make zilla into burning godzilla >blasts of godzilla in fire mode >atlantis and anything with ken watanabe sacrificing himself >when zilla is reborn >mothra in waterfall spreading wings >ghydora on top of white house >monthra sacrificing herself for best husbando
so many iconic artistic as fck scenes this guy saying 2014 was better
Alexander Garcia
bump guess everyones out watching the movie.......
Anthony Powell
The only good human characters. The scene of Serizawa climbing the stairs was the best.
oh yeah that whole scene was fucking amazing man.... jesus so many good scenes
Josiah Collins
The only human character I really didn't like was the scientist who never shut up. His role could have eaaily been distributed to the others and nothing would have changed
Lucas Barnes
Where's the camrip?
Eli Richardson
Do you think it pained that chink actress to hug based watanabe? Knowing that his predecessors dabbed on China in WW2?
Zachary Reyes
Yeah I wasn't expecting Rodan to team up with Ghydorah or Mothrra giving energy to Godzilla, i didn't expected for Goji to do nuclear pulses (but I was disappointed when he didn't got the red atomic breath).
Zachary Jones
>i nearly came in the theater. So, you just stood in the doorway the whole movie? My theater won't let me do that. I like to be close to the register so I can get refills at slow parts and fill up my popcorn, but the little girl at the counter always says, "In or out!". She's just out to get me.
Aaron Gomez
my gf cried when Mothra died
Austin Scott
Can't believe Mothra became Rodan for that sole scene.
>Mothra has a symbotic relationship with Godzilla >Never fucking explain it beyond Mothra dusting him with glowy stuff. Ok, so what does Mothra as a species get out of the symbiotic relationship?
Luis Davis
she wuvs him :3
Dylan Ortiz
I half-suspect she read some shit on twitter about how Mothra is a yass queen slay character and got attached because of it, but I was surprised since she only ever saw 2014 before. No one can resist Mothra's cuteness.
Eli Jenkins
>Ok, so what does Mothra as a species get out of the symbiotic relationship? FAT ZILLA DICK
Isaiah Brooks
>what is Commensalism?
Blake Gonzalez
Considering that they were both in this movie as lovers i don't think so
Titans are the size of a fucking city, it's not entirely unreasonable to assume that their species' were limited to single digits at a time Mothra's species coulda ruled the world with Goji when there were only like 20 giant organisms slowly trotting the globe
James Nguyen
Honestly in KOTM it's more like parasitism since Zilla literally runs Mothra dry while she basically gains jackshit from it Alpha dick is just too strong
Matthew Miller
So all the monsters shown at the end are original designs right? The spider isn't supposed to be Kumonga?
She's actively harmed in case you didn't see Mothra getting blown to bits.
John Gomez
Anthony Bennett
Sorta yes and sorta no I mean there were MUTO larvae in ancient Godzilla skeletons so the general timeline could go back so far it would be dumb to argue over it, which could in theory conveniently overlap with the time period in which the Earth was supposedly one giant nuclear reactor.
Dylan Lopez
Godzilla keeps the titans from destroying the fucking planet dude. The planet mothra happens to live on.
Ryan Foster
The Titans are all native too, the whole point was Ghidorah through intimidation was trying to use them to make it easier to terraform the planet.
It's very obvious from the first film that the kaiju, despite their role as "balancers" or whatever still have their own functions as a species, such as the implied parasitism of the Muto. So essentially, Mothra aiding Godzilla simply because he's an alpha species doesn't make sense.
Maybe they'll explain it better in next film, maybe Mothra eats Godzilla shit or cleans his scales.
>Ultraman Belial sits there with the large staff in his hand >In front of him is a large army of Alpha-class S-level kaiju, all of them controlled by the staff in his Belial's hand. >Belial is just waiting for the slaughter to end. >Opposite of Belial, facing the army head on, are the last line of defenders of planet earth: Godzilla, Gamera, Ultraman, Kong, Mothra, and Gomora. >All of them are beaten. They could kill a few but not even they could defeat creatures that could end planets. >The only one that seems to have any energy left is the King, Godzilla. But even he is reaching his limits. >Godzilla starts dragging himself, facing the army of monsters alone. Belial just laughing maniacally. A destroyed Gotengo type of ship just watches as they are watching what is essentially the end of the planet unfolding. >Godzilla falters but is stopped before he hits the ground. Holding him in place is a tired Kong. >The other four, Ultraman beyond his 3 minutes, are standing around Godzilla, all ready to fight beside eachother. >Then there is a strange noise coming from behind. >Everyone turns around and sees a Muto standing behind them, but then suddenly Rodan flies down beside them. >Then Angurius, Abadon, Behemoth, Scylla, Skullcrawler, Methuselah, Glenfire, Mirror Knight, Jean Bot, Jean Nine, Azure Dragon, the Vermilion Bird, the White Tiger (allies of Gamera). All the allies of the Monsterverse stars have made. >Each monster is alighning to fight for the earth. >Godzilla and the group turn to face belial and his army, >Don Frye is watching from the broken ship and just mutters "It's an all-out monster attack." >Godzilla roars to the sky
Just got done seeing this in IMAX, holy fucking KINO. I'll never understand critics ever in my damn life. So many fucking amazing scenes.
Honestly, wish there was more monster action though. I was hoping to see more of the kaijus join in, but what we got was leagues better than the first movie.
Leo Phillips
Just got back from seeing it for the second time.
The massive fucking tidal wave of feels when Mothra climbs up onto Godzilla to defend him, then Burning Godzilla's AOE attack shoots out Mothra's wing patterns in the blast along with her shriek Movies just don't get fucking better than this. This should be illegal.
Zachary Russell
that shit was dope, but I think Rodan stole the show. That incredible emergence scene, followed by brutal destruction and rolling into aerial superiority had my endorphins rushing HARD.
His scene when ghidora has him stretched out and then beamed was fucking brutal.
Jayden Garcia
But in the Bible Jesus was crucified next to two criminals, so 3 crosses. Ghidora has 3 heads. Those heads come back from the dead. So Ghidora is actually Jesus?
Owen Collins
I'm not going crazy, they chant "GODZILLA!" in the Godzilla Theme remix when he's being awoken with the nuke, right?
Henry Lee
Yea they do.
Jordan Clark
The dad in every shot always has a sad face it was so fucking funny
Tyler Torres
Those shouts are in almost every instance Godzilla's there appears.
Matthew Wright
Utterly kino.
Jaxson Adams
The Antichrist is a perversion of all things Jesus, so, in a fucked up way, yes. Even the way they mention how the other Titans follow him blindly believing him to be the king, which is explicitly mentioned in Revelations as something the Antichrist would pull (claiming Jesus' followers for himself).
But in Dante’s The Divine comedy, at the center of the 9th layer of hell, is satan. He’s frozen from the waist down in ice and he has three heads. Which chew Judas, Brutus, and whoever the third guy is. And ghidora is frozen in ice and has three heads so... maybe he’s actually satan.
>claim his followers Not Mothra tho
Logan Kelly
Only Ghidora's from space and it's been cannon for a while
Jack Perez
I love that he just stumbled around like a drunken asshole interrupting all these experts and military leaders. What a dipshit. This movie needed like half the cast and a better script, and some of the shit was so dumb (like how in Dance's lair, we see stills of that shot behind the cross; were they watching a copy of the movie or what?), but I'd be a liar if I didn't say I had a wonderful time. Rodan chase was hands down the best scene in the film.
One huge problem was the oxygen destroyer not getting ANY foreshadowing; my friends were complete newbies to Godzilla and for them it just seemed to be a total ass pull.
Because Mothra is incorruptible. She's basically Mary Magdalene, Godzilla's truest believer and propogator. Also she's just best girl anyway so of course she's gonna dunk on dumb Ghidorah.
As for the whole Satan/Antichrist dichotomy I think it's safe to assume they borrowed elements of both beings for Ghidorah and weren't trying to make an explicit allegory so much as just use it as flavor.
>canon for a while This movie was the one in the Monsterverse that confirmed it though. I know that Ghidorah's origin story from the originals is from space, but they could have easily made it "UH HE CAME FROM HOLLOW EARTH AS WELL" but they didn't.
It's actually amazing that they even gave us the implication of Mothra fairies.
Brayden Taylor
I somehow missed she was in this and haven't seen her in a movie for a while. I oddly didn't recognize her because I thought she'd be a lot older looking now. Damn.
Colton Sullivan
Jesus vs King Ghidora movie confirmed.
Jeremiah Miller
>I knew the movie would be kino from the trailer and the song when mothra opens her wings. But my fuck was the soundtrack good The soundtrack was literally the best part. Some will say the action was the main draw but the soundtrack was just knocking it out of the park the entire film.
Justin Gomez
>going with your wife and gf Based, I wish I had a daughter
Julian Jenkins
Ghidorah's origin changes. There was that one time where he was the result of 3 genetically engineered dragon pets from the future sent to the past to be nuked into King Ghidorah. There was that other time where he was just an ancient kaiju native to earth.
If you look carefully, you can see there is a cross in the scene. Probably some Christ like comparisons but I dont wanna sound pretentious
Charles Lee
The fact that the Dorats are considered an acceptable part of Ghidorah's origin in a movie, and a movie as fucking terrible as GvKG '91 is is considered one of the best of the series, just blows my mind.
>It's actually amazing that they even gave us the implication of Mothra fairies. As a major studio, yes. However they didn't use them in a way that made sense in the original Mothra film so it only confuses normie audiences unfortunately. They should've made the twins coming back together a major plot element
I'm going to see the movie tomorrow, but regardless is anyone else fascinated by the huge gap in reception between critics and audiences? I think I'll enjoy the movie, but regardless I'm very keen on finding out which side is more genuine in their impressions.
Ayden Cruz
What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
Caleb Sanders
>mothra only exists to job to the shitty fire bird and the 3 headed dragon Sasuga america
Daniel Nguyen
Is your translator broken, Mr Wiseau?
Jonathan Gonzalez
>is anyone else fascinated by the huge gap in reception between critics and audiences? It's not a film for critics (ie bribery and SJW pandering), it's a popcorn flick and excellent fanservice. Its only problem is the story has too many characters and direction changes.
Jackson Robinson
Like the nuke kiss in 2014, Mothra is in the movie to help us feel sympathetic towards the monsters. Without her Godzilla would have been fucked.
>3 heads just like satan's pitchfork i dunno, probably middle eastern dirt farmers or something
Levi Thomas
I mean I didnt expect the old Godzilla theme or the Mothra theme either Rather based
Jason Powell
>there needed to be more human stuff What the source of the particular cancer re: godzilla movies? Cunts are always trying to squeeze more boring human characters in there. >let's make it like a disaster movie! No you morons
Jackson Butler
Rodan if I see you on the street I'm slapping you
Joshua Johnson
Be blessed my son
Jonathan Brooks
So they hinted that Monarch is making some giant mechanical beast thing in Skull island? Is it happening?
Jaxson Anderson
I'd favour a David Attenborough like documentary about the lives of kaiju.
Brandon Murphy
Connor Rogers
In Japanese culture, Christ is perceived as evil.
Jackson Wood
I think it’s the bit in Mexico where Kyle Chandler mentions that Ghidorah is being attracted by Rodan’s cries, saying that Ghidorah is either looking for “food, a fight, or a f...something more intimate” It’s really not much more than a brief joke and I don’t think anything was meant by it The Godzilla/Mothra joke on the other hand was definitely intentional
the wife's motive was utterly retarded. i was pretty on board with the movie up until that point, but that little speech she gave had my eyes rolling.
Josiah Sanders
Mothra doesn't get enough screen time but she still steals the show >struggling to get on top of Godzilla and spreading her wings to protect the injured Godzilla >knowingly flys at Ghidora and ready to die to give her energy to Godzilla beautiful
Angel Wilson
>tfw after KOTM Ghidorah his traditional wings look like they've been cut.
He's like starscream always wanting to be in power but never able to hold it
Adam Morgan
do it fag
Asher Adams
She's literally Thanos.
Gabriel Murphy
Why is there so little Mothra porn? I’m disappointed
Eli Robinson
He'll probably side with Kong next year. What an ASSHOLE
Isaac Miller
get to it
Jacob Russell
I like how she tries to explain herself, but everybody just tell her she's absolutely nuts.
What was there was pure gold though. From webbing soldiers instead of killing them to saving Goji from Ghidorah. Best moth.
Landon Cox
Rolling for you user
Nolan Clark
Luis Jenkins
Let's a go.
Luke Wood
Haven't seen it yet, do they even have her song?
Juan Martin
so how was the movie on your eyes? some say that the camerawork and special effects make you blind and have epilectic seizures.
Xavier Morris
Just go see it on your day off.
Parker Nelson
Buy two tickets. Support this kino
Ian Murphy
Oliver Stewart
Ghidorah is the full realization of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Jaxson Brown
If dubs and even if not dubs Mogura will be confirmed
Wyatt Kelly
>still cutting a million times during a fight scene Sick of this shit. If you have too many monsters to do their CGI properly and let the camera focus on them cut down on your monsters then. Fucking hell.
Will I enjoy this if I have 0 understanding of godzilla and the other autism monsters origins? If I don't know what a kyjew is?
Mason Barnes
Saw it in 3D. Wish they bumped up the framerate actually. There are a couple jaggedy bits early on that look like resampling but overall not that distracting.
>They really thought they were being deep huh It just looked cool as hell. I was ok with it.
Jacob Kelly
It literally was not on screen that long though
Camden Gutierrez
Grayson Foster
>Hollow Earth >digging robot It fits.
Elijah Hall
Yes but there's a lot that's built off investment from the original movies. You should at least watch the original Mothra (1961), Mothra v Godzilla (1964), and Ghidora (1964) movies. Maybe Rodan (1965) too. There are some references to the original Godzilla movie but not that important.
Nathan Sullivan
Rodan (1956) I mean
John Foster
When are we gonna get Jet Jaguar in the monsterverse?
Joseph Watson
If they get their rights renewed maybe we can get mechs after KONG vs G, I believe on these absolute madmen.
Landon Garcia
Huge Mothra fan for years, arguably moreso than Godzilla. I got goosebumps and teared up a bit when I recognized the first few flute notes to Mothra's theme start playing
They hinted at something being built at Skull island.
Hudson Adams
That old black guy that appears on Mothra’s transformation was the same scientist from Kong Skull Island right?
Leo Gomez
It’s literally an intro movie and used to kickstart all the new titans. Any references to other movies are just that, cute references and fan service
Jonathan Ramirez
So Mecha Ghidorah is going to signal for an alien invasion and invite Gigan, Hedorah, Orga and shit, right? And the oxygen destroyer will spawn Destroyah? I really don't give a shit about Kong, so knowing I have one fucking eternity to wait is hell. Maybe since Mech Ghidorah was so heavily implied, he'll be the big bad that Kong and Goji team up to fight with Kong accepting his role as sidekick. I would rather see a big ass monster war though and Ghidorah is already established as an Alpha
Daniel Richardson
They had it on a monitor in the background while everyone’s talking (literally how did they get that shot) and anytime they cut to King G it was the same exact angle and composition
Nicholas Collins
They literally had an mcu nick fury scene of Robo Ghidorah
Dylan Barnes
Yes, and they have the twins although they are scientists in this version
Ian Howard
They have it though they don't sing it. Let's hope for a Mothra solo film reboot
Liam Morales
basically anyone whos not under ghidora's control is prob on godzillas side since hes the more peaceful one as opposed to this fucking alien trying to kill everyone
Not really. OG Rodan sided with Ghidorah basically for shits and gigs. Humanity tried to fight him out of fear, so he didn't want to do them favors and wanted a good fun match with Goji but then decided that Godzilla knew what was up and was loyal from there on. Even sacrificing himself for Godzilla in the end.
Saw it today 6/10 Could be the bad review because some long haired dude in a fur trench coat was sitting next to my girlfriend trying to talk to us all movie
To much talk not enough monsters
Noah Peterson
>music was good Nah dude half the music was fucking islanders yelling HOOO HAAA GRAH The other half was just obnoxiously loud noise that drowned out all the roars of the monsters Didn’t even get to hear 1 good roar because the musical score was so much louder than anything else
Robert Peterson
They couldn't get rights to anyone but the 4 so they invented a couple. There's Behemoth the Mammoth thing, a Komunga rip off who's name I didn't catch, and a mountain with legs. Everything else was left ambiguous because hey, maybe we can get Anguirus if this does well enough
Aaron Moore
So much ridiculous fan service. I loved every second of it. I thought the human stuff was better than most Godzilla movies. It was all pretty relevant.
What piece of shit sound system does your cinema have?
Jackson Thompson
>has gf >has wife >thinks this movie is better than 2014 Want me to tell you how I know your lying ?
Jaxson Brown
>go into this movie not knowing a lot about godzilla universe, only seen 2014 movie >think mothra is just another enemy of godzilla >my fucking face whenever she spreads her wings on screen damn this movie had some awesome scenes, might go see it again
The died on arrival user, you're Flopzilla vs. Monky straight-to-dvd and that's it.
Austin Turner
Michael Nguyen
the west cant handle ultraman. ultraman is basically a parallel to the american super hero but for asians and i think the concept of a bunch of big dudes fighting kaijus has fallen to the way side anyways while kaijus are still culturally relevant. hell the west can barely handle giant mechs
Ryder Peterson
Based king calling out the plebs
Parker Lee
Southbank cinema in Queensland is one of the best cinemas in the country The fucking movie just had shut music I wanted a long dick roar like at the end of the first movie but we didn’t get any roars that were audible
Christian Thompson
>So much ridiculous fan service. I loved every second of it. this
Mason Allen
Spider is called Scylla, mountain is Methuselah. All 17 are named on monitors at some point but that's such a flash thing it could easily be retconned or they could have some human be like "Abbadon is fucking dumb name, call him this other thing fans know."
Ryan Robinson
Only good scene in the movie was when blue eyes ultimate dragon was on top of the mountain and the Christian cross was in the foreground That Touched my beaner heart
James Hernandez
Godzilla: Final Wars is unironically some of the most fun I've ever had watching a movie. It takes "so bad it's good" to "so bad it transcends itself and becomes great".
Caleb Evans
I think it will be some kind of augmented kaiju chimera.
Jace Reyes
It’s ass. I wanted to like it so much but it was just a fucking snooze fest. I came to watch huge ass monsters go at it and instead I got the whore from stranger things fake crying so bad that I legit almost walked out of the cinema. This all would have been okay if the ending fight scene was theatrical but nope it just finishes with Godzilla wrestling pinning king 3 heads and vice versa for all but 15 minutes then Godzilla kills him by suicide bombing like some paki in eiffel tower square. All and all it’s not worth spending the $10 for admission. Just find this shit online if you “HAVE” to watch it
Noah Martin
Interestingly I had the opposite experience, music was mixed in very low so you could barely hear it except when the old theme plays after Godzilla is revived.
This All the memes hyped it so hard I wanted it to be good but it sucked long scaling dick Worst 6.$ of my life
Jonathan Torres
>king 3 heads >kills him by suicide bombing >suicide bombing Fuck off retard normie.
Isaiah Richardson
its literally doing better than anticipated mouseshill. COPE
Kevin Martin
Daniel Lewis
>Anyone who doesn’t like my based and kino meme movie is Disney Nah dude some of us are just partitions of cinematic excellence
Jonathan Ortiz
I still can't believe the end credits song was Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult remixed by Bear McCreary to have taiko drums, along with vocals by Serj Tankian and the GUYS FROM DETHKLOK of all people.
If this post doesn’t prove this movie is reddit then I don’t know what else will convince you
Kevin Roberts
Where is all my Mothra x Godzilla porn at?
Lucas Jackson
It was anticipated to do 50-55 million opening, the advanced Thursday showings indicated something in the vicinity of sixties. Now, Friday numbers are out, and they revealed that Thursday showings were frontloaded, and with a 13 million Friday - the movie will struggle to reach 50 million. It's also flopping everywhere that ain't China or Japan. This thing needs 430 million to break even, and at the moment - not even a paltry 400 is locked in. COPE
Anthony Allen
that song is awful dude
Chase Miller
did you mean cinematic imbecile??
Tyler Evans
>this movie needs x amount to break even Can you faggots just kill yourselves already?
David Carter
No, because our franchise has a strong and diverse future while your's is burning before your eyes.
Alexander Jackson
Landon Hernandez
I can't believe there's people who don't like this movie
Like jesus fucking christ, I had zero issues with it.
>muh story nigger its godzilla. What other things can you even complain about? It had a lot of action (which was based) incredible music (based) kino visuals (based) and the dumb bitch gets dabbed on in the end by godzillas explosion (based AND redpilled). Why the fuck do people not like it? Are they just unironic brainlets?
Yet Shin looked better than both Godzilla 2014 and this one since it actually had scenes during the fucking day. And camera angles were godhood kino too at that
Brody Thomas
He warms her eggs
Zachary Bennett
It wouldn't have an issue if the movie launched with numbers that would put it in the green. As it is, it'll have an uphill battle not to end up a nuclear bomb. Which is fitting i suppose.
Benjamin Bailey
Because we all just got back from watching it on Friday and thought it was ass? I didn’t give a single FUCK about stranger things whore or her retarded ass family. Give me some fucking monsters fighting and that’s it!
Exactly, with an increased budget they could go beyond that to, dare I say, perfection. Plus they could add more monsters if they go that route. I just want more kino Shin god damn it!
Aiden Sanchez
I’m a shill from Disney. What are you going to do about it chump?
Not gonna lie, I got slightly teary eyed at the very end. The music swelling, Godzilla victoriously roaring at the sky with all the other kaiju bowing to him then the cut to black with the big GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS title card. Pure fucking monster kino and if you didn't like it, you can go fuck yourself.
Cameron Wood
then i'll suggest you to have sex
Jonathan Carter
Can you faggots fuck off with your googly eyed monster shit
Don't worry, user, I like mentally stimulating kino too. But I also like fun.
Samuel Lopez
>go to see movie about racing >WTF WHY ARE THEY RACING I DONT CARE ABOUT CARS *preps bull to fuck his wife*
Grayson Bell
I like both, so no I won't fuck off. And that's stage 1
Asher Diaz
You mean stage faggot, the stage you are currently trapped in
Jordan Hill
Still a better movie than KOTMs
Ethan Davis
Why are there always fights then it comes to Shin Godzilla? What is it about this movie that turns people into obnoxious assholes on both sides of the argument?
Justin Morgan
The noplotfags are rearing their heads, a story-driven Gojirakino triggers them.
Henry Jones
Yeah, yeah whatever. Kill yourself you obnoxious teen aged white girl.
>mocks people for liking action >mocks movie for having non action dialogue
I have a feeling you dont actually watch movies
Grayson Evans
>storydriven >gojira pick one
Elijah Price
The family shit ruined this movie. Seriously and the woman hitler shit where we are supposed to forgive her cuz muh daughter is so retarded.
Why couldn't they just have focused on the monarch team and based japanese scientist man.
They had to literally SHOEHORN ice cubes mulatto son in every 5 minutes, dumb bitch from stranger things and the dad who can't act for shit.
The whole movie, from the very first scene cooking breakfast, had extremely low field of view and shaky cam. A retarded gay nigger could have done a better job filming this movie.
Anthony King
I enjoyed the movie, but the retarded capeshitters ruined it for me by clapping during the dramatic moments and cheering during the every battle. It’s going to be impossible to enjoy any action movie on opening weekend now thanks to these Marvelcucks sperging out like autistic faggots. There were little kids sitting around me that were quieter than the fucking nerds.
Adrian Sanders
Enjoy your ban, user
Sebastian Kelly
Reddit: The Post
Nolan Gray
>Saw it Thursday night with actual fans >No one clapped or cheered
>It’s going to be impossible to enjoy any action movie on opening weekend now thanks to these Marvelcucks sperging out like autistic faggots. He post as he’s talking about a movie with huge monsters fighting aimed at children
Okay you homos, its future spoiler time. Posted in another thread but thread dead
What happens in KvG >Kong and Goji are enemies >Ghidorah head used to create an abomination >K and G now frenemies >final fight on Fuji >goodguyswin.png >Godzilla turns to Kong, fight not over >Goji pinned, gets a lucky shot on Kong >about to win >falls into crack in earth >Goji gets technical victory, Kong fucks off back to Skull Island >Goji seen swimming outta here >roll credits
>The whole movie, from the very first scene cooking breakfast, had extremely low field of view and shaky cam.
This. I couldn't enjoy most of the fights because of this bullshit.
Nathan Edwards
Why do people think GvK will be still good after KOTM turned out to be shit, especially with Netflix Death Note Fag directing GvK?
Michael Perry
Aaron Moore
The only scene from Shin Godzilla that looked better than KOTM was the 4th form emergence scene. It looked so real that you would think they were using practical effects for it. The other gorgeous scene was the atomic heat ray destruction scene, which was at night.
>atomic heat ray destruction scene, which was at night. It also looked very stylized, like it was taken straight from an anime. Might be a good way to go about it.
Gavin Walker
Reddit: The Post
Henry Ramirez
Yes, a storydriven, awards-winning Gojirakino, instead your Godzilla themed Bayformers re-skin.
Nathan Miller
Good moments, terrible plot, if at all you want to call it a plot kek- but why the fuck would you nitpick a Godzilla plot..... its like complaining about the steak sauce on your steak. It doesn’t need any but its there.
Liam Clark
>storydriven >gojira pick one
Zachary Reyes
>kotm turned out to be shit false >netflix death note fag directing GvK now that poses a problem
They legally cant even do any live action Godzilla films in Japan until the Legendary contract expires in 2021
Juan Peterson
Actually I did see it Thursday night. The people in the audience were big enough “fans” to recognize the obvious Easter eggs like the Mothra twins and the Oxygen Destroyer. I could tell, because they fucking clapped at those parts so I couldn’t hear the kino music or dialog. The difference is that Marvel shits out two cookie cutter movies per year whereas this one was five years in the making. I don’t care if it’s a fucking Minions movie. Don’t make noise like it’s a fucking basketball game. It’s not hard to just shut up and watch the damn movie no matter how excited you are.
Aaron Campbell
He's not the writer, at least.
Brayden Richardson
>So great, it cleaned house at gook Oscars equivalent, matching the critical acclaim of the original and became the most successful entry in the franchise in 52 years, since King Kong vs. Godzilla - when adjusted for inflation mind you. Cope.
Brody Ramirez
>GvK is directed by the guy who did Netflix's Death Note Adam Wingard Faith is a very strong word to use in dark times user
Lucas Adams
Yes, based truth user This >>>>>>>>>>>> Shin Boringzilla
Alexander Bailey
Well you see user you forgot the part where nobody gives a shit what you think and they all want you to just have sex already so you can make everyone else have a much better time. Got it, incel?
Ethan Fisher
I just like creature features man
Kayden Phillips
but the writer is the guy who wrote Godzilla 98. So yeah think GvK is dead on arrival
Juan Price
The wide shot where he’s glowing purple against the inferno background was some of the most awe-inspiring shit I’ve ever seen.
Evan Ramirez
I’m talking about the new king of monsters Godzilla. I haven’t finished watching shin Godzilla so I can’t hate or love it yet. So far I do enjoy it more than this snooze fest I just witnessed today
Cameron Allen
If you liked this movie you are probably an incel who needs to have sex
I spent 32 dollars on this shitfest for me and my gf that I have sex with
Jaxson Cox
lol, no Terrio wrote original 1994 script that Emmerich thrown out. He got a credit because he was attached to the project, but literally nothing he wrote made it into the movie.
Hunter Nelson
>When he starts charging up from the bottom of his tail and runs up his spine
>Legendary assembled a writers room to develop the story for Godzilla vs. Kong, with Terry Rossio (who co-wrote an early unproduced script for TriStar's Godzilla) Yikes
James Peterson
2013 >Pacific Rim is the shit! 2014 >holy fucking Godzilla! Can't wait til the next one! 2015 >Jurassic World was alright, I liked the fights 2016 >Shin was more soulful, it was good 2017 >Kong: Skull Island, stupid but cool 2018 >uhh 2019 >meh 2020 forecast >fuck
Joshua Martinez
Well yeah, so far i do also enjoy it more than this Shin "talking all the time" Godzilla
Creatures like Rodan and the Muto's likely fed off of Mothra's species, since they are small and fairly week.
Godzilla being big dick daddy would protect them and keep the other monsters is check so long as he got his kaijufu
Wyatt King
Man I got fucking lucky for my two showings. The first showing (which was packed as fuck) had someone attempt to clap but then they realized no one joined and shut the fuck up till the very end. The second one today was more empty and still everyone was quiet except for just small little giggles at the corny shit. Godzilla 2019 is probably the only movie in fucking years I was finally able to enjoy in peace and fucking quiet in the god damn theater on release day. I thought Michael Dougherty was writing it?
>the fucking redguards justifying this shit Sadly white people do it now too because of Marvel. Cinema owners need to do a better job of stopping this shit. Foreigners who see movies in the U.S. must think we’re all a bunch of fucking retarded apes.
Charles Long
He did touch up the script, but didn't write it from scratch.
Jose Rodriguez
Levi Richardson
>Foreigners who see movies in the U.S. must think we’re all a bunch of fucking retarded apes which part of this was the wrong part
Josiah Jackson
It's obvious that the bigger monsters, i.e. most of them would view Mothra and it's larvae as food, where as Godzilla subsists on nuclear energy from the planet. He's an apex predator who does not consume Mothra or it's species. It's a benefit to submit to God Dick and survive as a species above the food chain than to struggle to not be eaten by everyone else.
Eli Perry
>When godzilla rips a head off king giddorah
Why is there so many fucking kino scenes in this movie? Like jesus christ they made sure to make a lot of the moments memorable.
anyone else slightly bothered by how accepting everyone was when Ghidorah was confirmed alien? Like holy shit alien life we're not alone and shit
James Morales
Nah. At that point I'd believe anything
Michael Anderson
I mean it makes sense, Godzilla keeps all the titans in check since the dawn of time or whatever, only something foreign would throw his dominance out of wack. No other titan would ever think of fighting godzilla and getting their teeth kicked in.
Carter Harris
>Seething this hard Shin is really good if you got a hard time to sleep, this movie will help you to sleep instantly. That is Sleep Godzilla
Austin Cruz
>went to see movie tonight >first half hour was typical people being there for a date night or whatever, ocassionally checking their phones for the time or just talking >afterwards everyone was deadly silent and actually watching the movie I fucking love it when that happens. Even the guy was hacking up a lung stopped.
Dylan Howard
Shit was kino man. I want the dvd/blue-ray for screenshots already.
There's no need to THINK it, when we ARE. I want to move out of this country so badly, like holy fuck. Problem is there's shit worse in other ways everywhere else, and at least I can say nigger and shitpost to my hearts desire where I live now.
Alexander Wright
No time for speculation when you're trying to stay alive...
Jace Fisher
>when Dr. Serizawa, Graham, and other dude roll up like pic related
Let the thread die already. The movie is already a guaranteed flop. Sad but true
Grayson Parker
Truth be told I usually dont buy blu rays, but I actually plan on buying it for this movie, it was worth the imax ticket price and its worth owning the blu ray.
Leo Perry
t. mad toho gook
Parker Hughes
It’s okay user. Just breath
Samuel Jones
Should I see this movie again in IMAX?
Elijah Cox
I just did a 2nd time and I thought it was worth it. Make the decision based on if you really liked it enough.
Daniel Lee
Jacob Howard
$0.50 has been deposited into your shill account
Gavin Garcia
Shut the fuck up Disney kike.
Wyatt Walker
why are you still here, user?? you already make that criticism thread.
David Rivera
>gf says the dad is hot Oh thank fuck.
Does this mean us /averagejoes/ will get our time to shine?
Except Mothras species is described as being on par with Godzillas. Literally shes dubbed queen of the monsters and did infact beat Rodan even after Rodan got the element of suprise.
Hell, when they play the alpha frequency shes not submissive or timid but curious.
From what I gather, Mothra is another Alpha, but is more passive in nature than the others unless she needs to fuck shit up.