
Multicultural edition
last thread

Attached: A Mick and A Muzzie.png (720x540, 518K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck star trek

Once... upon a time... there was a tripfag!

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This album was better than his other hits. I personally prefer his trombone instrumentals myself

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I never actually enjoyed the threads. The show I find very droll and witty

Star Trek never went for wit. It's Shakespeare without the tragedy.

these threads are never funny because the fans of this shit re never talkig to girls

Hooo BABY!
Saved and archived!

Attached: mcmahon-in-pain.gif (200x200, 3.9M)

this pretentious shit again

First Officer Mari reporting for duty! SHINY!~

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most of the porn isnt even real. it is drawings

Nearly everyone on DS9 was a Shakespearian actor. The acting was a little nail on head at times.

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These days, Nicole de Boer looks like that aunt you have, you know the one. The one who your uncle ditched for some 22 year old bottle blonde bimbo with fake tits. And she's desperate to prove to herself that she's still attractive and desirable and she shows up to your cousin's wedding when you were 16 and she's completely shitfaced in a dress that is super inappropriate. She sneaks booze to all the underage kids there to show that she's cool, and tries to dance all sexy-like but it's just embarrassing, but the rest of your family are all borderline alcoholics so they don't really do anything to stop her. And then she grabs you, pulls you into the bathroom and does handstuff with you in the bathroom and you're still not sure how you feel about that because on one hand, it it was kinky as fuck and made you feel like a stud, but on the other, she was so fucked up and she was crying and it was your first sexual experience and that was your mom's sister for Christ's sake! And you still get weird fucking flashbacks to it when you're with your girlfriend, even after all these years and even though she's supportive, you can never really tell her what's going on, because she'd never look at you the same after that.

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STOBBIT! She HATES that pic!

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That's my cum canvas

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The water nymph transformed herself to ensnare trekkies.

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Why is she always in the bathroom?

Trek Noir

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But little did they realise that she was, A MAN ALL ALONG!

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You people ruined Star Trek threads.

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I was only being a little creepy as a joke. I never meant for things to get this creepy.

But, much to her shock, this made her MORE attractive to the trekkies!

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Have sex, caveman.

Eventually her fame became too great and many trekkies developed an unhealthy obsession with her.

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We know it's you posting your pictures BF. Please stop.

Her fame amongst trekkies even get her onto the silver screen, much to everyones shock.

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BF is old news. I only hate fap to VF now.

Eventually the power she held within /trek/ began to scare even herself and so she enlisted the help of en effeminate janny known as VF.

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tfw my 5'10 cyber gf dominates 5'4 hologram me

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Sissy hands McManlet is at it again

These being the words of Gul Dukat: When I was a Prefect, I defended /trek/. As leader of the Cardassian Union, I shall not abandon it. I give sincere thanks to Bashirfaggot, who has generously presented me with the most promising theme imaginable. I address you directly, BF. Please listen, as if you were sober and intelligent, and not a attention-addicted, sex-addled e-thot.
You are certainly not without accomplishments: it is a rare woman who can boast of becoming a meme before even coming of age. You have brought upon us trolling, doxxing and tripfags. You are /trek/‘s Helen of Troy. But then a woman's role has always suited you best.

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But even he, powerful as he was, could do little to quell the obsession of her fans.

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As nothing could be done to stem the tide of 'love', /trek/ began to wither and die.
The real question is, who is at fault here?
Is it the tripfag or the fans?
I will let you decide.

Now I must flee, before the jannies do smite me!

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Call me cancer but I just want to see the tripfags compete for attention by posting ass pics.

A fitting image for a shit story to be honest.
This is entirely too self aware.

/trek/ is still cancer i see. brb in 3 months, maybe you guys will stop being aids.

Not a chance.

/trek/ hasn't changed in 2 years, what makes you think it will be better in 3 months?

Is that it?

All I want is a place to talk about Klingon dick ridges and OTPs. God damn you all.

Is what it?

What happens next? Tranny on tranny pegging?

Apparently this is the ending

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No no, not Dal'rok, it's Trip'Fag.

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Why is xir neck so huge?

It's a manly neck, innit?

Not until grug stops spamming

Or a thyroid problem

I'd post that BF/VF fapfic but I'll probably get banned again. I seem to get banned for /trek/ wayyyy more often than anything else.

That would actually explain the patchy hair loss you see in some images of her, and the mood swings.

>same time next week?

What do you think xir butthole smells like? I like to imagine a slightly fruity/nutty smell but I feel like in reality it's probably a heavy spicy scent from a standard eastern European diet of paprika and forcemeat.

>you were right to paint them in their show accurate colors!
Seriously though, if some user has the original screencaps that would be boss

How does it end?

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>safety protocols off

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What is the worst job in Starfleet?

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Holodeck mopper.

Bashirfag handler.

Some would say the ships cook, but it has it's advantages ;)

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Filing TPS reports

I can't enjoy futurama anymore after watching star trek. I never realized how much of it was just wholesale ripped off.

>ripped off

Just search the archive for "chocolate starfish"

Who the fuck is Tiny Ron? And why would they use that name?

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>Did somebody say cake?

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Calling futurama a parody of star trek when star trek had it's own comedic episodes is dumb.
Besides, 'Roswell that ends well' is a rip-off of 'little green men'.

It's all Mulgrew can do to keep from turning that knife on her castmates then herself.

Roxanne dawson, robert picardo and Ethan Philips sure are lucky to be eating cake with janeway and her crew.

What would have been more likely? The voyager cast killing each other or the voyager cast killing the producers and writers?

Ethan looks like a homeless person that was hanging around the lot

Voyager was the fun set, Sirtis once asked Dorn "Who died" when she visited DS9.

Not the cast, just Mulgrew.

But Kate hated every one of them

>Voyager was the fun set,
No, no, no, no, no.

The bullying was so bad that they even cry about it at conventions.


Ds9 was srs bsns on set but there wasn't much real drama. Voyager had drama.

What are some episodes about minor disagreements that are later exaggerated?

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>Avery Brooks accidentally hit Marc Alaimo for real while filming the final confrontation between Sisko and Dukat. Alaimo had to take several days off after the incident. Brooks, however, was scheduled to leave town almost immediately after shooting had finished, and was unable to wait for Alaimo's return. As such, for some of their scenes in the Fire Caves, the two actors were shot on separate days, with Brooks shooting when Alaimo wasn't present and vice versa.
Translation: Alaimo called Brooks a nigger and they didn't shoot the rest of their scenes together.

You should get yourself tested if you can't see how fake those smiles are.

Power to the people
We don't want it
We want pleasure
And the Yea Forums try to rape us
And I guess that they're succeeding

And we're going to these meetings
But we're not doing any meeting
And we're trying to be faithful, but we're
Cheating, cheating, cheating

I'm the hero of the story
Don't need to be saved
I'm the hero of the story
Don't need to be saved

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While speaking with Scott Bakula during a panel at DragonCon 2010, Garrett Wang recalled that – during production of the final scene of "Endgame" (and of the series) – Kate Mulgrew was in a bad mood, which set the tone for all the actors on the set and made the entire cast's energy level go down.


Holy shit, he really did do nothing wrong.

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I'm gonna need a source on this

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Your mother.

i wish that was my mommy

sure is the fate of all things on Yea Forums


is bash banned again?

Is there a DS9 version of this for Sisko's chimpouts?

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You're free to make it yourself, assuming that you're capable of making anything at all.

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There was an user making one but he probably got busy or died

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>and then I told that racist off and got a bunch of (You)'s!

Bashirfag is fugly. What is wrong with you faggots.

Why do you come to Star Trek threads to post /pol/shit?

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Benjamins, Emissary of the Profits

you lessen these threads

bashfag is in rbmk too

Why do you come to 4channel to clutch pearls?

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I lessoned your mom last night

>poster: two Klingon ships vs. one Starfleet
>movie: two Starfleet ships vs. one Klingon
that's some bullshit

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They didn't want to spoil it. Surprise!

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I liked that you shopped in boss from Scrubs

>Is it the tripfag or the fans?
it's discovery unironically. too long has /trek/ been cast with a dry spell and the orville won't come really close to what was or what could be.

i hope picard show goes beyond that stupid teaser with the poo in loo...to save /trek/ from it's misery

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Friendly reminder that Data is a computer, nothing more. No divine spark, no empathy, no consciousness. Just wires and microchips, nuts and bolts.

Remember when this was was as bad as it got?

i laughed loud at that, good show, igorne the other idiot.

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So will they be in the Picard show or not?

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you offer nothing but disappointment and sadness

Frakes will because he has no shame. Spiner hates Star Trek and Burton probably costs too much.

Level Burton appears in random sitcoms whenever they ask him.

was it in context to the writers episode, did he call him nigger there? i forgot, or was it offhand or something?

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[ Popeye the sailor man ]

>He's jimmy, the two times guy
>He likes to chat & get high
>He's losing his job but somehow he'll get by
>He's Jimmy the two times guy

About to finish voyager. Should I watch enterprise?

>Should I watch enterprise?
I wish I could watch it for the first time.

What has Levar even done lately? Last i saw he did a Kickstarter for a Reading Rainbow app or some shit.

>tfw i started the lyrics posting
>it caught on
fuck im based

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Rank the Regulars!

Piss & Shit
Jimmy 2x
Valley Forge
Dukat-did-nothing-wrong-guys (It's a two-man-team)
"You are dismissed."-fag
Fake Selar-fag
Fake Fake Selar-fag
Pretty fag

Yes. Single most underrated Star Trek.

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Not even the hottest namefag.

You can talk to me and my dog whenever you want.

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You mere mortal, it is child's play for me to take your Q Pepe.

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>Rank the Regulars!
but you already ranked them properly in your post
a lot of these arent even regulars anymore

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this kind of niggertry is why i stopped coming here

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>this kind of niggertry is why i stopped coming here

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>didn’t add Forbidden Planet fag

Attached: hey guys what's going on in this... .jpg (1920x1200, 433K)

>cancerous lyricsposting
Yep it checks out

Show me your first lyrics post, and I'll show you one of mine which predates it.

it all started with a little faith of the heart posting
i started that
then i changed the lyrics to that
i wrote faith of dukat even though dukautists are annoying as fuck. i also created the term "dukautist"
i dont get track of my posts im not an actual giant loser i just play one on Yea Forums

>tfw i started the lyrics posting

no i did you just mad you have had no actual influence on /trek/ even though you spend more time here than i do nowadays

>i dont get track of my posts
Yes you do. I know you do. If I saw you in real life I would break your hands so you could never post again

i you saw me in real life you wouldnt do jack shit.

>i wrote faith of dukat
That was literally the worst lyric spam in /trek/ history. Congratulations, you suck.

Everything you said is wrong.

If I knew it was you I would. No hesitation.

that was the point i hate you /trek/ faggots i just come here to shit it up.
i wish you would try.

I wish you would give me a chance.

So... Captain Archer is a mass murderer, right?

In the episode The Crossing, non-corporeal beings are trying to save themselves from their dying ship by taking over the bodies of the enterprise crew, but they don't cause any harm whatsoever, and at the end Archer destroys their ship, which contained hundreds of those beings, nearly all of which were entirely innocent and hadn't even touched a member of the crew.

I mean, he didn't even entertain the idea of communicating with them. Just straight up slaughtered hundreds of sentient beings without a second thought.

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That's not song lyrics, that's spam. The Vic Fontaine poster is the first lyrics poster. Kill yourself, irrelevant retard.

you will never get this

Attached: ds.png (500x580, 251K)

Because you are a pussy

Why is everyone flexing tonight?

>The Vic Fontaine poster is the first lyrics poster
no he wasnt lol i wont kill myself
as a matter of fact i will keep myself healthy and happy and outlive you :^)

>The Vic Fontaine poster
Drunk Bashir and O'Brien predates Vic-posting.

>two people arguing

Attached: Vreenak.gif (384x288, 329K)

>"I am a Membrane of Malice™ discarded here by a race of pre-Roman deities."

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They were forcibly and permanently trying to inhabit the crew's bodies. They weren't open to negotiations.

Holy shit you're a cringe motherfucker.
At 2am in a star trek thread on Yea Forums you're replying to posters who tell you to kill yourself because of how cringe you are. In the social pecking order of a Trek general you're literally the one at the bottom whom everyone else sincerely and unironically hopes will kill himself.
Outstandingly cringe.

Am I the only one who got 80s hair metal vibes from this mook?

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why should i care what you faggots think? i literally just come here to shit on you autists and you get upset
it works every time and i love it
>pecking order
wtf are you even on about? you sound autistic as shit

More like Gene "Rot'n'bury"

Attached: 220px-Gene_Roddenberry_crop.jpg (220x293, 23K)

have sex

We can both agree the retard who used to samefag the cringe ass boomer theme song to bump a thread isn't the one who started lyric posting.

You sound mad as shit kek fuck off and die

Yeah he was though.

That's not lyrics that's shouting six or seven words in all caps.

>anons out of nowhere start defending me
you fags are alright sometimes

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go be autistic in /alita/ pls

dude you should like kill yourself lol

Shit and posting, shit and posting
Go together like /trek/ and boasting
This I tell you brother
You can't have one without the other

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I just want friends

It's either VF or BF who is continuously, unendingly ragey and spastic. A complete, unadulterated life failure even amongst life failures which is a feat.

>gets so butthurt he starts samefagging
based cringelord doubling down on the cringe
go ahead make a webm again showing me how easy it to samefag

At least MentalCrash is an artist. I really like her work.

That webm is Forbidden on this Planet.

MentalCrash sucks at drawing

>how easy it to samefag

eer, no? I'm thinking of having her do a commission.

Attached: you have no idea what you're talking about.gif (205x147, 1.9M)

more meme your core?

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Yeah I kind of feel bad for calling her a kike, but she kept shilling her artwork here and avatarfagging.

dude you are arguing with the most based poster in /trek/ history (me)

Attached: MentalCrash.png (985x985, 475K)

Stop crying. Start killing yourself.


She seems kinda fragile. Bullying her is pretty mean.


A .gif from the year 1996.

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you sound like such a fucking faggot lol

She had good OC. I would take her over the mentally ill spammer anyday. This was before this insane person found this website


>the mentally ill spammer
Who's that?

u r gay

Attached: Carel-struycken-as-hom.jpg (656x496, 203K)

Mentalcrash is a regular on /rbmk/ now but that thread dies in 2 weeks. She says she doesn't watch the new trek

>where this thread ended up

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I like mental crash too. too bad she left

why is /trek/ full of trannies and soibois?

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>She says she doesn't watch the new trek
No one does. This thread shouldn't even exist. No one discusses Star Trek anymore especially because of the spammer

Is trekkie229 still around? He used to post some pretty funny stuff.

>mentalcrash is good at drawi-

Discovery? It's kinda cool

Fuck: Bashirfaggot
Marry: Valley Forge
Kill: MentalCrash

i like to watch star trek on the televisionp

At least MC is an actual girl

I can agree with this.

See what I mean?

what is Q even doing

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>At least MC is an actual girl

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>I like Star Trek cus it's cool
>Star Trek roasties make me drool.

>I take screenshots, .webms too
>Cus I want to fap to you!

>Milky titties Yar and Troi
>Also Janeway, queen of VOY

>Blood and Cum and shit & piss
>not one episode I miss!



Fuck Valley Forge
Fuck Bashirfaggot
Fuck Mental Crash
and most of all
Fuck /trek/.

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he hurt kittens there

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>I like Star Trek cus it's cool
>Star Trek twinks give me grool.

>I read doujins, fanfics too
>Cus I want to schlick to you!

>Plump man-titties and young boys
>Also Garak, king of S O Y

>Spit and cum and wetly kiss
>not one innuendo missed!


unironically based and redpilled

post that pic of bashfag getting her pissflaps munched.

Attached: 1547010900791.jpg (708x480, 44K)

I have no reason to believe that Valley Forge and Bashirfaggot aren't the same at this point in time.

based and /trek/pilled

cringe and retarded

honor thy fags

pls don't hurt more people

and fuck faggot niggers too

>CAPT’N! The reflux indicators are off the charts and the traction coils are all shot to hell and the transfusion receptors are acting up and the nacelle oscillators are all over the place and the metagenic bio-filters are all in pieces and the subspace inhibitor’s got sparks flying out of it and the transporter buffers are off line and the photon infuser is not responding and hull polarity is at 9% and the trilithium pods are unstable and the axionic transwarp carrier is down for the count and the magnesite-nitron grappler is about to blow and if we don’t get the electroplasmic buffers up and running, there’s no telling how long she’ll hold!

>he doesn't listen to them have phone sex in the discord voice chat every night

Attached: SHAKE.gif (300x225, 1.33M)

bash closed the discord over a fight with valleyforge.

Based fat ass Bill

>and most of all fuck /trek/
Based. Based. Based. Just so very Based.

Attached: i luv it.gif (480x207, 2.63M)

be funny. /trek now is just sad

Rare pic of VF desperately trying to bring down the general and failing.

Attached: Zakdorn.jpg (974x717, 176K)



This shit right here nigger
This shit right right here nigger
This shit is based

Star Trek: Dimensions (2020)

Follow Captain Biff Rudiger and the brave crew of the USS Dauntless as they explore the galaxy, facing great challenges and incredible new lifeforms.

S01E01 (2020)
The Dauntless is on a mission to explore an uncharted star cluster in the Higgs expance when all of a sudden they receive an emergency distress-call from a Romulan bird of prey. On board is ambassador Martek and he has news that might have dire consequences for the entire quadrant.

01010101 01110000 01101100 01101111 01100001 01100100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01010100 01110010 01100101 01101011 01101011 01101001 01100101 00110010 00110010 00111001 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100001 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110110 01101001 01110010 01110101 01110011 00101110

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>everyone I don't like is VF
based schizo

come on you guys please stop calling me based other anons are getting jealous, you know how they get.

he writes hurtful posts


So would Bateson have been around during the 1701-C era?

Attached: Captain_Morgan_Bateson.jpg (1435x1080, 416K)

Dare I?

if you must

kys schizo

Was the Traveler an insert for Podesta?

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how do they pee and showerr?

>that queer who keeps posting about star trek

Imagine spending this much money for a Frakes autograph.

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no u

Frakes vs. Kobayashi

who wins?

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Imagine getting that much for your signature

>This thread shouldn't even exist.
imagine typing this

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he is dumb maybe he is a slav

What I find crazy, Dawson is only 3 years younger than Mulgrew.

Yeah it's a shame it didn't get a full run. That theme song and final episode though, oof.