CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SON Supernatural thread

CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SON Supernatural thread

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Niggas aged like wine

Why is this show still airing?

someone made a deal but now the 10 years are up

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saving this thread from perdition

Attached: angels.webm (480x270, 2.98M)

>autosaging again
fuck you janees

Attached: Jensen Shore.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

>meme threads, twitter threads stay up for hours
>a thread about an ongoing tv show is autos*ged

Just started binging this show from Season 1.

Gotta say it's the comfiest show I've watched in years. Funny, good story lines, monster of the week, a hot girl in every episode, good music-- just good fun.

Weekend threads don't last

sam lost his boyish looks, and now hes just a shittier shaggy headed dean

Checked! What season are you in now?

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How does Jensen do it? What's his secret?

100% agreed

Ruh roh

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Same. Just classic, don’t give a shit fun stuff. I’m on season 3 and enjoying the heck out of it, brings me back to watching Buffy as a kid

On Season 9.

First 5 seasons are just amazing, 6-8 really good. Season 9, seems ok so far. It's pretty amazing how they have been keeping it going. What's your favorite season?

Superior Germanic genetics. And a deal with a crossroads demon.

4 is peak Supernatural for me but overall
>kino tier
>great tier
>good tier
6-7, 10
>meh tier
>shit tier

gotta say this was my favorite episode of any show ever

Prepare to not do anything for the next few weeks.
I started it then binged 13 seasons in about a month... it takes over your life.
When I caught up I went back and started it again.

Dean looks exactly the same

>started again
Based. Im also rewatching before season 15 airs. Just finished “Home”

Does it get better after the levaithens?

Guy on right has nice hairstyle.

will Shaggy use 100% of his power and defeat Chuck?
you bet it does, although Leviathans weren't even that bad

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when will she fucking cameo in Supernatural for fucks sake

Attached: Plan B.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

If you have ever watched this show and enjoyed it you were/are a teenage girl or a 100 IQ mouthbreather who should get the fuck off my board.

so who are you expecting to cameo/return for Supernatural 15?
>actors who expressed desire to return (so far)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan (John Winchester)
Lauren Cohan (Bela Talbot)
Julie McNiven (Anna Milton)
Jake Abel (Ad*m Milligan)

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What' up lads? Moving user here. Phone posting since got internet shut off today. Nice to see a thread.


just ordered my suit for the upcoming wedding

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it'll be a month before it arrives but it's custom made so i hope i look even half as dapper as Dean

Attached: 1944 Dean.webm (960x540, 1.48M)

>claire started hunting pocket monsters instead

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i hope Amara comes back. It only makes sense if the cosmic beings are going to have a tag team duke out

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Congrats and good luck marriage user

as always, thanks to the based webmizer for his efforts

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Scooby-Doo and supernatural wtf how many seasons do I got until I get there?

thanks, good luck to your moving out
if you're the guy on season 9, four more seasons.

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She's busy with kino

>busy with kino
hopefully that's season 15

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>Dean perving on Daph in this ep
isn't she like 16

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>isn't she like 16
different rules in TV land

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Dean waied 12 seasons, dude

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That's disturbingly plausible.

I started watching it ages ago and stopped at season 6 when the Leviathan's showed up and I thought that was fucking dumb so I stopped watching I must have been 18 or something at the time. I can't believe this shit has gone on for 7 more seasons. Is it worth watching the remaining seasons or this show a meme?

Just started watching this lads. I'm currently halfway through season 2. When I watched it years ago I think I got up to about season 6 or something. Does it maintain it's comfiness throughout or does the comfy factor wane as the series gets older? I really like the random monster hunting episodes.

Supernatural also memed about the Cubs not winning a baseball championship for a hundred years due to Metatron. After Amara kills Metatron, Chicago Cubs win their championships in real life

Attached: dean cubs.gif (404x332, 844K)

To add I felt back at season six that they ran out of supernatural themed enemies since by that time I'm pretty sure they killed everything defeated Lucifer multiple times had Jesus join them fought angels and demons and other weird God tier shit Sam became some kind of Magic man with special powers their dad had turned out to be some kind of part of a secret order their mom was also super important so the show stopped being a comfy action horror comedy about two bros just driving around killing evil shit and became too retarded but apparently it just kept going and going lol

>does the comfy factor wane as the series gets older
it ebbs and flows but it's still there generally

Attached: Sweet Princess Asuka.webm (960x540, 2.96M)

Hard to fully recommend it if you dropped it after the first five seasons. Never quite hit the same highs and went through some rocky few seasons before it found itself again. Some fun moments that made it worth sticking through over the years, but I don't know if it's worth picking up if 6 was not your thing.

There have been a few amazing episodes since though. Like the Scooby Doo one, which was worth sitting through the lows to get to, but you can just skip to that now yourself. And the final season is shaping up to be quite a spectacle that might give it a proper ending that they stole from season 5 in a sense.

Comfy factor is about the only thing they don't really screw up. Mainly how it ended up coasting another 10 seasons even with some rough seasons with amateur showrunners.

don't forget season 11's "Baby" and season 12's "Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox", among other episodes

Attached: baby.webm (480x270, 2.89M)

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based Dean

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Everybody’s out or asleep i guess

Feels like there's not much of a discussion base to engage posters.

i was asking about potential returning characters but everybody just ignored that. The rest is the usual "what's going on now" or "is it worth picking back up"

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In that case, Crowley making some kind of cameo would be nice. Even if the bridge is burned he's still one of the better characters from the show. Would be nice to mend things for the fans.

>Would be nice to mend things for the fans.
I don't really mind Crowley being gone since the character has gone stagnant for a handful seasons but it does seem fitting for him to come back in season 15. I would also like to see the Harvelle Roadhouse crew and Anna Milton.

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also fuck PEDOwitz and fuck Plec and fuck the CW. I hope the network crashes and burns once Supernatural ends

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Still has the Flash, so it's not going anywhere right away. That said Arrow's supposedly ending and they're saturating with new DC shows so it won't be long without something fresh.

Kill yourself faggot scum

>God: +1
>Death: 0
>the Darkness: -1
>Cosmic Entity in the Empty: i

Attached: death.webm (1208x680, 2.95M)

>they're saturating with new DC shows
tell me about it, they're adding like 2 DC shows every year jfc

Supernatural and Arrow combined are a significant chunk of CW viewership

Attached: cw ratings 2018-19.jpg (567x373, 161K)

What dont you poofters understand?


>sperging faggot giving free bumps is back

And not a single one looks interesting and they all piggieback on the success of the oldest ones.

I'll miss Supernatural because it did its own thing, even if sometimes it wasn't perfect. Getting real tired of shows needing to become grand connected universes that can't stand on their own.

Kill yourself reddit nigger

>how many seasons do I got
Kill yourself

this queer doesn't want to fuck teenagers

it's not necessarily bad to have spinoffs but these days, it's exploded a lot. TWD has FTWD and is about to get a third one. Arrow has the Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl and who the fuck knows what else. Meanwhile Supernatural wasn't even given a proper chance to get ONE spinoff

It's the same pack of homosexual reddit zoomers every time. They should all fucking die.

goodbye thread


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It's especially bad these days. Cop shows get multiple spin offs. The biggest offender are those Chicago ones, all 3 shows air back to back the same day. It's a bit out of hand.

It's like that St. Elsewhere meme universe looked so neat that they decided all TV needed to be connected.

Why do you post like a twitter twat?

who gives a fuck what homos and holes think?

>3 shows
>back to back
Really? That’s excessive

Dean's a big guy

I guess if you can't compete for attention across multiple days you dominate one day with weaker competition and keep your audience on your channel for one night for sure. Opposite to the model the CW shows use where they keep you coming back to the same hour all week long one a season for their big crossover, but much more efficient as it's the same 3 hours for half a year instead of just one week.

Fuck legashits

your last thread was shut down because you were spamming apus and asking what people like in sandwiches, fucking gay cunt.

Have sex

So I just recently finished season 13 and im on episode 7 or so of 14
when the fuck is Felicia Day going to fuck off for good? I mean holy shit.
I also wish the angels and demons plot would have been killed off the season after the angels were introduced.
The Elder gods the insane Men of Letters summoned would have been cooler antagonists then this recycled trash.

I dont fuck faggots, kill yourself faggot scum

She'll leave the show some time during season 15.

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This looks like AIDS.
If this has practical and special effects while Supernatural is still using shitty glowing eyes and sharp teeth I'm going to be furious.

I like how this one doesnt even pretend not to be a tourist.

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Yes, niggers are awful. What's your point?

>This looks like AIDS
you were right about one thing

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>niggers are awful

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based falseflagger
kill yourself you nigger

>based falseflagger

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why is anyone responding to the underaged sperg?

>underaged sperg?
go back faggot tourist

wtf is going on in this thread

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Is this shit still a thing? I used to be a faggot who watched this shit religiously right up to the point where they killed Crowley and started teleporting between fucking different universes.

>I used to be a faggot
supernatural fan detected

Brilliant deduction, Sherlock!. I've cleverly concealed it in the phrase "I used to be a faggot who watched this shit religiously" , yet you cracked the case nevertheless! How do you do it?!