You can now create fake celeb porn videos

You can now create fake celeb porn videos

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but I don’t want to. All hollywood actresses look like goblins these days

good thing I bought a bunch of deepfake related domain names

>you can now
welcome to 2018

Finally they can replace every actor in every movie with Nick Cage. I've been waiting for this technology.

>You can now create fake celeb porn videos
and yet so few high quality deepfakes have been produced.

Porn whores look better than Hollywood roasties so what's the point

I hope someone starts filming stuff with the intention of it being deepfaked.
Imagine decent quality spoof porn deepfaked to the original spoof actors

ive seen emma stone deep fake porn its ok but you can tell and at some angles it doesnt look right
i think i might have also seen a chloe moretz one but im not 100% sure it was her it was for sure a deep fake

Isn't it an incredibly complicated process requiring 100s of hours of skimming and meshing faces to the scenes? As soon as this shit gets automated, I'm going put my archives of Taiwanese Facebook thots and Xiuren thots to good use.

you really have to wonder whos pushing this "new" technology. and why?...

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Prepare to hear the phrase illegal algorithms more and more in the next few years.

its actually pretty easy now and with the latest tech you only need like 8 images

what? no
it's just a regression applied in reverse
it just needs training and a gpu to do faster

They tried to make it illegal and shove it out of the spotlight, though

Samsung turned a still image into video

Attached: CommonDistortedCormorant.webm (320x164, 396K)

The Bill Hader/Arnold Schwarzenegger one is amazing

>sn't it an incredibly complicated process requiring 100s of hours of skimming and meshing faces to the scenes?
Have you not heard about the Chinese AI that's currently being field tested? There was an article getting spammed yesterday about how it can be used to load up a nude selfie and find all of the girl's social media pictures by scanning her face. There's a demo where the painting of The Girl With The Pearl Earring turns her head to face different directions.

>They tried to make it illegal
who did? even twilight zone nigroid made a "warning" video of it. its quite obvious theyre pushing to prepare people for "deep fakes"

This shit is literally insurance for if pedowood/pizzagate videos leak. The technology has existed for a while but it's only now seeing exposure for mysterious reasons.
>That's not me raping a 12 year old boy to death, it's a 'deepfake'
>There's no way to prove it is me without the raw video file so you must acquit me of these charges, goy

>with the latest tech you only need like 8 images
those still probably look like complete shit when you try to mesh them into a porn scene.

Damn, I guess I'm out of touch. Time to harass some Asian thots by spamming their "sextapes".

fuck that sounds convincing "in this current climate"

that's pretty cool. Cant wait for videos of abe Lincoln rapping on youtube.

I recently gave a talk at my town's Rotary Club meeting and touched on the coming clusterfuck of deepfakes at the end. Seemed like everyone was suitably terrified by the fact that in ten years we won't be able to trust any information unless we witnessed it firsthand and in person.

>You can now create fake celeb porn videos

People in general are not aware of technology on hand at the moment, let alone emerging technology. Compound that by people not understanding how that technology will fundamentally change many aspects of society and, well, it's going to get interesting.

just wait for the usual heroes to make the free source software, and a dumbproofed interface

I wish more people on Yea Forums were following this stuff and its development. Every time I make a thread about it, it dies in ten posts.

>in ten years we won't be able to trust any information unless we witnessed it firsthand and in person.
That's been the case for a long time, it will just be more obvious

Just think of the legal implications. Will video evidence still be accepted? What about people who were convicted with video evidence prior to the deepfake revolution (I'm talking about snuff and Loli shit)? What kind of precedent does this set?

last year was a dissapoinment and the original deepfake program got stale

Yea Forums is the worst place to discuss anything. I don't even know that /g/ would be a good place to discuss something like that.

Digital forensicsfag here. Digital evidence is a bit of a cluster to put it mildly. Unless you can prove that it's the original, which you have to establish by having the medium that it was first stored / created on, and you have a hash to verify integrity then it's easy to shit all over digital evidence.

Meanwhile, social media posts can be traced via dox to real names which lead to harassment/coercion of employers to terminate you from your job; impoverishing you for life.
But raping kids on video is no longer credible evidence.

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You all seem to think we aren't there yet, but we are. Many deep fakes have already been produced and pushed as legitimate without being found out. Julian Assange for instance; that guy isn't even alive.

Fake porn isn't what you should be worried about. It's about when they put your face in surveillance footage and convict you of a crime that should trouble you. Or when even politicians caught on film doing illegal shit will be dismissed because these things are so "easily faked"

But yeah guys, keep thinking with your dick you fucking retards

>You can now create fake celeb porn videos
you're like 2 years late, retard

>corrupt politicians being let off crimes because the video wasn't real! It was a deep fake!
>dude I can put a different girls head on another girls naked body hehehe
Is everyone on this board 14

Not everyone, but this board is nu-chans Yea Forums.

But those ones weren't very good and you'd have to be partially blind to be fooled. Ya there were still people/groups that could put out near perfect fakes that most people wouldn't notice, but those were done by high skilled people and took lots of time. Now it has gotten to the point where it doesn't take very long and can be done by a trained monkey.

You will be able to choose white actors instead of non whites in the future

This could be incredible for biopics or historical films. Imagine, the actor doesn't even have to look anything like the historical figure they're portraying. It's just about the performance.

>You can now create fake celeb porn videos
Boy, are you late to the party.

>they made harry potter pictures into a real thing

far more likely is instead of powerful people using it as a tool to sew doubt and escape punishment, it'll be used as a tool to implicate their opponents. but essentially it wont take long for video evidence of anything to just become worthless.

im sure now there are pretty easy ways for the determined person to tell whats faked and whats not, and it may be years before it can be100% indiscernible. but the day will eventually come.

then we'll be in a world where nothing can be trusted. which honestly is not too far off from where we are now. so really not much will change.

Somebody post the Flesh Mall gif

most likely that or used in porn

What about all those snapchat filters and selfies that use facial recognition technology? Surely if you had access to that kind of info you could make something pretty fucking convincing.

I sort of wonder if it might be
“Say it ain’t so, Joe Biden”

I want to see Face/Off where both of them are Nick.

How is there not 5 million deepfake vids of Taylor Swift's face put on hardcore porn bodies??

Attached: 1553918266828.gif (220x221, 1.21M)

Once the tech becomes streamlined enough for the normie iOS user to understand, there will be

There are plenty of mediocre ones. The good stuff won't be out yet as it would be to easy to know who did it as there are only a few groups doing this stuff at that level right now. They aren't the kind of people to stupidly fuck with a multi-million dollar product like Taylor Swift. Plenty of their investors wouldn't like that.

> Will video evidence still be accepted?
i imagine in cases where it matters, dna evidence will still be viable and more relevant. and photographs taken by certified crime scene investigators will of course still be accepted same as they always have been (even though the ability to doctor photos has existed for generations.)
>What about people who were convicted with video evidence prior to the deepfake revolution
think about that for a second.

Yea Forums really doesn't care about it outside the context of porn, and you can't post that on the Family Friendly website, friend.

can always cryptographically verify video

dna evidence is half bullshit anyway

>it wont take long for video evidence of anything to just become worthless.
i imagine if video evidence strongly corroborates all other forms of evidence involved in a particular crime, it'll be admissible. if you've got a dead body with four bullet holes and Person A's dna and fingerprints all over the murder weapon, motive established, no alibi, etc, a video showing Person A firing the gun 4 times at the victim will be acceptable evidence.

I know next to nothing about neural networks, but apparently you can essentially "train" the generative network creating the deepfake to "compete" against the discriminatory network in the form of the forensic detection software. I think the future of digital forensics and detection is going to be interesting. There are going to be so many fucking deepfakes floating around, and only so much time to filter through all of them.

Legal system gone even deeper into shit. Be sure: a lot of "facists" we be thrown in jail "by mistake" with this.

Nice what's your plan with that

NN's are unpredictable and don't scale well, video forensics is already bullshit though.

I work in VFX these aren't too bad but you get that something is up in these.

face replacement has been going on since the early 00s.

impressive. this pics were chosen for a reason. so its not like any rando pic can be loaded up.

also at HD to 4k it will be easy to tell.

Will it get better?

maybe. its that uncanning valley thing. the fall off from the stitch on replacment face to the body is poor when the head moves.

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What are they doing then?

It's more than just specific pic selection. Most of these clickbait articles run thousands of hours of output and then a human cherry picks the 0.5 seconds that looks good. AI is bullshit, it wont be forever but it's bullshit now.

you can still tell it's fake, he looks like a modern video game character

>it wont be forever

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This would make characters like Odo much more interesting. If he'd switch faces mid-conversation.

oh no, how terrible.
>inb4 buzzfeed

well it's another unpredictable thing, academics in computer science are actually discovering shit all the time. It's still not a threat though, probably never will be. Cameras don't record analog and baking cryptographic timestamps and things into a video file would be stupid easy for any legal requirement.

Yeah, user, but you got to admit how big video feed used to be and some day you won't be able to use that anymore. Also, most crimes have video and testimony as biggest things.

if you couldn't tell that was fake within about 3 seconds, you're almost definitely a legit brainlet.

i love the idea of cyberpunk anti-recording clothes with big wings of reflective fabric and noise cancelation.

>baking cryptographic timestamps and things into a video file
Wouldn't that require the mass adoption of a new file type?

See, a facist, and terrorist, since you use Yea Forums(nel), like you, would be caught in a video feed going to your facist terrorist meating.
Imagine being arnold

Attached: true-lies-1.jpg (448x252, 36K)

I can now comit crimes, record it, swap the face and post it.

The voice gives it away, but what specifically is off about the video? Like, are you capable of describing in detail what's fake about the video?

video testimony is completely different from video evidence, and video evidence has only been a "common" thing in the last couple years with the onset of high quality camera smartphone-equipped populations, even then it's not all that common in most types of crimes. i doubt it'll discredit security camera footage, either, just establish new safety protocols to make sure they haven't been interfered with before authorities obtain them.

Just some sort of metadata, probably not even a watermark. The IP/security cameras are already using common software and effectively the same hardware, they're also in dire need of updating cause of IoT and made-in-china hijinks. In the very near future there will be over the air updates for everything that could do this automatically.

You blind nigga? It triggers the uncanny valley in me almost immediately, the lips are fucked and it looks like bad CGI.

>then a human cherry picks the 0.5 seconds that looks good
that's where machine learning comes in

the blurry, uncanny valley mouth, which the eye is instantly drawn to as the first moving part of the video. the tech might be there one day, but it's not as close as people think it is.

at 3 second mark his laugh lines don't act right, it almost looks like when a bunny wiggles his nose

Nope. Current generation ML stuff will ALWAYS require a human verification, more training will just make that 0.5s/1000hours a better ratio that a human will still hand pick.

someone swap jynx maze's face with moner

You mean 2017

So the mouth is the biggest tell?

>In the very near future there will be over the air updates for everything that could do this automatically
If you think this is more probable future than one filled with deepfakes, I don't know what to tell you

the mouth is pretty blurry yes, but my main focus goes to the area above the mouth near the sides of the nose

The biggest of a massive amount of uncanny, it needs a lot of improvement for it to be believable.

I mean the future full of deepfakes will require a higher standard for video evidence, tech will compensate since this is a very nearly free change in current year as long as you're not buying chinkshit.

the mouth and voice are the only actual edited things about the video, so yes.

they gave them american mimicry, disgusting

oh and with the current trade war chinkshit's not going to be believable anyway just because.

>mfw I jacked off to sansa deepfake porn the other day

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based and cagepilled

Attached: cageofsteel.webm (1920x1080, 1.3M)

What is deep learning for Christ sake

mostly marketing.

so that narrows it down to about 95% of the population then

If you can video tape or get hands on video tape of it why not just fucking go to source and kill them all yourself or call the cops whichever one.

Natalie portman has 2 good ones and Olivia Wilde has a perfect clip

it's usually actresses who are losing pull

You literally post in a website where government and private agencies can post cp and you technically 'downloaded it' just for having seen the thumbnail

it's what some dnc groups did in bernie sanders groups on facebook (old Yea Forums shit basically), and you live in the era where 'fascists' are the new 'terror sympathizers'/ commie

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Even if there weren't already precedent for the opposite of that, you're spamming lots of shit. Is this some new disinfo spam campaign or just lone wolf /pol/ autist?

that was literally my 2nd post in this thread, you paranoid retard. Who's spamming what

oh i know exactly what your other post was in this thread

So we can have Hitler back finally?

>"compete" against the discriminatory network in the form of the forensic detection software.

is talking about mandatory video hashing

If you found an NN that could perfectly reproduce a hash with faked data then faking videos are literally the last thing we should be worried about


It's more severe regarding the man-hours that will be stacked up to decipher real video versus deep fakes and obviously some videos will combine both. For police, the feds, journalists, employers that issue security clearances, court systems and lawyers. It's simply going to stress modern society in unprecedented ways, and then we're in PKD dystopia.

Tfw VHS cameras become huge and digital bites the dust. Same with Polaroid film.

>Hire talented actors who are new and unknown for next to nothing
>Hire pretty looking no-talents for their "face rights"
>Put pretty faces on the talented actors in post production
>No one ever gets to know those actual actors' faces' so they stay cheap and aren't eligible for awards
>You only have to pay "face fees" to the attractive people and you don't have to deal with their prima donna bullshit on set
>Now the Jews can launder even more money out of the production budget

everybody wins

the portman one (i deleted a censored deepfake porn gif)

/g/ is trash, fun but still trash
follow this channel if you want to stay updated on these types developments and more:

>born into the futuristic dystopia

Fuck you luck!

>being able to make any porn/fetish you want with whomever/whatever you want
soon (tm)

Attached: AI anime.webm (960x960, 2.96M)

Seriously, kids born in 2020 are so fucked. They're going to have the weirdest preconceptions about what's considered normal.

>guy is working on stallone as terminator 2

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Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard,this meme is retarded as you.

The world is going to get all of the shitty sci fi cliches and non of the good ones. Fuuuuuucck this bullshit.

why pay for faces at all when you can randomly generate them?

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you can just slightly speed up or slow down video and people will believe it
see: drunk pelosi or that cnn journalist striking the intern

why even hire actors

If this thing is just hardcore image mapping there's literally zero reason to even use a real face

easier to replace a face right now than bodies and make it believable, but yeah in the long term

how will roasties react?

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I dream of the day when actors no longer exist, or are relegated to obscurity and ridicule like they were in ancient rome, placed at the level of prostitutes - as is appropriate, for that is what they are.

identity thieves have been doing this shit forever, big deal

I'm not clicking on your advertising channels.

Why are you faggots responding to bots? 4channel is all about bots and clickbait

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>porn deepfakes
>kike media: "omg it's so mysoginistic and problematic and toxic shut it down guys"

>reddit humor deepfakes
>"you won't believe how amazing funny this new tech is"

I hate those shitty medias so much

reddit's decision to ban /r/deepfakes should tell you everything you need to know about those fucking kikes

He's already in the White House, you flyover bible rust belt irrelevant rural deplorable plumbf cisheteronormative white male transmysogynerd biggot

Hi, boomers.

The flesh dimension is leaking a little bit

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homewrecking whore

Attached: puta.webm (1280x720, 992K)

reddit is intentionally suppressing the distribution of deepfake content because they know how much of an influence it can have if it goes mainstream

Is this because of the chink who made a facial recognition software to indentify girls who appear in youporn videos and the like?

>Gotta keep this narrative going so we have cover when the videos of those in power doing horrible shit comes out.

But the drunk Pelosi one was real...

It almost feels like someone in a scramble suit

Attached: scramble suit 2.gif (480x300, 484K)

>customizable porn videos where you can choose the porn star that stars in it
this is the future of deepfake porn

I know caveman technology bad mindset is stupid, but god, I'm getting those feelimgs right now. this is terrifying

cool, so when are they going to start replacing ugly hollywood females with my fetish porn stars in movies.

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just hang out with my buds, I ain't caught in no rat race

Thanks for reminding me of this movie, Satan.
>but it's still too depressing to re-watch.

some of them are really good

Attached: Bellat.webm (854x480, 1.35M)

world is a fuck bros, I'm just waiting for my 179,437 dead cops


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Why is Nicolas Cage there?

no reason

why wouldn't he be

they started doing it with literal paintings bro, like the Mona Lisa one.

So where's my Grace Fulton porn then?

Statistics on steroids.

Yes yes technology is always good goy

This And Look up Hebbian learning

Know you know what deep learning is

Tell me computer man, would it be wise to veracrypt my laptop?

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For whatever reason when deepfakes first started taking off it was a common joke to faceswap Nicolas Cage onto random actors or actresses

There's a really, *really* good one with Emma Watson and some dude in a kitchen. Like if I didn't know what deepfakes were I would have believed I was watching a sex tape.


I think I legitimately have autism because I cannot remember faces and have no idea who any of these fakes are supposed to be.

Funny how it didn't work. Almost as if they tried to make a news story out of it, but not actually put effort into eliminating it. Yeah. Once the genie is out of the bottle, there is not actual getting rid of it. They still didn't really go after it. Just got it somewhat banned from streaming sites.


Attached: nic cage pachinko.gif (256x213, 158K)

Reddit flat-out banned it, even the comedy ones, which I think really put a dent in the amount of content available. That place is an absolute goldmine when it comes to people creating porn.

Eh. It's been done.

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You might have face blindness. Brad Pitt claims he can't remember faces at all and constantly confuses people

fucking amazing

>tfw wanna learn deepfake just to create videos with the faces of all the sluts in my college
I can't give up, bros.

cant say that shit and not link it with a spoiler

i havent been completely convinced by one yet but some of them are really good. tech advances so fast though so i'm sure within a year or two we're going to have some amazing shit, especially with vocal emulation.

How easy would it be to do face swaps of dumb whores and actually convince them they're the people in the videos and that you'll ruin their lives if they don't do what you say and then blackmail them for sex?

Wake up, America!
Humanity wasn't meant to live like this
Our every waking moment tracked and traced and scanned.
It's time to stop submitting to this tyranny.
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved.

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>You can now
this shit has been around for a while
its just that now redditor normie faggots like you found out about it and are talking about it

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this is not the cyberpunk future I was promised

Who is the deepfake supposed to be?

I'm afraid of getting lawyer'd, Emma is friends with a lot of old billionaires.

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Pornhub banned it as well. You will still find it, of course. But not by searching for "deepfakes"

Worst thing about deepfake porn is the creators. It’s all ASMR literal who’s and disgusting goblins like maisie. No actual hot actresses. Just hundreds of Emma Watsons.

the future will be terrifying. we'll never know what's real.

Technology still hasn't gotten to a level yet where it's 100% convincing.

But I AM convinced she is a hoMEWrecking whore.


>No actual hot actresses.
What's your definition of a hot actress? Because pretty much all the big names have a ton of deepfake vids.
>It’s all ASMR literal who’s
Yeah there are a weird number of ASMR girl videos. I guess it's just the type of fan that genre attracts

Imagine 20 years in future, using a mixed reality glasses, then paid a hooker, feed the software with 2 or 3 pics of yout highschool crush, then the glasses apply the face on real time on the hooker and you fuck your dream girl in the ass and she enjoys it.
Also could fuck any actress that you want.

A Scanner Darkly is pure, concentrated kino.

>pretty much all the big names have a ton of deepfake vids.
Eh, not really.
There is one here or there, by the lions share are all Emma Watson, Maisie Williams, a few Gal Gadots, and a few Sophie Turners.

Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence, Elizabeth Olsen, and Natalie Portman all have dozens

holy shit man, these things have improved a lot.

i wonder if there will ever be formed filmed specifically for deepfakes, to make it very easy to map faces on, with girls that have very similar builds, faces, hair, etc to the actress they want to imitate.

speaking of deepfakes and face swap related apps, wouldn't it be hilarious if snapthots started making porn using the babyface filter haha...

will ever be porn* filmed

Watch the original clip my guy, she already looks so much like Emma that the AI barely did any work. We're still like 3-5 years away from seemless editing

probably not outwardly, but there are already girls in porn chosen and popularized for their likeness to celebrities, and I'm sure it would be a small step to make deepfakes using their body of work.

>Most of these clickbait articles run thousands of hours of output and then a human cherry picks the 0.5 seconds that looks good
The clickbait articles aren't training the AI and running the algorithm on footage. Journalists are too stupid for that. You mean the researchers and the people dicking around.

Plus pornstars inevitably end up mirroring pop stars. I swear there's been an absolute explosion of under 5'0" vaguely italian/latina looking girls ever since Ariana Grande got big

my body is ready

Attached: mac - Copy.jpg (497x286, 54K)

holy shit, now put in an ai and it's perfect.

that was actually funny

I don't want to know if billy hader is a jew or commie or both, fuck

There are probably better spots to find it and in better quality, but I just use xvideos. They don't remove them.


absolutely brother.

The day celebrity worship ends we might finally start getting something resembling originality in movies again

>The day celebrity worship ends
so never.

Celebrity worship has always been a thing in human history, it's never going to end

There’s a critical lack of busty celebs. Like you said, it’s all English goblins for some odd reason.

the hero Yea Forums needs

Way past her prime.
Seen ever inch of her, who cares
Not enough good ones
Past her prime

Where the fuck is my Hayley Atwell deepfake?

Tits aren’t big enough
The worst offenders are people who but flat chested celebs on busty models. What the fuck is the point of that?

The most kino post on this entire bored right now.

Emma is like, a 7.5/10. If you’re only attracted to someone because they gave you a boner as a 11 year old, you’re a loser.

Then at least let it be directed at the avatars of the all knowing AI

Imagine not being able to look at a source and know if its real or not

We're entering post-history

>but flat chested celebs on busty models

That bugs the fuck out of me too

I can go +/- a cup size if the rest of the body is close but that's about it

The Daddrio one isn't terrible. what's impressive is how well the face is done.

>all these women in their mid-late thirties are past their prime
>now this other woman in her late thirties, that's what I'm talking about!

>Imagine not being able to look at a source and know if its real or not
>We're entering post-history

DESU we've been past that shit for about 20 years now. look at the twitter retards unironically believe and tell me we're not already to the point where it doesn't matter. The only difference is that they can now justify their idiotic beliefs with fabricated video.

Do you honestly think you can't doctor those? Look at soviet propaganda you moron

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Idiots not caring to check is different from not being able to trust a source at all. For older images and videos etc. We're okay because we already know those limitations, but for anything new you won't be able to analyae it without asking if its fake or not.

>All hollywood actresses look like goblins these days
so use some from back when there where hot ones. you're not limited to the curent crop.

True but I’m trying to pretend it’s her, if the tits don’t match it takes me out of it

Imagine white knighting for people who will never know your name. ScarJo and Nat are hags. Especially after her reduction. Atwell is mommy kino. Faggot.


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Not bad.

>In some not too far future you won't be able to take pictures of a woman without her saying "you're not gonna make a deepfake of me user are you haha"

Yeah, fuck real actors and their over inflated egos, just hire shlubs straight out of drama school for minimum wage and paste a famous face over the top. That's where were heading. I fully expect to see the New Adventures of Charlie Chaplain on TV soon.

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Just wait until it's abused for whatever the flavor of the moment hot topic is. And people were worried about dead celebrities dancing with vacuums only a few years ago.

>Imagine white knighting for people who will never know your name
....he says while white knighting for Atwell

>calling anyone a white knight while literally white knighting your own haggard mommyfag crush
based actual retard

Aw I made the babies cry. Go back to jerking off to Maisie “Quasimodo” Williams

Who said anything about Maisie Williams?


Fuck off, tumblrinas and roasties, we can now put mix porn with the face of any woman we choose, this is yet another branch of the sexbot eventual revolution

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>lol i trol u
literally kill yourself you autistic mommyfaggot incel.

>grandma fetishist is also a maisie masturbator

who are you quoting, /pol/tard?

Oh ok so you admit your Reddit, thanks

>VR porn
>haptic feedback suit + cocksleeve
>select body and face
man future neets are gonna have it good

Being a politician will become the worst job out there
>your face on every scat video possible

>that picture
What the fuck?

It's already sort of started to happen. There are a lot of Ocasio-Cortez and Ivanka Trump vids. And I know she's not technically a politician but there's a hilarious Lauren Southern that has her riding a dude's dick while doing one of her hypocritical lectures about modern women being sluts.

This is the greatest fucking technology ever. It will literally keep women in line. If some bitch angers her man, she knows he can, or can go to, a guy who can make a fake of her being a total slut in a gangbang and post it on all sorts of forums

Is that really any different than revenge porn? Plus it cuts both ways, she could put your face on a dude getting gangbanged in a gay porno

That's secretly why I quit smoking, and started running and lifting. I want to live long enough to see that become reality. I'm betting about 20-30 years.

>Plus it cuts both ways, she could put your face on a dude getting gangbanged in a gay porno
so? you could then just call anybody homophobic who mocks you for being gay

Funny. I just was on a p2p hub and found a folder marked "deepfakes". It was full of fappening images. How the fuck do you not understand basic terminology like that? Feh. Probably some idiot Russian.

Attached: dc++ user confuses deepfakes with fappening.png (891x452, 52K)

Clearly that first image is some horribly doctored American lie.

Attached: stalin rabbit 4158249.jpg (340x443, 27K)

Brainlet here, what's the best and easiest way to make simple deepfake vids?

You know the reality is that it'll just discredit all porn, though. Even if a chick does go to a gangbang, she can just pretend it's a fake with amateur footage that isn't available unedited.

but that goes both ways

He's right though. If anything this benefits a lot of people.

Some of the deep fake porn is pretty good.

Attached: 1559354290920.jpg (750x579, 419K)

Shiet people still use dc++?

>If anything this benefits my dick
fixed it


Nigga i'm still using slsk

its not obama its some burning man festival goer

Clearly it isn't meant to be a cover to prove that those videos of politicians making sacrifices to the ancient demon Morlock are fake.

Attached: screencaps-00274.jpg (512x384, 29K)

>faggots still going on about their mythical pizzagate when we have dozens and dozens of videos and photos of biden being a pedo

In 10 years all art/entertainment will be done by computers. Books will be written by computers. Scripts based on those books will be written by computers. Movies based on those scripts made entirely with CGI but looking like live action will be made by computers. Even the characters voices will just be simulated.
Writers, directors, cinematographers, editors, actors etc are all out of a job.

Rolling for WATER

Found it.

Attached: Really Itchy Leg.gif (280x280, 1.57M)

>Lea Thompson porn is now a possibility
finally a good use for technology

Attached: mcxnW1E.jpg (1280x1484, 374K)


le funny grimace screaming man

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.14M)


This tech is so far off being viable. Here's the thing, for every amazing 30 second clip you see where the lighting and angles and everything come together just right to trick your mind almost perfectly, there were hours of footage they tried and failed and didn't bother to upload because it looked trash.

Yeah nah

Attached: asa.gif (400x260, 678K)


>That one with MEW giving a handjob
>The one with Emma Watson in the kitchen
>The other one with her taking a shower after getting nutted on
>The one with Taylor Swift posing nude on a couch

These are the only really good ones I've found, but man are they hot. They've found a way to make vanilla porn hot again.

>people who's faces have been on social media since birth are shocked
>"We don't know how this could've happened!"

>things that could've been done with photoshop and enough time are now easier to do
>when every single thot and whore uses shitty camera tricks and makup to hide their ugly face and fat bodies
not surprised. I was warned about this 10 years ago by some cops who did a seminar thing at my high school. Too bad no one listened and will willingly post enough photos of themselves for shit like this to work. The layman doesn't have to worry about it.

Attached: 1558844509710.png (925x711, 32K)

How do you get this to work? A shitload of pictures of the person in question with different angles?

I never tried it but there's something that could be madly effective, wearing a cap or glasses equiped with infrared led stripes. This shit is invisible for the human eye so you wouldn't attract attention but it completely blinds the camera with bright light.

Attached: _IR_LED_Blocks_Security_Camera.jpg (500x360, 31K)

Attached: MOLOCH.jpg (669x645, 294K)

And yet it's somehow less gross than the original.

Porn's cool, but when do we get deepfake gore?

This is way fucking different from photoshop. Shopping each frame manually would take an army of artists months. Not only can it now be done with the push of a button, the tech is now fast enough that you can do it on a live broadcast.

We are literally on the edge of an era where a live video of a thing happening is no longer evidence that it happened.

Attached: 1413214682042.jpg (276x368, 25K)

>photoshop AND enough time
I'm just saying the downward spiral has been happening for a while. I forgot the name of the dude, but are you forgetting that series of photos where that one guy was altered out of Stalin's pictures? We've been in the age of misinformation for 20 or so years. At this point things like this are expected.

user you can clearly tell the image was doctored.

reddit please go

just check /gif/, there is a permanent thread about fake celeb porn and it has been there for a while. It's as if not more convincing than the ones posted in the op


We could do this for a while now

I've seen so much Margot Robbie deepfake porn. I've never seen her movies so to me she's literally a pornstar.

>past her prime
You're thinking small. Pick a lot of pics of the celebrity from the year they were in their prime and train the model based on those pics. I've seen deepfakes created with "1991 Jennifer Connelley" and it's great.

Below prostitutes. Some prostitutes put in a hard 30 minutes work for the €50 I give them

Right, journalists fall for the bait and pass it on.

Yeah, it's still lowering the bar for actual human skills and things.

look at this dood

Attached: 1529120593718.jpg (1407x1189, 475K)

AOC femdom foot worship sph deepfakes when ?


Attached: 1459478001222.jpg (437x669, 385K)

That's actually fucking terrifying. I can only think of reality approaching 1984 because everything will be (even more) fakeable.

Attached: ds1f124.jpg (640x640, 51K)

>infograph with spelling errors

Don't be a luddite and just keep consuming and don't think.

>This tech is so far off being viable. Here's the thing, for every amazing 30 second clip you see where the lighting and angles and everything come together just right to trick your mind almost perfectly, there were hours of footage they tried and failed and didn't bother to upload because it looked trash.
Good thing the machine can process those hours of footage and continually improve its ability to correctly sync them

Haha, very funni take this gold stranger

>How do you get this to work? A shitload of pictures of the person in question with different angles?
You only need one picture now. The AI can take it from there. See

not really. theres flaws that get baked into every trained NN and you can't get them out. You need to build multiple NNs and verify them against each other, repeatedly for forever and then hope they don't get inherit flaws. They will inherit some though.

>good thing they'll continually improve
>um acktchually they will improve, just not immediately

No, there's no GUARANTEE they will improve and it scales exponentially wide trying to increase the chances that it will BUT BECAUSE IT ISN'T GUARANTEED, you need a human verification every time. What you will get is 1/100 errors vs. 1/10000 errors but the errors are guaranteed.

I can't wait for holocaust class to have never before seen HD footage of the masturbation machines

Attached: main-qimg-72c8bd8e3be714bdeb122366f9dd3127[1].png (602x436, 265K)

I can see this shit being used to "prove" that certain historical figures were gay, criminals, etc., etc.

Oh ok. I guess I thought that a rapidly improving technology that will allow people to build their custom ideal porn would continue to improve, but I guess you're mostly concerned about being technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.

It's possibly going to improve, yeah. If you left a 2019 NN training for a thousand years on a thousand supercomputers it wouldn't. Fundamental problems need to be overcome and they'll take human research, not machines, to fix. The tech just ain't there yet.

Collinearity ( I genuinely can't remember the fucking proper name) is a huge problem, where you can have things that are eseentially inseperable. I'm explaining this shit like a retard but hopefully someone that's got a bette grip can more clearly elucidate what I'm rambling on about.

Cocorrelation is what I meant

Hollywood and political elite are going to start having their child fucking videos released to the public and they'll claim they're all deepfakes to avoid a revolution.

great scene
