He's right, you know

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who is?


This is the worst shit ever

really weird comic 10/10

based and absolutely red pilled

kys trannyincels

Who is worse? SJWs/feminists ruining media and entertainment, or the "centrists" who try to act better than both sides by ignoring the SJWs/feminists destroying entertainment and pretend that's not happening and then call the people calling it out buzzwords?


Literally balls deep in a hot girl's anus right now bro

>second panel, second row
that's some peak NPC aesthetic; thousand yard stare and creepy smile of a victim of hypnotism/brainwashing/lobotomy.

it's good.

>fag OP keeps spamming his shit OC in the hopes of being an epik trolle

>we rely on these people(verified Twitter users) to navigate our increasingly complex world

That comic is actually based af holy shit

this is based but if I ever see it posted again its cringe

I like how the incel got raped like the sissy bitch that she knew she was

wooooow ... really make me think ...

all me


Every post here is me btw

What buff nigga would date a tyranny wtf

based marvel soibois

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>spamming your terrible OC until Yea Forums accepts it


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well, it worked for sneedfags

I'm a buff nigga and I would date a tyranny, especially a sexy one like the Roman empire under Caesar.

wtf i cant post this on reddit theyd eat me alive

>tripfag tries to outdo quentin
4/10 needs more moralfaggotry

Sometimes you're alright, Yea Forums

Help me transition bros

most based poster on Yea Forums bar none

Load a gun with bullets, put it against your head, pull the trigger. A swift and painless transition.

still me

this is great

Wow, strawman BTFO

both me




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Someone explain the ending to me I'm too stupid to get it.

>He's right, you know.
No he isn't. This board is for the discussion of television and film. Making a post about some inane twitter post with the intention of stirring controversy unrelated to the board's subject matter is not what this board is for. Only an idiot would agree with that comic, or repost it.

You don't even need to look far for examples of why your (or the comic's) line of thinking is completely retarded. Take any of the threads revolving around the Chernobyl writer's screencaps for instance. 99% of the posts in every one of those threads have literally nothing to do with the show itself but are rather about unrelated politics, specifically shitposting about leftists, Trump and right wingers.

Furthermore, it's comically retarded to suggest everyone who abides by this board's rules is actually a tranny.

You're comically retarded.

Finally. Some good fucking OC.

>listening to an user
Fuck off tranny

The poor man's Quentin

Yea Forums wins again

Not enough wojaks and pepes.

This is the greatest OC I seen on here in years

this is nauseating


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>the diaper at the end

Was I supposed to read this shit?

Who’s this?

someone post the neet comic where he becomes more aryan with each panel

horribly stupid comic but THANK GOD for some actual OC on Yea Forums.


guys whats it like having a stoner gf? my current one hates weed cuz her mom smoked a lot during her childhood. any suggestions on changing her mind?

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holy based

Mental Illness: The Post.

I thought this was retarded at first, but after seeing it again I'm thinking it's based.

based and blue pilled