Disney just issued copyright claims against all Captain Marvel hate videos. Hundreds are being taken down. good
Disney Removing ALL Captain Marvel Hate Videos
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>Disney being corporate dicks and trying to silence free speech
I am shocked. Shocked!
Someone tweet this to Pewdiepie.
Imagine if the put this much effort into making a good movie.
lol. Even normies hate Brie.
>theater got laughs when she got decked by Thanos
Severe burn detected
Seethe more you commie faggot
Please god no!
Not the reaction videos!
>Private company takes down content
Just get to the part where some hysterical retard claims that because Google uses tax breaks or incentives, we the people should dictate what they do, yada yada yada. Fuck off you cancerous cunts.
I tried watching this but turned it off within 20 minutes. It's just so boring and she's wooden as fuck. It's not even "cool arrogant character", it's just "fucking gay ass shit".
Don’t like it? Stay within the fair use guidelines. and have sex.
>based Disney taking away ad revenue for lazy fucking zoomers
time for them to get a real job
MCU faggots are pathetic, Disney is trash, and Cape faggots need to be gased.
Woah sorry..I'll be going UP YOUR ANUSHOLE for that diarrhea infested comment of yours!
Just give your opinions without using the deleted scene and footage from the movie then?
some y'all really need to
Quality post
implying 99% arent within fair use
you aren't as subtle as you think you are disneycorp
>you can post the video of the scene but not your reaction to it if you use the video
really makes you think
Fuck off Brie.
It's not okay when Disney's money is the victim!
how dare they censor these real criticism videos that are definitely not inane clickbait gaming the algorithm for money
Disney really is the fucking worst. They have a near monopoly on the entertainment industry and that just isn’t good enough.
Midnight's Edge still has all their stuff.
Also, where is the timestamp in your original photo? When was the tweet made?
I wonder if they’ll stop giving kickbacks and incentives to friendly critics. DOUBT.
That's pretty sad, people are entitled to their opinion on the movie marvelcucks.
Disney can’t take the truth. Captain Marvel is a faggy movie with a shitty leftist ideology inbedded in it. When people point this out they react as bugs to the light.
The liars can’t stand the truth, for it devours the lie.
>t. aspiring /pol/itician and movie critic
Yes and they can easily do it without using footage from the movie and giving Disney a reason to take down the videos.
>inane clickbait gaming the algorithm for money
So should we just delete all of youtube? Oh no, we just leave the ones that are positive and blame incels for the quality of the movie, that's the ticket.
It's a transformative work, so fair use.
>Oh no, we just leave the ones that are positive
At the very least the ones that arent claiming a superhero flick is destroying Western values.
why are they not taking down all the reaction videos of soibois pissing themselves watching their trailers?
Imagine watching E-celeb shit on Youtube.
He's just pretending to be obsessed with capeshit in order to make money...
because they are trailers and not scenes from the movie??
What's wrong with this picture?
It's 2019. Youtube is OUT. Myspace is HOTHOT right now. Pass it along to all your social circles.
Starting with this faggot.
why are they not taking down the unnoficial channels that posted the deleted scene?
Not to mention some of them are were just making shit up like pic related.
It's straight up slander, by the definition of the word "slander.
Of course they would remove them.
>but m-m-muh free speech
don't abuse it next time, faggot
Trailers are ok, scenes from the movie aren't. This is nothing new. YMS always runs trailer footage during his reviews in order to avoid this exact issue. He's been doing this for years. Now the question is how did Jeremy not know this?
You're never going to convince me to watch your girl power propaganda film shill
>have sex
Have you reported them?
So one video is fake news, that means all videos criticizing the movie must be deleted? How does that system work. Imagine all you have to do is make a fake news video and shield yourself from critics. Disney wouldn't do that, would they?
Were all videos criticizing the movie deleted?
Because it positively promote the Blu-ray of Captain Marvel. Disney is a corporation and a corporation goal is to make money. I'm not trying to defend Disney here...just trying to think logically and not whine "DISNEY CENSOR FREE SPEECH!!!"
They can't censor free speech if you don't use footage they own that's all.
>Stay within the fair use guidelines.
They are, you retard. And embrace celibacy.
But not in Georgia. Women actually have to act responsible there. Sorry Disney
seethe more SJW
how is this level of kikery allowed, doesn't this fall under fair use?
Fucking beautiful.
We should start a fund for a countersuit, citing their specifically targeting negative vids and leaving positive ones alone as evidence of corporate-sponsored censorship.
Apparently not.
Where's the censorship?
B-but muh narrative!!
Who watches this shit?
>Geeks and gamers
Good. This nigger is literally obsessed with Captain Marvel it's bordering on insanity. I saw the movie as well, dull and uninspired, a wasted of my time are what I would call it but video after video of "criticism" is obnoxiously retarded.
He's doing it for the money like all other youtubers who churn out multiple videos every day.
>He's just pretending to be obsessed with capeshit in order to make money...
He as good as admitted it in a recent stream with Mauler, he got kinda defensive and was almost like bragging about how smart he is for cynically gaming the system
>a recent stream with Mauler
Aah, corporate bootlicking at it's finest...
That was one of the best scenes in the movie. My audience laughed and cheered too.
The irony is that Brie Larson is arguably the perfect casting for Carol Danvers because the comic version is an unlikable amoral cunt too, and her stories are full of logical holes and universe bending since continuity is too hard.
Audiences got a taste and they did not like it, but since it's Marvel we got the Last Jedi effect where everyone went to see it and didn't know how bad it was going to be.
>I don't like this content so I'm fine with it being censored. This new tool will never backfire on me in the future.
Google needs to be gassed too
Thank you
It won't backfire on him as long as he stays a beta leftist.
Can a gay confirm he is gay? He activates my gaydar. Guy is making 100k a month bitching about disney. He was a youtube nobody until Star Wars.
but he didn't monetize it
its literally just a commentary
not free speech, because hes not using Disney's website
theyre using YouTube as cronies to do their damage control
fucking pleb
MCU needs to find it's RDJ for this phase fast.
Holland and Brie suck.
The DMCA has a criminal clause for making false claims. If Bob Iger has any political rivals - especially these days when he's going after abortionfags - maybe they could finally enforce it against him? Nope
Is he next bros?
Captain Marvel wasn't that bad.
No, it was aight - but these videos were reacting to a deleted scene that might have been a Terminator reference, but was more likely a reference to how Brie Larson refuses to smile.
Private companies should get off public internets if they wanna bitch like this
Incels btfo
You’re powerless
It honestly wasn't. I thought it would be complete SJW trash before I watched it. It was just completely mediocre. It's weak point was definitely Brie though.
But Thor Ragnarok and Black Panther were infinitely more shit.
Dude watch this.youtube.com
Civil War was a better Black Panther movie than Black Panther.
Pretty sure you make a strong female hero without turning the male heroes into jokes. Would take less effort than censoring the Internet.
Nothing actually happens in the movie. Like seriously. Do a quick thought experiment and imagine the movie, just as it is plotwise, set in like Scotland or something with an all white cast. Adjust the black culture parts to standard white culture stuff. It's the most boring shit imaginable. It would have put insomniacs to sleep. But instead it gets praise because it has blacks and is set in Africa.
you are retarded
>RT deletes reviews of Captain Marvel
>RT changes whole policy around userbase scores
>Youtube skewers searches and copyright strikes Captain Marvel shit
>Disney buying their own tickets.
Why this effort? Why all of this just to protect a mediocre movie?
Fucking everyone I know loved Thor 3, I wanted to walk out but stayed the course because everyone said it was good. Pissed me off so much. Haven't seen King WeWuz or Capt Flatass yet, and aren't that motivated to.
These people are politicians more than they are businesspeople.
I know they needed to keep their stocks up for the Fox merger. Who knows, in a year we might be allowed to admit the movie wasn't that good.
Thor in Norse legend is as much a comical as a powerful figure. Dumb jokes and stupid situations are part of the package. So yeah.
Also forgot
>twitter makes "smiling" a sexist cat calling.
Imagine if ONE person takes some documents to the Securities & Exchange Commission. If it leads to a judgement, that whistleblower will be entitled to large windfall. And immunity.
The dude is the next Mundane Matt. He spams YouTube with videos every fucking day and says nothing. Fuck this eceleb.
He's funny in a milquetoast kind of way, but very repetitive. Mundane Matt is a false flagger himself though, so the irony is not lost on me.
>when students are free to think for themselves they become right-wing
lol you gotta love when liberats self-own
Wait looking someone in the eye is racist?
I need a link that article, I don't even care about the spyware. It sounds like comedy gold.
The pacing of the movie is shit and the constant quips butcher it. I don't mind a cheesy one liner or the occasional quip even though I'm not fond of them. But holy shit the entire movie just flows from quip to quip and they all feel forced as fuck. Any sort of serious scene is made impossible because of the incompetent shitstain director behind it. You can positively tell Hemsworth himself is hating every moment of it.
You just can't make a movie where EVERYONE is the comic relief.
Yes, this is what corporate disney subhumans do
>google owns the internet and has a right to do as they please
>"Fuck off you cancerous cunts"
It's rare that you see posts that lack this level of self-awareness.
everything white people do is racist
I like the zoom in, like he just told her he killed her parents.
she would be less upset
>not looking someone in the eye when you speak to them
he's the real nigger here.
Only corporations can do what they want, people cannot.
shills out in full force tonight.
you just raped the mouse thats gotta sting
>(And that's a good thing!)
go back
What's the joke? The only thing I find offending is having dairy to wash off rice based meals - leaves a bad fatty aftertaste (from own experience) - and that's it.
>It's a "think of muh jewtuberz" post
Go to bed you hacks , you're as scum as RT and CNN
>"popular movie is bad"
>instant 500k views
Should I quit my day job and become a Youtuber? Seems like easy bucks, just say whatever the kids want to hear.
>having rights
I’m on like seven layers of political ideology contrarianism right now
incels on suicide watch
I doubt he even cares
He does that for clicks and money
He puts zero effort into his non content, he literally starts his camera and record talking shit over an article he didn't write
He's taking his cut on hateclicks
How can Disney not have heard of Streisand effect?
They seem intent to crashing the plane they're piloting with no survivors.. And I am not going to intervene.
>if classrooms are free from propaganda then people will make decisions based upon critical thinking
Honestly can't tell if he has a point to make or he just loves the word "pedagogy". He's missing self-awareness though which is to be expected.
It;s the free market. build your old televsion set asshole.
Underrated post
Culture war. not for this generation but next
Are you as charismatic as them?
Kek, This
Alright deal but not with the cokehead granny of dragons
Disney should be sued for Freedom of Speech violations,
Since Parody is specifically protected in the USA against copyright claims.
>Imagine defending YouTube and Disney
Holy shit what a group of faggots
Youtube sucks, what else is new?
Hell, I run a small model kit review channel where I capture all my own footage and don't use any copyrighted material. I even went out of my way to use production music. And wouldn't you know it Youtube still smacked a few of my videos because the company selling the production music got stupid.
Youtube is made to fuck you up.
There is not a single person on the website that doesn't have at least a handful of stories about "that one time Youtube did X, and all I got was a vague email. I sent emails back and forth for 2 weeks, then they just reversed it and stopped responding"
Good. Clickbait bullshit trying to sponge off of other people's work.
Hope you get raped.
internet is a public utility
I don't hate her and think the vids are dumb, but this sort of thing always annoys me. So many videos I loved from back in the day are gone due to bullshit copyright strikes.
Those who stand against the Mouse, let it be heard. Like the brave mice in Spiegelman's Maus, we will annihilate those who stand in Disney's way. Robert Iger is the one true king of Earth's entertainment, and you are but his chattel. Kneel.
They are. Kill yourself cuck.
Free speech applies to govt not private orgs you nonce