Spics ruined alita

how come nobody talks about how cringey the spic insertions in this movie are? the fuckin signs in the beginning are english/spanish. that is so uncharacteristic for the setting, especially considering ido tells alita how every culture culminated into this one area, so why the fuck would it just be basically california? also the driver yells CABRON when he almost hits alita, and the robot that ido is fixing happens to be a spic gentleman with a spanish accent (why do accents exists in a area thats been ethnically diverse for hundreds of years, idk). all of this happens barely in the first 30 minutes of the movie. not to mention both bella thorne and zendaya arguably would have been a better alita.
alita fags love to say how much cameron loved the source material but if that was true then he wouldnt have let rodriguez ruin the atmosphere so much with these out of place inclusions

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Other urls found in this thread:


Official language of Panama is Spanish dummy.

hmmm why was panama chosen

This based in panama, because JC's autismo needed to have Iron City in the most logical place. As if a flying city were possible in real life...

Attached: deal.gif (400x300, 143K)

>Bella Thorne and Zendaya would have been a better Alita

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It has something to do with the equator, and in the manga's there is something to do with the equator that hold's the floating city's up.

its still unfaithful to the manga, in a shitty uncharacteristic way
seems more like shanty apocalyptic california than iron city. or more like fallout than alita

Yeah zalem is held up by being attached to an geostationary orbital ring and geostationary orbit is only possible on the equator

see dis , you know how Cameron can be if it dose't make sense IRL it dose't make it in. Which is why I thought choosing RR to direct Alita was a bit strange, but I thought it worked out for the best desu, as the fight/actions scene's were great!

It's not flying it's held up by a space elevator tethered to something else in orbit

What about all the German? What about "ausgezeichnit" and "Panzer Kunst" and the British dude and the Americans.

Best poster easy....

Attached: 20190522_142752.jpg (4032x3024, 3.02M)

the manga actually references german a lot

Why are people so obsessed with this movie?

its a good movie
even stranger is the people who are obsessed with the people who are obsessed with the movie

When "the fall" happened in the movie people from all around, decided to come together and thats why Iron city has so many languages and is so diverse. As it is one of the last renaming sky cities so people flocked to it.

Attached: zalemunderside.jpg (2182x2021, 1.8M)

Any special reason? I also heard that alitas clones were numbered in german...

That was a mighty quick deflection. Can you explain further than "good?"

Why do nigs and spics love DBZ so much?

Yeah like the guy yesterday that was spamming screenshots from discord ...

no? we like the movie dude

When the Earth spins the centrifugal force would pull everything towards the equator so something like that can basically only exist on the equator.

Same reason why the ideal places to launch rockets are near the equator, Russia has to use like 30% more fuel launching from Baikonur than we do in America because it's farther North.

Not user but, the actions scene's we're 10/10 the setting and world that was created feels really comfy and immersive.

A fun time even if you dont get sucked into the story, unlike capeshit. Which just feels like a waste of 2 hours....

Attached: kansasbrawl.webm (960x402, 2.41M)

Can you put into words why you like the movie?

i dont know, maybe the mangaka just like german culture. he references some old german playwright too at some point

This is a 10/10 action scene to you?

The original Martian colonists were Germanic

Haha seething mutt

I like post apocalyptic cyberpunk settings in general
the effects are good. the casting is good (rosa and waltz are really good). the action sequences are fun. alita is a lovable character (especially if you come from the manga)

It looks like garbage on the rip and that's like 1/10th of the fight

the only anime that doesn't give off doses of estrogen with every viewing duh.
Or are you some sort of onion user?

Not really, but one of the few webm's I have to hand, the Motorball and grewishka stuff's better.

Attached: motorslam.webm (1124x720, 2.84M)

What is with that dude
I wonder if it's the same guy spamming all that stuff about rule violations and janitor stuff and telling people to report it to the mods


Alita poster admits they would organize a raid on Yea Forums if their general is removed
Alita poster admits they have a janitor who has told them he is a janitor
Mod/janitor from the discussion in the linked threads above leaves up discord advertising while multiple users admit they have reported it.
Thread full of wiped posts while the discord advertising link stays up
Discord posters admit they plan on organizing raid threads

Remember to keep sending this to hiro on twitter and "rapeape" on irc/discord/whatever the Yea Forums staff uses now

Thats not the reason floating cities had to be on the equator. They are tethered to an orbital ring that needs to be aligned wit the equator in order to be geostationary, meaning the same part of the ring stays above the same part of land, so you can have something hanging from it, like a city for example...

>the only anime that doesn't give off doses of estrogen with every viewing duh.
Oh now that makes sense. They are so poor the only anime they know is DBZ

Don't worry user, we wont forget.

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S i guess elon was not part of alita universe...

Keep on fighting the good fight user


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"Archie" I have your info

Space elevators only make sense around the equator because it makes the centripetal forces applies to them as linear as possible.

If you say put the space elevator in Kansas like in the Manga it'd be pulled off to the side rather than straight out into space.

Someone brought this up to Kishiro and he changed the backstroy in Last Order, the Sequel manga series, to the Earth's axis being shifted by an collision so Kansas was on the new Equator. Originally Kasas was chosen because it was Kishiro's favorite band and that's it.

>this stealth attempt at another alita general
back to discord

are you fucking kidding me, people waited 10 years for this movie to come out

its great because you can actually see alita face, and there arent camera cuts every 2 seconds


It's better than endgame, what are you on about

Good source material + based director = ????

because cameron is a faggot

I guess you like the ADD jumpcats cuts ha? May I recommend you action masterpieces liek Endgame or The Last Jedi.

Because he said he was going to make it after Titanic, then he made Avatar first to work out the performance capture tech, but then Avatar made billions of dollars so he decided he was going to do that the rest of his life, then Robert Rodriguez asked him what's going to happen to Alita if he has to do a dozen Avatar sequels and Jim just dropped 500 pages of notes and a 300 page script on him and said he's happy to have it.

So yeah, people were waiting for this move for awhile.

This is where people that like this movie belong
You will find your general there dumb facebook spics

And now we are waiting for a sequel

this is what a real 10/10 looks like

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Only 9 more years to go...

Poor shitposter getting btfo by physics

Not sure if this is a troll or not... I like the idea, but the random fuckin' awkward red guys who just move out the way so the fight can "flow" make's it giga cringe.

The URM ship uses the Falcon Heavy booster configuration though. Curious.

Attached: falcon_heavy.jpg (640x353, 72K)

Did you forget that the director is a chicano? Of course the main protagonist gonna be a peruana and 4/5 of the cast a cometaco.

>Those thrusters..

Attached: CUM.gif (385x243, 2.44M)

>chinks ruined The Great Wall
>slavs ruined Chernobyl
Well, technically they did, but you know what I mean.

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What if Alita was part of the Elon universe

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Yeah, I dont see anything wrong with that. Rosa was a good choice for Alita. And they somehow managed not to go on about diversity and equality when in production unlike some other movies released around the same time...

Attached: Rosaeyes.gif (245x135, 1023K)

Falcon 9 is not the only rocket with that engine configuration

idos assistant is a black woman instead of the short weird guy? does she act sassy and independent?

The URM ship from Alita has thrusters that seem to be based off the Falcon 9

Attached: dylan-cole-ba-crashedurmship-160217-concept-dpc-v01.jpg (1920x960, 565K)

Elon is nova

No she's just nice and I think she's there to make Ido seem less creepy

>Alita #1 Blu-Ray on Amazon

>sassy and independent black woman
This is a JC movie not you're average capeshitter flick, there will be none of that ty.

alita sucked ass

Gangsta noticed you, kouhai.

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>opinion disregarded

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So what happenes in iron city after alita killed vector and destroyed the hunter warrior base? Do they just appoint a new vector and rebuild the base or do things change?

Check 8/tv/

Berry cool and /gangstapilled/

Attached: Gangsta.png (647x1120, 748K)

Good question, god know's.... seems like Nova would just elect some new vessel that he could control Iron City with.

I wonder if we get to see who that is, considering the sequel will heavily feature motorball....

That's a yikes for me

>Alita #1 Blu-Ray on Amazon
Clive Lee: "#1 AND #5"

how can one man be so based?

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They could have hid that shit with slo-mo or just zooming in a bit more, too. OR FUCKING CHOREOGRAPHED IT BETTER.