/pol/ memes aside, what went wrong?

/pol/ memes aside, what went wrong?

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Whoa there is no need for such language we are all just trying to have a good time.

Unironically leftist politics.

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Twilight Zone was a product of its time, and trying to recreate the magic in this world of Black Mirror and Scary YouTube Stories and Creepypasta is asinine.

>terrible writing

It’s because it was made by a brainwashed nigger. Literally the only reason

Jesus Christ, is that an actual episode?

The scripts just suck

Yes, and they have yet to tell us what happens in the episode on Wikipedia.

The writing is god awful. For some reason Heather Anne Campbell is a producer on the show and she wrote Not All Men. Her obly claim to fame is being a guest on Whose Line Is It Anyway and videogame reporter.

The plot is literally "Touch a rock and chimp out because God told you to when you touched the rock"

How does it end and why does it exclusively target men?

I feel there are some terrible episodes, but there are some pretty great ones
The college one was cringy as fuck, not all men too, and the last episode was absolutely retarded
But the plane one was absolute kino, and the mars one was pretty good although some shit came out of nowhere

>All of the woke, #Relevant and Subersive episodes were bad

Because men are rapists.

This. They seem to think as long as it's weird or has a twist, it's good enough.

"A Traveler," which has shades of Monsters Due on Maple Street, is just bad. It reads like a first draft. Motivations jump back and forth nonsensically.

On the flip side, I thought "The Blue Scorpion" was the closest to an original episode. Didn't really have a twist, just a mystery that got progressively more intense until the conclusion.

On the flippity flop, the finale is a fucking meta episode about a female writer trying to finish a script for the show starring Seth Rogan.

Lack of imagination coupled with one-note application of the allegorical tools that sci-fi and fantasy have to offer. If virtually every story carries a deeper, political message, it loses its impact. Some of classic TZ's most memorable stories either had no deeper, "hidden" message at all, or one so artfully crafted that you have to view it from one specific angle even to recognize it. Ultimately, it's this lack of artistry that kills this misguided travesty.

You have to love the tale as much or even more than the message, else it becomes a lecture, not an engaging story.

Because men CHOOSE to go crazy. Seriously, that's the twist. The meteorites are just placebos and only men who embrace the chance to go insane (i.e. all but one of them,) do so. The women travel with an unaffected (gay) man who reveals he had a piece of one in his pocket the whole time and Jordan Peele explicitly says that all it took for men to "ignore decency, consent, and fear" were some little rocks.

It's the stupidest piece of shit I've ever seen. I would have cancelled the show based on that episode alone.

That's some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard

To coninue, I think that's a large part of why Hollywood feels so devoid of imagination these past past couple of decades. There are exceptions; there always are, but primarily, those writing and directing seem more preoccupied with politics than actual quality storytelling. When everything comes second to message, you're a political activist first and a creative writer a distant second.

The best stories write themselves because they're more interested in where the hypotheticals lead than worrying themselves over what they mean. It's through chasing those hypotheticals that these stories so often reveal truths about the human condition, not by starting with your conclusions predetermined and forcing the story down that narrow channel.


from the ep

Attached: smile.webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)

they should did an episode like that with black people and see how well it goes over with the woke crowd.

The synopses i have read for every episode basically seem to be

"boy white men, men, and trump sure are stupid"


The focus lies too much on the message. Youhave the feeling everything else is just decoration and obeys to the message.

According to white feminist there is a white masculine being that follows them around saying "SMILE, SMILE"
Non ironically the spergs who wrote candle cove creepy pasta years ago are better writers than the social justice retards

So she got smile-raped? I hope there is some scenes before that show this "smile more" is a sign for the stone effect

Feminist messages dont follow logic or can differ between individual situations.
>Women get paid less
But why dont all companieshire women instead men to nmaximise their profit?
No feminist could explain this to me.

That's called the news, and it airs every day.

That's almost an interesting concept, almost.

>That focus shift towards the face
That's used to express horror and fear. Do women really get that triggered from a guy flirting?

She was literally raped. How is society okay with this?

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Spike Lee 2.0: Mulatto Boogaloo

Imagine the Twilight Zone telling their viewers that men - every man, is one excuse away from becoming a murderous rapist. Thank you for telling me this, I’ll tell everyone I see about this episode if they ever express interest in the show.

Fake subtitles, right?

It has to be.

The next woman I pass on the street I’ll tell to smile.

wow shes looking like her mo-"sister" more and more

Just finished the last episode earlier today. To say that the entire season was an absolute trainwreck would be the understatement of the year. Each and every decision made in the writing, the ebin easter eggs, the call backs to the original series, the on the nose references to specific pop culture figures - everything was so fucking pathetic. I find it hard to believe that anyone associated with this show was proud of the final products. It truly should not exist. The fact that it was renewed for a second season halfway through is enough to feel terribly dismayed at the state of television in 2019
fucking kill me

This is literally what people think, though. At least the people where I live, but I live in a liberal shithole.

>Miss cast the ring into the fires of Mordor

That kind of thinking just piggybacks on the Stanford prison experiment. Too bad it's never been replicated because people take it as gospel.

Any of them decent at least?

It's funny because it's always their moms who said that to them when they were kids.

the best episode is the one in Alaska. calling it good would be extremely generous, but for the most part there's nothing wrong with it. only other one that's passable is the one with the gun, but again it's not even close to actually good

What the fuck is wrong with asking someone to smile? Fuck these poltics and these writers

>most of the asinine shit that feminists get upset about aren't actually often said by men to women but rather to women by women

This sounds like an amazing idea for a prank video, going down the streets of New York telling women to smile she'll look better and probably just die