why isn't there an American show like this?
Why isn't there an American show like this?
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Because there is no neet culture in America as it is in Japan and some other countries.
Why would you even be neet in america? There are a lot of space for all of you, all your society is based on socialization, you have insividuality and almost no rules telling you what to wear and how to behave, you can be whatever you want, even change your gender.
While in Japan the whole society is depressing, everyone wear the same clothes in school, speak the same way, people that are different instantly fall out of society, this is called "collectivism".
I'm from Russia and there are a lot of neets nowadays. There is no job, no perspectives, people live in shitty houses where 1000+ can live and everyone in a small flat by themselfes, streets are grey all the time, people angry at each other so many folks just escape in their rooms.
I honestly don't know how is it possible in america.
The constant fear of losing a child, because of a school shooter, is totally not related to asocial people in america
was it kino?
You have a skewed perception of America. NEETs are alive and well there too.
Why did my Sailor Moon thread get deleted but this shit gets to stay up?
Brain dead janis
We have neets (I'm one of them) though you are right it is culturally different but we are also a lot of ways alike in our feelings and things like that.
There is, a short film called INCEL
There are NEETs all over the place in America but it isn't talked about here because of the societal perceptions and expectations. The farthest it ever goes is hearing that "people are unemployed" in the news and it stops right there.
>we will never get another dark psychological comedy like NHK ever again
life sucks
is that guy a pedo?
in the original book, yes. He mentions he downloaded CP
because in america being a NEET is a success story
Yeah I personally basically try to just say I'm "self employed" when asked IRL do to the sheer embarrassment but I am trying to get something job wise i could handle. Lighter, part time, not much pressue etc. I have bad anxiety.
that's in the anime too but they sanitize it to him being a lolicon, he still goes and takes upskirt shots of little girls tho
He's not totally wrong that to a lot of people such a concept is just impossible here, simply because we don't have the cultural norm of supporting (adult) children to be able to engage in such a lifestyle, especially for middle class people. It happens, certainly, but it's far from the norm and it wouldn't be treated the same way it would be in Japan. The show really only works in a Japanese (maybe East Asian?) setting, it would be trickier to transfer over to an American one and still have the audience understand and be sympathetic.
Though it would be neat if they could find some scenario for it to work and "Misaki" is a Mormon.
because the normies running pop culture cant even imagine how it feels to be alone
for them being alone is just being so jaded you cant ''click'' with anyone even tho there are lots of people in their lives and not being actually alone
It would work if he were depicted as a crazy, Ted Kaczynski-style mountain hermit.
Americans don't turn into NEETs like the Japanese do. There is no incentive. The closest equivalent you have are autistic or mentally challenged individuals who simply cannot work or are unable to adapt to society and therefore spend their time shitposting from their mom's basement. That's really not the same thing. Americans are far more content working 3 jobs just so they can afford their burgers and Marvel merchandise, and can proudly display that they're wage-slaves for the corporate elites.
Hikikomoris are essentially eschewing all that, and distancing themselves from society. It's a form of social suicide, but instead of plunging a dagger into their abdomen they're simply shutting themselves from their society. It is important to realize that Japan has very different societal norms and mores compared to the US.
closest thing we got was dennis
There's an old (1998-200) Canadian TV comedy called Twitch City that centered around a Television obsessed NEET hikki. It's a decent show but don't expect some compelling drama about the lifestyle. A girlfriend falls into his lap and he converts her to his NEET ways.
>can afford their burgers and Marvel merchandise, and can proudly display t
The real difference is that Japanese NEET/hikikomori expect and can anticipate their parents doing all that for them and keeping it a secret. Americans simply don't do that.
White men have no place within society in America. There is collectivism agaisnt them too.
This desu. I’ve been cursed with bad health since a very young age and it has gotten worse in recent years. Now I’m not as social as I use to be and it has made anything about a job extremely stress inducing where I practically know I need one but just can’t jump off the cliff so to speak. It doesn’t help I’m trying to also do school so I can get a job that can fit around my poor health. Fucking sucks man.
>when asked IRL
There is literally nothing worse than this. I mean, I know it's just polite small talk but at the same time that metaphorical dagger plunges deep.
a show about a lonely guy could work just dont make him a complete neet, make him have a shitty job where he doenst really talk to anyone and then goes back home and still doesnt really talk to anyone
One Hour Photo did that well, though I suppose he did talk to customers.
The worst part is when it’s my family or even worse my girlfriends gamily. I just say I’m trying to make it through school and I’m looking for one but it instantly just destroys me on the inside. I feel like I’m failing everyone and it just a hole that is getting harder and harder to climb out of.
Lars and the Real Girl comes to mind
About Evangelion
He wasn't a NEET/hiki, he had a job and went out and did things like go to church. But close enough, I guess, for an American audience.
The longest I havent left the house was 3 months, what about you? If less than a month you can't call yourself neet
They are called 'incels.'
It's boring
I spent maybe 15 months after high school (or gymnasium as it's called here) where I only ever left the house because my mother dragged me off to the unemployment office or to celebrate holidays with extended family.
too patrician
Japan pities the NEET, the west despises them
>Why would you even be neet in america?
Because society and people are trash.
>...for NPCs
Just get a job nigger
What's this Kino's western counterpart?
Lolicons are pedos.
Because hikkikomori is a japanese thing
Hikikomori are the scum of the earth
It's a condition recognized elsewhere too.
>implying collectivism is the cause of those problems
the duality of the white man in america is that he is needed in all places but welcome in none.
drawings are not people my friend
Parks and rec